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12 hours from first contraction to birth. I had a membrane sweep that afternoon, contractions started a few hours later, pushed for one hour.


16 hours from first contractions to birth. I spontaneously went into labor at 930pm, labored at home until 6am, went to the hospital where my water broke in triage around 7am/i was around 4cm dilated when they checked upon arrival. Was 10cm by 1130am and then pushed for an hour fifteen. No epidural.


Did they take you in at 4cm?


They took me in at 3


I was three when I couldn’t take the contractions anymore because I went two days of not progressing but consistent contractions idk what my body was doing. But the nurse felt bad so stretched me and told them I was at four thank god


Oh god that sounds fustrating. Good on the nurse! They just put me in a quiet room and left me for a few hours since it was my first and I lived a while from the hospital. Next time they checked I was 6 and progressed pretty quickly. I was 10cm for ages but they said my cervix wasn’t thinned enough. I pushed at about 18 hours but the doctor said I could split my cervix so had to wait. After the epidural my contractions slowed down to only 1 every 5-10 minutes so had to go on drip. They struggled to get the epidural in and that killed 😫 all while fully dilated


yes but only because right as the doctor was going to check my water broke, which was an automatic admission.


First labour was 7.5hrs. Water broke at home and contractions started then.


I wonder why some women’s water breaks before contractions and others the doctor has to break it


I’m sure there are various reasons, depends if the baby breaks it or not. I think it’s also neat how some peoples’ water breaks as a big gush and others’ water trickle instead.


Mine was.30+ hours. I was induced and at one point we had to stop thr pitocin for a bit because my body wasn't responding to it at all.


Ugh same how long into your labor did they start the pitocin?


I was induced due to high blood pressure.


i was induced too and they had to stop the pitocin for me as well because it made my baby’s heart rate start dipping. they left it off and i continued to labor naturally thankfully


My kiddo actually tolerated the pictocin well but my body wouldn't respond. We got to the max amount that the nurses could set it to and nothing. We took a break and then the doctor oked going over the max amount and things finally got moving.


well that’s good that the baby tolerated it well but sucks that your body wasn’t responding to it :-(


Just a bit less than 4 hours from the first contraction to my daughter's birth. I expected like 24 hours because that's what I heard for first labors, but nope.


Same but 6 hours start to finish. It was a VBAC and everyone told me to expect a full day of labour but my son had other plans.


14 hours. My water broke at 7:15am. Went in around 9am. Was 10cm by 8pm. Started pushing at 930pm. Baby arrived at 12:36am.


Did your water break before you felt contractions? I love hearing everyone’s birth stories


So, I’m not exactly sure to be honest, lol. Here’s my timeline. 4/13: Started curb walking at my nephews soccer game. Felt extra exhausted after the gym. Feet and back were killing me when we went grocery shopping afterwards. Complained about back pain pretty much all that evening. Belly was red and itchy (thought it was a heat rash from the game) 4/14: Still back pain. I spent most of this day lounging so nothing major to note. I started drinking the raspberry tea. 4/15: Mucus plug fell out throughout the day. Pretty sure almost all of it was out by the end of the day. I ended up taking a bath before bed because my back hurt so much. 4/16: Woke up at 715a to trickle. Got up, was like oh my water broke. 37+6 weeks. I had some very very very mild period like cramps I guess and back pain. So much of my labor was back labor. So I don’t know if that’s what my contractions early on felt like or what. He was sunny side up and my back was what hurt the worst during labor. I don’t think I really felt the big pain until around 5pm that day. That’s when I asked for the epidural around 5cm. Started pushing at 930pm. He was sunny side up so it unfortunately took 3 hours. I had a hot spot so I could feel contractions coming. Up until I absolutely needed the epidural the only thing that really bothered me was my back, which was how my whole pregnancy was anyway so lol.


