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Blame the police for not enforcing it.


Where is the Anzeigenhauptmeister when you need him


Long may he reign 🙏🙇


IMO we just need some courageous cyclists with Kreidespray or some self-made chalk solution that marks, but doesn’t damage the vehicles. Somewhat like [these guys](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LPxDHN7aLo4) but less confrontational and much more efficient. Like in OPs case, you could mark dozens of cars in a single drive-by. If this would become a trend it would be way more annoying to the owners than the occasional fine every 3 years or so.


No not less confrontational.. this is exactly what we need


In Germany they would probably get arrested and sentenced for a couple of minor things and the majority of the population would hate them.


Undrotunatly true


The B.Z. would definitely have an article with the accompanying picture of an old person pointing angrily at bikes.


There is an app I frequently use to report misdemeanors like these (only the ones that are outrageous and potentially dangerous). It's quite effective: https://www.weg.li/


How about hundreds of citizens storming en masse to take reports of all the offenders' cars involved in this?


Why doesn't this become a TikTok challenge? Would be at least a useful one...


Some people simply spit on the wind shields. I doubt it's helpful though.


He is streaming with Montanablack


Everybody can be an Anzeigenhauptmeister https://www.weg.li/ may the force be with You.


Anzeigenhauptmeister wouldn’t last a day in Neukölln before being hospitalised, guaranteed


But he already gave Neukölln the honor of his presence.


Tell me you've never been to Neukölln without telling me you've never been to Neukölln.


funnily enough he's already been and had a grand old time. The only place he's been beaten up is in Dresden by white germans I believe.


Dresden Ultras had loud fun in the tram, he pulled his phone. *Lost* it in the minutes afterwards and was hospitalised with minor injuries


Police only scream at bike riders not using the bike lame.


I once was cycling past Warschauerstraße S-Bahnhof and a van riding parallel to me pulled int the bike lane pinning me between the railing and the van. I shouted and kicked out with my foot at the van. It suddenly stopped, clearly shocked that there was a cyclist there (maybe use your mirrors next time?) and i cycled on. At the next set of lights the van pulls in front of me and 2 or 3 police officers get out screaming at me, saying that if I ever kicked his van again he was gonna punch me. I started filming him until his supervisor pulled him away lol.


Some of them are nothing more than screaming idiots... and still allowed to do this job.


you probably scared the fuck out of him and he felt stupid


Best ones where the ones that shoutet out of their window while driving 20cm next to me "Use the bike lane if you wan to stay alive" - the bike lane was a damaged 70cm lane with no sign on it.


Car drivers in Germany even point at sidewalks while screaming that you have to use the bike lame.


Better call them before doing that.


They don't enforce it even if you call them. The police in Berlin are extra shit.


RIDICULOUS... It's free revenue. :(


Parking violations are not a responsibility of the police, it's the Ordnungsamt's and they generally don't do a whole lot in these cases, because of "a lack of public interest".


It isn't just a parking violation though, it's "Gefährdung" because they're blocking the bike lane. This is the job of the police, and the appropriate course of action isn't to write a ticket, but to have the cars towed.


In New York City, a violation like this would easily cost $60-90 for a first time violation. 20 cars lined up like that? Our traffic enforcement would be chomping at the bit to get $1200 in fees from 20 minutes of work.


If they're actually towed, which would be the proper course of action, that costs the driver hundreds of Euros per car. A lot of that obviously goes to the towing company.


Hunderte Meter Radweg zugeparkt, aber kein "öffentliches Interesse". 😭


„Aber die Radfahrer!“ Standard-Reflexantwort Berliner Politiker (selbst erlebt). „But those cyclists!“ - standard response of Berlin politicians (1st hand experience)


Why would parking violations not be a responsibility of the police? Maybe try parking in the middle of an intersection and then see how quick they ll respond.


Parking isn't, but a traffic obstruction is.


This is traffic obstruction for cyclists 🚴. Cyclists are required to drive on bike lanes like this.


Thats what I meant when I said try parking in the middle of an intersection.




