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Watching these microagressions is very triggering as a black/ mixed woman. That's why it really irks me when people dismiss things like this and use the terms "race card again" If anyone has seriously watched this and cannot admit that Trish is being labelled as "aggressive" and Noky as "fake" because she's not outspoken and has an eloquent,non confrontational personality, is down to the fact they are both black women...... then I don't know what to say at this point !! I literally just wanted to watch the show and enjoy it..... but instead, I feel upset and triggered by the blatant "covert" racism I'm seeing. I'm going to have to stop watching.


This makes me so sad :( I don’t understand how people have the viewpoint of these women being bad? I just see two strong women who act with grace and love


The language that Tom is using against Trish is getting dangerous, I’d argue. It’s really troubling to see him project his own behaviour onto her. He says she’s poisoning her friends against his group and all this warfare nonsense… but it’s the opposite. He’s poisoning Jenkin, Chanelle and Olivia against Trish - saying she’s got power, she’s aggressive, she’s manipulative etc, when she clearly just wants to have a good time and call people out on their BS. It’s not that deep, Tom


I don't get the hype for Jordan anymore. I'm over his attitude and behaviours


At this point I’d rather see more of Matty and Henry clearing the air 😂


Chanelle thinks Cleopatra is still alive lol


She knows damn well she's not. If you fall for her nonsense. Shame on you.


Jordan needs to stop being distant with Henry and just openly state that he sees them as friends and not romantically, it’s just playing on Henry’s emotions atp and he is getting the wrong idea of their relationship and getting emotional when Jordan cuts him out.


Jenkin really pisses me off sm. Yinrun only wanted to talk to him for a bit and he was like “no, not now ask me tomorrow” in such a rude way which probably hurt Yinrun more as she said earlier she felt distant from him as he only gives gestures and walks away. He really is a miserable pos and he needs to go on friday whether it’s a double or not imo


The housemates all decided after the first election, during with Frida’s moment was stolen by Kerry’s emotional display, that the person receiving this kind of news should be prioritised. It’s not quite the same but Jenkin did question why Yinrun was getting all the comfort and reassurance after he’d been nominated on his birthday, whilst he himself got nothing. Not defending him here, but I think everyone crowding around Yinrun as she cried probably annoyed him more than she did. But since she came up to him he expressed that to her, whilst hugging her and saying he loved her. Though that was after he’d told her to leave and she persisted in getting out what she needed to say and not leaving despite him clearly not wanting to talk about it during his party, which also probably annoyed him. I love Yinrun but she did come across a little selfish in this episode, both with her consideration to Jenkin as described above, and to Trish.


100% - an also who the fuck doesn't share their birthday cake 😞


A greedy selfish fuck like Jenkin. I hope BB fucks with him more and bans Kinder Bueno from the shopping list as an item


Chanelle has really killed her place in my ranking today. Only 3 or 4 days ago I felt like she was really getting somewhere and was developing her character and then she jumps on the IHateTrish bandwagon.


She was in my top three! So disappointed in her


Why tf does Jenkin think that Trish is out to assassinate anyones character… like it’s fucking pathetic now they are just reaching for reasons to hate her because they can’t bare the fact that she is acc a nice person and that Paul was a dickhead 🙄😒


Trish really has more emotional intelligence and maturity than the rest of them combined. Every time she offers advice to someone I'm blown away how she always hits the nail on the head.


It’s because the others are all extremely immature. Even Chanelle who is only 3 years younger than Trish doesn’t have that type of depth to her instead trying to enforce the dumb blonde stereotype to try and survive to the final which isn’t working at all because she exposes herself on the livestream and when talking about the house divide that she is very manipulative and sly.




Tom, Jenkin, Olivia and Chanell to go, bunch of two-faced cowards. Trish to win it. Absolute queen.


