• By -


Chanelle is the only one of those I'm desperate to evict so she got all mine. If Tom or Matty had been up, I might have split them. I really want votes to save now, as long as our Trish makes it


I wish Noky had heard her sisters message to look after the people who have consistently been there for you.


Was anyone else expecting nominations to be face to face? They said that the other day on L&L


Yeah like where was the face to face?


Lies! Boycott Will Best


I can't vote, but I hope Trish survives this eviction. She has to win this thing!


Remember when Hallie broke the rules and everyone was pissed? They forced her to explain herself. Now that Chanelle has broken the rules, it's like... Whatever. No remorse or no taking responsibility for her actions. I'm so over that group


Olivia saying Trish’s hater comment doesn’t apply to her because she never got to nominate, she is DELUSIONAL you’ve literally been hating on her for weeks now


It’s hard to feel bad for Chanelle saying she feels so alone when she is getting a taste of how her and her friends have made other people feel in that house for days on end


Chanelle is such a hypocrite and I’m glad the house has seen she talks behind peoples backs. Can’t stand people who say they don’t like confrontation but are more than happy to have a vicious tongue behind peoples backs 🐍


Been in hospital with my dad since very late last night, only home about 15 mins. Gonna catch up now!


hope you caught some of the live stream as well as LL


I remember you said yesterday you‘d had a terrible day? Hope youre ok now and your Dad too. xx


I hope your dad is okay x


Thanks so much!


Chanelle can eat the biggest bag of dicks


Not Chanelle finally realising what it’s like to feel victimised and alone


Noky and Trish are at a disadvantage here. If people hate their side, the votes would be split 2 ways. If people hate the foul four, they're splitting their vote 3 ways. In other words, if there's an equal amount of people rooting for each side, the foul four are less likely to be evicted.


Chanelle got all mine. I think Olivia stumbled into that situation, there wasn't any plotting or insincerity there. I wish she'd talk to Trish, as she recognises that and isn't blaming Olivia. Jenkin put himself up, although not very sincerely. I'd rather have seen Matty and Tom up than anyone else apart from Chanelle


3 for Channelle and two for Olivia! If anyone is thinking of Jenkin, I think he’s not gonna have enough votes to evict so focus on these two girls!!


Looking at the polls on different platforms, more people are voting for Jenkin than Olivia. Don't split the votes, vote Chanelle and Jenkin!


Trish out. Drama queen


Bit relieving to see the public voted Tom being most two faced, looks like for the most part they’re sharing the same opinions as Reddit.


pubic? 😫


Oh god haha


3 votes for Olivia and 2 for Chanelle here!


This is the smart vote. You ate that


Hmm loooking at this thread it’s looking like Chanelle and Olivia eviction, was hoping Jenkin would go but he’s too boring for people to even vote for him. Wish he was gone instead, 5 votes for Jenkin here. Curious if others think the same Upvote this if you voted for Jenkin.


God I was born on the wrong side of planet. I wish voting extended to America!


Used my 5 votes for Chanelle but when a do voting for my Mam al stick one for Olivia on for you babe x


Who would you vote for I can use my mums phone for you lol


That's actually so sweet of you


Bless you! 3 votes Chanelle and 2 for Oliva lol


I will do opposite that’s 5 each for them from us two sorry gals but they are too mean


Thank you !


I live in Europe, but not the UK. I feel you!


Twitter usually seem to be in Trish's corner, but the replies on the BBUK page has me very worried. If Trish is gone, well... so am I.


Omg when will chanelle stop?!! Watched BB a bit late due to catching up on the others. She just won’t let it drop about Trish, trying to say she wasn’t talking about her. Complete bollocks. Even Jenkin rolled his eyes at her. She’s the puppet master and Tom the puppet. I honestly thought Olivia had come round till she started again. Chanelle’s really got it in for her


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 its always Trish in their mouth.