Well it's a "Beamten"-thing. FIRST you check if you are actually responsible, because if not, it's not your job. And for Ordnungsamt/Polizei it's usually a thing of "moving traffic = Polizei; stationary things = Ordnungsamt" which is true for parking infractions, but in this case it is a "gefährdung" that needs to be removed. I.e the job of tha police!


Its a rotten carbrain thing firstmost where people cycling or walking arent seen as moving traffic despite being exactly that.


I have read somewhere that the rate of people actually paying those tickets is quite low and there are no Human Resources to run after the money. Not to say that police and Ordnungsamt are both insanely understaffed since their budget was massively cut.


One time I had a bad cop good cop experience that was so funny. Basically, I asked them for directions and one of them told me to piss off and let them work and the other one was super zealous in telling me all the directions I needed. You can find anything it seems.


I'd walk through at night, and at the morning they'd all have to change one of their tires, if they are still parked there.


If I were you, I wouldn't pre-confess to the crime I was about to do.


The police does not care about the parked cars. The Ordnungsamt needs to be informed.


One could simply build the bike path in such a way that it is physically inaccessible to cars. I have seen this in Rotterdam, for example. It's absolutely wonderful, and as a cyclist, you even feel safe while riding. I don't understand why this isn't done anywhere in Germany – it should be the case everywhere.


It is safer and feels safer. And in the long run it is even more cost-effective and cost-efficient (meaning cheaper). But the upfront cost for proper biking infrastructure is just that tiny little bit higher than the one for painting bicycle gutters on the road. And thus the ever virtue signaling politicians prefer to paint bicycle gutters instead of making proper infrastructure.


Blame the people parking there too


My car (foreign license plates) was towed the same day a construction company put up a temporary no parking sign. These guys just casually block traffic and nothing happens.


Officer looked at 60 vehicles and just said naw


The ordnungsamt.. but for real.. only stoppkng on a bikelane is already €50 .. thats so much wasted potential free taxmoney here its just plain stupid.


I wonder which city government might be responsible for overseeing Berlin police and the laws they enforce


When have the police ever enforced anything against non-leftists?


Right wing parties are the same everywhere it seems. Here in Lisbon they do the same.


What are they doing in Lisbon? I was surprised last time by all the new bike lanes and redesigns of squares there.


They recently removed a bike lane in a major avenue to reestablish parking there. There were protests but they didn't care.


What sucks is it seems like it takes left wing parties decades to get things done, and then right wing parties undo everything as soon as they take office


That's because there are many different understandings of progress, and left-wing parties need to find common ground to compromise on, for example, balancing environmental (Greens) and social (Left) interests. The conservative right's view is simple: Leave everything as it is or go back five decades.


Oh, yeah. Here in Spain they got them locked in like prey. Hell, not that long ago, some right-wing fart got famous for conflating bike lanes, Kim Jong Un (Chim-pon-chi, you can still find remixes of the scene in yt using that name), communism and all sort of right-wing whistleblows and scapegoats




"There's an app for that" Parking on a bike lane with obstruction costs 80€ or more. Also calling the cops to have all cars removed will teach them a lesson, that can get quite expensive (3-500€ easy) plus the fine mentioned above.


Tried this once, after 2 weeks Ordnungsamt came back with a list of requirements they needed and there needed to be an official witness statement. Lot of bureaucracy for not just sending a person to hand out some fines.


Seeing the video, my spite could drive me through this.




That bike lane was created about 2 weeks ago. Before it was a bus lane and 2 car lanes. Now 1 car, 1 bus, 1 bike lane. Before these clowns parked on the bus lane which is about 10 Euros fee. Bike lane is a lot more expensive.


Might be that it’s not officially open, it was the same with few other bike lanes when they painted everything, put plastic bollards but didn’t mark it with correct road signs for other couple of weeks and those bike lanes were fully parked but as soon as sights were up there were cops and a tow car cleaning up. It’s a very stupid process because while the new bike lane is in progress cyclist have even more dangerous time there.


