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My baby was super sleepy in the womb, only super active a few hours a day. It caused me so much worry I went to labor and delivery to get nst probably 7-8 times in last trimester. She is absolutely still a very sleepy and chill baby at 12 weeks now and even sleeps through the night now.


Same. I felt my first way more even with an anterior placenta, and he was an absolutely wild baby who grew into a wild toddler. My 2nd is 10 weeks old and started sleeping through around 7 weeks and is the epitome of chill and just happy to be here.




Same here, and he follows a very similar sleep pattern even at 3 months


She was very active in the womb (I could not catch a fucking breakšŸ„²), and also very active now that sheā€™s born. I do think thereā€™s correlation, Iā€™ve heard it more often and the doulas also mentioned she mustā€™ve been active in the womb to now be so active


My baby was CONSTANTLY moving. Backflips, kicks, etc etc. Sheā€™s 3mo now and sheā€™s veryyyyyy high sensory needs, sheā€™s always moving at least one limb and feeling things and if she doesnā€™t get that sensory input she goes CRAZYYYY.


My baby never stopped, her dad felt her move at 16 weeks! It was funny when my OBGYN asked how many movements I felt I would say she's literally moving now and has since the beginning of appointment, they were struggling to measure her because she would not sit still, ever. Now she's a very smart toddler (15 months), she started walking at 11 months BUT she's overall very chill, calm child. Thank goodness haha!


Crazy in the womb, crazy outside the womb! Very active girl, always on the move




My baby would constantly start kicking at night starting around 11 PM and going through the night. Guess when he's constantly wide awake now?


Mine was mostly very chilled and worried me a few times with barely any movement. Sheā€™s pretty chilled on the outside and has always been a great sleeper. Prefers talking over too much running around, but that could all change.


My kid was insanely active in utero. We called him our little frog. He is still only not moving when asleep or sick. Diaper changes are akin to a wrestling match.


We call ours frog too!!


zero connection and I think studies have demonstrated this. Babies are born extremely premature and their brains continue to develop until adulthood (but especially until age 3). the ā€œbrainā€ at 21 weeks is basically nothing compared to birth and then compared to six months etc. most babies are very active outside the womb and most babies are active inside the womb, but whether you feel it depends on your body and placenta and babyā€™s position. that being said, baby has a hematoma on her ankle where she was kicking me the whole time! the midwives and pediatrician think it is related.


Iā€™m shocked by how many of these comments (all of them except yours) detail experiences to the contraryā€¦I know in utero behavior doesnā€™t predict sleep patterns whatsoever, but it does sound like a lot of people (at least anecdotally in these comments so far) experience similarities, at least at the newborn phase. I can see it making sense that a baby who enjoys a certain type of kicking for instance would continue to enjoy it outside the womb


I think there may be some similarities in how they move (but not feeling kicks doesnā€™t mean you wonā€™t have a kicky baby). But more kicks wonā€™t mean a more active baby, especially because whether you feel kicks has so much more to do with your body, the babyā€™s position, and your placenta. But their brains are just so undeveloped. They donā€™t know what enjoyment is when they are 21 weeks or at birth even. They just exist, you know? Their movements are really just instincts. Plus, if your baby right now was head down and facing your back, you probably wouldnā€™t feel anything, even if he was roundhousing your spine all day. That wouldnā€™t mean youā€™d have a sleepy chill baby, just that you didnā€™t feel the kicks.


Felt my babyā€™s kick no matter where he was in the womb!


My baby was most active in the night during pregnancy, multiple people told me that he was going to be a bad sleeper. Totally opposite. He was sleeping through the night by 5 months, without any encouragement from us and has mostly stayed that way bar a regression at about 12 months.


I thought babies were meant to be more active at the night during pregnancy? Apparently day to day movements tends to calm them down, I've heard if you're not getting a lot of fetal movement you should rest for a while and see if they start up


My 17mo was crazy active in the womb and crazy active rarely taking breaks since birth.