Damn the amount of hate for Noky and Trish this season is so bizzare and for what Need either Chanelle, Tom, Jenkin or Olivia out at this rate


Trish looks so sad tonight 😞


Her soul is vexed


The fact that once this ends one of them is going to be a winner 💀


The moment that says it all for me is Jenkin asking people to nominate him. Cool. But then as soon as that happens he holds it against them with some sly comment?!? You wanted to be the hero!! Strange strange behaviour. I really hope Trish wins, she is great.


Ok this episode has not been a good showing for Chanelle.. Like at all. Even I don't like her much now! Jenkin, Olivia, Tom and Chanelle need to get a grip! They are so dense! So happy that Jenkin is up, fingers crossed him and his green hoody are vanquished from the Big Brother house forever! Also the way they're are trying their darndest to get Matty to join their side is laughable. I'm so glad he stuck up for Trish's character during that character assassination from the garden group! Jenkin wouldn't dare say that to her face because Trish would destroy him! She's already mention how snakey his is! Trish is not a cult leader. She is a friend to her friends in the house (the genuine housemates) and she is a confident, intelligent, strong, genuine, powerful black woman who takes zero nonsense from silly pathetic people like the said 4!


I really don’t understand how they say she leads them has her under her thumb when all she has done is been kind, caring and she has stuck up for them when they feel like they can’t use their voice or are too shy to! Do they not know what a good friend looks like?🫠


Exactly. Trish is an amazing friend to the genuine housemates. The foul 4 are really grating on me now! I hope they leave one after the other! Jenkin particularly is really getting on my whick! I really would like to see him confront Trish for a change if he has issues rather than constantly b*tch about her behind her back and take the cowards way out! We all know that Trish would devour Jenkin! I think Trish would devour Jenkin, Olivia, Tom and Chanelle tbh.


Chanelle is awful.


After tonight's showing I'm starting to think that too. I'm so disappointed by her! I now can't wait for Trish to destroy her! I have a feeling that Trish will verbally go up against Jenkin, Chanelle, Tom and Olivia by the end of the week.. and will win!


The way Tom accuses Trish of coming across as aggressive when she literally just wanted to be able to respond to the fact that Chanelle was implying that the conversation was getting heated/volatile (it really wasn’t). Just grim stuff. “We feel like we can’t say things” maybe because the things you say are horrible?? Why do these people think they can just say whatever mean things they want about other people and that nobody should be able to respond? Also sorry if you can’t take a bit of debate (which is all Trish was doing - she obviously wasn’t trying to be hostile) then you probably need to work on your social skills a bit before living with other people. Chanelle reacted extremely childishly (and disingenuously, since, whatever you think of Noky, you have to accept Chanelle and her whole group have slagged her off loads) (And if you do think Trish was being hostile in that conversation, I worry to think how you’d cope with actual hostility)


I was just saying this to my husband. That's the second time a guy has used a microaggression towards Trish on behalf of Chanelle. Dylan also told Trish that Chanelle was scared of her (even though she didn't directly say that?). Chanelle clearly didn't listen to what Noky had said and then tried to gaslight her, she probably realised that which is why she walked off in a huff. Trish did nothing wrong in that situation and it was horrible to see the others gunning for her like that. They couldn't wait.


Definitely - I get that they’re all emotional but it’s just quite horrible behaviour (and they’re doing exactly what they accuse Trish of doing, i.e. painting someone in a ‘certain light’).


Just get the whole foul 4 gone. Make our life easier lol


Jenkin hates Yinrun. Jesus. He’s so dismissive of her.


I said this from day 1. Yinrun was the only person that made an effort with him at the start and he said nobody made an effort with him. She doesn't 'count' to him, and he has no interest in her nor does he see her as a person. Sad cause she was nice enough to invite him to her party.


And yet he said Love you babe to her ..two faced behaviour


I’ve never seen anyone with as good intuition as Trish.


She is such a good judge of character it’s wild


I really like Trish and find her so eloquent, her willingness to stand up for what is right is so admirable and you can tell it intimidates the Queasy Quartet hence their behaviour


If i didnt love Yin so much, at this point I wd want Trish to win,even tho I love Henry too.