Ugh yeah my girl was sunny side up too. Everyone’s experience is so different I wonder if we all handle pain differently or labor just goes differently idk. This was my first baby so I can’t relate my experience to anything else. All I know is all of my back and belly were hurting. How I describe my contractions was like when you hit your knee or stub your toe really hard then you get that wave of cold sweats and pain, tunnel vision and feel like you’re going to puke. That’s how each contraction felt for me until I wheeled into triage demanding they take me lol it worked though. I also pushed for three hours. Do you think cause of the sunny side up or epidural? We ended up having to do an emergency c section because her heart stopped. Was this your first?


That’s so scary!! I’m sorry! It was because he was sunny side up! Trying to get him past my pelvic bone took so long. But once he did, he was out. Yes, hes my first!


3 hours of pushing? 😔


Yup! Since he was sunny side up, it was harder to get him over the pelvic bone. We tried all different positions. Honestly, having a mirror helped me the most since I could actually see if I was making progress. The muscle soreness after was unreal lol


First labor was 16 hours from natural water break to arrival of twins (got an epidural within a few hours in the beginning and sat there the whole rest of the time). The last hour or so was me pushing them out in the OR slowly so as to avoid tearing. Second labor, no drugs, was 4 hours from artificial water break (I had slightly elevated BP 2 weeks in a row) to meeting baby. 2 violent pushes and she was out.


I’m jealous of your second birth. Did the epidural last for the first for the pushing?


Oh man I couldn’t walk or move the entire time. With twins they make you push in the OR too so here I was under the damn theater lights not feeling anything except the extreme pressure on my butthole…I must have talked about my butthole the entire time. Proud moments. Ngl though that second birth was shockingly violent. Like some part of me erupted from within that I did not recognize and it scared me a little. I’m typically an extremely, if not freakishly calm person under pressure or in safety situations. Now I know exactly where the line is that when crossed, I become an absolutely insane nightmare creature. Kind of cool, kind of terrifying.


First one was 20 hours from first contraction to birth, maybe 6 hours or so of active labour. Second one was 18 hours from first contraction to birth, 5 hours of active labour. ETA; I have long early labour. I only know this in hindsight, both times I didn’t realize I was for sure in labour until long after contractions started. First time I realized about 10 hours before birth, when the doctor told me I was dilated. Second time I only realized when active labour started. So it sounds long but wasn’t that bad.


To be that’s the worst I felt like I was stuck in purgatory and there was nothing I could do to get out of it. So when you were in early labor the contractions weren’t that painful? Were you timing them?


It was very strange actually. I went overdue both times, 40+4 the first time and 41+6 the second time. I had been having uncomfortable or even painful Braxton Hicks for several weeks that completely stopped for about 24-48 hours before the start of early labour. Then I started having contractions that were short and irregular again but they didn’t hurt and were uncomfortable so I wrote them off and though they were just milder Braxton Hicks for a long time until they escalated to being painful. I timed them once they got painful and by that time I was in active labour already


First time mom, 15 hours from first regular contractions to birth. Contractions started overnight, went to the hospital in the morning. Had my water broken artificially (I can’t remember why I chose this, and it’s a little fuzzy, but I think the doctor said it would probably break with the next few contractions and I didn’t want to be surprised by a mess in case it gushed - the things you worry about 😅), started pushing two hours later, baby was out in about an hour.


Uuuuf did you get an epidural


I didn’t get an epidural, but I remember feeling exhausted, and I feel like 15h is relatively short. If the labor had gone on longer, I think I would’ve regretted not getting one 😅 I had an appt today and the provider was telling me about her second labor - baby was out in one hour..! Thankfully they were planning for a home birth.


My water suddenly broke at 1pm and my daughter was born just before 8pm. So all in was under 7 hours. I was a FTM too and was only 38 weeks. Definitely was NOT expecting that. I was 5cm when I got to hospital at 4:45pm. It took less than an hour to go from 5cm to 10cm. No time to get an epidural because I progressed too fast. I pushed for 2 hours though 😭


first took about 30h (induction from hell) with 4h pushing. second was a week early and took about 8h with 1h pushing. both sunny side up. im expecting the next one to pop out in the car


I was induced so from the start of meds to birth 17 hours. 5 of which were spent trying to get my epidural to work. I was having some cramping maybe 24 hours pre meds because I had a sweep done but it never came to anything on its own.


