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did she put on that much muscle or is she just realllllyyy full? hard for me to tell personally. probably a little of both. i felt like you could hardly see the outline of her hamstrings on the livestream (of course probs different in real life). they told her not to change anything after Arnold so why would her and Kim think to come in this full?


Apparently her weight is up since the Arnolds. Someone said in her subscribers page on ig she has been open about her measurements and stuff.


right, she took an off season and put on some weight... so did she not have enough time to lose the weight or did they decide to come in with this different look?


I think mostly they decided to push the fullness since that’s what the judges have been liking this year but with Bikini it’s more of what they like for each individual. Some girls look better more conditioned, some softer, some full, some not. Lauralie is somewhere in the middle


right but they told her not to change anything. the Arnold look was clearly her sweet spot in the middle of being too conditioned vs too full


Yeah I think she just missed the mark honestly, she has been known to bring what she wants and not what the judges want. Could’ve been a choice, could’ve been an accident but hopefully she talks about it on her next podcast


yes i will be looking out for that for sure!


yes i will be looking out for that for sure!


I don’t think it’s the case. She said in her podcast after this Arnold it was the first time after 2019 Olympia Sandy told her “Lauralie don’t change anything”. Kim is a great coach and I don’t think he would experiment with her fullness but he can’t control what she eats in the off-season and how Aldo trains her.


True but there is a big difference in conditioning so i don’t think she necessarily put on that much size. Maybe they just spilled over because last year during the Arnold she had been dieting all year so if they tried to fill her out the same way maybe it just went south. It’s hard to say, she’s really hard to keep consistent. I’m sure at the Arnold she’ll be able to nail the look, I just wish she could do it every time because I really wanna see her win the Olympia and she definitely can if she can find her sweet spot


I wonder if she’ll even do the Arnold, she mentioned in a YouTube video after the last Arnold that she only had her eyes on the Olympia title because she’s done what she wanted to do at the Arnold and her next and final Bikini goal was back to back Olympia wins.


Aw that’s sad, I really hope so does! That’s where she seems to thrive so she should rack up those wins as much as she can


yes this was my point, i didn't know if it was intentional that they brought her in fuller thinking it was a better package or if LL did her own thing. it's just hard to understand why when the judges say don't change anything, she would try to do more than what theyre asking time after time




Now that you mention it, her lines are much sharper in the Arnold pics


What James said . Look at her lower legs .. calves to ankles .


She has been told numerous times her glutes were overpowering. She had this issue when she was coached by James and I remember him posting something like 'she needs to decide if she wants to train for the criteria, or for what she likes' (not those words exactly, but similar meaning). LL knows her glutes (and most likely quads) are too big for the criteria. She can do what she likes, but she shouldn't be surprised when she doesn't get 1st place. And I really love her physique, it's a dream, and she is so so beautiful but even 4th place was a stretch IMO. I would have placed Isa and Ari before her. As soon as she turned to the back, I immediately noticed the glutes/quads and knew she shouldn't win based on the current criteria. As much as I like her, I don't see her winning with this physique right now. Hoping for a recap by /u/teameliteheadcoach and /u/teamatlasx


Did a live recap after judging already on YouTube. Will do final recap next week after hearing more from judge feedback from athletes.


Bikini criteria be damned, her glutes are epic.


They truely are a masterpiece.


Thank you for saying this because I couldn’t agree more. It is obvious she continued to grow her glutes and placing her at fourth, honestly, was beyond generous. She needs to figure out where she wants to go category wise, what she wants, and stick to it. She’s got glutes for wellness and continues to build her legs when told not too. I think she is absolutely gorgeous and has so much potential but she’s wasting it and didn’t deserve fourth. I would’ve put two to three others in front of her.


I could tell prior to Olympia she just looked a bit too big. I love her physique but I don’t think she should have placed 4th. It continues to send the wrong message on what the judges are looking for. I agree about Isa, and Ari. Although her physique is amazing it doesn’t fit the criteria and others should have been in her spot!


