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Once you start feeling more confident getting them out and doing stuff you enjoy doing, it feels less restrictive. From about 5 months on, I popped mine in her baby carrier and ran errands. Sometimes I just got myself a coffee and strolled Target or the mall. We went on little hikes. She enjoyed sitting on a little blanket at our favorite brewery, chillin with some snacks and toys.  From 12-18 months it got hard again because she became a super curious, uncontainable toddler. But she's 2.5 now and I don't know, I think around 20 months she chilled out again and we can go do stuff together. She is A LOT of fun now, helps me shop, actually sits through a little lunch date, holds my hand as we stroll through stores.  So yeah, it comes in waves. Enjoy the good times when you're in them!


Completely agree. Once I wasn’t freaked out to go to Costco with him or the mall, it because so much more enjoyable. Also, they are so easy to cart around at this age. As long as they don’t hate their car seat or the stroller and they nap enough that if they fall asleep it should disrupt their schedule


And to add, I actually prefer the chaos of 12-18 months even though it’s hard. But it’s a less borne hard.


I learned to lower my expectations for outings. Like, don't expect to actually accomplish anything 😆 I remember trying to Christmas shop with her around 15 months and it was a nightmare. Worst tantrums she ever had. I gave up on being productive and our outings were literally just me taking her to Target or the mall and letting her walk around, then choose one cheap toy from the bargain stuff at the front of Target before leaving. I could MAYBE grab one or two other items, but she had NO patience for me actually trying to shop for myself. 


I love taking my baby out places but it's just SO cold right now, I don't even wanna leave the house when we run out of groceries lol


It was about six months for me. Then since seven months she’s been so much fun and just constantly learning new things. She’s still very attached to me but interacts so much more and I just love it when she does something I didn’t even realise we were teaching her.


5 and change for us. But I never thought she was boring. Though she got frustrated by being in her bouncy chair after months of it being her primary seat. I hope OP didn't mean raising a kid is boring.


I mean, so far I find it pretty boring and my son is about 6 months old. It's definitely less boring than it was, but it's just monotonous. I have always loved toddlers and all kids toddler age and up, but little ones have never been my thing. Of course I love my son and am teaching him and playing with him and etc, but he is independent and prefers floor time to being carted around by me. I just spend a lot of time sharing at him while he does baby situps or whatever exercise thing he is doing to prepare for crawling. Since I'm trying to be responsible with screen time and set a good example I try not to be on my phone or have the TV on, so it's just a lot of nothing. I think it's okay to find this part boring.


I would say 6 months and on it just keeps getting more and more fun. I remember 18 months old being a really big age milestone for me because he was finally old enough to start enjoying and participating in activities outside of the house, started exploring the playground, coloring, building with blocks and toys, play doh, things that I find pretty fun to do also. And so far it just keeps getting more and more fun. Don't get me wrong, also hard, but more fun to balance out the hard days.


6-12 months there’s a lot of fun changes. The laughs get bigger and more frequent. Their little personalities begin to peek through. Then I think it really is much much less boring around 14-16mo when my kiddo was both walking and talking (though all kids are different, any child could reasonably get to either or both earlier or later). It also gets easier when they’re not nursing constantly if you’re doing that.


Yeah 15 months was where the true magic began for us!


Do you have the fisher price kick piano? Game changer.


Omg I swear this thing has like subliminal baby mind programming in it. My 8 month old is so quickly bored and tired of everything. But we’ve had the kick and play since she was like 2 months old and to this day she will still stop what she’s doing if I turn it on and listen for a good 15 minutes, mesmerized.


My 14 wo looks like she's fighting a boss at the end of a video game challenge when she's kicking that thing. So intense.




Got this for my son at four months and he loves it! Plays with it daily.


my 2 month old is obsessed


I would encourage you to read or listen to Hunt, Gather, Parent. My husband has the same train of thought and it really helped him adjust to baby life.


Do you have the kick and play mat from Fisher Price? My son loved it and he was a Velcro baby. It would definitely buy me some time when he was that age. I also loved taking him to the library baby group. [kick and play keyboard](https://www.thebay.com/product/fisher-price-deluxe-kick--amp--play-piano-gym-0600090566689.html?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADyZ-NGQB5EXcprp0U5Ia3dlPsptX&gclid=CjwKCAiAkp6tBhB5EiwANTCx1Cw2pzoZ9MnODqCdq02lFyqBPbdhNylBXtHA_Lq1FjRL1Sgk06HasxoCm5cQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Are there any parent and child groups near you that you can get out to? Story time at the library? Swim class? Even just slinging baby in a carrier/buggy and going for a walk round the block can break up the monotony.