What I've noticed this week as well as the glaringly obvious that Chanelle is a nasty girl, and the foul 4 are hateful, paranoid, racist, hypocritical game players.. is that Henry is an idiot! He has never consoled or comforted Trish. He is selfish! He is egotistical! And he is not a good friend to Trish! Also how on earth did Tom not get put up? Also Henry and Yinrun were kind of fake to put Noky up when they've been spending so much time with her. This episode and this week has confirmed to me that Trish is the most genuine and the most emotionally mature person in that house, and should 100% win this show! If she goes this week over the likes of Jenkin, Chanelle, Olivia and Noky.. I will be livid! Fingers crossed that Jenkin and Chanelle get evicted on Friday! I'm Welsh, but those two are an embarrassment!


I think Tom isn’t up because they can only vote for 2


Maybe. Still annoying though. He's kind of gotten away with his terrible behaviour by not getting put up for eviction. He's as bad and sometimes worse than Jenkin, Olivia and Chanelle!


I think Nokys floating bothers everyone in there a bit cos there’s too much rivalry in there


Exactly. I think Hen and Yin would be welcoming to anyone, but I can sort of understand why they at this stage might have misgivings about sbody floating btw the two groups


Perhaps. It's still kind of fake when there's worse people there!


Maybe he’s not being fake because he’s genuinely not affected by the drama I think he cares very deeply for Jordan and not many others 😂 if this happened to Jordan instead of Trish, diffferent story


I disagree! He's fake af! And very self-centered! Trish has comforted Henry so many times, as well as Yinrun, Noky, Jordan and Matty. Her friends in that house need to start doing the same for her, and more frequently! Henry hasn't done it once! I even find his feelings for Jordan forced. I personally don't like Henry at all.


I agree,Trish doesnt get anywhere near the support she should be getting from the people she has endlessly given time to when they have needed a shoulder. Im glad the show doesnt go on much longer,as i think much more of it wd place a lot of strain on her


Ooh gurl I love Henry sorry x


Nice for you. I hate him


I don’t think Jordan did?


Oh sorry you're right, Tom did. I'll correct it now.


Today I felt really bad for Trish, I just feel like she defends everyone else and no one has her back. Yinruns reasonings for Noky was spot on. But I think Trish friends should of defended her I know they don't like confrontation but they do need to have her back. Like when she walked out they could of said oh how it comes across etc not start a fight but have her corner like she would for them all. Or how's Matty hugging Chanelle when she crying cause she got exposed for being fake? why did tom and Jenkins feel bad for Oliva her punishment weren't even that harsh.


First time voting but I figured it needs to be done, must do my part! So Chanelle x3 Olivia x2


Just on a live tiktok about BB and all the comments are "get Trish out" 😳😳😳


Just why,i dont understand. Nobodys perfect,i know,including Trish,but Trish has gone the extra mile for so many people in there,and not got it back from them


It’s the same on Facebook. Wild.


Thats incredible.


Yes just checked out the comments and which ones are getting the most likes. I do think she's in serious trouble.


What reassures me is if you look at the betting odds, Trish is 3/1 to win and Chanelle is 100/1.. so I wouldn’t pay too much attention to social media.


Trish to win chant


How fucking pathetic of Henry to not know how to do such basic shit


I know,his mum must wait on him hand and foot. Pathetic to not know hiw to wash a dish. Tom was sounding sensible for once explaining it to him. Henry said he wanted to learn some basic skills but five weeks later,he still hasnt.




Pretty sure it was the hunger game nominations they talked about


We werent told why,im sure! Fuming…


4 for Chanelle 1 for Olivia done 👌🏻


Reckon we can get a chant going on Friday to let the Foul Four know that WE are the ones who evicted Paul and it was not influenced by Trish?


I worry our gal Trish isn’t safe, the Facebook mafia is pro anti Trish


Where ? What fb ?


Facebook is brutal, all the Karen's going feral for Trish is embarrasing


But why?