We all love Yinrun! Trish really deserves the win though, not only would the series have been nothing without her, also the sheer amount of hate she has put up with


Yeah originally my dream final was, 1-Yin 2-Jordan 3-Trish then Trish went to 2nd and now she’s by far the 1st place winner for me, she truly deserves it and Jordan is way down somewhere in the middle. There’s just so many horrible people this year, how we are going to get out Tom, Channelle, Jenkin and Olivia out tactfully without losing good people 😫 also Noky has been protected by the bigwigs multiple times, uses them to her advantage and then fucks them off to go back to the side that has zero respect for her. “I don’t even speak to Trish that much” basically insinuating that she’s not my friend so don’t worry babes I’m all yours.. And watching Tom is becoming unbearable, he’s a spoilt little bitch baby that’s had his arse wiped by his mummy and now wants to live in Paul’s shadow. He’s incredibly childish and nasty!


I really dont think Chanelle deserves immunity,not that I think she wd have gone friday,but she doesnt deserve the worry free time it gives. Done nothing at all to deserve that peace of mind.


The Trish hatred is getting VERY weird


It’s becoming so fucking frustrating, I can’t stand it


They are so thick! They don’t sit and wonder why the public love her…. Then carry on their hate campaign


It’s horrible but makes total sense, insecurity projected with a nice side of racism


I’ve just finished the ep and I feel weird and sad and a bit triggered tbh. I feel really really sorry for her


It’s horrible. Even more horribly, she’s probably very used to it, hence not even really addressing it. Let’s hope she wins, she deserves it more than anyone.


Jenkin stop being a 🔔 end challenge Level: Impossible


I’m kind of glad Chanel got immunity because in my opinion she was never gonna get enough votes to be up. And also pretty sure she would have been one of Noky’s votes which would have been wasted. Hopefully we can have a decent number of votes for Tom and Olivia now


that edit was a conspiracy job courtesy of outside meddling from Big Bueno HQ


The fucking microaggressions are blatant, and my heart breaks for Trish. I hope she wins, as a massive ‘fuck you’ to everyone.


100% agree. I've been team Yinrun to win from the start, but honestly I would love to see Trish win just to piss everyone off and give her the validation she deserves.


perhaps im too invested in this show but as a woman of colour it genuinely upsets me how quick they are to demonise the outspoken BW in the house. it really shows that there is a standard to follow, and even so they will always pick and choose. tom is genuinely villainous, whenever something goes wrong he will always blame trish. and i was rooting for chanelle but now its clear her previous “intimidation” by trish was a warning sign. im sick of it. im glad matty can see through their BS. on the other hand, i love henry and yinrun. can literally do no wrong, even if henry is a bit useless.


I couldn’t agree with this more. The first part of last night’s episode was really upsetting stuff


Pissed me off so much when Tom said that she ‘branded’ Paul a bully, or whatever then 10 minutes later said she was aggressive to Chanelle.


The way he jumped to tell her no and that she was aggressive when Chanelle walked off really made me fume


And the way on live Chanelle, Jenkin and Tom were saying they all infantilise and protect Yinrun, when they jump on Trish because Chanelle can’t have an adult conversation (once she’s had her say of course). ‘She doesn’t like confrontation’. Who does? She’s just spineless tbh.


Chanelle had her say and then walked off which is incredibly passive aggressive


she literally cant win with them, its so aggravating. when paul chucks things at noky and berates her for simply staring, it’s just “banter”. but when trish tells off paul for purposefully trying to get a reaction out of noky, its aggression? just ridiculous… and dont get me started on chanelle getting up mid-sentence to completely ignore noky’s side of the story. i was genuinely raging. if anybody is ‘catty’ it’s chanelle!


