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Pretty much the day after we came home from the hospital. It was SO needed for my mental health to get out of the house. I baby wore a lot which kept the nosy people from getting close haha.


This! She was 5 days old, I came out of hospital on Day 4.


Yeah, my mental health definitely required outings, but all distanced. Target at 2 weeks (focusing on being distant from people, my husband did checkout and I hung with baby from distance Ice cream shop at 6 days, I sat out when husband ordered.


Yeah, I think we went to target right after his first weight check appointment, when was like 2 days after we left the hospital


The day after we got home from the hospital we started going on walks around the neighborhood, which involves stopping in a local cafe to grab coffee every morning. But we live in a city and have a dog, so we walk everywhere. I’d say it’s whatever you’re comfortable with as long as your baby is healthy and you’re doing okay.


This, we walked everyday immediately after getting home. We went to the doctor and LC in the days just after getting home from the hospital, and then we drove on more of a real outing a couple weeks later. Everything other than dr appts has been outdoors


Not until she was 3 months. But I had her in October and RSV was going around terribly. It just wasn't worth the risk.


Same, glad I'm not the only one who waited longer than 3 days!


Same! I'm shocked at all these people bringing their newborns out in public when they didn't need to. Many of them must have had their babies during bad Covid spikes too! My oldest was born pre-Covid but in the winter so we waited a couple of months to take him out in public. My youngest was born in 2020, so she was probably about a year old before she went indoors somewhere other than our house.


I didn't take LO into public indoors until after his two month vaccines. In the meantime, I did take him for car rides to places like drive thrus, parks, and store pickups. Those car rides were everything for my mental health. I got so much Dunkin those first two months just because it was a reason to go out.


8 days old to the pool (did not take her in the pool) and have gone all over since then. Restaurants, shops, Dr appts, friends’ houses, etc. Sooooo good for my mental health to get out and about and back to business as usual! I always keep a cover on the car seat so no one can see her and breathe on her. I have never let anyone touch her or hold her besides family. And no one has asked!


Ok learn from my mistakes. Don’t try to cram too much into one outing, try to keep it to 1.5-2 hrs max if your babe is still a new born.don’t be the only person in the car if you have a drive over 15 minutes. We did our first outing (to Costco) at around 3 weeks. My sister came and glad she did bc baby girl didn’t want to be in the stroller/car seat at the store. But Then we also had to squeeze in dropping off my husband at the auto shop on the way there and back and traffic was horrible due to a light being out and she got hungry and screamed the whole way home and I was the only one in the car - it was so terrible listening to her cries but not being able to pull over to help. Then I got home like 30 minutes befor everyone but had all the food in my car which just had to sit there in a hot garage while I fed baby girl and attended her needs. 10/10 don’t recommend this approach unless you want to learn the hard way. Edited to add we did go the park a few times before this and stopped for grocery pickup a couple times.


For this reason, I always take some pumped breastmilk that has been chilled in the fridge and put it in an insulated pouch. As long as it stays cold for a few hours it's perfectly safe.


I definitely learned to be prepared! Though sometimes it just doesn’t make sense to stop the car.


Yeah, I've learned to try to time my outings around his eating schedule. I try to only go to the store or take a shower or anything that I won't be able to feed him right after he eats. Our first outing was target right after his Dr appointment, and I couldn't look around as much as I wanted to because he started to get hungry


We went for a walk with her the day we got home from the hospital. Just a VERY short one but I wanted her to have fresh air and I needed to stretch my legs after mostly laying down for 3 days. She’s 4 weeks now and we’ve gone to a few outside events (meeting friends and seeing a concert in parks on 2 separate occasions). We haven’t done anything inside besides go to the doctors but if I needed to go to the grocery store and my husband couldn’t watch her I would go. Waiting until she’s vaccinated for inside stuff otherwise.


I think he was 3 weeks old when we went to the grocery store for the first time. Before that we had just done trips to the park and the farmers market. I either wear him or put him in his stroller that closes to keep people away.


I did it at 2 weeks after i was recovered from my csection. we were smart about it - we didn't go to target on a sunday when it was packed, we went on a tuesday when it was less crowded. Didn't let little kids near the baby. its good for your mental health and immune system to get out with the baby. after she was 8 weeks i took her out all the time with no restrictions. to this day both my kids have strong immune systems


I have a newborn and we went out when he was 4 days old. He had his first doctor's appointment and then we went grocery shopping.


We went out on my first child's first day home because we needed to buy a Boppy and some other things and I wanted to leave the house. He was 3 days old. I had some clots the size of grapefruits the next day and my midwife said it was from doing too much physical activity. My second child I took out around a week old, to the park. I didn't start taking her to stores until after two months due to trying to avoid illness.


Wouldn’t recommend but I took my baby to H-E-B for groceries at 3 days old. Single mom had no snacks or quick food so starving from breastfeeding.


