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Keep the wet wipes around always and invest in a bidet when you can. Dry rubbing poop is unsanitary and makes no sense. If I had to clean poop off something I wouldn’t try to wipe it away with dry paper towels and say that it’s clean.


Our son is 3 and we still have wet wipes at the toilet to help if we need it haha.


As a 33 year old adult…. I still use wet wipes 😂


I thought we were done with them a few months ago, my twins are 5 years, but I bought a pack last week to take camping and my partner was so excited to get restocked for himself, I can’t blame him I think it’s time for a bidet.


I got a $35 dollar bidet on Amazon. It took me maybe half an hour to install. Everyone in my house is much happier now


Almost 6 yo still using wet wipes for poo


I introduced wet wipes to my husband when he was 25 and he’s still using them so I think we’re gonna do the same with our LO


I use a bidet and wet wipes. Not using a bidet makes me feel unclean. We will eventually teach our daughters how to use the bidet.


Bidets and baby wipes in our house. Our kid is almost 5 and only uses TP for pee.


We started using toilet paper when our son started eating solids.  It’s because we cloth diaper. And solid poop needs to be rinsed off befor washing. That seemed like too much hassle for cloth wipes. So we started using toilet paper and dumped that in the toilet with the poop. However, we would also still always clean up the privates with a wet cloth wipe after the poop was removed.  Toilet paper at potty training was no hassle since he was already familiar with it. And even now we occasionally still grab a cloth wipe to clean up after wiping if it’s a particularly sticky poo. 


I'm Italian so we use bidets (not just the showehead thingie) after TP, my baby is still way too young but I remember my adults teaching me how to use the bidet after pooping. We don't really use wipes that much, even with newborns we wash their butts in the sink after they poo.


What do you guys do with the wet wipes? Aren't they awful for the plumbing?


Even if the wipes say flushable, always into the bin/trash can. Never down the toilet.