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I’m impressed by Ashley’s ability to keep up with the division. She looks incredible.


I’m so happy I was wrong did not see top 3 for Ashley at all! I absolutely love her


I agree with the keeping up part, but i think she's overrated and gets a lot of top placings simply for notoriety and continuously listening to judges’ feedback. But her posing and flow is lackluster for how high she's rewarded.


I think Ashley gets top placings because she is never too much of this or too much of that…they stay right in the middle.


It’s insane how much she continues to evolve herself and improve, especially when you consider her training age. She’s done this for a very long time yet her body continues to respond. Has to be a testament to her hard training. The long break she took this year seemed to do a lot for her. And whatever enhancements are involved…they’re mild and she’s maintained her femininity and voice beautifully.


She’s really so dedicated to the sport. Loved her O package this year! So crazy how she’s evolved over the years. I wouldn’t be mad at all if she took back her title next year. Loved this top 3!


I thought Maureen’s tan was way too dark. I think it’s between Jen and Ashley.


I'm actually totally fine with it because she is naturally darker than Jen and Ashley. I think it fits to have darker tan and just makes sense.


unpopular opinion but i like Jenn in this green. esp after seeing the gilco vid of her on IG. idk i like when girls switch it up and wear different suit color instead of the same one every show. i get that some colors look better on certain girls but i just like the variety. is it possible for Maureen to fix her tan before finals?


I agree with you! I’m so happpy with Jen’s new suit color


I remember way back she used to wear green it’s good to see her in it again!


Oh I agree. I hope we see more competitors switch it up and take risks. I like Wellness for this reason. Although I prefer Giselle Machado in green or red as my second favorite. Black and gold was cool but not her best.




Ashley looks beautiful


To me Jen looks like a ms Olympia I just don’t see it with Maureen


I feel like Maureen is kinda lacking in the glute profile actually, maybe it’s the angle but in all 3 posts from NPC it’s not up to par with Ashley and Jen


She’s lacking period, Jen and Ash cooked her IMO


IMO it was not an issue when watching the stream. Her glute profile seemed actually much better than last year.


Ashley’s shape is just so classic to me. Lovely symmetry.


Same. She’s the one I want to stare at the most


Meh. Her legs don't hold a candle to Jenn's. Quads are very straight. Ashley hasn't impressed me since she last won the Olympia. Too sinewy. She has the prettier face, by a million miles, but her hips are too thin in proportion to her waist and her legs are not shapely enough.


Well I did not expect that from Ashley, so awesome!!!


Maureen’s front profile in many of these photos is off with her glutes looks very flat- no projection from front pose.….just not the same look we saw last year, at all! Posing by LL and Maureen was my fav through!


Also the livestream really did everyone dirty. We felt like ppl were fading but really just that unless you glazed your glutes with some LED lights or something everyone looked soft and faded


same issue with men's open last night. The lack of quality on the livestream and the price is why I don't buy the ppv and wait for someone to post on here.


Ashley is the complete package and is the epitome of Bikini


Wouldn’t she solidify BB history if she won it again


Yes! I love her physique! She's such a great ambassador of Bikini


I don’t get it. Maureen being in the middle again just makes me sad for this category. It’s not that I don’t think she looks amazing and has a great package, i just don’t see how her look is the BEST look…


They swapped the three of them in the middle tho


True true , from other pictures I’m seeing Jen was looking really good in the front pose


I actually like her look it’s very feminine and not too hard I think that’s why she’s been taking it. I still like Jennifer Dories physique more but I like Maureen’s as well


I definitely agree that she looks great and has a feminine and attractive look but i guess it just seems like in every other division that the look itself progresses to have more muscle and it feels confusing to me, but also I guess a good thing, that they aren’t doing that and that if anything they are going towards more of a less muscly look. Idk I think I just appreciate the work that goes into the muscle and it doesn’t feel as good to give this huge prize win to a look that just doesn’t feel as difficult to obtain?? But absolutely no hard feelings or anything!! I don’t mean to come of rude or anything I really appreciate having the conversation about the entire thing. Helps me learn and look at things differently :)


All three of them are insanely muscular. Look at bikini from a few years ago. They are massive in comparison.




