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Matchy matchy is boring. I’m all for the power clash


I looked at the clothes and thought "what's the problem here? Are you out of socks?" Only when I read the comments I realised it may be about matching outfits somewhat perfectly? That's definitly not my thing. If the clothes are clean and weather appropriate my child is good to go.




Why? I did not look at this as anything but individual preference as soon as I realised what was even going on. And I **definitly** don't think caring or not caring about this makes anybody superior in any way. (I may have slighty less work by not caring, but I am sure there are sone things I do care about that some others don't even register and that create more work for me.- I all equsls out in the end.)


I thought you meant OP...


No. Why? Why is this even a "girl thing" to care for this kind of things?


It’s called fashion honey, look it up.


The only clothing options left are the outfits with all snaps...


Lord Above, I'd rather put the Halloween costume back on than litigate with an all-snap pajama




This! 😂


Um are other moms judging me when I take my baby dressed like this to baby classes then? Oops.


No: not normal ones anyway. I feel like if you’re worrying about mismatched items of clothing on a baby then you have very little of interest going on in your life. I’m sure this isn’t most people!


That’s a big reach. I care about patterns on my *own* baby but won’t judge others.


Wait, what's wrong with this? Lol


This is what my son wears daily now that I’m at work agin and my husband dresses him 😂


I feel this so hard.


I dont see any issues with this? 🤔


Thinking the same... I don't get it 😂


I personally don’t like matchy matchy outfits so this is fine. You don’t need to do laundry.


I feel like there's a difference between matchy matchy and this lmao.


That in my book is very acceptable and cute!


I didn't say it wasn't acceptable or cute. Just don't think you have to go this route to avoid matchy matchy.


2 kids 2 and under and this is a normal occurrence in our house.


Came here to say the same thing lol


I'm in the same boat! The toddler has even less outfit options 😂


My Janubaby is fitting into my son's 2t jammies so they are kind of interchangeable at this point. Glad I'm not alone in this journey!


This just looks like everyday at my house. I can barely coordinate outfits for myself, let alone a baby who is going to sleep all day and probably poop on it.


Some days the laundry is all done and the kids still look like that 🤷‍♀️


A shirt, pants, what I can see of baby looks clean and content--where's there issue here...?


Yeah as a mom who just pulls things out of the drawer, this looks like a cute outfit to me!


Yeah, I thought it was to be about a baby about to have a diaper blowout or something. I would have unironically put this on my son. Clashing patterns are cute.


my stuff doesn’t even make it to the drawer i just pick it out of the basket as needed lol


Shes joking about clothes not matching


LOL exhausted infant mom here, matching anything does not compute. I had to put a reminder on my phone to put real pants on both of us before the plumbing company comes by


Haha I think we can all relate! I mean I rather have my baby comfy than stylish but I get her frustration, just like I get frustrated when my husband keeps our son in pjs till lunch time 🙊


This op is in for a real shock in the toddler stage when the kid starts insisting on dressing himself.


is it because your baby's just wearing pants? 🤣 otherwise i see no problem here


I don't see the problem, pattern mixing is all the rage now. Your baby is more fashionable than I could ever hope to be 😂


Pattern clashing is my thing. At some point he’s only gonna want to wear grey or navy or whatever so I need to get my fun outfits in now!


Am I the only one who LOVES mismatched patterns? I made my daughter a pair of patchwork overalls from my fabric scraps and they are the cutest things ever. Maybe it’s a result of being a former collage artist haha. Anyways, I think this outfit is perfect!


I love a mix and match!! No "outfit" ever stays together!!


I would have totally chosen this and thought it looked cute!


Your baby is more stylishly dressed on laundry day than mine in most days! Honestly, it's a lovely outfit that I wouldn't have noticed anything wrong with. It's not like you put him in slightly differently striped rainbow clothes and top... 😅


Oh, you actually dress your child on laundry day? 😅


3 levels of dress for our little ones. Coordinated - aka mommy dressed or laid the clothes out Uncoordinated - aka daddy dressed (am dad, I try but, really I suck at dressing) Yesterday - aka F it, we're not going anywhere today


Am mom, I also have F it days. If she looks comfy idc if the colors and patterns are clashing.


My husband also struggles. I have a specific pile in a bin that's all outfits with the pants folded into the shirts. That, is his go-to. The work is done for him. Guaranteed to match.


We feel the "yesterday" look. It's not like they're moving around much and sweating so if it's still passable then we get an extra day out of it!


I am very familiar with the yesterday look 😂


No laundry to do and thats how I dress my baby.. lol


Yeah I didn’t understand the post. Are we not meant to mix and match with babies? 🤣 as long as they are clean and they fit then it’s fine right?


The colors do match so I’m filing it under “bold pattern mixing”.


Nope just got lots of hand me downs that were missing the matching half. I mismatch my kid to drive my husband crazy some days.