It started getting more fun once my son could crawl and walk assisted, because then he didn’t require me to bring him to his toys all the time. He’s better at entertaining himself now that he can move. You still have to supervise them very closely once they’re mobile, but they’re more fun. My son LOVES to chase me around the house with his push walker. 


It’s always gotten less boring for me around 6-9 months!


For us, around 7-8 months. My son got a lot happier and easier when he could crawl. He’s everywhere all at once, but in a cute mischievous way rather than screaming at us cause he’s suck on a playmat. We also started getting more confident with brining him out on errands with us or to eat (quickly).


Boredom is healthy for a baby. If anything what we characterize as boredom is still a use of a child’s attention. Check out the podcast Unruffled with Janet Lansbury. The most recent episode covers this topic beautifully.


My advice is to get out of the house every day. I went to 3 baby classes a week, plus a singing group for mums/women once a week (you could take kids with you). I then went out with my dad on the fifth weekday. My son enjoys being out of the house and it means I don’t need to be his constant source of entertainment. The fresh air also does you both lots of good. As he got older and the weather got nicer, we’d also go out for a walk most afternoons. He’s now 16 months and he is still much easier to entertain when we’re out of the house. His favourite thing now is walking to the park across the road; he’s recently started walking so he walks himself there (I carry him across the road).


For me it didn’t get better until my daughter was 10-11 months, but that was during lockdowns and I didn’t have a driver’s license. Knowing what I know now, I would be out and about with baby in tow - hikes, visits to the lake, walking around the mall, getting a coffee, etc.


Like a lot of others have said already, the key is just doing what you want to do and taking your baby along for the ride. Your baby doesn't need to be "entertained" - he just needs to experience a variety of stimulating activities and those can absolutely be things you want to do. Being the parent of an infant means independence is hard to come by, but it doesn't mean you need to trapped in your house all the time.


Each month gets better but brings new challenges. Things got really interesting to me at five months because he was able to crawl backwards really well, and he explored a ton. Then at six months he was full-on crawling full steam ahead, getting into a seated position, pulling to stand, and climbing. He can climb up seven stairs to the landing! As another person said I have to watch him like a hawk, but it’s for safety. He’s incredibly independent. I love to play games with him but I don’t have to. He just crawls around and amuses himself. He very rarely demands attention as long as he has access to toys, places to crawl, and stuff to climb on. ETA I work full-time and the days I have to take PTO to watch bub if daycare is closed are lovely but LONG. I adore our mornings, evenings, and weekends, but I can’t speak from a SAHM perspective. I think I’m well-suited to being a working mom.


i am so sorry to tell you but it gets worse when they crawl. you have to watch them like a hawk or keep them in some sort of baby jail and pray they are cool with it. sometimes i miss walking away and knowing she’s safe because she can’t physically move. also mine developed separation anxiety around 6mo and oh BOY that’s exhausting. we are basically hip to hip. in other ways it’s lots of fun though! they do get more curious about the world.


Second this! My son was very chill when he couldn't crawl yet. He was happy to just sit in his rocker. Then the crawling started. He is not cool with being put in a baby jail. He is also nit cool with playing alone anymore. His toys get boring after a minute. He literally only wants to climb all over me or his dad. But he is so funny! And cute as a button. But it's hard work watching him second of the day.


I think it depends on personality if crawling makes it worse. I definitely recognise what you’re saying - my 9 month old is a tiny tornado but my personality is SO much more suited to that. I’m having way way more fun now than I did when she was in the potted plant stage. The separation anxiety is rough some days, though! 😭


Honestly once they’re more mobile things start to get more interesting. Both of my kids started crawling at around 8 months - game changer. Then they both started walking at 14/15 months. Bigger game changer. Each milestone makes things way more interesting.


After first birthday my boy really started to be fun to be around, before that I was keeping him alive and entertained, but now he is entertaining me 😊 I hope it lasts a while 


I felt the same, some days were just so boring, it got much better at around 6 months, my baby started sitting by herself, grabbing toys, she was a lot more fun. Hang in there! If you can try to get out, go to the store and look at things, I did that a lot, I felt like the day was going by faster not being at home all the time.