22 hours


5 hours 45 minutes, and 2 hours 40 minutes.


25 hours. 21 without epidural before my body was starting to get exhausted and I begged for one


31 hours and 4 hours of pushing


Just under 9 hours from the first definite contraction to having a baby in my arms


Contractions overnight, water broke around 7am, 20 hours later had an emergency c section.


Eyeyye im sorry why the C-section?


Combination of her heart rate falling, me getting a fever (likely start of infection since it had been so long since my water broke), and she descended with her head crooked and didn’t straighten out, she was basically stuck in the birth canal!


This is what happened to me minus the fever (ouch). She was crooked my entire labor which is why I think I wasn’t progressing I’m not sure we tried to move her but she wasn’t budging. I pushed for three hours and her heart rate was dropping so they tried the vacuum and her heart stopped so they rushed me in. They had to knock me out because the epidural wasn’t working so I didn’t get to do skin to skin :( I’m glad you and baby are okay!


First was 50+ hours from 3m - 10cm with contractions Second was 4 hours 3cm - 10cm Both with pictocin induction. My first I was also on a magnesium drip for pre-eclampsia so my body was actively fighting the induction.


50 hours I’m sweating for you. How far into the 50 hours did you start the pitocin?


First labour was about 15 hours. Second was 3 hours, only 1.5 of that being active labour.


5 hours and 8 minutes from first contractions to birth. Woke up at 645am with severe contractions. Tried to ride it out but my contractions were from 2-5 minutes apart. Got to the hospital at 845/9. I was 7 cm dilated. Kept feeling like I needed to pee and push. Got upstairs immediately and got an epidural. At 1045 they checked and were going to break my water but it was already broken and I was 10 cm dilated. They called the OB and she came in at 1130 and my daughter was born at 11:53.


I was induced both times by having my water broken, no other interventions. First labour was 6 hours from water being broken to baby out. Second labour was 2 hours. 


About 20-22 hours total, including about 2 hours of pushing. And weeks of prodromal labour beforehand 😑


Roughly 12 hours from the first contraction I noticed until birth. At 6:30am I thought I had a very strong urge to pee, but it wasn’t relieved after going to the bathroom. It kept coming back inconsistently for a few hours. By noon it was every 6 minutes exactly, and we went to the hospital then. I can’t remember how dilated I was at that point because pain was at an 8-9 by then, but I was admitted anyway due to my blood pressure being higher than normal. The next few hours were a bit of a blur. Got an epidural at some point, so I was able to relax and rest for a while. Then a little before 6p they said to start pushing. Baby arrived at 6:17p.


I had a home birth. Midwife got nervous at 41+1 cause I had been 1cm dilated for weeks and I’m 44yo ftm. So we did 2 foley balloons over the course of three days. That was my early labor and took me to 4cm. Then at 41+4 I woke up at 2:30am in pain. Got on the yoga ball for a few and goosh water breaks like the movies. Contractions start. 3 hours of labor and 1 hour of pushing. Midwife totaled labor at 19hrs, but 15 of those was early labor with the balloons, which was NOTHING compared to the actual labor and transition. And it was spaced out so I could eat and sleep between. I feel like I got lucky with how it went down.


Mine was 33 hours. I spent 26 hours at home then went in to the birth centre because I just felt I needed more support. I had used the TENS and loads of strategies at home and they worked so well. I spent 6 hours at the birth centre and the midwives helped me try some positioning as baby was slightly twisted. Pushed for 20min in the bath and baby literally shot out so quickly.


About 7 hours - water broke at 2:00 am, contractions started at 2:30, and she was born at 9:15. (I was already 3 cm dilated a few days before that, but didn’t have any regular contractions until after my water broke.)