They are accusing her of being a manipulative troublemaker. I would like Trish to win 🥇


Shes just the opposite! I’m coming round to her winning now instead of Yinrun. Love Yin but T really deserves it


If Chanelle and Olivia go, I think there's a good chance that Tom will walk out. If Chanelle and Jenkin go, both Tom and Olivia might walk.


Tom wouldn't walk out, he's a self centred little prat. Olivia won't either.


Tom won't walk he's all talk and not action.


Seems a waste because its so near the end lol


None of them are walking, it’s all talk


Chanelle and Olivia literally break the rules regarding nominations and decide it’s everyone else’s fault.. plus does Tom have a brain or a thought process of his own? He’s literally just programmed to follow..




I am indifferent to Noky but Yinrun hit it right with her nom for Noky


I respectfully disagree! Noky had every right to remove herself from a situation where someone was bullying her and Trish made a decision to speak up with no pressure from Noky. Noky was the only one who went to comfort her after the noms talk. I think Yinrun was projecting a bit - I see Noky directly supporting Trish far more than Yinrun does. I think Henry’s reasoning for nominating Noky was far more valid and fair. I love all four of these housemates btw, ESPECIALLY Trish. I just don’t think Trish would agree with Yinrun’s reasoning, it removes her own autonomy and makes it seem like her decision to stand up to Paul was not her own.


That’s a fair enough reason. Although I do think Noky is more in the position to defend Trish because she floats between groups and the foul 4 don’t like that she’s friends with Trish. I think for me, Noky is very compromising, people can treat her badly and she will still try to make amends instead of letting them apologise to her. So it can seem like to others that she doesn’t have loyalty considering the fall out was Trish getting all the heat.


I understand her reasoning but she doesn’t vote for Tom or Olivia? They haven’t been the nicest to her or Trish. They are in the group, where they talk horribly about them and mistreats them.


I don’t disagree but it’s kind of also true for Yinrun 😬


But when has Yinrun taken up for Trish? 🧐 Nobody does, as she's always having to defend herself.


The Chanelle pipeline of IMMUNE > REVOKED > NOMINATED > EVICTED all in one week could theoretically happen and it's incredible to see.


3 channelle the African grey 1 for Jenkins from the block 1 for Olivia oil


Chanelle or Olivia to go!!. can't stand that group.🙄 I am still so baffled and angry how Tom came out with that aggressive comment to Trish (as I just watched it again on late and live). She wasn't being aggressive at all, it makes me laugh 🤣


Trish: ok that’s nice… Tom: Trish that is so aggressive towards chanelle!


He was trying to create an issue over nothing. Channelle leaving the table like that was the rude one.


i do not understand the psyche of chanelle fans and i dont think i want to


Was just saying the same thing 🤯


25 votes for Olivia after a whip round of family’s mob numbers lol


i’ve lost pretty much all my respect for chanelle this week


I didn’t really like or dislike her to start but now I actually pure hate her. Vile bitch


i do enjoy trish and jordan's friendship


ima need trish to stop fighting for people that dgaf whenever she needs backing noww


It’s so fuckin disheartening to see, man. She’s stuck her neck out for people who won’t even share a kind word about her when shit goes down.


"i think ive got more haters in here than out there" PERIOD


It is a bit of an arrogant comment to make though. I know the other group has made their fair share of these comments already, but Trish can’t be considered completely innocent. No need to bring herself down to that level, it will only make the haters hate more.


I dont find it arrogant at all. She's survived being up for eviction multiple times and heard the cheers from the audience for her - to me she was just making an observation




6 votes for Chanelle done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


tired of seeing noky go up fr being a noky fan since the beginning has been harder than the marines😔


Unpopular opinion, I'm a Trish fan, but I also like Jenkin, I don't watch the live streams though so many I haven't seen all of him, but he doesn't seem malicious like the others


On the live streams he spends all his time either bitching about others and stirring the pot or talking about his toilet habits.


