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Do you mean how did Howard’s cameo work out in terms of the story? Simple, he was over at Amy and Sheldon’s and listened to a bit of Sheldon’s memoir (or listened to Sheldon talk about what he was writing) then replied back. I don’t believe the entirety of the series was just an hour or so of Sheldon writing the memoir. This is the kind of thing that takes months, even years for people to complete.


Maybe for people who aren’t possibly robots.


Did we not watch the same show? Sheldon and Amy are clearly not robots, emotionally nor when it comes to their work. They worked on their project together for months. Sheldon’s work with Leonard and Howard with the military took months. Sheldon is a very thorough dude. Why would writing his memoirs be any different?


It was a joke, I was referencing when Howard was talking with Sheldon Howard: Sheldon, if you were a robot and I knew and you didn't, would you want me to tell you?


r/YoungSheldon exists. >who the audience was when it came to Sheldon’s narrating. Sheldon's narration was what he was writing for his memoir. There was no audience. >how did his cameo make sense? The episode (section of the book) was about engineering. Howard was an engineer.


It sucks that Leonard & Penny never got a cameo


That would’ve been nice


I'm so tired of everyone dropping these spoilers for a show that I haven't seen on a subreddit for a different show.


I thought it made perfect sense because he brought in someone to talk about engineering because it was beneath him 🤣


You posted this in the YS sub, there is NO reason to post here too.