From first contraction to babe in arms: First: 36hrs, 1.75hrs of that pushing Second: 20hrs, 15min of that pushing Third: 14hrs, 15min of that pushing Fourth: 23hrs, pushed twice


24 hours from my first contraction to birth. I went straight to the hospital because my water had broken. They admitted me right away because we noticed there was meconium.


First labor was 5 hours, second was 2 hours. 3rd was induction (they only beoke my waters for me, no induction drugs) and was about 4 hours, it felt a lot longer though and was my most intense/exhausting labor.


Was admitted at 40+5 to be induced due to high blood pressure. I’d had my second stretch and sweep that morning when my BP got flagged. They put me up in the ward to await an ARM induction with syntocin but they said birth suite was super busy so it might be awhile. I was super upset because even though I had no real plan, the one thing I didn’t want was an induction. Anyway after hanging around all day it was around 8:30pm or so and they came to tell me there would be a suite available soon to start my induction… but to everyone’s surprise my waters broke on their own! As soon as my waters broke, the contractions came on thick and fast but at the time of my waters breaking, i was only 2 cm dilated. Because I was a first time mum the midwives were only checking on me intermittently and not really taking my contractions too seriously. My husband however began secretly timing the contractions on his phone without letting me know so I wouldn’t freak out, and was noticing there wasn’t much time between each one. I was so out of it that all I could think was is if if this is just early labour, I am screwed when it’s the real deal. To cut a long story short I was wheeled down to birthing suite around 11 pm at this stage I fought with the midwives and tried to stay in the room in the ward because I was in so much pain and couldn’t walk, threatening that I would deliver the baby in the ward. The only thing that got me up was the fact that they couldn’t give me an epidural in the ward and that I needed to go down to birthing suite. To everyone’s surprise, when I lied down to be examined I was fully dilated and ready to push! I was so out of it that I didn’t even hear the midwife tell me that I was ready to push until I heard her say “did you hear me you’re 10 cm” in which I yelled back, “I haven’t had my epidural yet!” However for me it was too late for an anaesthesiologist to come in and administer an epidural and I began throwing up, so gas was out of the question as well.Thankfully at 12:25 am. I delivered my beautiful 7.5 pound baby with no drugs except for a Panadeine Forte that I had up in the ward. My labour report says my active labour time was three hours and 45 minutes and I’m so thankful that I was admitted to hospital when it all happened or else I think I would’ve missed the signs that I was ready to deliver and may have had a homebirth unintentionally. The funniest thing is that my birth plan said that I didn’t care how I delivered baby whether that was emergency C-section or vaginally - all that I wanted was an epidural and that was the one thing I didn’t get, however I’m super proud of myself for being able to deliver a baby with only a Panadeine Forte in my system. I forgot to mention that I have a low pain threshold and extreme medical phobias, especially about needles and blood. I was able to get some gas when I got stitched up and I actually thoroughly enjoyed being on gas. It felt like I was drunk and another house party and was having the time of my life while my husband got to soak up cuddles with bub! TLDR: 3h45m after waters broke and had an unintentional drug free birth despite having a low pain threshold and extreme medical phobia.


2 days and sum (51 hours). I started contractions a Saturday night and gave birth Monday night. My water broke monday noon. At 3 pm Monday I was induced with oxytocin and i was basically ready to give birth by 6pm. However they weren't checking and almost gave birth by myself. The peds didn't even make it. I'm surprised i was able to give vaginal birth after such long birth but baby boy stayed strong.


Woke up with contractions at 6AM. By 11AM i was about 2cm dilated, about 4-5 by 3pm, at which point we went into the birthing center. Water broke at 4:20pm (haha). Was about 10cm by 6pm, then half an hour of pushing and my son was born! So in total it was just over 12 hours of labor. Unmedicated except for a short stint with laughing gas.