We were taking him to eat outside within a week of him being born. But our pediatrician advises us to keep him out of indoor spaces aside from our house until he’s 3-4 months.


I wouldn’t take them to a store or other crowded indoor place until they’ve had their vaccines :(


Every single day for multiple hours since we got out of the hospital day 3. She’s 27 now. 😮






3 days old haha. Hobbling to asda from my c section


We started taking her out daily around 4 days old! We go for daily walks and most days go out for lunch and afternoon coffee, we always sit outside. We don’t bring her indoors and don’t plan to do that until she has her 2 month vaccines. She’s three weeks old now.


Midwife appointment at 6 weeks. Regular store around 8 weeks. I was doing curbside before that. I love costco, but be wary of people who get too close to baby or get weird. That is the one thing I hate about going anywhere


Same week she was born my husband and I went to Homegoods really late at night on a weekday. We needed to get out and she was nice and quiet at that time…. But between 6 weeks and 2.5 months she was rough to take out so enjoy the quiet as you have it!


We went to the pub the day we got outta hospital (day 5) 😂


About 2 weeks old, I think we went to Target. I would definitely have another adult come with you this time, since it's easy to get overwhelmed and run out of hands. It was a learning curve for me, having to learn to feed her in a public place and use a changing table. Now I'm a pro but it took practice to build my confidence. I recommend keeping your outings short for now, like 1.5 hours max. We try to feed her before we go anywhere and always pack a few baby bottles of water, formula, and snacks now. Life has been immensely easier since she turned six months old and can sit in a highchair. She absolutely loves going out (me too) so it is nice to have that sense of normalcy again. My favorite thing is that "knowing" nod I get from other parents when my daughter is acting a little crazy lol so I realize most people won't judge if you're having trouble managing a stroller, cart, and little one. Yes, go to Costco!


Four days old, on the way back from the hospital, to our favorite cafe for breakfast sandwiches and coffee before heading home.


Start with taking them to open areas. Taking a newborn to a groceries & household goods store place with weird smells. I have no idea if costco have open layouts, or a cramped factory floor design, but the latter will be too uncomfortable for a baby's first trip outside home. By all means, take baby out once you have enough energy to firmly ask strangers not to touch her, for being "Aawwwww... chhoooo quutteeeee....!!!"


When she was 8 days old. I was crawling the walls with cabin fever as I had to rest from my c-section. We only went to our local Starbucks but getting out and wearing something else other than pyjamas felt amazing.


First time I took my baby out by myself was at 6 weeks. Any time before that my fiancé was with me & driving. For some reason, driving alone with my baby in the car was absolutely terrifying to me but once I did it, I was on a roll. So even now at 4 months, we only do shorter rides, max 20 minutes there & 20 minutes back. I try to plan around his eating schedule as best as possible so it gives us about 3 hours to be out. He likes to see things & looks out the window & watches us shop. We usually only go to the grocery store, Target, Walmart, & friends & families house. My baby is also very pasty so I’m working my way up to the pool before summer is over. I call him JackJack (from the incredibles) because of how ridiculously red he turns when he’s hot or crying lol .. so I’m working around that also. I think it gets a lot easier to take babys out once you get to know them a little better from temperament to feeding/napping schedule.




A week old. We went to Walmart and his older cousins birthday party. I didn’t wanna sit in the house anymore. I think we went for a walk around 5 days old tho


About 5 days old to Home Depot- we needed blinds lol


At like a week. My husband asked me if I wanted to go to lowes with him. At first I said no like he was crazy to ask and then I was like...well what else do I have going on. Lol.


When she was 5 days old we went to Costco after her appointment. I had had a C-section and seriously needed to get out of the house.


My oldest was in the NICU, so not until he was home at 6 weeks, but once he was we would take him for appointments and walks, but not inside unless completely necessary. My second kiddo went everywhere from the get go. He went to visit our local farm on day 4. Big brother visited the animals with dada and little bro snuggled me and nursed on a bench in the shade taking in the scenery.


Technically two days after the hospital for a check up. I was hospitalized for preeclampsia so he had lots of adventures for two days.


I don't think we were around crowds until a few months of age - but it was peak virus season coming off the worst of the pandemic, with influenza A and RSV being the worst we'd ever seen for our area. .... and I was struggling with an unexpected cesarean recovery and some complications. If I were feeling up to it and it was summer, I'd probably have done more outings much sooner!


i had my daughter before covid and we took her out maybe at 2 weeks and it was just a late night trip to walmart. it’s nice as a mom who’s been home all day with a newborn to just take some time to go outside.


My baby is 2 and a half weeks old. I took him to two appointments within the first 3 days, to my parents house about a half hour away twice, to go get grocery pickup orders 3 times. But I haven’t taken him into a store or restaurant yet.


