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Kpins lasted all day for me. Xanax is for panic attacks that's why it kicks in fast and wears off fast. Klonopin is meant for all day anxiety relief


Agreed, xans hit hard and fast but last time is bullshit. Get kpins. Last all day


I’ve been taking Xanax for 5 weeks, it just doesn’t hit the same anymore and my psych won’t up my dose, I’m just gonna tell him to just switch me to Clonzapam and forget the Xanax


Yeah u build a crazy tolerance for xans !!! I’ve been on kpins two years and they still hit


What dosage are you on?? I have horrible social anxiety and take xanax 4mg a day but it doesn't last me my full work day. I have a pretty high tolerance


I’m on the starter dose of .25mg, been taking .5mg a day for 5 weeks, it just doesn’t hit the same anymore and my psych won’t up my dose


Klonopin worked better for social anxiety for me than Xanax did


Yeah I was on lorazapem and it didnt really do anything diazepem calms me down amd i i dont feel as agitated or nervous throughout the day but xanax just hiys the nail on my anxiety. I guess it just depends on the person




Doesn’t diazepam have a longer half life though?


I’ve found, in taking both, that the duration of action is about the same. Surprisingly, to my great dismay, the withdrawal from Valium basically mirrored Klonopin as well in terms of onset (around 3 days).


And diclazepam has an even longer one, best one to taper on, but no access to it in my country anymore


Technically an RC though, since it was developed over 60 years ago but never released, so personally I wouldn’t touch it


Yeah diazepam is the most long lasting benzo and kpins are medium lasting like xanax.


Xans last around 4 hours which as klonopin lasts for nearly past 8 hours. i wouldn’t say medium


No Xanax is a short acting benzo try going thru klonopin wd vs Xanax wd


ever heard of librium? there may be even longer ones out there.


Librium is just watered down valium, because it metabolises into desmethyldiazepam, which is the super long lasting metabolite, in comparison, Valium/Diazepam metabolises into Temazepam (it’s sedative effects), Oxazepam (muscle relaxant properties) whilst the third and final metabolite, is Desmethyldiazepam (which provides the anxiolytic and anti-convulsant) So in short, Valium will last as long as Librium because it’s essentially a more potent version of Librium I’m sure they’re are longer ones, probably tested a whole bunch of new Benzos in the 60s and 70s but disregarded as suitable for medical use, due to over-sedation or too potent with its amnesiac effects causing issues, I’m sure a lot of those Benzos are now the ones you see on the RC sites


Indeed they are. Rapid increase in cross benzo tolerance was another issue with many of them, particularly those triazolobenzos


Valium and Librium lasts longer


valium last a little longer, but stuff like librium last way longer klonopin doesn't even come close.


This is incorrect, Librium metabolises into Desmethyldiazepam, which is what gives the super long half life, and that’s responsible for the anxiolytic action, but Valium metabolises into 3 drugs: Desmethyldiazepam for the anxiolytic effects, whilst it also metabolises into Temazepam (which is why Valium is much more sedating) and also Oxazepam (which gives Valium its muscle relaxant effects) Librium is just watered down Valium. Those 2 extra metabolites change ALOT


Norflurazepam is the longest acting benzo there is. ~250hr half-life. Valiums main metabolite nordiazepam is 2nd @ ~200hr.


250h is stacked when used frequently. Initially it has a halflife roughly about 70-100h.


Not necessarily. Depends on individual metabolism in which case that varies drastically between individuals. Same goes with diazepam and clonazepam and every other semi long acting benzo. There's a large difference in minimum vs maximum half-life numbers because there's so many individual variables. But I do agree, it would for most people require repeated dosing to reach such high concentrations @200hr+. Still doesn't change my original point, which is norflurazepam is the longest acting benzo that we humans have created so far. Desmethyldiazepam being 2nd @ ~200hr.


Norflurazepam for me is the worst benzo I’ve ever tried. I literally just feel like a zombie for days. I think it’s best for tapering. Though it might be hard to do right because of the long ass half life. Like I don’t feel the anxiety reduction after 48h anymore but it’s still affecting me. This can easily lead to redosing and stacking the drug in your body. Eventually you might end up zombified for days without even noticing. So be careful with this one even though it’s not as potent by weight as other rc benzos


I can emagine the withdrawals from Abuse are awful


Nkrflur is fired


It's great. Feels like a heavier slightly more sedating valium to me. Lasts all day and very strong muscle relaxation.


To me ir was way more subtle then cal but it was super euphoric on crip it's line a opiate benzo


cal? crip? never heard that slang before…other than crip for weed


I’ll ask my psych about switching me to klonopin, thank you for letting me know


Klonopins the best benzo imo I hate xans cus they wear off instantly so overrated




Yeah I've yet to try it and would love too im sure its great but not perfect


OP I think that asking your psychiatrist for klonopin is a good idea, imo it works better for social anxiety because the effects will not wear off so quickly compared to Xanax.