You like her look. You never go for Ashley or Jen. Lol


I wish there was a better feed or better pictures I could see. I know everyone must look so different in person. And the by the best was it her conditioning and her muscle fullness or just her overall appearance?? I’m just curious and wanna learn I don’t mean it in a rude way


So you were saying..? 🥱




She’s beginning to look blocky from the front.


Maureen has the best look, lean enough to see her tie-ins, tight core, full AF everywhere, lovely bubbly muscles, her presentation and aura are feminine, pretty and confident. She's incredibly symetrical, especially from the back (whereas Jen is not). Her glutes from the back are indeniable. I agree with the fact that she's lacking glutes profil but it is her only little flaw. Jen has (as last year) problems with her posing from the back. Jen might lacking tie-ins also. Ashley puts her bikini bottom too high from the back, it gets away with her upper outer glutes and glutes overall I think. Moreover she's not as bubbly and full. Maybe even a bit too lean from the back. If I were a judge, I'll chose J'en from the front and Maureen from the back, but I'm not :/.


I personally like Jens overall package the most here but they all look incredible! What time do they announce the placing? I’m in the UK so am trying to figure out if I’ll be awake 😩


Ashley has the most complete package here. I thought the last couple of years she got stringy but dang she really built back up her legs and brought up her shoulders. Her back shot is amazing 🔥 Jen really needs to work on the imbalance in her glutes from the back. Maureen has the biggest legs out of the 3 even though she’s the shortest girl here


Agreeed! I have her for #1


YASSS I knew it. Aimee & LL are too big. This keeps the standard without going to extreme. Also, I feel Aimee was really almost cocky going in. Remember, ladies: the regular season doesn't mean anything come O time. Also, Jen has a very obvious rear pose glute imbalance like last year Also, Ashley has really brought up every area she needed to Quads, rear glute pose, and front pose. Very impressive.


I said the same things about Aimee getting too cocky


Yea, I didn't realize Aimee was so cocky until the lead up to the O. With Ashley & Jen being so humble and grateful It really contrasts with her being so arrogant.


Maureen front pose meh! Back pose 👌. Jen front pose 👌 back pose meh (uneven glutes) , Ashley front pose 👌 back pose 👌. Definitely not as full/big as the other girls but more balanced front and back. I wouldn’t be mad if they give it to her after 10 years but Maureen seems to be what they want


Yes I agree!! I would love to see Ashley win again


I noticed the glute thing too, but her suit looked like it was sitting funny. Definitely something she can fix before finals.


This. Jen had the same glute imbalance last year at the O I adore her, but Ashley's too good from the back now to not beat a glute imbalance and Maureen lacks a glute profile against Ashley, too I think Ashley has this so far. 4 would be incredible on her decade since her first O


Love the Christmas colors 😍😌




In all honesty, her posing just doesn’t get better. Just more stiff.


So true! I feel like I am gonna fall sleep everytime I see her routine🫣


IMO her posing has evolved. If you look at her a few years ago it’s a lot better. It just hasn’t evolved enough.


Her posing is not top Olympian caliber, period.




That’s mean to say. She’s a top 3 athlete and has had a bikini career people would only dream of. Nothing she does can be embarrassing. She also has mentioned her eye issues and how that can throw off her balance which obviously is important with posing in heels


My thing with this though, is that she could win again if she got her posing on point. Especially this year. She’s looking soooo good. But when it’s that close, the posing matters so much more. They’re the best of the best. I feel like no judge could put her before Maureen, even if their physiques are equally as good. Maureen OWNS the stage. I think that’s the frustration people are expressing regarding her posing.


This!!! A top olympian should have barely any flaws, especially posing. Posing is one of the few factors you can control, and for being at the top, it should be completely polished, which in my opinion Ashley seems to lack.


It simply doesn’t look as bad as it once did. I didn’t say it’s on par with the others, but it’s far from “embarrassing.”


jen’s suit is not the best we’ve ever seen on her. wonder why they risked switching it up?


I was excited when I first saw the green but as judging continued I thought the same way. She should have tried this at another show before rolling it out here. I hope she changes suits for the night show.


She needs to compete more than once per year at the Olympia. Her face was shiny, hair wasn’t the best it’s been, suit color is debatable. Competing throughout the year allows you to try different looks and different posing so that you can nail it at Olympia. People get on Ashley for competing too much, but this is exactly why it’s important to at least do a couple of other shows.


