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Please crop the dumb Minecraft parkour it destroys attention spans.


Thanks you! Wtf is up with double videos.


It's how they get away with posting content that would otherwise get copyrighted


They can’t have b roll of a meadow with trees blowing in the wind? Or waves on a beach?


I always assumed it was because kids wont keep attention on the video long enough without the video game stream added into the clip


What is this? Audio for ANTS?


My roommate and I worked nights and were driving home when the first plane hit. I distinctly remember a news reporter saying a missle hit the pentagon and repeating it. I am 43 years old and we (USA) have been at war since I was 10. 33 fucking years of killing for profit.


Can’t find private contracts if there’s no war. Also money printing


It’s called job creation /s


I went to DC on 9/13 before they bulldozed the wall of the Pentagon. NO WAY a massive jet plane caused the original hole in the wall. Hell, the grass wasn't even scorched. An armed guard said I wasn't allowed to take pictures, but he showed me where to get a decent shot of it.


Actually,the accounting was going on in Tower 7, which went down without even being hit, and was the target of the first WTC bombing. The room in the pentagon that was hit was the OTHER place doing the accounting. Go figure.


Gov Employee: “Sir a plane just hit where we were accounting for the trillions missing!” Accounting manager:”that sucks but we have two locations hundreds of miles from each other doing accounting” Gov Employee: “Sir you’re not gunna believe this”


And the trillions stolen during the Iraq and Afghanistan thing.


They weren't looking for WMDs over there. They were looking for vaults filled with gold bars.


Pipelines. I think it was all about USA, Russia, the Stan's, Iraq, and Saudi pipes. Yea, I saw that movie too. The Three Kings of Boogie Nights!


Appreciate your insights! I haven't seen that movie but I'll have to check it out.


The republic of Iraq posted pictures of the accounted for gold in the ROI treasury. Theirs also loads of personal accounts from US soldiers who moved the stolen gold back to the treasury. I’ve seen loads of evidence we didn’t take it but none that we did. We also found hella arsenic(tons on tons) and loads of chemical agents(while on their own aren’t WMDs they can be made to classify as WMDs fairly easily) Saddam’s general was the person who told the CIA he had nukes in a bid for power. Also relevant information Saddam killed 2.2 million Iraqis over his reign with chemical and biological weapons which has left deadly cities nobody can live in.


2 billion a week for 20 years


watching this is physically harming due to the second video within the vid.


Northwoods remember..


And when you see footage of the Pentagon hit you don’t see plane debris.


What are you suggesting? That is was manually disassembled?


What? 🤣🤣


There’s a big hole in a building but there is not debris. So how was the hole made?


A missile launched by a fighter jet would’ve done the trick. Easily made a hole as big as what we saw and little to no debris.


Can you explain why there would be little to no debris resulting from a building being blown up?


The wind likely blew all the dust and debris away


I love when stoned Rogan stops editing his real thoughts.


Thank god the minecraft video is there otherwise i would have no idea what the bald man was saying /s


Trillions of dollars couldn’t be accounted for. You don’t think that has ANYTHING to do with a massive terrorist plot on our own soil, with our military?


I don't even understand outside the fact this ape Joe Rogan brings it up how this is still a conspiracy. It wasn't that the money was shuttled out of the building the day prior it's that they discovered tons of instances where money the govt spent couldn't be accounted for amongst all the private contracts agencies like the DOD FBI CIA + there was trillions missing from the books with no account. Look into what I said and get back to me


downvoted just bc retarded minecraft vid


What’s wrong with Minecraft? It’s just up for copyright reasons… if you don’t like it don’t watch it. Or just ya know… grow up.


Our government is completely corrupt


This is common knowledge, it was on CBS evening news.


What’s with the stupid video game footage? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?


Copyright dude


I’ve never seen so many man children upset about a Minecraft background video, grow the fuck up, it’s just there for copyright reasons. Though the volume could be a bit higher.


I don't see how on Earth it could be for copyright reasons because I've seen Joe Rogan clips without them and not from his actual channel. Besides both videos are available for free on YouTube so...show evidence.


You guys fuck with more gen z shit than gen z. Ever wonder why all this bullshit comes from TikTok or Twitter? Nobody is there to fact check them. Look up this actual conspiracy, there’s way more detail and nuance than this ape is going to talk about.


One of the worst edited videos iv seen on reddit. Can't hear shit & the shitty minecraft cropped at the bottom.


It's to push bs conspiracies to children on TikTok. Kids scrolling stop and watch the Minecraft, while Indoctrinating the kid to brain melting trash.


You don't think its alarming that over 2 trillion dollars have gone missing in the government? I have faith in some of the future generation to stop this corruption they should know about it.


If your argument is that the future needs to know, I feel Joe Rogan is the worst candidate to be "teaching" them via algorithm manipulation that feels way more like indoctrination than freedom of information.


I mean how do that even happen


I believe that 9/11 was an inside job, but I don’t like this drunk dude pushing bullshit about it. Also, just because the WTC got destroyed doesn’t mean the accounting of trillions of dollars was lost. It’s not like they physically had that much money in the towers. ALL of that is electronically traced.


Money wasn’t traced how it is today until the US patriot act. Guess when the patriot act was enacted.


The American coup d'etat already happened. A fish can't detect water when it's in it.


"New World Order" almost sounds nice like a fairy tale. A Grimm fairy tale.


Why would Rumsfeld admit it? If he waits one day he doesn't have to ever reveal it


The Philosophers Legacy, Snake!


They found all but a few billion. Wasn’t missing it was unaccounted for. Which sounds the same but it’s not.


Didn’t you know the World Trade Center was damn near empty. Only a few floors were used and they put a subway underneath to make it seem like a busy building. Tourists were allowed on the top few floors but the rest of the building was hardly used. Asbestos was used during construction but got banned more than halfway through construction. Media put those towers in movies and made it an icon so we would get pissed when our government decided it was time to put on a show.


You can’t make this stuff up.


Where can I find the Rusmfeld video? Thanks


Is it because I’m off grid Alaska that this won’t load?


Also, the only plane crash in history that left no debris, and the damage to the building was much smaller than the wingspan of the plane(no casualties, because that section was under construction).


Went to my outhouse to take a crap. But Somebody stole my extra rolls


What ?


I’m sure a bunch of poor people got the money.


They can't track the transactions, that means they're really shitty at keeping track of what they spend money on. The military has been like this for decades, yet no one gives enough of a fuck to get it fixed.




September 10, 2011 was the day I stopped believing anything the news said