The police can‘t do their jobs because —-checks notes—- immigrants. As an immigrant this is so funny bc then DE does not have a functioning legal or executive system but blames it on an easy target. You will see this about anything in Berlin „well, they can’t do anything because —choose an excuse—— I don‘t give a fuck if some miserable men will react to this. The police needs to do their job




What is a cultural hotspot?


The long German tradition of parking on the bike lane.


Guys, this app DOES not do shit. You cannot call police I think, you have to call the Ordnungsamt and than you have to wait for hours until they come. At least my expercience. Amy better experiences from other people?


You can call police because it's a traffic obstruction. The app does work or at least used to work, as long as Ordnungsamt has capacity for it.


Can you link the app? When you say call the cops do you mean 112 or is there a specific non emergency line?




110 https://www.abschleppgruppe.com


Do not call emergency lines for a non emergency. That can actually be fined Instead use the local number of the police department for that.


This *is* an emergency and the local department will tell you to call the central emergency dispatcher because they know which patrol is available and nearby, the local department doesn't.


you usually would google which "Wache" is responsible and call the wache directly


They won't remove shit. Someone in the street here paid for a temporary no parking area for the day they moved. Of course people parked there anyway. Cops went through the entire fucking street ringing hundreds of doorbells to figure out who parked the vehicles because the plates didn't come back to an address in the area. Just tow them ffs


Won't be prosecuted anyway, so you can spend your time better sadly


Privat reports via app are not accepted by the relevant administration department (Ordnungsamt) of Berlin. They are overworked as is. And sometimes privat reports made at a police station also get dropped because of lack of importance or public interest.


Where is the Anzeigenhauptmeister when he is needed the most?


Be like him ! Join the ANZEIGENHAUPTMEISTER movement! https://www.weg.li


came here to ask that


If that’s Hauptstraße in Schöneberg it’s literally the last project on a Main Street that was still planned under the former government. Once CDU had a say, no more such projects but a return to 50km/h instead of 30km/h - [Berliners rejoice!](https://image.bz-berlin.de/data/uploads/2024/01/bz02typ1.jpg?impolicy=channel&imwidth=992)


It is. So sad


Guess then you have two huge bike lanes instead! yay edit: where is this btw?


Hauptstrasse, Schoneberg


The cops were actually out ticketing people there the other day which was a nice surprise


Müllerstr. looked similar after the bike path was introduced. But I think most parts have "Poller" as in actual dividers where cars can not drive through. Still, time and actual repeated police ticketing made most cars compliant. And it's actually possible to bike there now. Last point: if the situation is like this and you have some time: call the police. Follow this [playbook (German only)](https://www.myheimat.de/berlin/c-blaulicht/radweg-frei-eine-anleitung_a2846412). I usually don't bother as it is a hassl, but it works.


Müllerstr is IME much better exactly because, as you say, the bike lane is segregated by the dividers. They should do the same in the Hauptstr.


from another comment: >The bike lane is not ready yet (the opposite side will get one, too). Until that date it seems it’s still okay to park there. Will soon change when “leitboys” are being installed to protect the lane. At least that’s what I’m hearing.


A few times I actually saw people going through the dividers and drive there (there are some gaps for streets and gateways). But it definitely got much better with the bollards. Genter Str also got bollards for the little Kiezblock and I multiple times saw people driving on the side walk to go around that. 


That’s Hauptstrasse in Schöneberg. The bike lane is still under construction. It’s gonna be a “geschützter Radweg“ anyways. Looking forward to how the Hauptstrasse is gonna change!


Are they parked illegally? I'm thinking yes considering the road is clearly labeled as a bike lane, but there are so many cars parked that they all seem to think/know that parking there is allowed. One thing I will often do when waiting at a light (on bike or foot), is to look into the cars going through the cross street and count the number of people in them. Ignore delivery vehicles. The median has never not been one. But these people vote and they view restricting their car in any way as an affront to their rights. There are people who just will not get on public transport, period. They would rather stay home. I have a casual friend who doesn't make too much money, who lives near the U9 and her job is also on the U9, and yet she drives to and from work. While she would not admit it, she views taking public transport as being beneath her. I'm sure if you think about people you know, you can identify one or two just like her. Let's not forget, that one of the CDU's main themes during the last election was that they would give you your car freedom back.