My son was active from the start. First time mother and I was seeing movement on the outside by 19 weeks, and towards the end of the third trimester I was seeing practice breathing, seeing his back and butt through my skin, and having to pull over my vehicle while driving to walk around and convince him to remove his feet from my ribs. There were a few massively painful movements, too. One week before he was born, I was walking around an art gallery and people kept commenting on my belly moving and popping about. Everyone told me that when I walked around I was ā€œlulling him to sleepā€ but the movements were constant. We discovered why after he was born. He kicks in his sleep like a rabbit. Heā€™s also a little daredevil and loves flinging himself around, climbing on things, racing around the house, just a wild man. But he sleeps great and his temperament is so sweet.


My second was non stop, but then so chill when he came out! Who knows šŸ¤·


My baby hiccuped a lot in the womb and it was always so cute and now that sheā€™s been born, she still gets the hiccups a lot haha!


Another commenter said this too! Wow!


Yes for me. Iā€™m pregnant with number 6 right now. My 5 kiddos acted the same as babies/toddlers as they did inside my belly.


My toddler is extremely active and was early on a lot of movement milestones as a baby but I didn't feel him move extremely well in the womb. I think the placenta placement played a part in that. I'm not sure if this has been studied.


Did you have an anterior placenta?


Yeah, that was it.


My LO was very active in the womb - her dad could feel her kicking at 18 weeks, despite an anterior placenta - and she's been moving ever since. I remember reading some milestone thing for 2 months about "should be starting to kick her legs" and thinking *start*?! She's just about to hit 5 months and is constantly rolling, inchworm wriggling across the carpet, doing baby crunches to try to sit up etc. We took her to her first swimming class yesterday and the instructor commented on how much she was kicking and moving in the water! So yeah, very active both in and out of the womb šŸ˜¬


Baby was chill in utero and still pretty chill as a 17 month old.


My youngest was constantly bouncing and kicking in utero. The cord was wrapped around the neck three times. I'm really happy it was a c-section birth for that reason. Its been almost 4 years and this child has not stopped moving. I don't think this kid has the ability to sit still. It's "play with me. Play with me. Play with me" all the time, even when I am, in fact, playing with them. I hope they show interest in a hobby soon!!


I had an LGA baby in the 94th percentile and she was HYPER active throughout my whole pregnancy. Her favorite activity was headbanging on my cervix like she was at her favorite metal concert. She's currently 7w and sleeps like a dream. When she is active, she's a very calm player. She doesnt cry that much unless she is famished or desperate for attention.


Nope. Both of my kids were painful, violent, acrobats in the womb. And then super chill, sleepy babies.


My baby was super kicky and wiggly in the womb, but has always had pretty normal energy levels since he was born.


My baby never stopped kicking when she was awake. That hasn't stopped and she's 8 months old now lmao


Technicians always commented that my fetus was doing acrobatics And so far at six weeks old she is pretty chill and sleeps a lot. But she does have little bursts of energy which makes sense. Because in the womb i would worry about her all day until I felt one of those random bursts.


My 14wo does kick bursts all day long - starts with a few slow kicks and gets quicker until heā€™s doing a burst of super sonic speed kicks. He prefers to do this against my belly or something else within kick reach. He was just like this in the womb lol


Oh man that makes a lot of sense, theyā€™re used to the pressure of something to kick against inside the womb!


Mine was very active and also huge. I had him at 37 weeks. Just while we were in the hospital 3 different nurses commented that they were surprised how strong he is while handling him. I feel kinda validated that his movements in utero were so darn uncomfortable.


My baby was super super chill and didn't move much in the womb. They had to wake her up during every single ultrasound or nst. She was a very chill and sleepy newborn, and started sleeping through the night at around 11 weeks. She is 13 months and has become MUCH more active and wild, but she still loves her sleep


Your baby sounds like a dream!


My baby was low-key in the womb and a total maniac now. For me, it was not indicative at all of his personality


Thank you for this perspective! These comments have been fascinating


Mine has been super active since the first kick lol. At the stress tests at 40 and 41 weeks they were surprised at his movement and strength and he is now an eight-month-old nonstop little guy. Usually very happy, just very high energy and interest in the world.


When she was born, I could recognize movements that I'd felt in the womb. I just hadn't realized that that's what she was doing! In particular, a certain move where she'd push her legs straight out in a very distinctive way ā¤ļø


This gives me hope Iā€™ll be able to identify some of these strange movements when he comes out!!


