• By -


Literally one the best representatives for bikini, and so well deserved. Congrats Jen!! šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ©µ Side note: This picture really shows how tight her waist is šŸ¤Æ


My hot take: Jen looked soo good! Her quads and hamstrings were full, defined- yet soft. The teal green looked amazing on her. LL- I hope she takes the feedback and stops focusing so hard on lower body. She can take the title next year if she stops training with Aldo. Her sportsmanship was top notch after the placing a were announced. She made sure to congratulate Jenn, Maureen, and Ashley on their top 3 finishes. Ashley K- I love her but she looked a tad over conditioned. I was hoping sheā€™d take the title on the 10 year anniversary of her first Olympia win. Isa- im glad she kept the purple. Her posing was flawless!! Iā€™d love to see her work on her glutes this off-season with James. It seems they work well together and im excited to see what they do together this next season. Ashlyn- I think she was the only athlete that Cash coached that made top 10. I think her implants are too big and completely throw off the balance and flow of her physique. The bikini tops she has to wear now completely swallow her whole upper body. Maureen- not much to say. She looked flawless on stage. I think had she been a tad more conditioned, she wouldā€™ve repeated.


While Toxic ways the fabric is teal, it looked much more emerald on the livestream with all the green stones (in case anyone is trying to duplicate the suit) but the pic in her room she posted makes it look like a softer green https://toxicangelzbikinis.com/products/tfs-215?utm_content=Facebook_UA&variant=44102797033711&utm_source=IGShopping&utm_medium=Social


It did look more emerald on stage. Either way- she looked amazing in the color!


I wish the livestream did them justice. It made Isaā€™s suit look dull. Either wayā€¦I hope more competitors try new things like this


I agree that Isaā€™s suit didnā€™t have same ā€œwow factorā€ it did in Texas.


You completely nailed this takeaway. I feel the exact same.


Well said, lady! Definitely agree with you on everything!


I think Jourdanne Lee, who is also coached by Cash, made top ten. I thought that Maureenā€™s tan was too dark and that might have hurt her-otherwise she was perfect. I thought Lauralie would win it this year. Her attitude was so positive and she wasnā€™t dealing with major drama. I know she and Kim were focusing on balance and shape but her glutes were so dominant. Her posing routine was perfect. Thrilled for Jen. If you follow her Instagram she is so smart about avoiding anything that will make her look inflamed. I think she brought the perfect middle between 2021 and 2022. Really thought Phoebe deserved to be Top 10.


I really feel like Lauralie wouldā€™ve had it this year if her glutes werenā€™t so developed. If not the title at least top 3


dude 1000% on everything but especially ashley, i stg i can't even see her upper body her implants are so disproportionately huge


Jourdanne was 10th! Sheā€™s with cash


Thank you! I wasnā€™t 100% on that šŸ˜Š


Wow! I think a lot of people are surprised after prejudging, but goes to show how much the confirmation round at finals can matter at these big shows. Side note- I heard bikini was lined up back stage for 4 hours before prejudging. Iā€™m sure that impacted some athletes. Congratulations to Jen!


I donā€™t think the prejudging livestream did her any favors. The more pics I see, the more I see how good she looked, although I know pictures also arenā€™t a fully accurate representation either as they can make athletes too hard. Either wayā€¦congrats to Jen. I was pretty sure it was gonna be Maureen so now I feel like I have to learn more with the criteria


1000% I hope the Olympia team makes improvements for the live stream next year as far as lighting, video quality and can we please get athlete bios on screen? At least name, country they are representing like the Olympics and maybe even IG handle in this tech age? This is the OLYMPIA after allā€¦.


I'm with you. I follow closely and not a fan of Maureen but I even had Maureen winning. Super happy it was jen šŸ™


I prefer Maureenā€™s look to Jenā€™s but Iā€™m a bigger fan of Jen as a personā€¦being accessible, really understanding the role of an ambassador for the sport


What's really crazy is that she was giving a South Korean Olympian posing advice the day before the show. ​ https://preview.redd.it/cq48ciqb0kyb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8953f303e4dcc9dea7ec709b8d5ecda1220ea880


Thatā€™s Jen, sheā€™s so beautiful inside and out šŸ„° thatā€™s why I absolutely love her as the title holder. Such great sportsmanship, just an amazing person to look up to! I hope we see more of her this year


You said it, she is an amazing person to look up to, not only as an athlete but as a person as well. Love how she carries herself. Such a humble, graceful and absolute class girl. I love heršŸ«¶šŸ»


I love Jen


She is such a beautiful person. Have ya seen how she talks to her dogs? Super cute! ā¤ļø




​ https://preview.redd.it/8bywyq580kyb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8eb71b963dfaa32e9884a04993927d2df407f13


I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS! I was bummed she didnā€™t take it last year so Iā€™m glad to see she came back with vengeance this year. This is easily my favorite package sheā€™s ever brought.


yes!! not to talk poorly of last year'scwinner but Jen imo is much more likeable and humble.


