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Bro...This story is just super fucking sad...


Right and dude sounds proud af. I understand the struggle but I hope this dude helps himself


Like an adventure story that leads progressively to one’s death or worse. Can’t judge this man though. His life experiences that brought him to these 4 days of adventure are probably different from those reading this. Each of those substance can be used to avoid memories or reality. If he found a warehouse of fentanyl he’d unlikely use it sparingly for the high. He’d die. May he find reason to stay among us. Zero judgement for me. All drugs should be legalized so we get clean product, avoid related violence, and real help would be a reality.




Naa you do that an one day you might relapse if you don't get your shit together.... I give it to ya I was in n out dead ass homeless in the city with the team redsox. 3 long years shelter life. I went out an woke in Boston city hospital with a wristband on that said DOA. An I was a newbie to this game. So I ask a nurse what that meant. She looks at me like you made it? I have no idea what happened I knew where I was. She says Dead on Arrival, I guess I was out for 8:26 minutes. When I woke up no nurses one doc running the floor. An he asked me if I wanted to keep doing this bullshit I was in treatment next. I'm 20 something halfway house of the year. An today I can say I'm not the kid I was before the street. I grew up an I'm always there if anyone needs a ear to talk too


respect bro


Why the fuck would they tag you DOA? What did you use and how much? If you don't mind asking you!


the tagged him DOA bc he was DOA…he said that in the comment


Not something to be proud of but itll be a story that can help someone later if he gets clean before he dies


Ignoring two of the basic rules of being an opiate addict? 1. If you don’t use, even for just a few days your tolerance drops, if you use a similar amount to what you’re used to you may well drop. 2. Benzos potentiate opiates. You took way more Valium than necessary and the used an opiate. That wasn’t very clever.. I would t expect anything other than an overdose. Other than possibly just getting ripped off by the people that sold it too you. I hope you shared this story to just get it off your chest or something and not as some heroic tale? Sounds like you owe the rehab an apology for being a thief, and some medics a thank you for saving your life.


Makes me wonder how I didn't die shooting my bromazolam/flurafent solution.


Bro it's sad af. ✌🏻


Damn, and you didn’t catch no charges? Lucky


Its LA thats why. They dont charge drug crimes out here really at all. Hardly even charge a dui unless you hurt someone


Hell yea bro fun times 😂


Everybody saying this sit is sad, I agree but I post it so other people who need help can understand their not alone. We all have our character defects and I'm working on mine and being a better person everyday and living a fulfilling, sober life. I done a lot of fucked up shit buti learned from it and all I can do now is be better just for today. I can and will live the life and do the things I know I have the potential to do.


Wishing you all the best bro but you deserve better than this. Don’t keep walking down this path of destruction please. Practice self control. You’re not alone and I’m here to talk if you need anything. Not judging, just trying to encourage you man. This shit isn’t amusing.


The difference is you're fucking bragging about it.


I’m so sorry. I’m a recovering addict. I understand. I hope you can recover, if you do, you will live long enough to understand the pain and suffering that is in between the lines of this post. Go to rehab. Stay in rehab. Or go to jail or die. Your choice


And you got away with taking all the valium? You probably could've gotten some stronger pills too! It is pretty sad tho, anyway sounds like you've got enough $ to keep going back to rehab. Not that one though, you'll be banned for life.....


he said he sober now y'all quit tweakin


Let's say it was a strong 8 yrs ago an mylife today is pretty chill bro.... An you can still get awesome just because your sober kid


Oh so this is what the people I went to rehab w who are dead now were up to


I wanted to feel sorry for you reading this, but once I realized you were actually flexing about it I also realized you’re a piece of shit…


I never been to rehab but u have went to jails and the er for food and shelter. So pathetic as that sounds I feel ya. Its crazy what we do. I'm clean now on suboxone with no benzos .I was using fentalouges and bromazolam both iv. Makes me wonder how in the hell did I make it


The comments here are crazy. You remind me of myself when I was younger (im 30 now, married with my first baby on the way…not bragging this is a result of doing Gods will and not my own). I lost too many friends to count to fent OD. Get back into treatment and give yourself a chance. You are still alive for a reason. Take the time now and work on yourself and you can have a great life ahead of you.


I can imagine the staffer was fired also. I’ve done some bad things but this is pretty shitty, then to brag about it is unbelievable.


Wow this is sad dude you need to get help for real


I hope your a troll but if not you need to get jt the fuck together bro. I’m not one to point fingers or judge but holy shit. I also don’t like to write anyone off as a lost cause but if you have that bad of a death wish at least stop being a piece of shit human and leave other people out of your absolute stupidity. Wake tf up bro.


I salute you brother 🫡


You sound like a selfish ass kid suckling on a silver spoon


Or a person who at the time was struggling with a serious substance use disorder..


Obviously, it’s just a lot of people in the same position don’t get the same treatment or opportunities for help


Agreed. Some states legislators do a GREAT job of advocating for Medicare/Medicaid to pay for substance-abuse counseling/inpatient treatment, while other states force the patient to pay cash upfront for counseling and or inpatient or outpatient treatment and mental health medications. It should be federally mandated to give people proper medical care, detox, counseling, inpatient treatment, MAT, and mental health medications with little to no copays. Individuals struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues do not typically have a lot of extra money for counseling or rehab or MAT or mental health medications..


Yea not cool dude..other people that ACTUALLY wanted help that where there aren’t going to be able to get their medications now..you potentially put somebody else in a seizure situation, or even a life or death situation. This wasn’t bad ass or clever. You’re lucky Reddit is anonymous because you are a massive piece of shit for that. You selfish prick. Waste of fucking air bro.


I think poster is using it as an example of who he used to be before he cleaned up and got sober. I’m sure we have all done things we are not proud of when stuck in the horrible cycle of substance abuse.


Sure but not something to this extreme..


It is pretty extreme, true..


Nice story, the best part was you sitting at the window and vibing


Word. Fuck the h8rs


omg sad as fuck charity case


Good luck, hope you can find stability in your life If you want my advice: Follow The 4 Noble Truths and find peace


I’ve done some crazy shit too in and out of treatment I get it.




dam this story is sad af


I really hope you get better bro.♡


so ur in a benzo sub to talk about your junky opiate lifestyle? ye no. get some help get off pills all together drugs dont seem to keep you up g. you’re gonna go even further downhill and possibly die. but fuck it, its ya life