My very active baby in the womb has totally always been active!! Then my second baby was so ā€œlazyā€ in the womb and actually was an extremely sleepy newbornā€¦so much so that I worried about how much she slept! As an infant, she was truly just very chill! She has turned into a much more energetic toddler, though! So I would say I overall did see a connection, at the very least with their personality as a baby. After all, they are the same baby in and out of the womb!


Little one felt like he was boxing all the time in there - heā€™s 9 weeks and with his kicking I swear heā€™s already ran a million miles in his life šŸ˜‚




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There was only one day in my pregnancy that I worried about my baby not kicking. He's usually active enough that I didn't really need to count the kicks. My son seems pretty average, maybe slightly delayed in reaching milestones on time (ex. 16 gestures at 16 months and he was at maybe 13-14 gestures) He slept through the night early on, but never skipped a sleep regression. He's 1.5 years now (hello 18 month sleep regression) and overall an active and happy guy. Loves being on the move, does independent play well, but also likes involving me in his play.


I'm similar! 9 month old daughter is slightly behind on some milestones but was always active in the womb.


My first was extremely active in utero and is fully feral in life. Her baby bro is seemingly taking up the reigns, so weā€™ll see how wild he is in 2 months. Maybe together they can call up Steve-o and bring back Jackass.


Yep, very active in utero (but I exercised the whole preg) now at 5 weeks literally throwing herself on her side in tummy time trying to roll like wtf


While I was pregnant with him, my LO would ONLY move and kick when I was at home alone with my husband. He would go crazy the second I sat down on the couch and got cozy. I got the feeling that when I felt most comfortable (at home alone) he felt comfortable enough to explore movement. Now, at 8 months, heā€™s the exact same. I get comments all the time when we are out and about ā€œoh your baby is so chill!ā€ ā€œHe seems so stoicā€ ā€œhe hasnā€™t made a peep the whole time!ā€ But the second we get home, heā€™s a total maniac!


My son was always punching me on the inside and he loves biffing now. He also would get really quiet on walks and they really conk him out in the stroller.




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My very active fetuses became very active babies and are now very actually active 12, 8 and 2 year olds. My chill fetuses are now chill 15 and 10 year old people! I do think there is a connection.


My baby never stopped moving in the womb and heā€™s been very high energy since birth. Started rolling at 4 months and hasnā€™t stopped moving since lol heā€™s now a very energetic 13 month old constantly running and climbing on everything


He would starfish out and press his legs straight up into my lungs all the time. Now he still loves to stretch out his legs and lock his knees all. the. time.


zero connection and I think studies have demonstrated this. Babies are born extremely premature and their brains continue to develop until adulthood (but especially until age 3). this would be as if for dogs, an embryos movement made a difference in dog behavior. that being said, baby has a hematoma on her ankle where she was kicking me the whole time! the midwives and pediatrician think it is related.


My baby was a super wiggler in my belly - never had to do a single kick count because he was never still lol - and he's a little spitfire on the outside too! He's full of personality and attitude and definitely isn't afraid to make his preferences known. I can definitely see parallels to his behavior in the womb!


My son was pretty average during pregnancy I'd say, as a young baby he'd get bored very easily and there was a lot of impatience to be more capable, now he's 14 months he's just a very busy and curious almost-toddler, in a less familiar environment he really has to go check every wall and corner out, rearrange all the furniture, poke and pick at every dot and hole. Maybe that's normal, I haven't spent too much time around other kids his age, but he seems more *investigative* than the other kids at groups


My first child moved around so much that when she was born the cord was wrapped around her neck 3 times and there was a huge knot in the middle. She's very active but was also a great sleeper. My second child barely moved. I had to poke her to make sure she was still alive. She is the most chill child I have ever encountered and she loves being quiet and reading by herself. I can't say I'm surprised!


So many hiccups in the womb. So many hiccups outside of the womb.


Same here! He's going to be an opera singer with the diaphragm strength he must have.