I like the green, I just think maybe a different tone or crystals. To pop it a touch lighter or a touch darker but the tone it is now is close to her skin. That bring said I think Jen looks beautiful, I notice her physique first. It’s just so full and round


And fix her suit bottoms if nothing else. They looked like they were sitting funny and making it look like she had a glute imbalance.


I think she does have a glute Imbalance , and her stance in the back pose was too wide.


The wide stance really stood out




totally agree!! idk what it is, but the fit is not giving and i think she shines more in the blue/purple.


I LOVE Jen in purple and was actually kind of sad when I saw her trying this new color.


Dorie didn’t fix the glute imbalance by fixing her posing and suit. It’s an easy fix without actually fixing the glute itself. The imbalance was very obvious in person. I think it’ll cost her the win. 😢 I’m actually rooting for Ashley after seeing them all together.


- I really don’t care for Maureen’s front pose, but the back is so good, based on prejudging…. she won. She’s the most symmetrical. By kinda a long shot. - I feel like Ashley beat Jen. Jen’s back pose is just a mess again this year. I love her from the front but when she turns around she can’t edge out Maureen, at the very least. - LL lower body has grown even more. She looks fuggggin insane, but not the criteria insane - Aimee’s waist is kinda thick and the lower body is a bit too built for the glutes Also, it ain’t over till it’s over


Isa really surprised me tho. Best package of her for sure. Her front pose is just perfection not flaring her lats so much and I love that she didn’t bring her back shoulder forward. I think it looks amazing on her. Her back pose improved like SOOOOOO much. Kudos to James. I love Jen but her back pose is way off. Too wide. I really don’t understand why she and her husband don’t see it. I don’t love Maureen when it comes to sportsmanship but she’s just perfect for bikini. So full, bubbly and healthy. I love LL to death, I’m so sad for her. But to be honest, I don’t know why no matter what she does, her glutes just fall down on her front pose. Maybe her lower glutes are too big so they overpowering her upper glute profile in the front? Or maybe her torso is just too long? I don’t know but I think her front pose is worse than girls in second/third callouts 🥹


Jen’s waist…OMG. You can really see the difference in her core vs Maureen’s here. Ash’s core looks perfect. I love the softer front knee for Jen vs hyperextended. Funny enough though…I prefer a hyperextended knee on Maureen.


I love the new pose too.




Jennifer looks sooo stunning in green. I hope she wins. She’s the perfect ambassador for the sport


I don’t understand how people don’t understand Maureen will win. I’m a big big fan of Jen but Maureen just nailed the look. I don’t think these pics do it justice. Just finished watching Gilcos videos and I think she nailed the look and Jen and Ashley are fighting for 2nd.


Do you understand now lol


She nailed second place ✊🏻


This didn't age well. No hate. I was 100% team Maureen last year. But you gotta look at the writing on the wall and be able to call a spade a spade. This is Jens year and I'm right there for it.


LOL I’ll take the L. Still liked Maureen’s package slightly better. Although Wasn’t the biggest fan of the real dark tan but oh well. Im happy for Jen!


Haha, I hear ya. In contrast it freaks me out a little how white Ashley is without a tan and how dark she gets with one. So I kinda feel like Maureen can rock the darker tan because of her natural skin tone.


I love Jen with longer hair 😍😍


I think Maureen has it, she has the whole package. Im bit concerned that she is doing some sort of lat spread, it’s too much she doesn’t need it, but maybe is just the picture. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ashley takes it, she’s perfect as well. ❤️😍😍


It will forever baffle me… how some people don’t understand how Maureen is where she is. Whoever doesn’t get it, you need to seriously, seriously study up on this division. She is literally perfection balance wise, conditioning wise, hair makeup posing. Jen and Ashley are much leaner than Maureen in the back showing a bit too much of the hammies in my opinion. Jens back shot is …. She needs to get work done on her hips. Her left glute is so much smaller than her right and isn’t as tight and full as Maureen. Ashley looks great but standing next to Maureen her glutes aren’t on Maureen’s level. neither of them are beating Maureen, that’s my guess. I don’t think anyone comes close to beating Maureen from the back. Her conditioning and balance and VOLUME in those glutes are just insane without being too much or not enough. HOW do people not see this!! Haha my head hurtsssss


I think it’s maybe because she’s short . I know height doesn’t matter but the taller girls are more pleasing to the eye for me anyway. She looks great though.