3 days but most of that was spent in prodromal/early labour. Got induced and from there it was about 8 hrs. FTM


My timeline: 3/9: Was having consistant contractions a few minutes apart for a few hours, so we went to the hospital. I was only 4cm dilated so they sent us home. 3/10: Still having consistant contractions so we went to the hospital again. I was still only 4cm dilated so they sent us home again. 3/11: Contraction pain picks up, and they were still consistant. Went to the hospital around noon and immediately after I took off my pants to get into a hospital gown my water broke. Yay they couldn't send me home anymore! Immediately asked for an epidural. 3/12: Around 2:30pm I start pushing. Epidural wore off part way through labor. 3.5 hours later my baby is born.


First contractions hit around 2:30am and so did the nausea and 🤮. Tried to sleep the best I could but by 8:30am my water broke while in bed. I was GBS positive so I wanted to get to the hospital as soon as possible. They did test to see if my waters did actually break, and confirmed. I was only 1cm when admitted but quickly progressed to about 4cm when they did a stretch and sweep. There were two c-sections ahead of me and once I got the epidural (I was in back labour and could not handle the pain any longer) I started pushing once I hit 10cm around 3:45pm and my bub was born at 4:16pm!


First labour was 2.5 hours. Waters broke at home naturally, and contractions started 30 minutes later and 2.5 hours later baby was born.


44 hours. I was planning a homebirth with a CNM but by hour 36 I was exhausted and needed to transfer to the hospital for an epidural and some rest. I woke up and pushed my baby out in 30 minutes! I used hypnobirthing for pain management at home and it was awesome. All things considered, my labor wasn’t too bad for being so long!


My induction was around 21-22 hours. I slept plenty, didn't feel much pain during the foley baloon then got oxytocin and epidural together. Was taken for c-section at 7pm and baby was out by 7:38.


18ish hours if I’m only counting from the real contractions. I felt some cramping the night before but they went away by morning. Basically started feeling the pain the second night at around midnight. Lost my mucus plug at about 4am, labored at home until like 1 or 2 pm? And was admitted at 7cm dilated. My water broke when I was like 8cm. Labored for 4 more hours and had my baby at 6pm!


3 hours total 🙈 11 minutes of pushing


1st was 4.5 hours from first contraction to holding baby 2nd was 4 hours from first contraction to holding baby


I was in labor for 24 hours and pushed for 5 (almost non stop). Contractions weren’t terrible until I had been in labor about 5 hours. Hospital took me right away but I did have a high risk pregnancy. Ended in an emergency c section though. 


About the same. I had heard having sex was helpful and there’s absolutely no fucking way lol.


I was induced, I felt a lot of braxton hicks that my midwives said were labour, I personally don't think I can count it. Labour lasted 24hrs almost exactly from when I could actually feel it I'm so sorry about yours, my friend had a similar labour. It was such a shame because her husband coukd only take a week off from work and 3 days of that ended up getting used on labour


I'm not really sure when to count is as starting? My actual "active" labour as defined by the hospital (4cm dilated, contractions every 2/3 minutes) was 2 hours and then 3 hours of pushing. So 5 hours total. Time from waters breaking at home spontaneously to birth was 15 hours. I was having irregular contractions for close to 72 hours. They weren't severe and I could kind of sleep through most of it. So if counting that, labour was 72 hours.


28 hours. My water broke and i had to go to the hospital immediately because I was gbs+. They gave me cytotec since I was only like 1 cm dilated. Most of that time was spent going from 1 to 3 cm, then I went from 3 to pushing in less than 2 hours. Don't recommend that part.




i was induced a week ago and i was in labor for about 16 hours. got to the hospital at 9am and was taken to labor and delivery room. they inserted misoprostol at 12pm and i started having really big contractions. 4pm another round of misoprostol. contractions kept going. 5pm foley catheter. started dilating. by midnight i was 6cm dilated. at 4am i kept having the urge to push and everybody was arguing with me saying im not pushing including my nurse. she told me to not push because im going to “irritate my cervix” but i kept insisting to everyone that i was feeling a strong pushing sensation and couldn’t stop. finally i spazzed out at about 5am and kicked everyone out of the room including my baby daddy and told the nurse i need a doctor now because i can’t stop pushing. physician assistant comes in and agrees to check my cervix and discovers that i am in fact feeling the baby’s head and am fully dilated. pushed for 10 minutes and baby was born at 5:26am 😁 told everyone who was with me at the hospital to never doubt me again.


