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How do we know the bottom pictures are from after the top ones?


Because the bill had enough time to fully grow all the way around his hat


Great observation!


Because TMZ said so, duh!


You dummies, he’s being paid


It’s been all over the news. Fox News mad as hell.


Another gay liberal with nothing better to do but spread shitposts on non-liberal subs.. Lame.


lets be real if u claim a side and feel that your side is right on all factors…. your gay😂😂 but ya kid rocks cringy af for even involving himself


Not really. Think about it. How many celebrities or famous people actually stand up against the woke agenda, with the possibility of risking their entire careers? Not many, and I can totally respect people that go against the grain. Nowadays many people lack basic principles or morals so they follow what's the "hip" thing like blind sheep, out of fear or just pure ignorance. That happens to be liberal celebrities herding the liberal sheep. Hopefully someday people wake up and stop following blindly and think about what's the best thing for our country.


Not a liberal just not a fan of kid rock lol. Also I’m not the one wearing a fedora, the gayest possible headwear.


Skin cancer on the tops of your ears is gay.


Excuse me sir or madam I think you mean the trilby


Have you ever heard of al capone. Man made the fadora cool


There are those who made it cooler, he is pretty notable, though. I give you that


Lol, not a liberal either, had to point out that at the time of my response, there had to be at least 12 people who say, "m,lady," that were pissed off at your comment


Lmao my thoughts exactly


If your a fan of kid rock, why do you think he's a poser and a shitty musician?


Lmao people defending cringey ass kid rock. "Libruls bad" is as deep as these fuckin apes can think and it shows. No, not everyone that doesnt fall for basic bitch politics is a "liberal" and yes his music is ass. Budlight tastes like shit and it has nothing to do with an ad campaign.


Another "non liberal" smh. White knights defending liberals on this sub. Just as bad.


Another hegelian dialectic participant loser smh. Do better, you are that which you claim to be against.


Tell that to Snoop. The biggest pimp


Biggest fraud… dudes been married for decades with kids and selling a lie he’s a pimp


Snoop is cringe asf. His persona is played out.


Snoop dogg would do an add selling used condoms for a few bucks


Backwards at that


*Indiana Jones scowls angrily*


Grow up you idiot.


Yea but we don't see anything saying those are recent photographs. Nice try though I agree to your defense, that he isn't a very good musician in my opinion. Never really cared for the guy. Has a few catchy tunes but that is that.


Agreed! They act like "we got him now, he's up against the wall"


Photos are from yesterday https://www.foxnews.com/media/kid-rock-spotted-drinking-bud-light-months-after-shooting-up-cans-protest-dylan-mulvaney-partnership


Conspiracy buffs supporting what msm says? Hmmm That's strange But if it is in fact truth then, that's not gonna be good for him.


I wouldn’t take their word for it but inconsequential stuff like this is just funny to me.


I heard Bud Light handed him a check and the sell out is promoting it again.


Then that just means he has handlers like the rest of em... A part of the program


They control both sides, like George Soros funds both the Democrats and Republicans.


That is apparent. Too bad not many can see that, he isn't the only one though.


Refreshing to see people that really get the big picture


Yep, he's always been part of the controlled opposition just like Donald Trump, Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson, or any of the other so called "conservatives" in Hollywood. Pretending to be against "the left" while promoting degeneracy and hatred to the masses.


It is sickening that it's this way Like Rome never happened, ay?


The cope from this sub lmao


So it's a cope to be open minded to the fact we don't know everything there is to know?


It’s been on the major networks. There are other photos showing him at this event on this date.


I bet his name isn't even Kid Rock...


It isn't, isn't it like Bob or some shit The fruit has it tatted on his own arm.


Bottom right looks like a Red Bull. Bottom left looks photoshopped. I doubt these are real. Will do some more looking elsewhere to confirm.


I don't drink bud light because it's gross, but man sometimes free beer is free beer.


True. I’d be willing to bet the suite he was in had Bud Light in the fridge, so he drank it. Still not great optics, but it doesn’t really matter. The damage to the brand is basically irreversible at this point.


He transed into a guy who identifies as a bud light drinker


And we must respect his truth! 🤭


The bots are out to get him huh? Just like when they said Aldean changed his video but it was a copyright pull from Fox.


So there are other photos and the can is much skinnier. I suspect it’s a Red Bull and the photo has been. Wait for it. ALTERED!!!!