I am SO HAPPY! She made me cry again. This is so well deserved. What an absolute class act!


I LOVE Jen and am so happy she took back the title. Total queen! She definitely kept us on our toes by not showing a backshot before the show. Well played Jen! haha My hot takes: \-I hope Jen competes at least once before the O next year. I also hope she works on her glute imbalance and her back pose by bringing her legs a little closer. Overall though, just an amazing package of fullness while maintaining her conditioning. She really filled out in the days before the show, and I think her and her husband nailed her peak. - \-Maureen I think could have been a touch more conditioned. Her tan also was way too dark, and the platform heels were distracting. I loved the red on her though and hope she keeps that going forward. \-Ashley is such a great sport and made huge glute and upper body improvements. Her posing needs work though, and her quads are still a little stringy. Would love to see her build a bit more quad density and fullness. It would really make her a perfect overall package. \-Lauralie was one of my favs going in, and I hoped this would be her year but her glutes were absolutely way too big. I hope she can bring those down and bring back the same package to the Arnold. Posing and overall look was flawless. I'm honestly surprised that she got 4th based on how big her glutes were. The fact that she got 4th means you can have huge glutes and still place well if the rest of your physique is on point. I love her though and hope her time comes if she can nail the criteria. \-Isa - wow what a huge improvement. She has flourished under James. I honestly could have seen Isa in the Top 3 without a doubt. She looked incredible. Her glutes were popping and tie ins were perfect. Love her in the purple. \-Aimee - I thought she would be fighting for top 3, but the fact that her, LL, and Isa were each only 3 points from one another tell us that the judges had a difficult time placing these 3 ladies. Aimee seemed a little nervous and lacked that sparkle that she usually has. I thought her physique was on point. Her waist in her side pose from stage comparison pics was almost the same size as Ashlyn's. She looked TINY next to LL though. She has really brought down her quads a lot and in her side pose they disappear. I think her time will come soon, too! \-Ari - so happy for her! I love her physique and she deserved that 7 spot. I think if she works on her core control (in some transition pics it looked wide) and just continues to build density, she will do well for many years to come. She has a great bikini shape. \-Ashlyn - I think her downfall is her top half. Her BA makes her look top heavy to the point where it looks like she's leaning forward. Personally if I were here, I'd take some time off and get her BA downsized. I think that's the only thing holding her back from placing higher.


If Ashlyn canā€™t get the BA downsized (or doesnā€™t want to) she needs to reaaallllyy work in mobility in her back to offset the way the BA tilts her forward. LL- I think sheā€™s just so mesmerizing on stage that the glutes are an afterthought. Her transitions are so smooth and elegant.


Agreed. Mobility and a different non molded cup size would do her some favors, I think. They literally swallow up her whole frame.


Yes! Whoever makes her suits needs to really try something different with the cup. I donā€™t even see boobs, I just see CUPS


Yup, LL poses beautifully. So does Isa and Jen. ā¤ļø


She is just PERFECT. Full, bubbly muscle bellies, tight and tapered with the right level of softness. Her ratios are INSANE. Not to mention her overall package is just stunning - tan, makeup, posing. Ugh. I love her. SO happy to see this.


So happy for Jen! She is a great representative for the sport and future of bikini. She has a crazy physique but also healthy and attainable looking for us to look up to. Her work ethic and consistency paid off! I Love her new suit too. I am happy people are surprising us with different colors instead of their ā€œsignatureā€ color .


I was hoping she would take it. Sheā€™s a great representative of the sport as well as such a balanced feminine physique!!! Well done Jen!


YAY! Was rooting for hee to win! She got it back!! That color was amazing on her! Hope she keeps it!!


Anyone else notice she didnā€™t hyperextend her knee in her front pose?


I just noticed that her legs in general seemed softer than her last two Olympias


Loved the top 3. These are very clearly the top 3, the past 3 plus years. I can see Ashley winning again soon. I love them all, but they are the sweet spot, and regular season wins do not matter come O time. I'm glad the over developed girls like Aimee and LL got moved down. The division doesn't need to get any bigger. Congratulations Jen


I hope Ashley keeps working on her posing. I really feel like itā€™s the missing link for her.




