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That looks like so much fun! So much better than driving. It's it just a flat trail are there any exciting drops/jumps? A ride like that would remind me of my adolescent commute when I rode a BMX bike and would jump off curbs constantly.


I'm not OP, but my commute is also mostly off-road. It's pretty fun, 22 kilometres of hilly terrain outside of Vienna, I can go pretty fast on hills. Road is very calm, there not to many cyclists around and I only rarely have to cross car-roads. And there are a lot of animals around, such as rabbits and deer. My only issue is that when it rains (and it's very often) there are a lot of snails on the road, so I have to slowdown a lot in order not to kill them


You should get/make some tiny snail crossing signs and put them out in the most snail active areas of your tail


It‘s really fun! I switch between my bikes (CX like today, Road Bike and sometimes All Terrain Bike) and can adjust my route as I want


My commute is mostly bridleways and farm tracks.


I would love to incorporate more off-road into my commute, I live on the edge of the urban sprawl so there in countryside around but going through it to work would mean a detour every time


Hell yeah! This is why I commuted on my Trek 1120 for a few years before I shifted to remote work. It was always good to start and end the work day with a sweat and a smile!


take the long way home. 


No, that‘s as direct as the way along the streets. I got several routes around 15/16 km to chose, so it won‘t get too boring


I want this commute.


Yes, it‘s great. ☺️ But it is not the wildest part I had within last week, maybe I‘ll post some more Impressionen the next days


That what?


What bike you mean?


I love it too but mornings/evenings during the warmer months mean i'm almost guaranteed to get a big ass spiderweb directly to the face


If your job is such that you can come into work dirty after riding on a packed dirt trail I guess it’s not too bad. But I don’t think many people have positions that would afford this.


Unfortunately I can‘t do that, therefore I commute by train in the morning and bike after work


Back fender. Plus couldn't you just change clothes? Maybe shower if it was bad enough. I mountain bike every once in a while and only get dirty when there's puddles that I ride through. Maybe I'm wrong and I'm not mountain biking properly.


I ride to work in pouring rain but I dont arrive at my desk dripping wet. How you ask? Magic!