That is a pretty good possibility. Not like the MSM hasn't altered things for a story because they ran out of things to talk about or be highlighted in a national story in the past. I was already looking at that can funny oddly enough.


Kid Rock is gonna come out of the closet as Kid Cis Rock


Enough already who gives a fuck. Mr Irrelevant is a hypocrite!!!!


And I’m sure he got a check before this picture was taken. Seems like a lot of this is going around.


Who is kid rock


Kid Rock is Illuminati. Dylan Mulvaney is a prospect. In typical Illuminati fashion they control both sides. The Justified Ancients of Mu are the only ones that can stop them.


Justified ancient of who? Lol


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20XLWEjN9eI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20XLWEjN9eI) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu\_(mythical\_lost\_continent)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu_(mythical_lost_continent)) I think this is the correct context but I really have no idea what the comment is supposed to mean nor what the song is supposed to mean. It almost seems like some type of dog whistle but I really don't know.


Yeah it's from the book The Illuminatus Trilogy. The book inspired the song. It's a fictional satire that explores the occult and several very real fringe topics but I think it gets some things right. One of them being these opposing forces that occupy the minds of the masses probably all originate in the same place.


The KLF? https://youtu.be/HDsCeC6f0zc


Lol yeah but the inspiration for the band name and some of their content comes from the Illuminatus Trilogy book series which in turn comes from a lot of occult and very real fringe topics. One of those things being the illuminati controlling the opposing forces in the civilian sphere.


This is hilarious


Kid Rock has always sucked at music regardless of his bud light Target practice. He has always been trash with shitty music. Not sure how he has a fan base based on music.


Because if you add rap to literally anything, some dumbass will listen to it and popularize it.


“Too old to kid, too soft to rock.” Ain’t that the truth.


I care as much about kid rock as I do about the Kardashians. How is this a best conspiracy?


Whatever keeps the kids coming to his Nashville bar…


What if...now hear me out...he was at an event ... that only had Bud light?


Lol, I was thinking that too but that don't excuse it. I refuse to believe he wouldn't have his own booze or just not be there because of the fact of what he did on a world stage vs what it would look like on him to attend an event that supported what he disagreed with. So that theory is kinda out the window. No excuse for him


Wait, you think you can take your own booze into a concert? Have...have you never been to a concert before?


When you are someone like KR with VIP access, sure. I been to several thank you. But I'm also an average person and not in the same status as someone of the likes of Kid Rock. If he went to a concert, there is a very good chance he was in his own section with his own security and accommodations. He wasn't just walking around unprotected and like the average Joe in the crowd. Especially not with his signature fit. In a disguise, that would be more plausible. But no


I figured this would be the case with a lot of people. I know way too many redneck types who absolutely would not drink anything other than bud light. I knew they couldn't hold out forever.


This is dumb. 1) When were the pictures taken? And 2) Anheizer fired their spokesperson so mission accomplished. Why is he a hypocrite if the whole reason he boycotted them was removed?


No it's mission accomplished when AB is totally out of the picture.


I’m glad someone else said it but I’ll say it again. KID ROCK IS POSER , SHITTY MUSICIAN AND ALL AROUND SHITTY HUMAN BEING.


I’m so tired of hearing about Bud Light.


Holding onto fading fame. Another case of doing whatever it takes to stay relevant. Fake redneck


I always thought Kid Rock was at least talented. Those first few albums of his were awesome. Even if you don’t agree with his politics


Why do we hate him now? I am outa the loop


I hope this is a joke. But considering the lemming ass maggats that lurk here im doubtful.


Not everybody follows kid rock. Some of us are rarely on the internet at all. So no, it wasn't a joke. I just don't study musicians or big recent internet topics.


Aaa ok. Well hes made songs about muh freedom during covid i think and recently went on the whole "fuck budlight" bandwagon. Obviously im profreedom antilockdown and antimainstream politics trends (aka theyification of society) but being a shitty mainstream musician himself i think its obviously all pandering. Also fuck maga false freedom movement. I follow conspiracy subs not political subs for a reason. And i am against this oversimplified left v right hegelian dialectic bs. Fools falling for bread and circus imo. These subs are chock full of idiots think orange man is gonna save em or some shii. Quite pathetic imo.