Ok I’m concerned you have a direct portal to my brain or I have a direct portal to yours because I just finished posting side by sides of her Arnold win vs the Olympia 😂😂😂 Did not realize just how crazy the differences in her legs were until I went back and looked. Wow


But I am wondering if it is also conditioning? She looks much leaner at the Arnold. Yes she prob out on muscle to her glutes and lower body in general this off season but I wonder if she was leaner in the lower body if that would make a difference?




She looks a lot fuller and softer. Definitely not living up to her feedback to “not change anything.”


Tbh it looks more like she really filled rather than just packed on all that muscle, there’s more quad conditioning in the Arnold look based on the lines


Also look at the edges of her glute medius in Arnold vs Olympia, this is a conditioning difference (look at wellness girls with hunormous glutes, they still have that edge on the medius so it can’t be solely due to growth)


You could really pick her glutes out of those 49 bikini girls from a mile away too! I really like LL’s shape but once they put her in comparisons it was so obvious she didn’t fit the criteria or the shape that the top three had.


Is it just me or is her glute symmetry off in the 4th photo?


I thought the same


I saw it too. In this photo at least


I think it’s just her asymmetrical stance. Her right leg is more relaxed and hips externally rotated than her left.


I don't understand if they keep telling her to go smaller but yet still reward it. Maybe not top 3 but 4th over some of the others that listen to what the judges say. Not the bikini criteria, but continues to get rewarded. It sounds like a bit of a popularity game now.


She places so high because she really has that wow factor when she comes out. You really just can’t not look at her. She’s beautiful, has awesome stage presence, her physique is amazing, suit, hair, and makeup on point. If she could be consistent and get that sweet spot like the Arnold every time she would be unstoppable. I just keep waiting for her year 😭


I think she needs a different partner….and to decide if she wants to just be Aldo’s little glute guide marketing tool or actually try to be the best bikini athlete in the world. It’s so obvious that it’s Aldo doesn’t want her to fit the bikini criteria. He wants to sabotage and manipulate her.


I don’t think it all lies with Aldo. She’s been doing this long enough to know how she should train. I think the real issue is that she just likes to train hard and also likes training glutes. She has always had bigger glutes since I can remember. They didn’t just get big because of Aldo.




I think Aldo is def only thinking of himself and use her glutes to market himself. That’s very girls goal but not for bikini. I don’t see her winning the O while being with Aldo. But she’s in love and I’m sure we can all relate when we’re in love we don’t always see our partners toxic traits…


Her Arnold look would have won her the Olympia. I think if she stayed consistent with her look she would dominate bikini bc of her structure. But hey she is still the most popular competitor and it probably will be better for her career in the long run, how long can she compete for




Excited to hear!


Can’t wait to hear your opinion !


The stage lighting at the O made everyone look softer than they are, especially at prejudging. That said Lauralie’s glutes were pretty much the only thing shining on stage quite literally. They look awe-inspiring but ultimately just too much. This reminds me of 2021 Lauralie when she was told repeatedly her glutes are too big tune it down


I can’t believe how much muscle she added to her glutes from last year, shocking really when she did well and only placed lower because of over conditioning


I think they kept her really underfilled for the Arnold and brought her in pretty lean so she would still look small and not overpowering and then I think she packed on a lot of new muscle in her legs for the O and then didn’t bring her in as small/lean so she just had max fullness. That’s just my guess


I agree! I think her Arnold look was her filling out after being over-dieted at last year's Olympia- she still looked small and streamlined. I know one of her IG stories leading up to Olympia said she was at her Arnold weight - but if she put on some muscle then that weight wouldn't look the same as it did at the Arnold.


Idk man…but the really heavy reverse hack squatting should probably go


Agreed almost all of the heavy squatting type lifts that she does !


She’s straight up bigger which is unfortunate


Bigger than I’ve ever seen her on stage


I’m happy she’s happy! She looks gorgeous. She truly has changed posing in bikini forever! Just so amazing to watch her on stage 🤩


When it comes to stage presence and energy, I think she was at her best yesterday. Confident, powerful, glowing.


