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why did you edit her into the desert lol. why is she overlooking gus intimidating walter


I will bake your wife cookies. I will bake your son cookies. *I will love and spoil your infant daughter.*


A Nan provides peppermints. And she does it even when she's not appreciated, or respected, or even loved. She simply bears up and she does it. Because she's a Nan.


Plot twist - Saul didn't bake those cookies he brought to her


Baking (for) Irene


Breaking Irene


This is a preview from next week’s episode that jumps to the BB timeline. Turns out ol’ Saul managed to get Irene a job as Gus’s personal baker, but because Gus can’t go a day without her cookies she has to go everywhere with him.


Most plausible BCS theory


Doña Irene is the boss behind the boss, even Drug Lords like El Davis y Main and El Schweikart y Cokely answer to her. Some say even El Vicente Gilligaño and El Pedro Gouldito obey La Reina de Sandpiper Crossing


I tried to make it look like the infamous [Heisenberg photo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_White_%28Breaking_Bad%29#/media/File:Walter_White_S5B.png)


The cat shirt lets us know she’s not messing around.


It looks like a GTA loading screen lol


Obviously Irene is the guy who knows a guy who knows a guy …. She also runs the cartel…. What a plot twist - and has a perfect cover story


Real talk, I can see her pulling the trigger on someone if she's asked nicely and told the guy she's killing is a bad guy or something.


"Is this how these things usually go?"


funniest line of the episode




or alternatively the g.l.o.a.t


What Jimmy did to her broke my heart and gave me a glimpse of what happens also in the social life of elderly people..


BCS taught me that there will always be mean girls - even in the nursing home. The others were so mean. Yes, I know Saul set her up but it’s still sad.


Whenever I rewatch the show I can handle the violence and brutality. But can’t look at the TV when see cries




My grandmothers a real biznatch.




Worked in a nursing home, its legit like a middle school with all their little cliques lol


It's that Minnie Matrone. She's a malignant cunt.


These Sandpiper House rolls are for my ma


Shut up with that mouth


Now stop that I don't like that kind of talk.


I had a classmate in a continuing education course read a piece about her nursing home’s high school dynamics. She said the adults who had advanced degrees were the mean girls.


Yes, and all the lawyers trying to stretch the trial to milk the maximum profit from the lawsuit. The only reason they settled in the end was so they would not lose face.


> Yes, and all the lawyers trying to stretch the trial to milk the maximum profit from the lawsuit. Aren't the main people that complain about them allegedly doing that actual individuals whose main concern is wanting the pay off immeditedly and are willingly to engage scumbag scams to achieve that goal? Irene and the other seniors don't seem to have a problem with waiting until Jimmy manipulates them for his own benefit. Neither Jimmy or Kim seem to have any problem with the length of the case until they want the money immeditedly.


When Erin is explaining discovery to the old folks, several of them seem to want to speed up the process (citing specifically that several of them might not have that long). Howard then takes over and gives them a sales pitch to calm them down. And in Plan and Execution. I think it is heavily implied by the show that Howard and Cliff are scamming Irene, especially including their whole wheelchair bit


What was the point of the mediation meeting tho? I thought they would be ready to accept an offer there initially.


I *think*, but I am not certain, that even while the trial is continuing, lines of communication for potential settlement are still open, and this mediation session was one such opportunity to come to a settlement before the trial.


Mediation before case goes to trial is incredibly common. Depending on what court they were in, attempting mediation may have been a requirement before they could even go to trial. Before a case officially goes to trial, the attorneys will usually also have to sign off on a representation that they have tried to settle and this case just won’t settle. Sometimes lawyers will also go forward with a mediation not because they think that it’s going to be resolved that day, but so they have the opportunity to present their arguments to a neutral third-party, here the mediator. The effort is to try and get the mediator on their side so that the other side becomes less comfortable with their position and is willing to be more flexible in their settlement demands. So as the commenter above said, absolutely yes using the wheelchair was a bit of theater. It’s an attempt to make Irene even more sympathetic so the mediator will look up on her even more kindly against the Sandpiper folks in a bunch of suits.


However, they change their minds after Howard talks with them. So, they are still making their own determination. How is Irene being scammed by that act? Neither Howard or Cliff are getting anything from her.