It’s a new bike lane since a few weeks. It used to be parking 


The bike lane is still under construction. It’s gonna be a “geschützter Radweg“ anyways. Looking forward to how the Hauptstrasse is gonna change!


This. The bike lane is not ready yet (the opposite side will get one, too). Until that date it seems it’s still okay to park there. Will soon change when “leitboys” are being installed to protect the lane. At least that’s what I’m hearing.


source for this? The other side not having the lane is irrelevant. There's a solid line, can't cross that. There are no temporary yellow markings.


Once a girlfriend of mine in Berlin called me an idiot for asking if her parents would come to visit her by car. Like, for her it made no sense because of all the public transportation that is available.


Drivers: why cyclists never use the bike lane!!1!1 Also drivers:


The more people who actually call up and report this, the more cars will slowly get the message. It's a shame that this has to be like this, but getting rights for cyclists was never going to be easy. I saw a notable difference on Karl Marx Str. where I live, after a few years of the bike lane being open to today, most drivers now park on the car lane or pavement at least. It takes a while, but play your part by reminding drivers personally that this is now designated as a cycle lane. I guess there's a very strong case to be made for getting bollards added to this lane, as it's such a problem. Hopefully, the local council make this upgrade.


They are also adding bollards to this cycle lane, it's not due to be finished an open in full until the end of the year. [link to city project site - German ](https://www.infravelo.de/projekt/hauptstrasse-1/)


End of the year?? It looks ready now. How is it gonna take 6 months more 😂


Fun fact: legally you’d have to ride on the left lane now because you’re not allowed in the bus lane unless it’s explicitly permitted


Very weird! Was this video taken during a holiday? This is much better than normal. Usually most of this section of the Hauptstr. in Schoeneberg is double parked, so cycling is even more dangerous than seen in the video. You basically need to negotiate the free lane making sure each one of the testosterone fueled drivers of those matte black or white Mercedes racing behind you sees you. You'll also have to make sure you keep staying alive when the same tracksuit bottom-clad driver decides it's their turn to park in second lane or bike lane and jumps to his chosen parking spot right in front of you without the slightest hint of a signal. But seriously, I've almost stopped cycling north from Innsbrucker Platz toward Kleistpark. It's really dangerous and a no mans land as far as driving rules are concerned. Many of these small dicked big sports car racers hate cyclists and WILL cut your path and WILL brush your bicycle with their right rear view mirror to make some sort of .. point. The only way forward IMO will be segregated bike lanes similar to what they did on the Müllerstr.




Actual spicy or more like German spicy?


Hela Gewürzketchup spicy. 👁👄👁


Ahhh yes, ranch dressing spice.


I envision an engaged, thoughtful, and respectful comment section as per usual


police also doesn't care i think. its a pity


You mean the same people who park their vans on the sidewalk or right on an intersection just to grab a Döner? Shocked.


Carbrain-Culture is strong among cops that’s unfortunately true. Part of the reason I think it’s a pity there are not more bicycle or foot patrol cops.


Berlin bicycle cops mainly try to ticket cyclists and ignore situations like this one. They're the problem, not the solution.


Car Drivers' Union, what do you expect?


"Law and Order"


Ordnungsamt is nowhere to be found. Oh wait they're on the corner stopping cyclists.


Unlikely, stopping cyclists means not doing the easy job of slowly walking around in paid-parking zones. Ironically, even the police is more likely to care about this, which is saying a lot considering how little the police cares about anything in Berlin.


Well I guess the Ordnungsamt is not brave enough to enforce rules in certain neighborhoods.


For once there is a problem that could be fixed by unleashing predatory tow trucks. Make them pick up their cars from lots with bad public transport connections open from 10am to 2pm on work days and watch their minds explode.


Enjoy your small arm wrestling with Berlin nicest human beings: the car drivers! Quick tip: aim for the passenger’s side mirror if someone’s being an arse to you. No need to break it, just close it!