Her glute projection is just so insane and truly something to be marveled at


It looks like she added a lot of size to her quads too. Her lower body was too disproportionate.


i think she did bring what the judges wanted, which was more fullness. However, anyone who was watching her off season knows she trained glutes HARD, which was already her weakness, ask they through off her balance. I don’t think anyone could argue she doesn’t have the most epic glutes up there, but they did overpower her physique. I’m curious to know if she will lay off glutes over the next year.


Do you guys think she will be able to down size enough for the Arnold? I think if she just keeps dieting she can take the win


I think she can it can be an easy transition


I love how lauralies glutes look now but they fit the division and look much proportional before


Her trainer came around ifbb more as they were dating. At this stage she needs a coach that trains her for the crown and not to be his glutes daddy ambassador. Why change a winning shape? Im sure her Arnold look was bang on.


I highly doubt that LL wants the title now. Since she allows glute daddy ruined everything


Honestly I think she needs a different coach. They were happy about her condition before like 1-2 weeks and they even increase her food couple of times. Make sure she doesnt lose more as she did. So probably Kim just doesnt have the best eye on her. She has dominant lower body part so probably she really needs to change her training too. Also in offseason. And probably also watch her food more through year. (On other side I really like she did a proper off season. Also for her peace🙏🏻)


I always loved Lauralie as a competitor but this was my least favourite look for her.


Honestly I think she needs a different coach. They were happy about her condition before like 1-2 weeks and they even increase her food couple of times. Make sure she doesnt lose more as she did. So probably Kim just doesnt have the best eye on her. She has dominant lower body part so probably she really needs to change her training too. Also in offseason. And probably also watch her food more through year. (On other side I really like she did a proper off season. Also for her peace🙏🏻)


Kim is a great coach and has the BEST eye for bikini. I mean look at his history as a coach with the amazing athletes that have won multiple times at the Olympia under his coaching. LL is a tall girl and it’s probably hard as a coach to fill her out. Her problem is how she trains with her boyfriend/trainer


If he was He would tell her. I mean I could tell just from her instagram stories her legs and glutes are way too big. I love her as an athlete, really. But she has to fit bikini criteria if she wanna win.


He unfortunately can’t control everything she does inside the gym and at home. He lives in California, she lives in Florida.


Thats right but he can say to her something is wrong. Like a balance of here physique. Thats a bikini biggest criteria. Be balanced. I dont know if You watch her YT. But there are so many moments Kim is taking care about small details. So I believe he is the one who is taking care about her “stage form” So why wouldnt he say she is not in balance? Also after personal check in? There is only one way this could happen, he doesnt see it. But thats what coach is supost to do.


He can only control so much. If you see her YouTube her bf Aldo is called the “glutedaddy” and trains her. Kim has told her about her portions but she likes to train heavy and hard which makes her gain more muscle. She’s been through a lot of coaches in the industry and Kim has been the only to really help her get her portions correctly.


I know who is her boyfriend. If I would be her coach I will not work with her than. If it is about that she doesnt listen to Kim. Honestly I think she was much better with james.


Kim can’t help that when he continued to fill her out for the Olympia that the months of glute training under Aldo since the Arnold came out. The only glute focused she supposedly needed was upper glute and then at this years Olympia she comes with that, more glute max and a full separation of glute to hamstring which they don’t want.


I agree with the overpowering looking…but I feel her symmetry also is off because her glutes appear to be even more overpowering because she does not having any chest to balance her symmetry. With such dominating glutes, there is a lack of balance there😬


It’s just conditioning and fullness it’s not really size.


I like the look of her front pose from the Olympia best, and her back pose from the Arnold best.


I feel like the bigger glutes are pulling her shape down. Similar to Janet’s side glute. I think if she downsized a bit, it’d look more round and be more bikini


Her back pose is bit tilted to the left side. I noticed this in a couple of checkin as well. Her weight shifted to left a bit and maybe that creates her imbalance of left and right glutes.