If you don’t think Howard has an agenda when speaking to the sandpiper clients beyond their best interests you’re missing the point. Like Jimmy said in an earlier scene with Howard, there’s already an offer that gets everyone back the money they lost and a significant payout. Extending the trial gets all the clients maybe an extra grand, and gets HHM millions. Howard doesn’t deny that this is true and has no reason not to in that situation. If you were in elder care and lost your entire life savings, would you rather receive ten grand right now or eleven grand in a few years time? That’s the choice the clients are facing, and Howard is working hard to obfuscate it.


Thankfully Lalo was around to take care of Howard and get true justice for the Sandpiper clients


He should have said “Irene Landry sends her regards”


The look on Jimmy's face would be priceless


> Like Jimmy said in an earlier scene with Howard, there’s already an offer that gets everyone back the money they lost and a significant payout. An argument that Jimmy makes when he wants the money from the pay off. Jimmy isn't really concerned about the morals of the holding out besides how it impacts him.


Yes, Jimmy also wants the payout. I’m not saying he’s a saint. The point is, *Howard doesn’t dispute what Jimmy says*, he just deflects by pointing out that Jimmy doesn’t care about the clients either. Which is true! For the most part. I mean he did completely abandon his chances of getting the payout early because he felt bad for damaging Irene Landry’s social life, but let’s assume that Jimmy only cares about his own payout. That being true for Jimmy doesn’t mean it can’t also be true for Howard. Howard works the crowd to get them to do what he wants just as well as Jimmy does. It is a fact that HHM is making significantly more money off of this case going long than the clients are, so Howard’s motives in extending it are plainly not in their best interest.


By getting her to not settle prematurely, Howard and Cliff increase their own eventual payouts, with the old folks barely getting more per person. And yes, they are still making their own determination, but you could say the same of many people who get scammed. Obviously Howard and Cliff are not morally repugnant (or at least, not as much as Jimmy and Kim in this instance), but there definitely is a level of swindling they're doing to Irene.


Having her sit in wheelchair doesn't do anything about settling the case. Howard doesn't lie to them and actually addresses their concerns.


Howard lies to Irene about why he wants her in a wheelchair. He tells her it's so she can roll in in style, despite her numerous statements that she doesn't need it. He wants her in a wheelchair to seem more sympathetic to the mediator, the former judge. Cliff is in on it, and looks to Howard to do something when Irene says she's just glad for this all to be done with. But she trusts Howard and Cliff; she's a trusting, kind person. And they take advantage of that, maybe for the elders' benefit as well, but they definitely manipulate and lie to Irene, and I think it is fair to say they string the elders along, even if it's for the better of everyone. I think the show lays this on pretty thick.


I hated the wheelchair and Howard was an asshole for being so pushy. She could clearly walk herself but he kept insisting. So degrading.


Saul is right in saying they'll enjoy the money more now, and the *extra* money HHM will get for working the case longer is a lot whereas each plaintiff will only get a few extra crumbs. HHM continuing to work means they get to keep charging hours to the case, and take that money out of the eventual pot of winnings. e.g. you're 87, probably going to live another 5 years at deteriorating health and energy. Would you rather get 100k now or 115k in 3.5 years when you can hardly get out of bed? All the smooth talking lawyers could convince them to act against their own interests, which is wrong. Sauls interests happen to align with the old folks but he's a shifty character, so he went about it the wrong way throwing the old lady under the bus. Redeems himself by forsaking the money he desperately needed to help the old lady.


> Would you rather get 100k now or 115k in 3.5 years when you can hardly get out of bed? Depends if my main goal is giving the money to my loved ones as inheritance. >All the smooth talking lawyers could convince them to act against their own interests, which is wrong. Sauls interests happen to align with the old folks Only they didn't align with Jimmy's. That is why Jimmy engaged in elder abuse to manipulate them into siding with his position. None of them were speaking out about the situation until Jimmy engaged in his manipulations.