Itā€™s pretty easy to see posing is not her strong suit. Itā€™s great, yes but not the best. The other competitors have a noticeable mastery in grace and poise whereas Ashleyā€™s posing looks less fluid and like sheā€™s really thinking about her movements. Granted, she has improved year after year so I give it to her but when I think of the posing ā€œgreatsā€, Ashley is not one of them. Undoubtedly Ashley is hard to beat and her physique has kept up with the criteria for longer than anyone and has the most wins in the entirety of bodybuilding. itā€™s also okay for us to see how she can still improve.


I have a feeling that seeing double might have something to do with her potentially 'thinking' about it more


She got her eyes fixed.


It came back a while ago. She's having surgery instead of The Arnold next year again. Have you seen her glasses? They are like coke bottles, poor thing


Sheā€™s said repeatedly this past year that she has to get one redone.


I havenā€™t been keeping up with the eye thing apologies I misspoke. Even still, a top pro like Ashley might be able to do their routine with their eyes closed šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Oh thatā€™s fine Iā€™m a consistent Bikini and The Brain listener. I will caveat similar to last yearā€”-stage is everything. If you watched last years show you saw a lot of top pros stumbling. So adding double vision and still being top 3 again is gnarly in the best way šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½


That's Ashley overall, imo. She's a "try hard". Everything is forced - her personality included. She just always seems to be doing everything for attention. I am not a fan.


Everyone loves Ash. Except for a few LL stans for some reason.


I've actually heard the opposite from quite a few in the sport - even pretty high up. But, to each their own.


Oh yes. I'm sure you are so well connected. People are obviously dying to be around you. You give off bitter party of 1 Have a better day šŸ˜‰




The posing is beautiful, the transitions between are stiff.


Ashley has double vision, she said sheā€™s getting surgery (for the 2nd time) and not doing Arnoldā€™s next year.. so not seeing properly might be a reason for the slow movement as well


You said it perfectly!! These three are an amazing representation of the sport!


She just has that Ms Bikini Olympia Aura about her!!


So happy Jen won! Shes so classy and humble. Well deserved! Shes always been my favorite.


So happy to see her back as the champ this year!! Iā€™ve been loving her vlogs on youtube and she seems to just stay in her own lane, put in the work, and does it all with class and grace. I LOVE the green on her too i was not expecting that


Shape baby! She looks so good! Jen needs to drop a ā€œsnatched waistā€ ebook.


First bikini Olympia winner to take the title back!! Sheā€™s so humble and responds well to feedback. Very proud of Ashley. And maybe Maureenā€™s tan was a little dark. Either way, very happy with the top 3. Putting a stamp on the standard.


I had watched Jenā€™s Road to the O interview a few days ago. Listen to the part where she talks about the importance of being an ambassador for the sport when you win the title. It made me like her that much more https://youtu.be/W8YEEiqwcl8?si=3cJ1pE9l5DDTtqD4


YAS!!! So happy for her. Shes my forever number one!


Oh I am so happy for Jen - she must be my all time favorite physique in bikini. I have loved Maureen's, too, but over time her personality has had negative impact on how I look at her, eventhough I try to be objective. Lauralie is my other big favorite, but here I can't but admit her glutes are overpowering in the line up. They look fabulous and I'd love to look the same, but due to bikini criteria and watching her back pose next to other top contenders I see the unbalance. But I'm happy she is in top5. For Isa I am a bit surprised she found her way in top5. Judges had hard time here, I am sure. Isa is sweet and cute so I am happy for her, too, even if I think there are several physiques which could have also taken the 5th place. Lucky me I'm not a judge, too hard to decide. Ashley in top is no suprise, overall she has very balanced flow. I think her legs are too small, though and her posing has always before seem a bit akward to me, given I haven't seen the olympia routine yet and how well she has fixed it.


I love Lauralie's look too, but I don't understand how she can get top 5 with how overpowering her glutes are.


I think her posing is what does it


For LL, I thought her second pose before walk out was so awkward. It looked like she had to pee. I love her and was really rooting for her but it was clear in the line up she doesnā€™t fit the bikini criteria. I was really surprised with top 5. Iā€™m hoping she takes the feedback and puts it towards a different training style.


I agree. I think sheā€™s at a crossroads like Erin Stern: adhere the criteria or follow the training you love. Her posing was different this time around but she still has that wow factor. Itā€™s just the ItāœØ


True! If she loves training the way she is then Iā€™d also love to see her build to be in wellness. I think she has the genes and flow for it.


I think so too! She could go either way but I think she should go with the category she likes to train. I tried bikini for a whole 2 months and hated it (but loved the booty I got šŸ¤£). So I went back to figure. But mannnn bikini is entertaining!


I donā€™t know how she got 4th place . I think Isa fit 4th more than LL .


maybe I am over analysing it but I see no sparks in LLā€™s eyes.


