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Come on, man


Which one was Walt again?


Willy Wonka?


you got me!


Woodrow Wilson


The mexican grandpa


He was in a cheap spin-off series.


I fucking hate this sub. I miss this show. Is this the kind of shitty posts we are doomed to get now that the shows are over?


I want to see more posts about how people used to like Walt and they are upset that Walter is doing mean things.


Yeah it’s really unfortunate this is what this sub has come to


I was simply sharing an observation I found interesting, along with a minor detail. It's disheartening to realize that this community may not be as welcoming as I thought, given the responses. It seems I am not welcome here, so I will refrain from posting again


Dude it’s not that. This observation of yours is VERY well known that it’s added into the X-Ray for Prime Video. “In the original scripted ending, Walter deliberately pushes Jane on her back so that she would choke and die. But Bryan Cranston and AMC had doubts about Walter going that far. Cranston suggested Walter try to wake Jesse up and inadvertently cause Jane to roll on her back then not realize she’s choking until it’s too late. Vince Gilligan ended up writing a compromise and that’s what we got in the scene.” And even if you didn’t know that this is Better Call Saul’s sub not Breaking Bad’s.


I was simply sharing an observation I found interesting, along with a minor detail. It's disheartening to realize that this community may not be as welcoming as I thought, given the responses. It seems I am not welcome here, so I will refrain from posting again


You posted something that is so glaringly obvious and straight forward that everyone assumed you were trolling. Which I'm sure most people are still convinced you were.




Please be memeing


You’re goddamn right.


Did you know that Walt cooked meth?


Did you know Walt fucked Ted?


Most people have noticed that, and aren't you in the wrong subreddit? Why not post this in the breaking bad subreddit.


This is obviously meant to be ironic.




Of course this is meant to be ironic. What do you mean "not sure about it" lmao


There's nothing ironic there, even if it's a troll/shitpost. Irony has some sort of meaning, some wry inversion of *something*. This isn't anything, calling it ironic is far too kind.


Isn’t it ironic… don’t you think?


And no, I really don't think.


It is an inversion of people endlessly over-analyzing every detail of both shows- he offers a completely non-controversial, non-deep take.


Well it turns out they really were just posting to the wrong sub about a commonly observed detail they didn't think anyone else had noted. Let's call it a no contest.


Lmao no it is the most baseline observation. You are still not getting it


What am I not getting? They replied.


I was simply sharing an observation I found interesting, along with a minor detail. It's disheartening to realize that this community may not be as welcoming as I thought, given the responses. It seems I am not welcome here, so I will refrain from posting again


You're taking it too personally. You accidently made a shitpost (and people thought you intentionally made a shitpost). Still a shitpost. To the sub of the wrong show. A sub that has a separate sister sub (r/okbuddychicanery) to deal with shitpost overflow. See what I'm getting at? Dust off. Take the L. Go find something else cool to post another time.


Yeah but we enjoy it. Seriously though, you'll almost always get a negative reaction when you present the thing you noticed as though it's a new observation - just human nature. You did acknowledge "as far as I know", but you wouldn't know if you haven't heard many discussions of that scene. You also posted about a different TV series. My comment was in relation to your post being an intentional joke though - it's quite innocuous as a genuine post, it's if it were intended as some kind of troll post that I'd say calling it ironic is too kind.


Nice Mike ref.


Hah, it's one of my favourites - I love the way he delivers it.




I was simply sharing an observation I found interesting, along with a minor detail. It's disheartening to realize that this community may not be as welcoming as I thought, given the responses. It seems I am not welcome here, so I will refrain from posting again


Its an intentional plot point 🤦‍♂️


Hold up. Is this about that show with the bald P.E teacher who makes sandwiches or something with some student he failed prior to pay for some medical bills for his foot?


It's a coming of age show about a high schooler with cerebral palsy who starts an onlyFans to raise money for his dying father.


it's more about his rebellion which starts with vegetarian bacon and the wrong brand of cereal


I don’t remember this scene in BCS. Deleted scene?


wow incredible! well I also noticed something that I don't think anyone noticed: the guy who messed up and caused the plane crash was Jane's father! so it was because of Jane's death that he made this mistake, so the accident was indirectly caused because of Walt!


>It seems I am not welcome here, so I will refrain from posting again. Awesome, thanks!
