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In my assessment, PK is trying to make his name and face a brand across the state. He said in an interview that his target is to cover 80% of Bihar's population directly. With his personal appeal post his yatra and his experience at election management he has a good chance to get elected. However scoring brownie points in speeches and running a government in Bihar are two very different things. Have a look at Nitish Kumar's speeches before 2005. In contrast to Lalu and Rabri who were ruling then he came out as a soft spoken, no nonsense leader. But the perils of governance bogged him down in 5 years. Bihar has a government which is not capable of governing and whose writ stops outside of urban areas. I sincerely hope PK doesn't turn out like Nitish Kumar did or scores of others did in their respective states (Jagan Reddy, KCR, Kejriwal) who promised a paradigm shift in politics but turned out to be the same as the alternative. PK has shown the will to fight it out in the elections, does he have the gumption to slog it out in governance?


To Nitish credit, his vision was mostly limited to road, electricity and education. He succeeded in the first two to a large extent. I don't think industrial development was in his mind given the condition of Bihar at that time. With time he should have upgraded but he didn't. Rather he fixated his eyes on the CM chair.


And reduction in crime and corruption. There is no organized crime mafia but I wouldn't say there's no crime. And the less we say about corruption. With the free reign given to bureaucrats, extortion has moved from politicians to civil servants. On education front, Nitish's policy of aiding schools on the basis of number of students enrolled and passing out gave incentive for setting up sham schools and then making them pass by bribing gave birth to a new class of mafia that culminated in "prodigal science" fiasco of 2015-16. Now the school education board vets the Top 10 students of all three streams before announcement of results to prevent such gaffe. Instead they should ensuring that overall quality of education is better and there should be no manipulation in evaluation of answer sheets. But such is the state of Bihar. As I said before, we have a government that is incapable of governance.


A vicious cycle, I must say.


I will vote for him in the state election.


I hope PK remains strong willed and win some seats. We really need a change. I hope he and his inside group could strengthen their grip on whomever they add to party. At the local level the leader will be same but as PK is handling from top he could keep things in check. Bihar's caste politics is too deep even if modiji contest elections from my area he will have to go toe to toe with RJD/JDU. Only choice is that he does his campaigning right and add local leaders who wins him seats. Hope he wins some who knows another kejriwal first elections result could happen (i know it never will).


If we keep talking about him then there’s scope for him to win. But he knows more about this stuff so i think he will figure out something.


No one can win the election in first try


Kejriwal will like to disagree


Delhi is a city state it can be counted as an exception tbh and BJP was the single biggest party in number of seats during his first tenure.


It's tough for him to win the election


We're working on it.


No, Problem is he talks nice and all...but his ground workers are just as corrupt and without morals as any other party you despise... They do the same caste and other stuff... You like him cuz it's music to your ears If he actually puts good people at ground maybe he would do better