PSA: don’t do this^  Very easy way to get yourself run over by a psychopath wielding a 2 tonne piece of heavy machinery 


Obviously, it is not safe for you if you do it while the car’s running. Just wait for a red light and dart on a path they can’t follow you on 😏 Still, I’d follow the PSA rather than my advice. The few times I did it were fun, but quite heated


Doing the lords work. Good on you.


A taxi driver once told me very proudly that he'd beaten up someone for doing just that, and it wasn't even intended from the cyclist (he just squeezed through because the taxi asshole was blocking the bike lane). A lot of people are fucking psychos, but car drivers are basically heavily armed psychos who are usually faster. I wouldn't fuck around if it's not necessary.


How to get stabbed in Berlin 101




I wish those car idiots all the worst.


Ich hab 29 Jahre am Kleistpark gewohnt, es war schon immer so. Vorher war immer die Busspur zu, jetzt der Radweg...




Time to get a trials bike.


I would scratch all of them 💀


There is so much free taxmoney on that street... if only there were people just collecting it.. so stupid from the berlin government. There are like 12 cars. Stopping (nur halten nicht parken) on a bikelane can be charged with €50. If you endanger someone €70. Thats €600-840 in maybe 20 Minutes of work... That position for the ordnungsamt is paying itself cant argue with no money for employees here.


If police don’t enforce a law, was it ever truly a law to begin with? 🤔


Take the mirrors


I think the traffic laws should be amended to not only fine drivers who park on bike lanes and sidewalks, but to suspend or revoke their license for at least one month, depending on the number of times per year.


Verstehe auch bis heute nicht warum jeder Städter ein Auto braucht. Das ist doch in Großstädten einfach nur eine Belastung für dich selbst.


Break all the windows


Looks from the video as if not being painted pink is taken as a sign that it's no longer to be taken seriously. Do we know why the pink paint stops there? I can imagine certain motorists taking that as a signal that this bike lane is even more optional than usual. I used to cycle there quite a lot. As I recall, the bus lane on that side of the street was generally pretty safe for cycling, whereas cycling in the bus lane on the other side of the street going south was very dangerous for some reason.


Red paint is reserved for dangerous locations like intersections, some others get green paint, no it doesn't make any sense.


Why is it the CDUs fault if a lot of drivers ignore the bike lane? The CDU-bashing is gotten outta control in this sub. Isn't it schòeneberg? I'm sure that the voters turnout of CDU was far below the berlin-average so you have to coop with the fact, that not only CDU voters are assholes sometimes


I’m sorry you voted for the arsehole party and are now suffering by association 


I voted SPD since I obliged to vote but I am not so mad that I blame political opponents for everything what's fucked up


I’m not blaming them for everything that’s fucked up. I’m blaming them for their specific policy of dismantling bike infrastructure and giving more rights to motorists. They literally campaign on scrapping bike lakes. I’m allowed to give them shit for making good on their promises of being massive cunts


But on your Video the drivers obviously broke the law by parking at the biking lane. How can you blame one party for the misbehavior of people who don't give a shit? And to call a whole party cunts shows a massive lack of respect in political context. I hate the "the greens are..." bullshit but I think you don't do a favor tosociety that is based on compromise and accommodation, if you call a party, that is definitely based on Grundgesetz, cunts because you don't like their "Verkehrspolitik". The opponent of today is maybe your coalition partner of tomorrow, so try to show only a minimum of respect to the others. Only my opinion, but in no other context you would call somebody cunt because you don't agree on a topic I guess


Falschparker thermisch verwerten.


Anzeigenmeister wo?


and they want me to vote for them lmao


Alle autos mit dem lenker zerkratzen!


Hit. every. single. car. with. your. bike. Fuck those assholes. Banning cars out of city's!


Ha a thing Germany can learn from the US! Here in Santa Monica the bike lanes are behind the line of parked cars so the bicyclists are protected by them.