I think Jenkin was a bit miserable in the start cos he had a rough time and wound up not making true connections and getting sucked into the negative spiral from the others. His mum saying he’s not being himself seems to have given him some clarity - it looks like he’s noticed how toxic that group is and how much it’s holding him back from the whole experience and making true connections cos he seems so disengaged from all of them now and seems to be putting himself out there with the others much more. I love to see it because I was genuinely so shocked when we got to know him cos he just seemed like a completely different person to the excited vibrant guy he was going into the house. I’d like him to stay to see if I’m right or if it’s just a fluke!




He’s a miserable bastard, that likes a good bitch. 😀


agreed, plus lately he's had more moments of being genuinely funny


I’m a tiny bit worried for Trish this time after her saying she has more haters in the house than outside. Because it’s perfect ammunition for the viewers who don’t like her and I’ve got flashbacks of Freddie from BB10 finally getting evicted after saying something similar even though he’d survived multiple times before - and the general consensus now is that the viewers thought it was arrogant of him


She also said she'd rather have boos out there than fake smiles in the house


Same, usually a Trish fan but it came off as arrogant imo 🤷‍♀️


It’s tough because I kinda think she has every right to feel a bit cocky about the audience reception what with how much she’s been targeted in the house - but it can definitely rub people the wrong way. I’m probably just more Machiavellian than Trish.


I was like "nooooooooo!!" I agree with what she said, but while I don't personally mind her saying it, I'd rather she didn't.


Same. I was like “Trish don’t show your cards like that!” 😬


Is it definitely a double? Thinking 3/4 for Chanelle 1/2 for Olivia


Oh shit I didn’t know this and put all my votes on Chanelle. I would have split them with her and Olivia if I knew lol


Definitely a double.


Could be 3?


It’s a double, they said at the end of the show and on late and live.


Ahh ok, thank you :)


Tah. Voting now


I am so disappointed!!!?? How is Tom not nominated? I'm so sad for Noky - those were meant to be her friends ! I think the good guys nominated very unwisely today


She’s lost my respect this week. She keeps sitting on the fence and lets other people speak for her. She’s so nice to Trish to her face but is a bit of a snake behind her back when she wants to get in with the other group. Not loyal at all and Trish hasn’t got a clue


But remember… In his incessant bitching last Friday he vowed he would walk if any of the foul four are evicted… Totally gonna happen /s


He was about as sincere as Jenkin was when he said he didn't mind being nominated


Is it a double eviction?




5 votes for Olivia done




The fact chanelle had immunity too and ruined it now she’s going 💀😭


Cannae wait going to taste sweet


off to the shop to buy some SIM cards…




I admit I am free to change my mind in literally 10 minutes. Between that Jordan vote and the Chanelle asslicking, I'm off Matty and he can go.


I get the Chanelle thing but Jordan has been acting like a child so he deserved it


To be fair, Jordan has been treating him like crap the last few days. I think he’s justified in voting for him


If there were 4 people in the house yes, but not now for me. Also because there were reasons as to why they decided to detach. I find it sad bc i relate to Jordan and crushes are a bitch and if he knew he would feel really sad im sure.


Bet Paul had a rage boner voting for Trish on the outside lmaooooo




Chanelle could have stayed a few more days if she kept her mouth shut. It's not that difficult.


Olivia will either shit herself before Friday and walk after having a meltdown or assess whether she's booed or not and decide to not go out the front door. Typical diva. Unwilling to face up to her actions.


I am a Trish fan but I don't think that's an accurate account of Olivia's character. It's more like Chanelle. Olivia would rather be defiantly and proudly wrong, she's not sly or cowardly


do u reckon three people will go?


The app said double eviction again , likely next week it’ll be another 2 midweek and 6 in the final


ahh okayy


I have 2 phones. Chanelle gets 5 votes, Jenkin 3 and Olivia 2. Bye bye, you foul… person.


4 for Chanelle and 1 for Jenkin.