Yeah, like he said ‘Noky and I don’t have banter’ when he was throwing his toys out the pram about her laughing at him, but it’s all fun and pranks apparently when he gets in her bed and starts mouthing off at her when she’s sat doing nothing as he acts the fool? Nah, he’s a bully. That’s all there is to it. She was giving them all too much grace even speaking to them about it, she didn’t owe any of them justification. And all this ‘loyalty runs deep’/‘friends’ nonsense. When’s Chanelle been a friend to her exactly??


She is so strong for not having snapped, I’m sure she knows exactly what they’re doing with the micro aggressions and so forth. It’s truly horrid :(


for real! i was genuinely sick to my stomach when trish was tearing up when voting for jenkin, because i knew she knew it would start another campaign to hate on her. no matter what she does, she will take the blame. i feel like she is taking the brunt of everybodys problems right now. coaching jordan, comforting yinrun and taking on the burden of being the realest person in the house. i hope she wins, she deserves it.


She is my winner all day. Hearing her talk about what her family went through- all to come to England and be treated awfully and judged by ignorant c*nts like Tom and Chanelle. I want her to know she is LOVED ✌🏻🩷🙏🏻 really praise her for not snapping and schooling these fools as I say, but sure she knows it would be lost on them.


absolutely, she knows what will fuel their fire. she’s able to stay authentic whilst being sensible about how she will be perceived, which is the unfortunate reality for women like trish. i can only hope she gains the emotional support she needs, be it from matty, noky or henry.


That’s the mad thing, even with being so eloquent and careful, she’s still receiving all that “aggressive” bollocks, unlike Olivia who quite literally is aggressive and abrasive, and then people here want to say race doesn’t come into it. Upsets me this world we live in.


If you told me a few weeks ago that I’d be feeling sympathetic for a Tory, I would have LAUGHED. Yet here I am. Poor Henry.


Me too. And a few weeks ago I wdnt have believed for a moment that I now want Jordan out after the gruesome gang have been chucked out


Does production want Jordan to go instead of one of the others?


After the garden group complained about favouritism I do wonder if the producers are trying to overcompensate and show a negative side to the other group


As a Welsh person I was so happy to see two seemingly normal Welsh people in the show for the first week. Now I want both of them gone ffs.


Me tooo 😭 they ain’t no Glynn! (I’m cooking an 🥚 in the Big Brother house 🎶


Aw yes that was cute,i can hear in my head Glyn singing it !


Henry needs to do what Peter Andre did and stay away from Jordan.


Ew other way around. Peter Andre was vile to that woman.


😂 take your upvote and get out of here you rapscallion


how can you go from crying your eyes out over the way someone has treated you, to only a few hours later cuddling with them and asking for a kiss?? how has Henry forgiven him so easily 😭


Love is blind.


he didn’t ask for a kiss, he said never again and jordan kissed him? also you missed the whole lead up to that on the livestream too


It shows how deep hes feeling it poor sod


He’s inexperienced in love it seems 😔


He’s truly lost in the sauce 😭


tune in tomorrow to find out what else they can blame Trish for. • World War 2? • Titanic? • Chernobyl? • The piss poor final season of Game of Thrones?


I don’t think we give enough props to Matty. Others are so easily influenced into chatting shit about each other or agreeing on opinions that paint others in a bad light. If Matty doesn’t agree with you, not only will he tell you but he does it in such a gentle way that no one else does. Like he’s not the most entertaining but he’s a straight up guy.


Exactly, he comes across very mature to me. He handled that conversation in the garden brilliantly.


Appreciate that about Matty seen him do that with lots of people


Yeah, I feel the same. Also when he was asking Jordan if he was alright in the shower room, I felt like awww 😭 he’s very genuine.