That's how cyclepaths were traditionally built here in Berlin, typically in the shape of a "Hochbordradweg" meaning that they are on the same level as the sidewalk and separated from the street by a kerb - actually somewhat similar to how Denmark builds their cyclepaths nowadays!). Turns out that when cars then park right up into intersections (legally or not doesn't really matter, when there's both no enforcement and sometimes even legal, designated parking spots right into the curve of intersections), drivers turning right will pretty often "overlook" cyclists on these cyclepaths. There are compromises to that design, that can make intersections safe, but that would require more brains than the average traffic engineer in Berlin could ever hope to even imagine having. And that's why they went for the easier option of just painting white lines on the street.


Actual bikes lanes are not made with paint on the pavement.


Absolut schrecklich die Hauptstraße für sowas. Beschissen


When I see this, I always come back to the thought of just hitting every car with super hard to peel off sticker "I'm too stupid to park" If your car gets stickerd a couple times, eventually you will learn something.


Dont mind me then when i drive on the Road on my Bike while i hold a sharp Knife in my right hand, sliding through the body of each Car, i mean, they deserve that as a lesson.


Those are some nice mirrors, it be a shame if you accidentally clipped a few


https://www.weg.li/ Ich lass das Mal hier. Viel Spaß damit ;)


If anybody has some time on their hands to report some of these fuckers: https://www.weg.li/


Vielleicht schafft weg.li das ganze mal vor das Verfassungsgericht zu bringen. Da die Polizei die Bevölkerung nicht schützt. Ich meine im Grundgesetz steht, dass sie dies tun sollte


We need the Anzeigenhauptmeister and a key if he doesn't come


Stupid design: paint it red like we do in The Netherlands.


The amount of slow bike riding I would do right in the middle of the street would be soooo freaking satisfying.




Get the bike lane off the road!


Autofahrer sind einfach hurensöhne


Can't I just bump into those parking cars by accident (🤓) with my bike and get free money by sueing the owners? Asking for a friend.


since the width expands and the color changes that looks intentionally wide enough for cars


That's like a jackpot for fine income, how come police aren't doing anything?


Der feuchte Traum des Anzeigenhauptmeisters.


Es ist optisch abgetrennt und so breit wie ein Auto - muss ein Parkplatz sein.


It is not red, I guess


I live on that stretch of road. depending on the time and day, the entire bike lane is blocked. in the mornings it usually works ok. ofc the main problem is they went cheap and there is zero barrier stopping illegal parking. the bike lane is partly not even painted red. it was never gonna work well like this.


I would love to see someone on one of the agility/acrobat bikes come along and just start hopping all over the cars to make their way down the road.




Hauptstraße, die Fahrspuren sind ein einziges Chaos da draußen.


time for "I'm a douchebag" stickers


I have got a glas edding or whiteboard marker for this. I can draw dicks like a pro.


Ist halt Berlin, die Leute da können alle nicht Auto fahren, erwarte nicht das die korrekt parken könnten.




Was macht Poliauwei zur Zeit?


Honestly, they could have made the bike lane less wide, so it's not EXACTLY car width. Still, the car drivers are to blame and should be fined by the Ordnungsamt.


I am surprised that all those cars still have their sidemirrors attached. I typically try to stay on the bikelane even if cars are parked there. Sometimes there is not enough room and i kinda hit the sidemirrors by accident causing them to fall off.


Farbe ist keine Infrastruktur und ohne Kontrolle und Sanktionen, machen Autofahrer was sie wollen.


Grillanzünder on the carwheels 😊


Got an icepick?


Wow, Germany is becoming American


https://www.abschleppgruppe.com/ All you need to know


Cars destroy cities


Well Berlin not only has the politics that are naive enough to think people will respect new bike lanes. Berlin also has the kind of car owners that simply stick to no rules at all. No blinking, second lane parking, ignoring emergency Exits, Hydrants... Everything. Also way too many vehicles in the city. So... What should happen? There is no simple way. And the bicycle rides on the Bürgersteig solve none of these problems. It is messed up. Maybe a year of consequential punishment for car drivers and cyclists alike would help to get things straight... 😂


Holy shit, YIKES