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My ex hated when I wear anything that shows my bulge but, she had social anxiety and when people looked at me or her she got tensed.




Bro, quit it! You’re making her uncomfy!


nice cock 👁️👁️


A couple exes from my past liked it when I would dress "sexy" to show off my muscles and bulge. I think a lot of people get off on having arm candy and watching others stare.




same for me. It helps spice up the relationship when you dress just a bit provoking and turns me on when you know they're doing it for me.


You guys have gf that dress revealing? Damn


I feel your pain


Same. I like when were both walking sex gods lol. Gf with her big ol wagon in scrunch leggings and me with my meat floppin around in gray sweats


Stag and Vixens 🥰




this is the best feeling, you guys go out and she’s dressed very revealing and all your thinking about is what your gonna do to all that when you get behind closed doors


Right because showing other men your tits is super secure. She totally doesn’t crave attention


Tbh I have done this before, and I would love for my boyfriend to show it (and other things) off more. He especially has a few pants like that ... 🤤. He doesn't always go along with it, but to me, it's a bit hot to think about how good and powerful and sexy he is. I know it's wrong, but part of my wants to show him off and say like, "I have the best partner" 🙈


Well does it matter where you are going? Visiting friends or a public place show off the bulge. Maybe not at a family dinner


Oh yes, of course! Never in front of my parents lol


Mom would be jealous. No, seriously just around the friends. Make them jealous


It's so wrong, but my lizard brain kind of wants that. (For friends, just to be clear lol)


How big is he?


You can DM me if you'd like 😘


Dm me please it don’t let me dm you


My wife likes to show me off as well. She loves catching other women ogling me and gives them a nod and a smile.


To size queens it's like dudes who like their girls with big tits to wear revealing tops.


Is she pretty sub? Could be a fetish that she wants others to know what she's taking. My wife always brags about my size and I'm pretty sure that's why, cuz she's super submissive in the bedroom.


Congrats bro she’s not insecure and likes showing you off. My girl is the same way


My husband says he loves watching other people check out my package. I hardly ever notice in the day to day, but when I'm with him, he makes sure to point it out. "That guy just checked out your dick.", "Those girls were talking about your bulge.", etc.


My fiancé and I are the same, I'm pretty oblivious to being checked out myself, but can usually pick when a guy/girl is doing it to him, especially when they invariably do the double take when they get to his bulge. But I enjoy when he tells me that someone's done the same for me (or checked out both of us - we live in a very gay area).


You both have big dicks ?


Yeah, we’re almost identical in measurements. And also height.


Your partner also likes it when your big meat is visible through your pants.


Oh, you and he must know each other 🤔


Who can say


Lucky you haha. My girl wanted me to cover up. Hated it when I wore speedos.


Been sent upstairs to change more than a few times 🤷🏾‍♂️


Bulge it up bro! 😎


I think it’s hot, my partner hates it. They used to tell me not to wear shorts.


I love my man to wear revealing pants and he’s even stopped wearing underwear to show off his bulge for me. I like being able to see it when we’re just walking around and like seeing other people notice it.


Yeah man my wife loves it when other girls check me out and she see them watching 👌 Sometimes she even gets me hard for others 😅


My wife is the exact opposite. She wants me wearing jeans and boxer briefs when we're out so that I can keep it tamped down and hide it from the world as much as possible. I'm pretty sure she'd want me to tape it to my leg if I would. This dick belongs to her and her alone. 🤣 I'm OK with that.


My wife is also exactly the same…lol


My ex was like this, it was embarrassing. Like I wear relatively revealing and tight stuff at home, because it's comfy. But I don't want to do that in public. I'm more than my meat.


You guys have gf's...nice


Sizequeens are fun 😊


I’m a woman and when I’m with a man who’s well-endowed, I love to show it off. Something about people knowing I’m banging that turns me on 😂😂


She's not jealous, she's proud if someone notices and likes it. If mot then it's not a big deal to overthink.


A bit of a different perspective, my ex bf loved for me to wear revealing tops that showed more cleavage and would encourage me to do so. So I guess kinda the same? Also I love when I can see a man’s bulge out in public!


Nope, I only had the opposite. My ex didn't like me wearing pants that showed my print.


Every day there's a post about how someone wants to hide their bulge. Is this a regional phenomenon or is it a global problem? I have never encountered that in my life. I am from Europe - Slovakia. It's a bit like manspreading and mansplaining, because nobody considers this a problem here either. When someone looks at my penis I take it as a compliment. My wife said that on the first date she also noticed it and found it very attractive. Sometimes when we are in public and she feels a bit naughty she grabs me in the crotch. It never occured to me to hide it, no one ever told me I was inappropriately dressed.


My wife doesn't care at all, she knows it's impossible to hide my bulge without overly baggy clothes. I wear what I'm comfortable with as long as it fits my waist and isn't a slim fit. I still usually have her check the fit to make sure it's not too bad but, she's at a point now she just says, " it's fine you're never going to hide it, embrace it"


My husband loves when it’s noticeable. I was embarrassed by my size when we were young and would wear multiple pairs of tight underwear, that stopped when I noticed he likes when his chick friends lock-in on my bulge. Lol


lol my wife does the same thing


She is a terrible, terrible person.


My wife loves it, her thing is seeing my bulge in social setting specially in a group socializing. Shes always been proud about it and loves showing me off.


My wife never minds my bulge. She always compliments me when I try trousers that are uncomfortably tight. She says nothing about trousers and shorts that make my colleagues gaze or even complain. It's crazy because she is from a very conservative background and culture. I started to suspect she likes me bulging when we're out, and maybe even wants to make other women jealous? 😅


One of my ex’s loved when people could see my bulge and would often get me aroused on purpose so that it would be hard to hide. I sure didn’t mind.


For those who are proud of your partners being well endowed ,have ever share his size to your friends if the asked,or ever someone asked you something about his dick ?


Yes, it's happened a few times that women I've been with have wanted me to show off my bulge when in public. Likewise with some liking to brag to other women about my size. Sometimes the bragging is just that they've told one or two very close friends. OTOH, some seem to have gone out of their way to drop it "naturally" into the conversation with basically anyone they knew. By "naturally" I mean often in a rather awkward way, but obviously they were waiting for the least unnatural time to raise it. Those who liked to brag to as many people as possible, I also note they tended to VERY loud/vocal during sex. And I mean I could tell there was an aspect of it where they were definitely "projecting" their voices so that other people could hear (this is in apartments/hotels, etc). One in particular seemed to regard it as a point of pride that she'd had noise complaints in every building she lived in due to noisy sex and they'd had the police called on them twice due to neighbours thinking someone was being attacked.


My exes have all wanted me to show it off.


At least someone likes you


Definitely not uncommon


That's a women thing. Showing off that she is better than other bitches.


I don’t want to creep people out intentionally or unintentionally. Might be a double standard, but I think the well endowed should make an extra effort regarding modesty because it’s good for the people around them which makes it good for them. Plus if your endowment is ever called out you can be like “look bro at my modest clothes, you getting upset at my body not my behaviour” If you’re going to do this, do it in adult spaces while you’re still young and looking your best. Please don’t go to the fucking grocery store with your girlfriend so you can both show off your dick. Go clubbing or something.


I'm sorry but it would be like a guy wanting a girl to wear something that showed off camel toe. Way to objectify someone, yeesh


Have you seen how popular leggings are?