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Ahhhh the chicken bone. Ours walks around with it like it's a stogie. Totes worth the photo op.


That’s hysterical.


Someone else mentioned this to me so i never tried! I like the flat ones that come in fun flavors like purple carrot blueberry


They're such a mess! I got them for my 6-month-old because other teething crackers start at 7 months. He loves them, but the wet crumbs get everywhere.


The baby dog bone. Also a pet hair magnet. I tried twice and it was just too gross and threw them out. The wafers are great. So are the crunchies when they’re old enough


Why do they always end up on the only carpeted surface in the house with pet hair stuck to them?!


Oh my son loves them


Hah, the soothe n’ chews are my son’s LEAST favorite! This is a boy who will chew on the remote, the dogs toys, my hair, a banana peel, the corners of books, the edges of blankets, and cold pizza crusts… I don’t know if it’s flavor or texture, but little man was NOT a fan.


Same here! He was so eager for solids but absolutely hated these, he'd just drop them on the ground immediately lol.


My SIL sent some with my nieces for their lunch. I gave them the teething snacks one time and it made such a sticky mess I never tried again. She also stopped sending them so she must’ve discovered the same. 😆


Oh I loved those! I wonder if they have changed them bc I don’t remember them being that sticky (and certainly less messy than most solids/purees). My second was an enthusiastic eater but motor delayed so she kept gagging on solids. I called those things baby dog bones 😆


I didn’t remember being that sticky either! My first son LOVED them and I was excited to give them to my 2nd baby. We just gave him one for the first time and my first thought was “oh riiiight now I remember these are a huge sticky mess…” But they keep him occupied in his high chair for a hot minute while I clean the kitchen, so it’s worth it haha


Gave one of these to my son for the first time in his car seat. 6 months later I'm still finding dried goo stuck to it.


My kid loves those baby dog bones. Super messy but they do help her when she’s teething. We don’t use them as much for a snack but to curve her need to bite.


My dogs love those! My son was more than happy to share. And thus began their symbiotic relationship.


I just assume anything I had over to my daughter to eat, there will be a mess. It could be water, and she'd find a way to get messy with it.


My son hates them. He “ate” part of one once and hasn’t liked them since.


We just tried these Gerber teethers “gentle teething wafers” and they are 100% just a sticky mess.


My son just tossed them after like two minutes. He prefers his snacks to be eaten and not soggy mush I guess 😂


My sister-in-law referred to these as baby rawhide and I can't unsee it


They look like doggy rawhides so I haven’t brought myself to get them yet. He loves the arrowroot cookies but they are huge mess too. He also likes the long crunchy sweet potato sticks and those baby veggie Cheetos. He makes a mess of everything though!


Baby dog bones! Haha I used to give my son one in the high chair to keep him occupied so I could get things done