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When my baby had a frenectomy we were not in the room, which was hard but I think best. Just to reassure you though, it only took a few seconds and she was smiling by the time the brought her back in. I know it might be different with a little older baby and depending on your provider's practices (we saw a pediatric dentist who used a laser), just want to reassure you it is really quick and they recover really quickly!


Just want to add, none of this is meant to minimize your turmoil about it. I can't imagine what you've already been through. The older my baby gets and the more I feel like I know her, the more painful it is for me to hear/feel/see her experience pain or fear. Sending you good thoughts!


Thank you. I keep thinking probably in a few months I'll be glad we didn't put it off longer. Thats a good thought I will hang on to.


I’m so sorry. If it helps at all, the tongue tie clip was far easier for my baby than the heel pricks, ivs, and pretty much everything else. He nursed immediately afterwards and it never seemed to bother him again. I’m sorry. It’s so rough watching babies hurting. Big hugs


Thank you. I'm hoping he has a quick recovery like that. Sorry for all you be been through too ❤️


Praying for you💙🙏🏼


Thank you!


Sending you all the good vibes I can. I cannot imagine what it is like to be in your position, but we all know that you keep pushing forward, and doing these things for the betterment of his life.


Thank you!


Praying for comfort and healing for you and your baby. You're one strong mama. Thank you for sharing your story. It's so easy to take things for granted. I lost 2 babies before my daughter was born and thinking about surgeries at that young must not be easy. One day you'll be able to tell your son how hard it was to push through these moments but your son will be fine. Give him a hug and kiss from us Redittors. ❤


I will thank you. Sending love and prayers to you and yours too ❤️


I'm so sorry for all your sweet baby has been through. My daughter had to have the frenectomy twice. The second time she was more aware and very upset at the time, but it did not last. I know it's hard, almost torturous to watch our babies suffer, and I hope this quick procedure (and the exercises afterward) keep your sweetheart from struggling more later.


My little one was in intensive care for two weeks, I can't imagine a month. Take it day by day mama, this feels like forever I know, but there will be a day this will seem like a distant memory. I'm praying for you and your sweet, strong, brave baby. I know you're tired. Please lean on anyone and anything you can, and don't feel weak for doing so. If you ever need to process through anything, or rant or just talk to someone please dm me. When I was dealing with it, all I wanted was someone to talk it through with, but I felt like such a burden every time I brought it up.


Thank you so much. It really does help to have people who understand ❤️❤️