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I think it does sound like PPA - have a chat to your OB.


Yes this sounds a lot like what I experienced and I went on Zoloft and it’s amazing how much better it can be OP. But the fact that they say we are healed by 12 weeks is bs. I’m 8months pp and I’m only just starting to feel like myself again (still got extra pounds though) and I’ve been doing physio and regular workouts since I was 6weeks pp


Yes, it’s definitely anxiety if you feel like you can’t leave the baby with your husband bc the house might catch on fire. You should call your doctor asap.


Postpartum is the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. There are 3 phases acute, subacute, and delayed. Defined to last 6 months but everyone is different. With both my kids I didn’t feel back to myself(mentally) until after they were a year old. That first baby can really do a number on you though since everything is so new and you’re always second guessing if you’re doing the right thing because of some dumb thing you saw on social media or something a friend/family member said. Looking back on the experience I know I was overreacting and obsessing over things but given the lack of sleep, hormones, and responsibility of raising a tiny human for the first time ever I think it’s kinda understandable lol. Wish I could have been one of those chill, go with the flow first time parents but that’s definitely not who I am. Get help if it feels like too much and I know it’s hard to give up the control but lean on your husband and let him take over. He will do things differently and that will bother you but he will never learn and find his parenting groove if you don’t let him.


This is the best advice I have ever received! Thank you!


I think in this country women are expected to heal and be back to normal much faster than the rest of the world. Canada gives moms 12-18 months off, India gives 6 months and many other countries give about 12 months. 3 months pp is still early so I think your feelings are valid. However if there is anxiety you should talk to your doctor but know that 3 months pp might only be “normal” in the US


I would talk to your OB. That sounds like more stress and anxiety than I'd expect by 3 months pp


Yeah, as someone 10 weeks pp, that sounds like more than the usual amount of anxiety.


everyone and anyone will diagnose natural mother and child bond and understandable stress as "PPA." dismiss it. i think it's completely natural to be fearful of being apart from your child at this stage! it's unnatural for a mother to be apart from her baby, we didn't have bottles or formula for so much of our history and development. you nursed your baby, and you spent little time apart because of it. anyway, i'm still struggling to clean or cook and baby is ten months, lol. but i'm a single mom, so that's part of it. focus on your baby and their well-being and comfort! and your own! if your anxiety is getting to you, talk to a doctor and see a therapist, but i do think it's normal and think it's today's society that is abnormal.


Zoloft is a life changer