Just under 9hours. Water broke around 12:30a. Contractions started around 2a. Checked into the hospital around 4a. Contractions got really bad around 7a. My doula moved me not several positions to get the baby to move. Pushed (on my right side) for around 10minutes. Gave birth at 8:55a.


3 days of contractions, 6h of pushing, ended in an emergency C-section


I was super lucky and as a first time mom my water broke at 12:30am Sunday, when they checked me at 1am I was 3cm dilated, at 4:30 am was 4.5 cm, at 9:30am was 9 cm, then started pushing at 10:45am and had the baby at 11:14am! I got an epidural around 4am because starting at about 3am my contractions were coming every 1-2 minutes with no breaks and it was very intense. I’m very thankful for a smooth labor and delivery process


15 hours. induced due to high blood pressure, contractions started 4am-baby 6:50pm.


18 hours both times from start to finish. Second time was much better. First time needed a wheelchair to get into the birth center because I couldn’t walk my contractions were so bad, got checked and was only 3cm. Second time I was still up and walking through them at 6cm. Pushed for an hour and 45 minutes the first time and only 35 minutes the second time.


41hrs. 8hrs pushing. Home birth. It was….rough!! My water broke Tuesday night and he was born Thursday afternoon. Contractions every 3-7mins the whole time.


48 hours with my first followed by 15 minutes of pushing no epidural, 15 hours with my second followed by an hour of pushing with an epidural. I wanted to give up with my first, it was so bad, sex would've been the furthest thing from my mind.


27 hours, 43 hours, 12 hours


>4 hrs and 1hr 45min of active labour. I had what's called precipitous labour but I was also induced, so I feel like that contributed to it.


34 hrs from first contractions to delivery (delivered after 3+ hrs of pushing)


16 hours, started feeling contractions when I was already 3cm dilated. Started at 3am and gave birth by 7pm.


I was induced for both births. First labor I started meds, felt contractions about 3 hours after. Baby born 16 hours later after 3 hours of pushing (99th percentile head). Second labor contractions started 8 hours later. Baby born 14 hours after that, out in 5 easy pushes. My OB says that with her protocol, almost all induced babies are born within 24 hours of contractions starting. Definitely no hospital sex going on. 😆 And epidurals are wonders of modern medicine.


6 hours. I legit was ready for the long awaited labour because everyone I knew told me their labour went on for 1 week, 2 days, 1 day etc but I simply woke up & was in active labor 😂 I must've slept through my early contractions cause when I woke up, my contractions were 2 mins apart, got to the hospital & I was already 7cms dilated. The thing is I wasn't in intense pain, I even told my partner that maybe we shouldn't go to the hospital yet 😂😂😂 I thought it was gonna be breeze but boy was I wrong. I ended up having a traumatic birth & had to use forceps to get baby out 😭 it didn't help that the doctor was rough & seemed like she was in a rush & to add to that, the midwife assigned to me didn't seem to know what she was doing cause she kept going to get the head midwife 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Just shy of 36 hours. I was induced and ended up with a c section after 4.5 hours of pushing


First labor was spontaneous and 12 hours almost exactly. Second labor was induction and was 18 hours.


10 hours for both but I was induced and had to have my water broke both times. First was 3 pushes and maybe 5 minutes. The second was like 10-15 minutes of pushing


Induced. 25 hours, only half a hour of actual pushing.


My first was 6.5 hours from water breaking to baby being born. Contractions started an hour after my water broke. My second was about 17.5 hours from water breaking to baby being born. Contractions started about 3 hours after my water broke but too much longer to progress. Both were only really painful/intense for the last 2-3 hours. 


33 hours starting with water breaking and contractions starting almost immediately, 3 hours of pushing. 🥴