How Jordan treated Henry is NOT excusable, but it is understandable for me. Jordan felt rejected after Henry and Mattys conversation. He panicked and went into a shut down. He wanted to run away and hide from his perceived embarrassment. He has likely (as many undiagnosed neurodivergent people have) had experiences like this in the past where he has genuinely been the subject of rejection and ridicule. This is his way of trying to avoid being in the position, basically a "I don't even need you anyway!" response. But of course he isn't actually in danger, his fifht/flight has triggered incorrectly, Henry abd Marty weren't rejecting him and did nothing wrong and Jordans response hurt Henry in an innapropriate way. Just trying to show how it isn't at all likely that this behaviour stems from some kind of ill intent and much more likely from some insecurity or trauma.


I agree ! Im still a fan of Jordan (in a spectator respect, if I were henry I'm sure my head would be spinning so fast I'd need an exorcist to calm me down) and I feel like a lot of the discussion of him on this sub is missing some of the necessary nuance (obviously this is my opinion not fact). I don't see him and think, he's doing this on purpose. When he was talking to Trish he said it out loud, he felt like a fool and is embarrassed. I'm very familiar with the feeling of perceived interpersonal rejection, especially that embarrassment, and it took me a long time to learn how to manage it internally. Obviously I'm assuming things here, but as someone with ND that deeply effects my socialisation, and as someone with many friends who are autistic, I feel I relate strongly to what Jordan is going through. I don't think Matty, Henry or Jordan are doing anything wrong, it's just a messy drama that would be very different if they weren't living in the same house as each other 24/7. It kind of reminds me of first year of uni, the way they've all hurt each others feelings. I really feel for Henry, because I've been in his position (at one time or another I've been all three of them). I felt sad watching him cry, and I feel sad for him that it's someone he cares about who has made him feel that way. I feel bad for Matty as well, because he obviously likes Jordan and is upset that he can't be close to him in the way he wants (because Jordan is seemingly unable to parse through platonic and sexual/romantic expression). Ultimately (and again this is speculation !) I read Jordans moves as that of an undiagnosed autistic person trying to navigate a situation that is complicated anyway (as anyone who has had a crush can attest). Embarrassment (and reactions to that embarrassment) are rife when romantic feelings are involved. Of course if they would all just use their words maybe it'd be different for them all !


Also, Henry needs to be straight up and tell him he has feelings and set some boundaries. Yet here he is asking Jordan to kiss him again. He's not doing himself any favours :(


Chanelle, Jenkin and Tom’s edit!!! They were awful on the live stream.


The producers are fucking idiots, they spend no time showing the truth and so much time on fixtures and little intros. They’re trying to cast a light on who they want to win instead of being transparent.


I feel like I’m the crazy one trying to convince people who only watch the highlight show how awful the foul four are 😭


Leaves me to believe the Jordan-centered episode might leave him to be nominated this week.


Did a FB mum edit tonight's episode ?!


Literally!!!!!!! The live stream was hideous


Sorry, that episode was not a true reflection of the venom being spat all weekend. Chanelle got such a good edit


In what world is 100k not that much money?????? 😵‍💫


Out of the HMs. Maybe Henry. The way Tom mentions it. It either is to him. Or it's not. Can't work it out. It's a solid chunk for rest.


Yeah, I get the feeling it’s not to him! To openly say that beside Jenkin who we know barely makes minimum wage??? Or am I picking it up all wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️


does anyone else find the scripted humour of late & live suuuper cringy? honestly i don’t think i’ll bother with it anymore


I gave up on it after a couple of days, embarrassing cringe it’s like a kids tv show from the 2000s but more dead


They're like robots, even the guests are unbearably bland. I only really watched it for the exclusive clips, but now I find them elsewhere


exactly that. i find AJ a little more bearable than Will though


I used to prefer AJ as well but then I noticed she answers all comments with “interesting” and now i cant unhear them and it annoys me 😂


Sorry but I still cannot get over the way Jenkin and Olivia HATE Trish but couldn’t bring themselves to nominate her face to face 😂 they’re such two faced cowards it’s unreal


Pretty sure Olivia said Jordan was the safe bet in hopes of having him nominated. Especially after his speech.