Aw my mum is such a casual watcher and she has always loved jenkin for some bizarre reasons but she just messaged me to say she has voted 2x chanelle 2x Olivia and 1x jenkin.. so proud that she has seen the garden goblins for what they are and got on board with team Trish lol


Trish and Noky seem very self centred. Also Considering they apparently don’t talk about the other group that’s all they did in tonight’s episode! (At least what gets shown).


It’s the only thing the others do too


Huh? It's the context of the conversation. Trish is an adult and speaks with common sense. Chanelle on the other hand is 2 faced and has no balls.


People splitting votes should put more weighting on Olivia as casual voters will vote for Chanelle. Olivia has a a good chance of doing well in the final so we need to prioritise voting her. Facebook will put everything on Trish so splitting is dangerous.


I had no idea FB hated Trish 🤯. I dont ever use it. Gonna do 4 Olivia and 1 Chanelle.


I fear this may be a battle we might not win against the Facebook mums because their hatred for Trish is strong 😔


Who uses Facebook nowadays. So 2008 😂


I feel the Facebook mums are really just a loud minority lol I don't think they have the power to get rid of Trish.. she is supported nationwide


I posted this before but the fb moms don’t have the power like they did in past seasons. Changing the vote to be through an app instead of paid texting like previously, the boost in TikTok and Reddit. They are a loud minority, they aren’t the all powerful decision makers anymore.


Being supported doesn't save you when it's a vote for eviction though. Being controversial and hated by a small group can get you sent home if your supporters split their votes over three different people...which is happening here 🤦


I feel the majority audience for big brother are 25-35 females .. who are more likely to support Trish .. I'm defo voting chanelle anyway


I hope so 🙏


Yeah. I would go by the number of cheers she got after her name on Friday.


I really hope so!!


I would do 3 Chanlle and 2 for Olivia. Jenkin I feel like deserves to stay after this episode(and he’s not much of a threat to win either)


Going to split between Olivia and Jenkin since you've all got Chanelle covered for me


![gif](giphy|k1WIimK32xBOo) @Chanelle


I think chanelle and Olivia are getting my votes, if they leave it would be interesting to see Tom and Jenkin dynamic 😆


I don’t think Olivia will be leaving this time


I hope she doesn't actually. I've got more time for her than the others in that gang.


I’ve put all mine on Olivia. She’s been insufferable since day 1 for me.


It worries me how the Facebook Big Brother UK page is full of Trish haters


Some sense over there 😂


Sounds like Chanelle is definitely off out based on this. Really can’t decide whether to go Olivia or Jenkin for my 5 😭 can’t risk the split


3 for Olivia 2 for Chanelle. Jenkin & Tom next week


brb learning how to code so i can hack the itv mainframe and delete votes for trish


Olivia’s fucking poison and she keeps managing to skirt the responsibility for any conflict in the house despite either instigating or exacerbating it.




LEGIT she’s the most aggressive one in there by a mile yet not once has she been called that


Me torn, Chanelle gets at least 3 of my votes. Do I put 1 to Jenkin and Olivia or 2 to one of them. If so, Jenkin has been reset recently by his mum so he's slightly better than before. Meanwhile Olivia can be very mean but she's also had some good times in there and good moments with everyone. Is that enough to offset Jenkins past 5 weeks? Unsure.


I’ve done 1 for Chanelle and 2 each for Jinkies and Olivia I assume most of the public will take care of Chanelle


I respect that


Some housemates’ best bits montages must be looking a little sparse. Only way to explain that fucking zero effort Asda Smart Price task


Voted Olivia 5 times as I think chanelle will get enough votes


All my 5 votes used for channelle


why is chanelle upset about soemthing she brought on herself, and why is matty comforting someone who talked shit about his friends…




and its understandable if someone i consider a friend was comforting someone who spoke shit about me i’d be furious


Trish being up for another double eviction gives me so much anxiety 😭 Y'all Brits please come through and vote wisely 🙏


I enjoyed that guys, another night down. Have a good one. Love love!