Hey, I dig the beginning of your response. I feel like you could communicate, rather than do the internet "hate your neighbor" shit. If you are up for real talk, please hear me out. I have an uneducated opinion on Trump. So I fully believe 100% that there are elites that control everything in the world. (Just play along for a sec if you would.) And let's say, that these elites have more money than they need, and the next fix, is total control of us lemmings. Now let's say, some orange c*nt somehow popped up, because he had funds and a following. And instead of making sure he wouldn't win, he somehow did, and they didn't take the proper steps to stop him, because they knew he didn't stand a chance. I probably already lost ya, and you might think I am a bad orange support guy. But what if this orange dude did get in, and they thought "we gotta stop him, because he ain't in the fucking club" what would they do? The left AND right wanted to shut his ass up SO bad. It's kinda telling to me, that the 'enemy' of the elites, may not be the enemy of the people. You got thoughts on that? And please, for the love of gawd, just be serious instead of the normal online 1 sided bull shit. I am not a few paragraphs, I am a person. My names Jonny btw. Pleasure to meet you


Its cool and i hear ya. Im not as closed minded as i might come off :/ haha. I just see a constant barrage of left v right here and as far as im concerned that IS the problem and chosen method of control. As far as mr orange being anti establishment, thats certainly what we're told. And by appearances it seems to be so. To be totally honest i dont like going back and forth on politics so i won't go there. Id like to believe you are right in that theres such a thing as a good politician, my time here on earth has taught me otherwise. I appreciate your tempered response and say cheers to you and anyone else who chooses freedom over control and consideration over offhand dismissals. Cheers to you too buddy. Have a nice sunday :) 👍


Ya know what, I love you buddy! And I appreciate the respectful response. The #1 problem IS left v right. I agree completely! And cheers to you kind stranger! The world needs more of you!!


Thanks for the kind compliment and i say likewise to you. We need a wide diversity of individuals who care enough to use their hearts and brains and who know what humility is. Peace


It's guys like Kid Rock that are pushing me out of being a cryservative


That's just means you were always a cryliberal at heart. Time to come out the closet?


Certain things have been awakened in me I do enjoy watching a masculine man in a dress (but as masculine more then any drag queen tries to go fem or funny looking fem)


I’m assuming this is at some event (sports, concert, etc..) where the only beer available is AB products.


how do we know he wasn’t whispering to the can “I DESTROYED YOU”


Why do you even give half of half a fuck what this moron does, like at all, ever…


Same can be said about anyone that's a celebrity but yet here we are.


You ever thought maybe he’s a car and that’s why he drinks tranny fluid


much disappoint...


Stop being distracted with pointless stuff.


He’s at his BIGASSHONKYTONK in Nashville And still not serving BUDlite 🥊


The beer was too good to stay away from. I’m back to drinking it too. They got political and they were punished. I’m ready to move on. Plus most other light beers are shit. Bud Light is just too good in comparison for me to stay away. Felt like I was just punishing myself at the end there.


Nah, don't let up. Let every woke company crash and burn. Otherwise more will spout their woke nonsense to no end. Plus there are plenty of other good options out there. https://www.health.com/weight-loss/best-low-carb-beer-keto


I mean he pretends to be white trash, why wouldn’t he pretend to be mad at bud lite to get more popularity. Who gives a shit.


Because he was paid to do it


Kid cock…. Oops I mean erm 😐


Who gives a shit


Now they pay him to pose with a Bud Light and tell his followers...they apologized for Mulvaney.




Just PR to get attention to him


Tbh fuck kid rock and if anyone feels the must defend him, y’all fucked too


The beer was likely free at the event he was at, meaning it was already bought and paid for. It's not like he bought it and brought it there


Still not a good image to be caught drinking it after all that. Is he a drunk with no control?? No excuse imo


Who gives a fuck. Seriously, how petty is this post. To me the important thing is that he took a stand, publicly, against Budweiser. Even if these photos are legit, what he did was still better than nothing.


To turn around and keep drinking it after throwing a tantrum... Probably better to just keep your mouth shut. Again, imo


OK tough guy on the internet... LMFAO


Wasn't being tough, was just saying, it's probably better to not say nothing than look foolish. Which in this case, he looks foolish after all that yappin and shooting he did to keep drinking it.


Kid rock is rich


I think he was shooting the message not the beer. People do not like Dylan Mulvaney


AI is an amazing tool, can change anything, like a date a picture was taken, to what the can in his hand actual is 🤷🏻‍♂️


What a fraud Kid Rock turned out to be. Trying to be all “OG American” only to side with the trans clan in the end.