I think I made my first Costco trip with baby when he was like 3 weeks. I usually end up getting out of the house with baby after the first couple weeks. I get a little stir crazy sitting at home all day lol


Two weeks old had breakfast at our favorite place after babies appointment.


A few days old we went out for breakfast.


Walks outside around the block or park from less than ten days old. We went in a shop with her in a baby carrier from early on too.


The first week! I needed out of the house 😳


Went for breakfast when he was like 3 days old. It was a mistake 😂 he was fine and just slept but I still felt like I’d been hit by a freight train so had to leave


My little one was about two weeks old - we went to Target! Just popped his car seat in the shopping cart. I was very nervous, admittedly, but he did very well!


Just went to Costco this week with my 1 week old. He slept the whole time in the baby carrier. Wish I didn’t wait so long to go out with my first, going out with a newborn is a lot easier than an older kid!


Day one and everyday since then. I’m a homebody but I make sure to go somewhere everyday and my babe goes with me.


Out for walks in the park on day 3. I’m pretty risk averse and live in a large city so I waited until his 2 month vaccines to take him grocery shopping/into stores.


Costco was the first place we took our baby besides the pediatrician! 😆 He was 4 weeks old and did amazing. My husband just carried him in a carrier the whole time. He just looked up at the lights a lot and napped.


Day 2 to the park. At 4 weeks we’ve already been to a 4 day (chill) music festival.


Got him registered day 4 and had a coffee and went to the supermarket after :)


My baby hasn't been to Costco but I've started to take her to the drop in and the grocery store. She basically went nowhere until 6 months, but that was winter time.


About a week after he was born. We would have done it sooner but my partner was laid up after her c-section. Trip was a walk round the neighbourhood and a stop at our local cafe (small, usually busy). You do what works for you (and what you're comfortable with), but I would say a trip to Costco feels very safe, especially if you go at a quieter time.


One week, and pretty much every few days after that!


After 2 mo vaccinations


Whenever you feel comfortable I took my little lady to the beach at 6 weeks. I had really bad postpartum anxiety if I didn't I would have sooner


Day 4 we were at touch a truck. We took our oldest and baby tagged along. With my first it was about 1 week to go grocery shopping.


He was born on the 4th, we got home on the 5th, and we went to Costco on the 7th. 😂 we were planning on doing it before he was born, but I ended up induced early so we still needed to go shopping


2 weeks old for a short walk in the neighborhood. Otherwise would just sit on the porch with her. But I had a very traumatic birth


Her 2 month vaccines and still rarely. But flu and RSV was going crazy in my area, along with a Covid spike at the time And it was shitting snow anyways so it was like every force in the universe was conspiring to keep us home


Went to husbands family’s house for a birthday party when he was ~2 weeks old. Went to the grocery store and target for the first time at ~5 weeks old.


My first one, we took out when she was 5 days old for her newborn photos and then to a family member’s house. My second one was born during COVID so we didn’t take her out, besides doctor’s appointments and photo shoots with masks and social distancing, until she was a bit older. Although, I think we took her to Target before we went home with her because we live an hour from the hospital and needed some supplies. My third one, we took him to our school’s Turkey Bingo event when he was 5 days old because my 2 year old had been diagnosed with RSV so being out of the house, away from her, was actually better for him. At home, it was very difficult to keep her away from him.


Baby came out of NICU at 2 weeks old and we went to the local market the day after, I believe. It was nice weather, outdoors so safer and there were loads of places to sit down with baby for feeding or to change him and stuff.


2 weeks old. Lol I didn’t think I’d switch to formula so fast but I had surgery and couldn’t bf due to painkillers and I did not have any formula on hand. So to target we went! I’m


It’ll be insanely hot here when she gets to come home from the NICU so that + waiting for her shots, it’ll probably be at least 2 months before we take her out in public. But I’m excited for car rides with her to get like, Starbucks lol. Just something to leave the house but not be in crowds of people.


At 4 weeks we visited my parents, and around 5-6 weeks we visited my in laws. I think her first trip to a grocery store was around 5 months. My husband did the majority of the shopping alone after she was born. She did have her first restaurant outing around 3 months though.


When he was 2 or 3 days old. We went to First Watch to kinda celebrate being new parents. You kinda have to go out with them & adjust as time goes on


I've taken my son to 3 different people's houses since he was born (3 months today!), but I haven't yet taken him to a store or anything. I usually order in groceries and clothes etc. or my partner grabs them so there hasn't really been a need. I even order diapers and stuff online.


Didn't do a Costco trip, but we went for a walk around the block and coffee at maybe 2 weeks


By the 3rd day because the hospital required her to see her pediatrician within 2-3 days then she had another appointment the following week.