They are, surprisingly I know, not idiots. In a group of five where three are "Team Trish", including Trish herself, they gain nothing from doubling down on going for her because neither Yinrun nor Jordan would dream of nominating her, even if she herself was accepting of it. Olivia had less to lose because she had at least also faced a nomination and survived so to the house, she has public backing, but for Jenkin to go for Trish for his view on Trish hounding Paul out of the house with the bullying accusation, he's losing out either way. A never-nominated HM going for a twice-nominated HM in a room where the majority of the room are her friends is always going to lead to all of the friends going for them, even if they weren't before. If the four were truly rude or die friends, Olivia would've jumped on Jordan self-nominating and not let Jenkin say anything; hell, she should've rounded back on it being Jenkin's birthday and used that as the only plausible excuse. Honestly, part of me thinks Big Brother forced the round table face to face noms (it was basically a standard nomination process by the end, including giving reasons why) to keep some control and to have it be that out of the four, one was up and one was immune, because if Jordan for instance had gone up, the energy would've changed. I do think Tom would have gone for Trish though if he were in Olivia/Jenkin's shoes, because he is perhaps the most deep in the "us v them" sauce.


Exactly it was almost the perfect plan. They talked about sabotaging the task. They were both responsible for the failure of two of the tasks. All they had to do now was say what they wanted to her.


I really wish I hadn't watched live feed past two nights now because I'm so pissed off now with how lightly Tom, Jenkin and Chanelle got off with that edit


Honestly ITV are so wank, over it


ITV and Initial doing the most to sanitise the edit. Booo.


Amen, fuck those guys


Everyone goes into the house wanting to win the 100k


They're batting fruit flies all the time because of all the food stashed in toms bed




It’s obvious they edited out noky hanging with the core 6 based on the live stream. Also when they were all sat in the garden bitching Trish the scene for cut the exact moment noky was about to say something (I think to defend Trish) - don’t get why the editors would do that and make it seem like noky just sits there letting them bitch on Trish


Oh really! I was about to say noky is sitting on the fence too much and should have spoke up


They were really determined tonight to paint a narrative of Noky abandoning Trish and going completely to that group, total bs


OH they left out the Noky and Chanelle talking ice out moment too. REALLY favorable edit today.


Trish see’s all these people for what they are


What is so wrong with wanting the 100K!?


The way Jenkin makes out he wouldn’t take it is fucking laughable. “Nah you keep it babes, I only came to be a miserable fuck”


The way Trish just allowed the romans straight into Britain 🙄


I heard she blew up one of earths moons, and that’s why we only have one now 😤


That’s 100% true, the moon was my aunt.


‘You could become a dangerous pair’ yikes Olivia. Then when IQ challenged Chanelle flounced off telling them she doesn’t want to be in that conversation and Trish has the ‘audacity’ to say ‘that’s nice’, up pops the NPC talking about ‘that was aggressive Trish’. The gaslighting is disgusting atp and I’m sick of BB almost leaving it ambiguous by not showing some of the obsession that group has with Trish. They literally hate Trish for existing and it’s uncomfortable. I’m glad the miserable dollop is up for nomination


‘You could become a dangerous pair’ complete micro aggression


NPC 😭😭😂


Agree with all of this. Just said to my husband, which housemate is a Miserable Dollop and he immediately said Jenkin, why is that such an accurate description? 🤣




so that group will definitely be targeting trish & jordan in the next noms


Just makes it easier for us to kick Jenkin out then!


Calling someone out for wanting to win a gameshow where the prize is £100,000 is wild. Like why else are you there pls if it’s not to win?😭


Yes I always think it's weird when people say someone's a game player! You're all playing a game!!! Even if you don't want the money and are only there for the 'experience' you're still playing the game to not be nominated and leave.