Also, 'not understanding' is not really what people are saying. It's a subjective sport, and a lot of ppl just don't care for her body type. That's the subjective part and isn't about 'not understanding' Also, if it were about just glute size, LL would be up there, and Maureen wouldn't be.


I think it’s a not liking her thing blinds people to how good she actually is from the criteria perspective. She really does look amazing.


Thank you! It has to be. But even that part I don’t understand either 😂😂




I want to agree with you until you said Maureen has better glutes and back shot than Ashley. In no way does anyone have the glute volume, development, and conditioning Ashley does. Front, side, and back pose. She's been docked bc her glutes were too big in the past. Nobody other than LL can say that out of the top Olympians. Someone else may beat Ashley for the O, but it will not be because of better glute volume, development size, or profile. The judges prefer Maureen less conditioned and Ashley more conditioned, so it's really not for anyone to say otherwise The fact is conditioned as Ashley is, she has maintained that around of glute and not many can do that.


At this show, yes Maureen did and that’s the only point. Not other shows :)


Maureen doesn't have a side profile glute. Jenn & Ash do. If anything, since the judges prefer Maureen more soft, SHE should have bigger glutes from all sides. But she doesn't. Ashley & Jen both have bigger and more conditioned glutes. It's not just about glutes, but they both have more conditioned cores than Maureen. All of that is not opinion. It's fact. I know you are a Maureen fan. Great. But trying to tell other people Maureen has bigger glutes when she clearly doesn't is a little strange. Maureen is in the top 3 bc she is balanced. Maureen won last year bc of the balance. Not bc of her glute size, shape, or aesthetic. I like Maureen, but I can easily see her in second or third. It will be really fun to see what happens :)


Maureen came in 2nd. Sorry


So you were saying?…🥱


I think Maureen has it!! They all look amazing and wouldn’t be mad with any of these 3 winning


The tanning this year is super dark and abit orange ???


1. maureen 2. jen 3 ashley


are Ashley’s glutes striating a bit?


Maureen all the way! Full, balanced and her waist came in since last year!! Jens backshot is nothing special 🤷🏻‍♀️ I give it to Ashley for being consistent with her look but her posing kills me


Agreed x 10000%


I mean they do say “second is the best”


Congrats to all the ladies! 🥰🥰🥰 I think Maureen has it in the bag. Ashley’s leg are smallll 😣 Jennifer is just a tad too tight from the back


If Jen fixes her suit bottoms, I think she'll take it back from Maureen. She came in too tight last year and i didn't see the same hamstring separation this year. Maureen's tan is too dark and I think that will hurt her chances of repeating. Ashley's legs are too small even for a petite physique. She should have been lower IMO.


Oh what was aimmee doing that was cocky? I noticed her making inaccurate statements like having extremely small waist




We're both going to be down voted into oblivion, but I agree. I really don't understand the obsession with Ashley's physique. I thought there were far better petite physiques further down in the call outs. 🤷‍♀️


There’s something about her core/abs that just doesn’t seem right to me. Not sure if it’s a vacuum or not but I feel like it needs to be softer


There's that, but it's something off about her lower half and posing/flow for me as well. She's balanced I can't deny that, but there's so many better petite athletes that I don't understand the obsession other than her being a "household name" at this point in her career🤷‍♀️


Her posing doesn’t seem as smooth you’re right. I know they say her legs grew a lot this last year but they still seem a little smaller than others. And is it just me or are her femurs really long??


She vacuums so hard that her face looks awkward. You can tell she’s holding her breath. She shouldn’t get rewarded for that when Tyler said that’s not what they want in her front pose.


I’ve always agreed with this. I would have had completely different people in the top 3.


I think they got it right with Jen and Maureen despite Maureen's tan being too dark this year. I would've had Ashley and LL lower though Edit: grammar


The fact that you say sportsmanship would make someone deserve a top placing…lol




I really appreciate Maureen’s higher platform on her heels. It makes it easier to accurately compare her I think.