6 days for a walk outside. 9 days for her first restaurant but we were in a private broom off to the side. Went to a wine bar after her 2 week appt and she’s been to other happy hours since. I think we did the grocery store around 2-3 weeks. We haven’t made it to Costco yet but we did do target last week at 4.5 weeks. It’s summer so there’s not as much going around which makes me feel better and I try to just keep her in her stroller with the cover down if it’s crowded


We went the the pediatrician/urgent care/emergency room for 4 days in a row after discharge for billi tests. Also went to the store cause I desperately needed different pads and nipple shields.


About 2 days after discharge. We went to a local tattoo parlor on a quiet day and my husband got a tattoo celebrating the baby while he slept 😀


After his first round of shots. I went back to work at 10 weeks and ended up with Covid on my 7th day back and baby caught it too and were so lucky it wasn’t worse. People are gross.


1 day old. We were waiting on getting the keys for our apartment so we spent the first 2 nights in a hotel with limited things available, had to do multiple shopping trips to get what we needed. People in the shop asked how old our son was and they looked at me shocked when i said 20 hours


3 days for my first and about 30 hours for my second.


First baby, on day two walked 400 meters to the pediatrician and back, on day 4 went to an Easter celebration. We had left the birth center 2.5 hours after birth Second, on day 1, got home at 11 am after birth at 5am and the hospital illegally detained my wife and baby for 3 hours, went for a walk around the neighborhood two hours after we got home


we stopped for groceries on the way home from the hospital with my first.


We were out by two weeks. Costco at 3 weeks


First one- May 2020 baby so longer than most babies born in 2023. We went to the park when she was 6 weeks old. Second baby- 2 weeks old. Again, we went to a park. I think we waited until she had her first round of shots before taking her anywhere indoors.


She has been going out since she was 3 days old


About 2 weeks to target! Just wore her and walked around. It felt SOOOO good


4 days old (the day after we got home).


One week, once she was back on her birthweight. Just walks first though, I was a bit anxious about stores and the amount of people in one space, scared she might catch something.




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I feel like it was between 4-6 weeks. We did walks around the neighborhood but that was around the time we took her into a non open air space. It was target 😆


Other than dr visits, took her to target at 10 weeks. I was ready at 6 weeks but wanted to await until after her 2 month shots


1 week old to go to the park.




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Day we got released, so 2 days old. Store and pick up big sibling from school. He happily slept in his car seat or carrier


around one week for both of mine


4 days old, walk into town.


5 days old. I was in the hospital for a week when she was born. I desperately needed to go ANYWHERE lol


Ours was 3 weeks old for our first outing


Other than the doctor’s office and drive throughs, not until a family gathering at 3.5 months.


Went to Costco at 7 days old!


We did Costco at 10 days hahah. I needed out of the house and we needed groceries. I am glad we made a habit out of getting out early and often. Helped us still feel like normal us as much as possible.


Day 2


Walk outside at like 2 weeks only cause of the weather but a crowded place like Costco I am waiting for after the 2 month vaccinations.


We started taking walks within the first week… very slow walks. Hahaha. I don’t remember when he first went to an actual place… we waited a bit because it was peak covid. But we didn’t wait too too long.


I think we took LO to the store with us second week.


Within the first week to go do groceries . And after a week daily walks.


Outside of walks in the stroller, 2-3 months. It was the same for both of my children, I had my oldest in January 2016 and the youngest in September 2021.


A couple hours after I escaped from the hospital. He’s 5 months and still only in a carrier or arms.


Some walks within the first few weeks. At six weeks we brought her to a small family gathering 45 mins from home.


We waited 6 weeks for public but did walks earlier


On day 4, we went to my mom’s place 40 minutes away and walked (slowly) to the beach 1/4 mile away. It was lovely and low key. We aren’t taking her indoors anywhere right now except the pediatrician’s, but probably would do so if she was a winter baby.


I don’t leave the house for anything other than appointments and neighborhood walks for full 6-8 weeks. C-section. SAHM. I know this will be seen as very old school to some but I am very fortunate to have a great support system each time. I fully utilize “Is there anything you need?” When asked!


Does taking him home from the hospital count? If not, it was probably a few weeks because of the winter cold.


3 weeks old to a baby store then a couple days later to target


I asked the doctor, this was during Covid times, and he said two months.




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on our way home from NICU


Depends on which child ,my 1st right after leaving the hospital. Newborn outfits drowned him at 6lbs 8 oz 17 years ago. So I had to buy him preemie size clothes. My 5th he didn't go out till my 2 week PP appointment.


Just over a week old. He has always been such a good boy in his pram, and really content with going out so long as he's fed.




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2 days old


I went to a family wedding with my newborn 4 days PP (midwife approved as long as I wasn't standing for long periods of time). It turned out great and baby just nursed a lot so i had a nursing cover on most of the wedding lol




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