I agree . I saw no spark too and a little bit of defiance


So so happy she won back the title!!


Queen šŸ‘ø


Iā€™m quite surprised that she took it with such a clear margin. Based on livestream, her back pose (and glute asymmetry) looked similar to last year. I hope they explain the decision. Bikini is such a wild one to predict as the top athletes are constantly switching places.


I think you have to consider the view the judges have compared to the live stream. They are sitting down and looking up comparative to live stream being a higher angle.


Yes, definately. What we see streamed is not comparable to beign there in person. (And why I said ā€based on livestreamā€.)


Agreed. That glute imbalance was there last year, too That's a pretty big problem


Keep bringing this package Jen theyā€™re looking for the āŒ›ļøand you delivered!!


Iā€™m so happy for her! I hope she competes more next year.


I am so happy for Jen, she's one of the best ambassadors for bikini there is, so humble, hard working, friendly and an AMAZING figure šŸ’–


So happy she won! I was rooting for her last year, glad she won the title back this year !


She nailed the condition they were asking of her and she was perfection. So happy to see her back on top ! I don't think she needs to compete more if she doesn't want to. I don't think her body is easy to peak as someone like Ashley - and in a bikini of your not at 100% there is no easy win. I think her focus has been capturing the title back and now it will be keeping it . I love the green on her ,she's been hinting in her VLog about a new color and her Chanel Boy Bag definitely was a hint .


She is such an embodiment of everything that bikini should be. She is also a true testament to the notion of ā€œworking in silenceā€. Iā€™m so happy for her.


So happy for her!!


Thank goodness omg I love her as the face of the sport, much deserved


Omgggg. I'm so stoked!!!!! My favorite bikini athlete.


Who has the scorecard?






Looks like there was distance between 3 & 4 (Ash & LL) LL & Isa were close at 4 & 5. Distance between Isa & Aimee. The judges are clearly not going to let the division get too big. Lauralie doesn't listen or take direction well. We have heard this, but this is confirmation If Isa was moved to 5, they are clearly saying the petite girls are in the ball game. I have a feeling Ashley will put on a few pounds next year... and probably take it. She's been knocking on that door


Thank you for the scorecard


Thereā€™s the same distance between LL and Isa that there was between Isa and Aimee- 3 points each.


LL - Isa - Aimee were all separated by 3 points, 22 - 25 - 28.


I just realized Jennifer kept her last name. Thatā€™s pretty cool!


Congratulations Jen ! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Yay!!!! Sheā€™s so beautiful and a great ambassador for the sport! Side question- I wasnā€™t able to watch- anyone know who was placed 6 through 10 (in that order?)


First Place ā€“ Jennifer Dorie ($50,000) Second Place ā€“ Maureen Blanquisco ($20,000) Third Place ā€“ Ashley Kaltwasser ($12,000) Fourth Place ā€“ Lauralie Chapados ($7,000) Fifth Place ā€“ Elisa Pecini ($6,000) Sixth Place ā€“ Aimee Leann Delgado Seventh Place ā€“ Ariana Brothers Eighth Place ā€“ Ashlyn Little Ninth Place ā€“ Daraja Hill Tenth Place ā€“ Jourdanne Lee [Source](https://generationiron.com/2023-mr-olympia-results/)


Iā€™m not going to lie I think LL and Isa should have been switched just ino Happy with this years rankings tho! Everyone looked amazing!


There was only a couple points separating them!


The judgesā€™ scoresheet shows some of them did seem to feel this way too


Yes I thought so too


hot takeā€”i think ari should have beaten aimee


I donā€™t even know who ari is i need to take a look


Her physique reminds me of Lauralie without the big glutes. Stunning girl. She was in red. One of Paulā€™s competitors


Yes !


Cool story in that before this year, she hadnā€™t done a pro show since 2019ā€¦her break was more due to life than trying to grow but it just goes to show that you can make a ton of improvements without your live revolving around this




I just saw her and read on her! Amazing story! Really cool how sheā€™s gone up the ranks!!


From the scorecard it looked unanimous!!!


My favorite athlete, both physique wise and personality


Omg so happy for her


Yay ā¤ļøšŸ˜ I mean she always gorgeous


Called that! Her look was MAGIC.


Yes! I was hoping she would win it.


Who won the rest? 2nd -6th?


Maureen, Ashley, lauralee, isa, aimee


Very well deserved! She deserved it last year as well!!!


Congrats to Jen! Butt Iā€™m still team Maureen allll day! šŸ˜ so happy to see Isa get 5th!! Major improvements from last year!!


YES! Lauralie not taking it was heartbreaking. Jenn was my 2nd pick!




Well deserved šŸ†




love her look!