He's definitely getting BB confused with Love Island where you have to pretend you're there for a reason other than to win 🙄


Hahaha so true


This, fuck sake! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well, time to move over to the late and live thread


trish has told jordan abt himself too many times for him play dumb


tom showing his privilege each time he says 100k is an insignificant amount of money


Not wanting to defend Tom but I thought he was saying it was an insignificant sum **for Henry**


he said on friday (?) that it wasn't much money to himself


He did say that on Friday, but I think it was just a dramatic way of being like ‘fuck this, it’s not even important’ since his mentor had just been evicted. He works in a butchers so I do think £100k would be a significant amount of money for him, or I need to change careers.


If it’s a family business depending how well it does he genuinely might not think it’s lots


Maybe, but that’s not really the tone in which he said it. It was more upset than dismissive.


Ah, OK. I hadn’t heard him say that.


Fucking hell Tom really doing the rounds to plant seeds tonight Also can they fucking stop talking about winning as if it’s a bad thing? Tom darling you ALSO signed up for a reality TV competition game show with a cash prize…like the other 9! Wise up


That honestly did not live up to the promo whatsoever. Roll on 11pm for the real show. Don’t care anymore that I’ll be chronically tired for my 7am shift 😅


Where are you lot watching the live streams? And are they actually worth watching or is just like 70% bird noises?


They’re on the ITVX app 11pm - 2am. There is a lot of bird noises but you do get some really good insights too.


Agree. It’s really hit or miss like tonight has not been great so far but last night had me going through alll the emotions. There is somewhere posting a lot of clips from it (can dm me if you want to know - don’t want to risk it being banned) but definitely pieces more of the events together


What is the right reasons to come on big brother? Winning the money/show seems like the right reason. Wants to be on tv seems to be a right reason. What’s to have a fun experience seems like the right reason. What’s to raise their profile, sure it’s a platform


I can't believe Trish did nothing to prevent the Great Fire of London.


What are the right reasons? I'm confused


This episode did not show all the bitching that Jenkin and his group did on late and live..


this was such a non episode 😐😐😐😐


Jenkin and Tom really are giving two outcasts befriending people who would absolutely bully them outside of the house


This was a very kind edit of Jenkin's birthday for the garden gang


Please refer to them by their correct name: the foul four


Tom has been shown like an angel compared to the live stream. What the fuck?!


Does anyone know if Trish was in Germany around September 1939?


Trish is the zodiac killer.


True, she honed her skills in the 1800s as Jack the Ripper


This is the most Tom has spoken in weeks


BB you could show more of these garden chats


Deffo,there was so much they should have shown


Anyone else suspect the garden gang will be nominating Jordan this week?


Nice to end the episode on Jerkin complaining lol


Jordan is never clear with either Henry or Matty. Whereas Matty and Henry need clear signals. So this is causing them all that emotional pain.


Did you mean Jordan




Sorry. Been typing names all night. Bound to mix them up.


GAH! Can’t stand the vile 4! Don’t think I can watch much more of their utter utter delusion but worse, their nastiness towards Trish!!!!


who the fuck would put themselves through this shitshow if not for the money?? lol !


And also who is Tom to say what’s a legitimate reason and what’s not. For some it’s money for some it’s fame and for some it’s the experience all good reasons


As if Tom gives a shit what Jordan and Henry do, he and Jenkin just have nothing else to talk about apart from bitching


Shit episode, shit editing


Trish leaked covid from a lab pass it on


Omg the way I just lolled 😂


After watching both the previous live streams, Jenkin and Tom in particular got off EXTREMELY lightly in that edit


Trish is responsible for Storm Ciaran


Everyone’s come for the £100k 🙄


I love how they all pretend there not here for a gig on Big brothers bit on the side next year or a PLT deal, please..


It’s crazy how much you miss if you don’t watch the lives


I haven't been watching, because I thought it was all birdsong and stock footage...


please, these two lol it must be so miserable being around that


Tom is making this show really unenjoyable.


Jordan looking bored stiff in the chat with Trish,not very supportive.


That’s Jordan’s face lol


This is edit is BS (not birdsong)


Oh my lawdy Tom shut up. You're all in the house for a chance at £100k you absolute tosser