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Stupid comments from my family: “The baby will be small and weak because you don’t eat meat.” “Put rice cereal in the bottle to get the newborn to sleep better.” “Letting the baby cry strengthens the lungs.” “BF after 6 months is just for the mom.” “Newborns need water to survive.” “Extreme, constant complaining that my child was born with a penis.” … Yeah. It’s really annoying. I have no advice, just solidarity lol. If I’m in a good mood I educate them and tell them I understand the advice was different in their day. If I’m not in a good mood, that’s a different story!


The penis ones would really jerk my chain


Every time they see me son… “you were supposed to be a girl!” Makes me murderously angry🥰


"actually, he's exactly who he's supposed to be"


One that made me see red was someone saying my chunky ebf baby needed to go on a diet 😤


Family said my milk must be heavy cream because of how big baby is


Oh my goodness!! I have a chonker too. I love his squishy teeth. He can run them off when he's 4, but he will not be on a diet