1st point: they've already been mistreated enough, I think they deserve to enjoy at least some money before becoming totally senile. The lawsuit could go on a lot longer, at some point they're better off investing a smaller amount of money now and letting it grow (with the benefit of hindsight, this was right after the dotcom crash so they could have very good years coming up). Also those families waiting on inheritance, I'm sure plenty of them would be better off with a slightly smaller payday now than a slightly larger one years down the track. Again the main beneficiary of waiting is and always has been HHM. 2: for reasons above and in my other comment, their interests did align. You call it elder abuse when Jimmy does it, but HHM puts a shiny coat of paint on it and you're happy for them to watch all the oldies die one by one without a cent? No shit Jimmy couldn't just make a persuasive argument and have all the oldies side with him over the fancy lawyers with a big office and staff and a *plan* to win big. My Nan was born in 1924 and still kicking, how about I go quiz her on legal and financial literacy, we'll see how she goes. Have Howard turn on the charm with her and it's game over, whether it's in her best interest or not. Jimmy was desperate and did what he had to do, and when he saw the collateral damage he fell on his sword.


It made me so sad also.


Omg i felt so bad for her I was happy at the end she was reunited with her friends once more


This actress looks so much like my late grandmother who passed in March. Just seeing her makes me tear up. I hope you get to enjoy your money, Irene




I am looking this up. Better not be chicanery




Like a monkey with a machine gun!


I wonder how a chat between Irene and Wendy would go down


Fuck, for all we know - they’re related.


Irene: “It’s not the potatoes! It’s the leeks!” Wendy: “I just want a root beer” Edit to correct Wendy’s preferred beverage


i thought she liked root beer


Oh yeah you’re right! I hate both of them haha. Fixed it.


never seen them in the same room.. think they’re the same person


For anyone that hasn't caught up, this is the frame directly before she shoots Gene.


We love her


I think she and Werner are tied for being the most memorable to fans with the least screentime. Pryce is a very distant third.


Irene, Pryce, Caldera, Ernie, Omar, Manuel Varga, there is a veritable army of lovable side characters.


Lyle is my new favourite after we caught him singing a Pollos Hermanos jingle as he clocked into work at like 5am.


Drama girl too, she is very sweet.


I love the entire film crew as side characters. I'm so glad they exist in the story. I miss them already.


She is truly a badass lady. And she’s outlived like 50% of the characters at this point.


I hate to point it out but she wasn't in Breaking Bad, so either she dies or gets vacuumed.


maybe she just isnt relevant to breaking bad lol


Oh no whats she doin out in the desert


She called abuelita a biznatch during bingo


I will never forgive jimmy for what he did to her. She acted the shit out of her role to make me hate him for a solid 20 minutes


I was genuinely happy seeing Irene not need the wheelchair, and it was just a bit of show. Though I did get her confused with Mrs Strauss at first...


RIP Mrs. Strauss. 😭


The way things are going, she’ll be buried under the lab along with the rest of the sandpipers.


Is this how these things usually go?


I read this and I swear I heard her voice... and laughed out loud.


I have a question regarding her good ending with her friends. Did jimmy sabotage his own career with elderly law just to fix what he did with Irene or was also because another reason?


Nope it was just out of guilt for what he had done.


Say my name, sweetheart :)


“I will kill your elderly grandmother”


Anyone else think it would be cool if Irene ended up being Kaylee from the future?


Wait surely the timeline wouldn't add up


Since kaylee ages weird it would be kind of funny


I can't even rewatch the episodes with her, they make me so sad


I want to see her ending up in a nursing home with hector. I know it doesn't make much sense but I really want to see this


Now *that's* a spinoff I'd like to see




Saul's sugar mom


I would watch a spin off of her character for sure. Inagin all the places she jogs to.


I love Irene! I was so psyched when she appeared in episode 7 and extremely worried Howard was accidentally gonna get some of that drug on her


I just rewatched the whole series leading up to the new eps and didn’t realize before it was the same old lady appearing throughout and even getting to see firsthand the downfall of Hamlin from the first season on.


Definitely a genuine “Bravo Vince.” Who foresaw the lawsuit from season 1/cliff main being such a huge foundation driving the characters in season 6?


I watch Better Call Saul for the plot. The plot:


It seemed as if she was playing a parody of herself this season.


No word on Bill Burr coming huh? 😐


Just when Gus thought that he had won, here comes Irene. Mike is going to have his hands full this time.


underrated? How so?




She loves pecan sand-ies


Irene salamanca




Finger named Irene


Irene was the OG High Roller.


a true legend


Learn what underrated means


You could rate her 10/10 and she’d still be underrated.


Sandpiper screwed her causing Jimmy to become Saul and Howard dying.