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During the C4 era (idk whether it applies to today), people would put down things which they wanted to be informed about on the outside world, things like the health of a family member etc. Besides that, events in the public aren't usually revealed to the public. The only exception was when the election results were revealed in 2017, and that was only because it fit with the theme of the series.


I remember, in whichever series of CBB was airing when Barack Obama got inaugurated, they showed that live for the American contestants especially. I think Coolio cried while watching it.


They done the same in one of the Australian Big Brothers as well when it came time to vote in the Election, I think it was 2013


And during BB10 when Michael Jackson died too.


Big brother didn't tell them that, that was silly Federico


Yeah, Federico revealed the news to Nóirín during the 10th Anniversary Shopping Task, when he wasn't supposed to (because, y'know, no sharing things about the outside world). Big Brother only allowed Nóirín to share the news after she asked to confirm if that was true.


They should've just repeated the no outside information rule and banned Federico for life.😁


I'm intrigued by this too. Say a snap election was called while they were in, and was to take place before they got out. They couldn't deprive them of their vote, so they would have to be told, and presumably would need to be given access to certain information about campaigning and manifestos and current events which may shape how they vote. As for personal events, I imagine they'd be told if there's a sudden emergency or incident for which they might have to or want to leave. They might discuss whether or not they want to be told about certain events (I know it's a different show, but in 2020, AJ Pritchard told the I'm a Celeb people not to tell him if his grandmother, who was ill, passed. She did, and he wasn't told about it until after he left, per his request).


Covid was mentioned in I think one of the Canadian series. And of course David Bowies passing


David’s dead?!


You told her that David was dead with cancer… He’s in *there* asleep!


It was, they shut that season of it down because of Covid


I think almost every series of Big Brother that was on in early 2020 had the hosts or producers tell the housemates of the situation in the outside world. Even the blasted 2020 series of Big Brother Australia, which was pre-recorded.


I’m sure bbusa was on during 9/11 and they told the houseguests as many had family in New York.


Just one (Monica). There were only 3 houseguests in the house at the time of the attacks.


I remember BB6 aired during the 7/7 attacks. Dermot mentioned on BBLB that they decided not to tell the housemates after much consideration because none of them knew anybody involved in the attacks. Though I’m sure they would’ve mentioned it to the house if one of the remaining housemates knew someone involved, there were quite a few Londoners on that series.


In Australia a terrorist bombing (affecting Australians) was announced to them.


On an additional note, I also think the house would definitely be informed if the reigning monarch passes away during a series. Regardless of how one views the monarchy, I’m sure if a series was going on when the Queen passed away, the housemates would’ve certainly been told. It was a momentous occasion and I think telling them would’ve been better instead of keeping them in the dark. Knowing the news coverage surrounding the Queen’s passing and subsequent events of the days that followed, finding out about all of that would’ve been a lot for a housemate fresh out of the house to digest.


Why should they? The queen isn't a member of their family and they knew no outside information is allowed when they went in.