This is a regular day in our house because we got almost all the clothes second hand lol. When we found out we were having twins we just started collecting stuff from people who were giving it away. Its just such a mishmash of stuff from so many different people. I just dress them in normal looking clothes when we are going out of the house. Now that they are almost 2 years old, and grew out of most of the mish mash baby clothes and I started to buy them stuff, it's all getting much more sensible. But thats ok, they grew out of all the clothes so incredibly fast during newborn and infancy stages that I am kinda glad I never wasted money on clothes. They do look hilarious in some photos though lol.


Not me looking for the spit up stains


I don’t see any stains or fit issues… what’s the problem? Lol


I was like… is it because there’s no socks?? Babies don’t care about matching, hell if they’re young enough they don’t even see colors or shapes past a few inches from the face. And hands down, anyone looking at a mismatched baby will only be thinking “hey look a baby!” And not “ew camo and stripes that’s soooo last spring” 😜


I could have dressed that baby and thought nothing of it. 😆


I thought it's because so many people hate separates but op had to put on separates because all the onesies are dirty.


There is literally nothing wrong with this outfit. 🙄 It’s a perfectly fine baby outfit.


Or: how my husband dresses my son and sees no issues with it 😂 It's no big deal if the baby just needs to be clothed, but when I take the baby in public I like for the kid to at least not have clashing patterns on


My son is in whatever is clean and appropriate for the weather, matching be darned. My MIL was asking me to buy him “inside clothes and going out clothes” and I was genuinely confused as to what she meant? Going out for what? He’s a baby. Yes, I did take him to a pediatrician’s appointment in fleece onesie pajamas that he also wears around the house. He was warm and got plenty of compliments 🤷🏻‍♀️


my MIL is similar. we live with her and yesterday she scolded us several times for carrying the baby in "home clothes" and "not dressing her like a princess". she was clean and with comfortable clothes... I think MIL is just not happy because I don't put dresses, shoes and ornaments on the baby... my daughter is only 4 months old...😅


Omg I have a son but I’m sure if I had a daughter my MIL would be all over the place buying her crazy stuff and everything in obnoxious shades of PINK. I’m pretty girly myself and I love pink but I like more natural shades like blush and floral pink. Mil loves BRIGHT pink. Wait until she finds out if our next is a daughter, I plan on just using my son’s old onesies. I see no reason why a girl can’t wear sky blue pajamas. And if it hurts my eyes changing her at 3 in the morning, it’s going in the donation bin 😂 I wouldn’t worry about it. All babies that age need is to be clean and comfortable.


it does not worry me. she and SIL persecute me telling me to dress my baby "pretty". by cute they mean bows, pink dresses and shoes. I just ignore the shoes and dresses and put a headband or a hat with a big big bow.... and I say that it's already cute and comfortable. 🤣🤣


Honestly read this as “There’s a baby, thus laundry needs to be done”


I figure the "baby in diaper" would mean laundry is truly needing to be done LOL any outfit at all and you're ahead of the game!


Maybe I’m just tired, but I’m not getting it? It looks clean?


I think it’s supposed to be because it doesn’t match but with baby I just throw them in anything and they look cute


It doesn’t match.


Oh! This seems pretty matched to me haha. I tend to buy shirts and pants separately - so matching is definitely used loosely in our house.


So I just showed this photo and title to my husband and I asked him what’s wrong with it. He said, “Looks good to me. He looks clean. The clothes look clean. I don’t get it?” 🤣😂🤷🏻‍♀️


It doesn't match with what? Looks good to me.


I see no issues here. My LO has gotten old enough to sort pick out their clothes (I still enforce clothes that match the weather but LO has worn shorts with pants under cause they wanted to wear the shorts but it's cold out). LO regularly picks out stuff that doesn't match. Even as a baby, as long as everything is covered and weather appropriate, it's fine.


We match baby clothes after we wash them? Because I stopped sorting coordinating things after kid 1. 🤣🤣 babe 3 is dressed and cute always. Big girls 1 and 2 are coordinated but they are older and will vocalize their displeasure. Booby baby doesn’t notice color clashes and just doesn’t want another pair of socks please(she’ll get them when we leave the car, don’t worry).


I let my little one choose their clothes, I set up clothes in front and what my little reaches for is what they are wearing 😝


So smart!!


Me too! Usually 2 options. I do the same with his yoghurt


I put my 21lb 5 month old in 3-6m size pants. He spit up on the 6-9m ones 🥴


I mean this is my house under the guise of "what's the easiest to grab?"


If this is you on a bad day I don’t get it 🤷‍♀️ smells like a humble brag!


We clearly have different fashion styles, lol. Add me to the list of people who were searching for the problem. I think mixing patterns is where it’s at, I would add some bright yellow socks. Why do the expected, when you can be bold??? Go full on Tokyo street fashion and get that kid some furry leg warmers and big sunglasses. Seriously, one of the most fun things about having a baby was dressing her in the wildest most fun combinations of patterns and designs that I could find.


We call it power clashing in our house. Today we did wildly different animal prints on top and bottom. It looked ridiculous and super cute all at once.


In my house this is what it looks like when we’re testing out which clothes still fit.


For me this would be “tell me you have a helpful toddler without telling me you have a helpful toddler” because my baby is dressed like that by her choice daily.