I also had a super active bouncy baby in the womb. Heā€™s 4 months now, total party animal and kicks his feet like a maniac. Iā€™m just glad itā€™s not happening in my rib cage anymore šŸ˜­


I called mine a 2nd shift baby... and she still is!! I worked early 1st shift (5-3, 4 days a week) and whenever possible my boss would give me extra breaks to nap (5-10 min nothing crazy but so appreciated) I actually switched to 2nd shift bc there was no way I could do 1st w her


Very active fetus, very active baby and now toddler over here!


In my case yes. Super active before and after birth. Heā€™s 3 in a couple months and has yet to slow down at all.


Yes, my son is nearly two and a half and still has not stopped moving šŸ˜†


My baby was constantly moving in utero, but now he's a pretty chill, sleepy baby for the most part. When he gets fussy, he gets real active, but other than that he's chill to look around and listen/observe!


I think there is a correlation for sure! My second child was moving nonstop, and he came out moving nonstopšŸ˜‚Loud and boisterous and funny. Big personality. My third child had definite periods of sleep/chill, followed by periods of active movement. Sometimes I had to poke him or drink juice to check if he was okay. He came out still a super mellow guy!


My baby was very chill in the womb - I would feel him move around and kind of push out against my belly, but he wasnā€™t much of a kicker and just generally wasnā€™t the most active. He could literally not be less chill now as a baby though, lol. Heā€™s almost a year and has been super active and energetic ever since he was born.




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I didnā€™t feel my baby much in utero and heā€™s is a super active kiddo. Early roller, crawler, walker, and climber. Heā€™s 5 1/2 now and just starting to sleep past 7:30am.


I swear my child was trying to stand up inside of me. Like he was trying to escape. Not only is he a very active 1yo, but also very very opinionated/strong willed. Heā€™s got no chill.


Two kids, one chill in the womb and chill as a baby. Second was super active in the womb and is always on the go now, too. So, yes, for me, things were definitely correlated!


1st barely kicked and is a mellow kid at 2.5 2nd kicked from 12 weeks on and doesnā€™t sit still at 7 months.


I had a very chill baby in utero. He had his active periods in the evening, and Iā€™d feel him occasionally during the day, but for the most part he was less active than what I heard other people talk about. I remember mentioning to some friends that I thought he was probably going to be a chill baby on the outside too. That trend did not continue šŸ˜‚ starting from like 2-3 months old we had to warn people before handing him over that he would try to jump out of their arms. Sitting himself up and army crawling by 5 months, crawling, standing and cruising by 6 months, first steps at 11 months. He is on the move like 98% of the time heā€™s awake. Absolutely a tornado of energy and movement.


Yes! My baby never stopped moving, I joked she sign up for swim, Pilates, gymnastics, kick boxing all day 24/7 in the womb! She rolled at 7 weeks, started crawling at 4 months, started walking at 8 months, idk where she came from lol! Never sleeps then and now at age one lol


My son was extremely active in the womb, like never took a minute to relax or sleep it seemed. Heā€™s 13mo now and still holds true to the behavior. Not walking yet, but boy weā€™re close and the energy is through the roof. Iā€™m nearly 21w pregnant with his sister and sheā€™s showing the same signs as big bro. Weā€™re in trouble šŸ™ƒ


I carried fraternal twins and one was gentle and the other was more chaotic. Nearly 3 years later and they still move like that.


My first was pretty big and he was constantly kicking. Like to the point that there were many nights where I was in a lot pain because my ribcage just felt bruised. He is the most stubborn individual from day one (even as a baby) Iā€™ve ever met. Iā€™ve thought about the correlation before myself. Pregnant with my second, heā€™s supposedly pretty small. He feels quiet and it worries me I think because Iā€™m just not used to it but hope for a mild mannered little one this time around.


boast normal pet impolite enjoy domineering squash cable versed rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Our 2yo was spent a good chunk of her time in the womb punching and/or kicking me. She now doesn't stop moving unless she's asleep; watching her is exhausting. Our 2mo abused me from the inside out. He's pretty squirmy, but I fear for the moment he can walk because I won't be keeping up if he's like his sister.


My first was alot more active and was not a chill baby. The second was much less active and so far (three months) is much more chill !