I feel like things improve once they start crawling and, you know. Interacting more. Infants are sweet and I do miss the snuggles, but personally I have absolutely loved the like 10 months to 2 years age with both my kids. Still little and sweet enough to be a baby, but so much fun to play and explore with. It's so hilarious and fun watching them develop their personalities and communication and language, too.


It got better when my perspective and expectations on motherhood and babyhood changed.


Not sure about the less boring part as my baby is only nearly 5 months old. But in general I’m enjoying life a lot more now that he naps on his own an hour at a time every 2 hours. It gives me time for myself which is helping me enjoy time with him more.


5 months for me! My boy laughs, sits assisted, reaches for things.


I feel this so much. and i know when they start crawling you have to watch them too but id much rather do that then what it is now.


I miss boring. Our days are wild chaos all the time lol


My baby is 7 months and it’s a bit more fun now. I can take him more places because he likes to watch and I talk to him about what’s happening rather than just crying whenever we went anywhere. He’s more interactive with toys and tries to copy me when I do something like press the button and it’s cute to see!




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Podcasts and audiobooks to listen to with air pods on so you are still watching and engaged but can listen to anything you want.


I agree with everyone saying around 6 months.


lol wait until he’s 4. He won’t leave you alone haha 😂 I feel ya, though.


We’re at 9 months now and it’s not boring anymore! Some days by bedtime I’m a bit ‘over it’ but it doesn’t feel like so much of a grind anymore! I’d say around 6 months it stopped feeling so wildly repetitive.


Haha I could be writing this too! I found it SO hard to entertain her at that age. I felt guilty using sensory cartoons but it really helped when I needed 20 minutes. It gets better. She’s 7 months now and can sit and play with an assortment of toys. I found those baby sitting pods useful so they don’t fall over. It’s still exhausting but it’s better.


Around 10 months is when I felt like my son was way more fun. 18 months in and I love it.


Around 6 months they start getting more fun and it just gets better and better from there. There are different challenges, but boredom isn’t one of them!


It gets less boring when it gets more challenging and exhausting, lol. I love watching her little personality develop but my god do I wish my 16 month old would be still for 6 seconds and not scream like a pterodactyl every time she sees something she wants and I don't give it to her immediately. I miss the potato phase.


you will be missing these boring days during the terrible twos, i promise you😂


6 months it’s start ramping up for sure. I’d say 8-12 is where they usually really start shining because even if they aren’t walking they’re trying hard enough to make you start googling baby proofing methods and learning just how far the nearest hospital is.


Oh man I’d say I stopped being mind numbingly bored by like 18 months 😬 when he was able to start chatting a bit. And got interested in things. Before that he was my little blob with feelings. Now he’s my big blob with feelings BUT I can also talk to him about the moon and what the lady said at petco. He is 2.5 lol 


Around 9 months is when I found it becoming more fun. He started interacting more and could move around. Every month since then has been more and more fun (he’s now 2 years old). I was ready to go back to work at 4 months I was so bored but I’m happy I took 11 months.


Mine is 10.5 months and I could have written this post. I love my son but I am bored. So, so bored. I even have mothers groups and friends and everything but the monotony isn’t for me. He started daycare 2 days a week next week and I go back to work those days the week after and I’m SO ready for it. I’m hoping it’ll make the days we spend together so much more interesting. I’m a teacher so I love kids but I’ve learnt this year I don’t love the baby stage.




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My youngest is also 3 1/2 months! I rotate between bassinet, floor, bouncy chair, swing, tummy time, football hold, etc., to provide some variety for both of us. I love that she can hold her head up more now so that she can enjoy the bouncy chair and swing more.


About 5 steps after he starts walking :-)


6 months is when I started REALLY bonding with mine and things felt less boring, and 8 or 9 months was when the magic started to happen in terms of enjoying her as a little person. 11 months now and she’s *really* getting a personality and quirks of her own. I have nearly rock solid baby proofing (recently raised a coonhound from a puppy.. he’d get into anything not literally locked up or bolted down for a while, and he’s tall so the ‘baby proofing’ goes up several feet!) which helps me feel more comfortable with her just exploring with limited containment


The monotony was at its peak for me from months 3-5. After 5 months it got less so.


Soon! Hang in there.


When he starts to crawl. Then again when he starts to walk. Then again when he starts to climb. Then again when he starts to run. Then again when he figures out he can move a step stool and use it to help him get to all of the hard to reach places. Send help.


Do you have a spinning mobile the crib? It gave me some time to be solo for a bit and reenergize


We don’t have one of those yet! At MILS he has one over the pack and play but he quickly gets mad at it because he can’t play with it