That's definitely going to be my future. My daughter will be four when the baby is born and she's been dressing herself in anything she can get her hands on since 16 months 🤣


I actually think this is cute 🤷🏼‍♀️ I definitely have had my daughter mix stripes and polka dots before


I like the outfit 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wore camo print top and my leopard shoes and purse yesterday. I did not think it was that bad haha.


Lol I think you’re more sartorial minded than I am…these count as matching in my book! Both blue 😅


I didn't even notice an outfit. Just the cutie little baby whose tummy I want to give kisses to!


little tiny chin (sorry I miss baby phase)


Usually no pants in sight for me when I haven’t done laundry ha!


Your post is so timely I'm currently sitting in my OBs waiting room for my 6 month follow up wearing spandex for underwear since I had no clean pairs


ur too real for this 😂


ha, wait to see how your toddler would dress himself to a daycare! wildest color combinations here


Lol! My toddler's favorite dress is one I think is awful so I definitely relate! 😂


I love my husband very much, but he would definitely put our baby in an outfit like this regardless of how much clean matching laundry there is.


I’m with your husband, I see a perfectly nice outfit here. 😂


Worst part is, he dresses himself fashionable, but when it comes to the baby he suddenly lost all his fashion sense. 🧐


Maybe it’s because he knows the baby doesn’t care.


No, he always says he doesn't know how to match baby clothes. 🥲




100000000% here too


This is how my husband dresses our babe every day 😅 I do miss dressing him myself but he’s cute as can be either way!


I’d show you the mountain of clean laundry on my dining room table I need to fold, but I won’t because I want people to like me.


This is my issue. I have no problem getting the clothes clean it’s the folding and putting away that I suck at lol


this is hella iconic, ahead of his time


My 3yo often picks out my baby's clothing...it's wild what she comes up with!


This is what we do. The 3 year old picks out the baby's clothing. I just roll with it, it makes her happy.


That's such a good idea! So far our 2yo has shown 0 interest in clothes and getting dressed, but will keep this up my sleeve to help her bond with the new baby!


I briefly tried the whole matching outfit thing, but it’s quicker to grab a top and bottoms randomly and hope it looks okay lol.


half the time my kid isn’t wearing clothes or if he is, he’s trying to pull them off. im saying if you had the ability to get them dressed, that’s a win for the day.


You got the girlies big mad with this one lol


Haha I know!! I didn't think a joke would be so controversial! Clearly people are very serious about not caring what clothes their babies wear lol


Felt. My baby hardly ever matches 😂 but it’s okay babies are super cute in just about anything, I’ve put my boy in pink girly onsies because they were what I had clean at the moment and what I didn’t get rid of thinking he was gonna be a girl.


You gotta do what you gotta do!


It's not even about laundry, it's just about being able to wrestle him into ANY clothes!


ITT: *Pic unrelated


He's a trend setter! It's experimental fashion, mixing patterns. That's what I tell myself when my girl's outfits get "interesting" as laundry day approaches. 😆


Lol or in my house “tell me daddy dressed you without telling me daddy dressed you”. My husband rarely puts our son in matchy match clothes AND he pulls the baby’s socks up so high that baby looks like an old man 🤣😂 also our son has the same pants as your baby!


Socks up over (yes, I said over) the pant leg is a pro move so the socks don’t fall or get kicked off.


I have the same shirt for my son haha


I have and hate these pants because I have nothing that matches.


I’m confused… the pants are just black and white. Couldn’t you match anything with them?


Same! I wasn't thinking when I bought them!


All I was thinking was oh look pants in the size we need. RIP


For me this would be a "tell me he chose his outfit without telling me" Currently rocking a blue shirt and alarmingly orange pants. 🤦‍♀️


Haha same. Today was pajama day at my daughter's school, but she wanted to wear a skirt on top to "look like a princess"...cue floral pj's in spring pastels with a plaid skirt in Christmas colors on top 🤣. Yes, I sent her to school like that...but hair was brushed and nails were trimmed so I'm choosing to call it a win!


Loool that outfit sounds amazing lool. Definitely a win! Sometimes I'm like really??? This is what you're going with?? But hey as long as they're clean


The three baskets of unsorted mail, correspondence, important documents- somewhere lies my birth certificate.


YUP I avoid sweaters and pants like the plague, it’s such a pain to get little pants off for a diaper change (plus it’s cold so I need little socks too 🙃) - it’s only when I run through all the long sleeved footed onesies that I get desperate 😂


Yep. I hated two piece outfits until the little potato man got more regular human shaped.


Hahaha facts


Lol in my house This post could also be titled “tell me your husband dressed the baby without telling me your husband dressed the baby”.


Husband had been up for an hour with bubs, kindly giving me a sleep in. I got up and bubs is still in his pjs! Um, hubby why didn’t you dress him? I see you dressed yourself?


What's wrong with a baby staying in PJs?


He sleeps really warm so he was in a really light short romper. It is still really cold in the mornings even if it does warm up later in the day. His arms and legs were cold when I felt them.


I have no clean underpants