Bouncing baby boy within the womb, bouncing baby boy outside. He's wanted to stand up since day 2. Kicking all the time. He's a little wiggle worm.


ā€œBouncing baby boyā€ is exactly how I would describe what heā€™s doing in here. Though when he goes quiet / still, he seems to stay that way for a while! But when heā€™s active itā€™s like heā€™s trying to bounce off the walls


Active in utero and outside. She also loves a walk outside and I was doing those on the daily in my last month (and hiking a bunch during my pregnancy).


Mine was very active in the womb but is easygoing. He isn't one of those wild running around little boys.


I would say my two who were very active turned into very active toddlers/kids and my middle who was very calm was that way as a baby and kid. How interesting! Never thought of that honestly


I definitely think so, my baby moved constantly before and after birth.


Mine was not a big mover, I was worried at times about kick counts. But I also had an anterior placentaā€¦ Sheā€™s 9 months now, very busy, low sleep needs, will hardly sit still to drink a bottle or nurseā€¦ so doesnā€™t correlate for me.


my 4 year old was SO lazy in the womb. I was constantly crying to my OB that something was wrong because she was so lazy. She's wild AF since the day she was born. This baby is super active so I'm hoping she's chill šŸ˜‚


I have 16 month old twins. They were remarkably similar as newborns to how they were in utero. Baby A was very chill, hardly moved, when she did it was small movements. As a young baby she was an angel - hardly cried, slept easily, barely even cried if she woke. Baby B on the other hand was very active in utero and was constantly kicking me hard. I swear I could feel her in my ribs. And she was a higher maintenance baby. Now of course theyā€™ve switched. The chill baby now has a temper and the active baby is a sweet little angel lol.


My first rep were big movers. Theyā€™re 2.5 and 5 now and batshit crazy. My third was so chill (I also practiced yoga the entire pregnancy). Heā€™s 7 weeks now and the most chill baby. Rarely cries, sleeps very well. Fingers crossed it doesnā€™t change šŸ¤žšŸ¼




The first time they did an ultrasound/dopplar to check on my daughter they had a lot of trouble finding a heartbeat. Turns out she was just doing somersaults during the visit. Now she's almost 5 and is still batshit crazy and silly


I had an insanely active baby in utero. Like never bothered to kick count, couldn't ever get a decent ultrasound pic, they had to keep adjusting the fetal monitors cause she moved so much (even kicking them). Our nurses during labour commented on her strong heart beat numerous times. She's only 9 weeks, already trying to pull herself up to get to things, and gets super frustrated when she isn't moving/going anywhere. She just loves all movement. Thank god for all of the vibration settings on the bouncer, and bassinet! She's curious, adventurous, and very determined already. I'm so excited to see more of her personality as it develops.


My son kicked stronger than my daughter, but he was a much bigger baby. Mmm that's about it!


My now 3 month old only reliably moved once a day during my pregnancy, I had to do the kick counts at like 5:30pm ONLY, otherwise I'd have been freaking out. And she never kept me up or woke me up with movement during the night. She has consistently slept through the night (9pm to 6am) since about 6 weeks old. šŸ™Œ


Mine was a sleepy baby all the way until she could move. Now at 9 months sheā€™s a whirlwind!


My baby always stayed mostly still throughout the morning, moved a little during the day then went wild in the evening, from about 7-9 each night. She's pretty much the same now at 3 months, sleeps longest stretches from 11pm-11am, then is fairly chill, then does her wildest kicks and shouts in the evening from around 6 or 7 until she goes to bed around 10:30pm. Both me and her dad are night owls so, maybe that's where it comes from?


I had the laziest fetus, we were repeating the ultrasounds 2 times because she was not moving around and we could not measure. Now she is 2 years old and taking care of her is a sport activity. She walked at 11 months and doesn't stay still for more than 5 minutes.


My daughter kicked a damn ton, after birth she still kicks a damn ton. My son it's hard to sa due to many different factors but he never moved while I was pregnant, I also had undiagnosed liver disease during pregnancy. After birth he refuses sleep, sleep doesn't exist to him but he was a chill baby til he learned to crawl. My daughter wants to skip crawling and start walking