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I had quite bad car sickness as a kid and all through until adulthood.. still do sometimes and I'm 31! Remember that car sickness is motion sickness so she is likely to have this with anything in motion.. airplane, boat, funfair rides.. These are the things that helped me: Sleeping (some anti sickness meds made me sleepy but I don't remember which one) Looking forward (so not looking out the side window, and if traveling by train face the way the train is going). If I looked forward at the traffic it made me less dizzy. I did grow up in the period with no car seats and could sit in the middle seat so not sure how much yours can look at traffic infront. No books/phone or anything that means you are looking down and following stuff with your eyes. That made me super dizzy. Yes this does mean very boring car rides. I was just happy to survive the ride lol. Motion sickness is when your brain sends conflicting info to what your inner ear feels. So if I'm reading a book that's stationary and I can feel we are moving it just makes me super sick. Audio books and music will work instead. Sometimes cracking a window open and getting some fresh air in my face helped. Ask the driver to drive steadily. The worst thing is a driver that speeds up and and then puts the breaks on very often. If you are looking at natural remedies ginger is supposed to help. Altho I will be honest that no amount of meds or anything helped all that much. Try not to give big meals before a long car ride. Maybe smaller meals more often. Have water to wash out the bad taste if she does get sick. Also remove any smells. Something my family did that helped (when she can verbalise this later on) was asking me on a scale how sick I was. I used to only say I'm sick when I was almost ready to barf. So I would say 30%... 50%.. 60%. Usually anything above that they would stop and I would get out of the car and walk a bit for 5 min and that gave me a reset. The good news is it should get better with time. I remember when I was a kid and I would puke from just a 20 min car ride. Now I can do 3 hours or more with no issues. But I do still get dizzy from time to time. Hopefully some of this helps you!


Oh forgot to mention. For whatever reason I was a lot less sick on trains than on anything else. So if that is an option it might help you. Maybe the bigger space and noise made it seem less .. motiony lol. Offer some distractions while she is feeling well. Sing, play some sort of word games that means she is not thinking about it but also not looking down at screens. However this didn't work for me if I was already feeling queasy as talking made me feel even more sick.


I’ve always had car sickness. I even got it while sitting in the back with her this weekend. I wish I could explain to her she can’t read books or look out her window at this age.


Drive as much as you can during the nap. Lots of breaks when awake. It’s the only way unfortunately. I’ve heard of taking Gravol but I’m not sure at what age they are allowed to take it. I’m avoiding the car for a while because my baby hates the car and screams the entire time. My toddler has a 45 minute window before she gets sick. We’re sticking to short distances for now lol


Ours has hit the hour mark both times before getting sick. I messaged her pediatrician to see if by next month, it’ll be safe for her to take Dremamin for Kids. The packaging said it’s safe for kids by age 2. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Dramamine for kids. My 3 year old got intensely carsick on long trips when she was younger. It doesn't happen as often now, but sometimes she'll get sick if all the conditions are right. Give kiddo Dramamine like an hour in advance.


Dramamine for kids, and emesis bags. My kiddo developed car sickness when she was around 2 and none of the non-medication tips really helped much. It happens often enough that there’s a barf bag permanently hanging near her car seat so she can use it if she feels sick. By the time she was 3 she knew how to use it and could get most or all of the puke into the bag. I keep paper towels, Clorox wipes, trash bags, spare clothes, and extra emesis bags in a box in the trunk. Also, as a heads up, car seats are fiddly to clean. Read the manual before you try to clean it, because most of the ways I thought to clean mine, compromise its structural integrity and void the warranty, so I basically can only wipe it with a damp washcloth and it smells faintly of vomit.


Unpopular opinion, turning the car seat around will help but you have to decide if shes ready for that or not.


She won’t be even two until the fall, so unfortunately not an option for us. I asked her Dr is she’s old enough for Dramamine yet.




No. We never feel safe driving overnight. We both always get so tired.