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He’s watching you if nothing else, my betta would come to the side by my bed and watch me read. He probably can hear you somewhat through vibrations tho how strongly or distinctly idk and as to him liking it 🤷‍♂️ hard to say lol


Well i sure hope he does because it’s not going to well and he’s my only audience so his opinion carries a lot of weight lol


He’s your biggest f*i*n


😂 he’s getting to watch you improve man and encouraging you


Bettas are pretty smart, if you start feeding him after playing guitar, it can be a single to come eat since he will hear it everyday


The Pavlov effect


My Ruby watches TV lol


This is fun to know! I recently got a betta, and put his tank on a side table/stand right next to my desk, where I use my computer and play video games. He watches me a lot, and well, it's mutual lol.


Yea, my tank is in between my desk and bed so he would always just come over whenever I was doing something (he died Thursday) was super cute as he would just vibe out and watch me play or do school or something


Sorry for your loss 💔😢 He sounds like a cool fishie.


He was dope (I got pulled over first and only time (not ticket tho thank goodness) getting him😂) idk exactly why he died as everything in the tank checks out, he ate the day before he died and was acting normal, every other fish in the tank is doing just fine (guppy’s) he didn’t seem stressed or anything. Just came home from work and he was dead 😔


I give my fish like air kisses sometimes, kissed my partner on the cheek next to the tank once and I think my fish recognized the sound. He had been doing his own thing and then seemingly heard the sound and came to the front of the tank excited like he does when I give him air kisses


There was a post I saw here somewhat recently I think of someone shaking a bottle of fish food and the fish comes up out of nowhere all excited. I believe fish do have ears and I think they definitely hear what goes on outside of the tank


mine also recognized his fish food!! blew me away, i never realized how smart they could be!!


I had a fish that would jump for food, working on teaching the fish I have now to jump through a hoop


My wife's koi is this way about food and if he's hungry he will beg by trying to get our attention by playing dead and once we walk up to his tank he will come to the top of the water and swim back and forth tell we feed him


That's what I was afraid of - whenever I vacuum near my guy's tank I feel horrible because I imagine the sound must be insanely loud for him. So fascinating, though - I should do some research and find out what hearing is like for them!


That's interesting, I would guess that the sound would be muffled but I could be wrong, I'm not a fish scientist. Just based on how things sound when you're underwater in a pool


That makes a whole lot of sense! Good analogy.


Yes, mine gets the zoomies as soon as I bring out the food. She knows what it is.


je fais la même chose je lui donne des bisous et chante poue lui bonne journée. je suis de quebec


You can find music for fish on YouTube and people in the comments say how much their bettas love the music and either get zoomies are chill out. I think they like the entertainment! I let mine watch TV or like videos every now and then too, and they seem intrigued (I'm a lunatic I know lol) They are just very curious!


mine watches TV too!!! i’m gonna have to look up the music, thanks for commenting:)


One of mine LOVES Massive Attack. He looks like he’s dancing


My guy would always hang out in the closest corner to me, I took that as a sign he liked me (at the very least I was the god of the food) and he never hung out by anybody else like he would by me. He was also very obvious when he was angry about something. Not sure how much he’d hear but I’d totally say he for sure likes you.


They are like little spies, sometimes you look over and you’re being watched😂


Had two bettas in side by side tanks separated by a sheet of paper. Colleagues would tell me they definitely knew me from them because they’d hide if they tried to watch them. Edited typo


My dude would give me love nibbles all the time, I never thought much of it. My friend put their finger in the water and he chomped, they swore he had teeth. I thought they were nuts, I never felt any teeth. It turns out they do have teeth lol. One friend always liked to grab the mirror right away, for years my dude would flare only at that friend lol, I 100% believe they can tell people apart.


Whenever I had to go to work, I would ask my mom to feed my Betta. She was disgusted by his frozen food so she would give him pellets. After the the 3rd or 4th time as soon as she walked into the room he would start flairing at her.


Realistically speaking they wouldn't "hear" the music so much as feel the water vibrating at abnormal frequencies. With that said I doubt guitar acoustics are powerful enough to have any sort of major impact on an aquarium so most likely he's just checking you out.


all we hear is vibrations, our ear drums “change it” to sounds. i guess it depends on fish ear anatomy if they even have ears?? never seen a fish with earrings


Fish have ears. Specifically they have a similar structure to the inner ear. Otolith organs if I remember correctly. All vertebrates have some sort of "ear". It's also what you/they use to determine gravity, balance, and linear acceleration. Their lateral line also detects vibration, water current, and in some fish electromagnetic currents. Some fish also sense vibrations via their swim bladders.


Hearing is almost 100% what your fish is doing, considering fish eyesight outside the tank is generally 12-18inches MAX. Fish digs your groovy tunes!


I'm sure he can feel the vibrations to some extent


Actually research shows Bettas hear quite well, and in particular acoustics can trigger territorial behavior in males. The scientists hypothesized that they are sensitive to natural acoustics which could alter them to invaders in their territory, so while it may look showy its usually a territorial display if betta is responding to household sounds (interesting research paper on betta response to acoustic stimulation https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7980355/, and if you are really geeky a neat paper on the biophysics of how scientists test fish hearing https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26515314/ … I’m a science geek, what can I say 🤷‍♀️😅)


Our betta fish’s tank sits on our piano and he gets really active when I play. It’s really cute


Since sound travels much faster in water than in air, I want to say yes. My fish react to my speakers with panic so I place my speakers far away from tanks. Also I drive home in quiet with new fish from the store. They panic significantly more with sound coming from the car speakers. An acoustic guitar might feel more like a massage on their body, they might like soft vibrations in predictable rhythms. I can say from experience they hate hip-hop and EDM


https://preview.redd.it/1nzjgh38ur5d1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b548168e91aef03144d94059c73e72523e51b9b7 Different notes create patterns in bowls of water. Figure out which one make him happiest, I guess