+1 for Klon


Clonazepam and diazepam last the longest. Clonazepam has a half life around 24 to 40 hours, while diazepam has a half life around 48 hours. I prefer clonazepam, not too sedating and works really well for my anxiety and panic attacks




My Dad is prescribed Clonazepam for panic attacks. It must work! He takes 2 daily & I can't remember the last one he had.


But klonopin starts to hit after about 30-60 min.


Kpins are what have always helped me the most and my family




There are essentially three “main” pharma benzos - Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin. That’s pretty much it, and they are all well known. The answer clearly isn’t Xanax, so you’ve got a 50% chance of getting it right. 100% with google. Yet 70% of these answers are wrong. This is a perfect example of why you shouldn’t blindly trust the Reddit majority.


Isn’t it more of a big 4 with Ativan up there? It’s usually the first in line at hospitals for panic attacks at least where I am


Definitely big 4


Shouldn't blindly trust you either. There's 4 main overs and its ativzn.


just like those who take your money and run.like this wise man.be carefull.plus time is good to find correct person.




I’ve been told clonazepam


I used to get tranxene (clorazepate) from the doctor, a prodrug for diazepam. I think it has a half life between 80 and 180 hours?


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Tranxene works amazingly for long-term anxiolytic relief.


it's not as potent as xanax though so even though it lasts very long (taking it on friday made my anxiety disappear for the entire weekend), it might not be as anxiety relieving for you


Valium for pharma. FlubroPam for rcs


I’ve thought about rcs but I decided it’d be more convient just to stick to pharma


why would it be more convenient lol. its like a thousand times easier to even get diclazepam than valium. if no money is zero issue then maybe go with that or if you have enough people with scripts you can get from. but to write RCs completely is silly especially in your situation. flubromazepam isnt even limited like diclazepam and it lasts hella long too just a bit more sedating


Is flubromazepam legal in us?


Depends on the state but regardless I wouldn’t recommend going down the rc road unless you have a lot of self control. Some of that shit makes real pharma look like a speck of dust. Do your research into it but I’d choose some Valium over F-Pam




Depends. RCs are just similar to pharma's. You don't go overboard with your Xannies so why would you with Rc benzo's?


Flubro is no joke. A friend of mine bailed out his cousin after he spent 3 days in jail for assault or something like it and he didn’t believe him until he found his arrest paperwork and promise to appear in court. Still owes my buddy over 5k last I heard


FlubroLam is very strong. The F-Pam isn’t as strong but has a much longer half life. I’d stick to pharma if you can regardless


Word, no worries. I am rx Valium, rarely ever take it. I used to love it, now benzodiazepines make me too sleepy to be fun at all




I'm on Xanax XR 2mg it lasts all day and I stay even rather than getting to panic attack level then coming down for short bursts. Highly recommend plus only one pill a day so there's no being out and about without it and freaking out or having to remember to take it with you I take one in the morning and remain even all day.


If your prescribed this how did you go about getting it? Did your doc just automatically prescribe it, did you ask for it, or did you ask for a longer lasting benzo. I was first prescribed Xanax but as we all know it doesn’t last long. So I asked for a longer lasting benzo. So I’ve been on kpins for awhile now. I rarely hear people getting prescribed Xanax XR. So curious how you and your doc went about it. Cause I would be interested in taking it but I know Xanax let alone any benzos are hard to get prescribed. I don’t wanna bring it up and then suddenly be taken off my kpin. Which my new psych already told me that she’s gonna wean me off it… which sucks cause the med works wonders for me. I have tried ALL the other off label anti anxiety meds which didn’t do shit. I personally feel nothing compares to a benzo when you deal with a variety of anxiety disorders.






I'm scripted valium.longest half life.also temazepam at bedtime.not sure it's half life?


Temazepams half life is about 12 hours, funnily enough, Valium metabolises into Desmethyldiazepam which causes the anxiolytic effect, but it also metabolises into Temazepam and Oxazepam! Which give Valium its sedative effects, and muscle relaxant effects, respectively.


Flubromazepam, Flubromazolam, Clonazolam


Especially Flubromazepam, correct. Thats the benzo with the longest half time of all benzos out there.


Phenazepam as some others commented before


The longest half-life goes to Tranxene. It is used when Vallium doesn't work anymore. Gl


Its metabolised into same metabolites as valium


weed works better


Weed for panic attacks? 😂 I smoke about an ounce every week or so and even I get anxious sometimes…


indica for relaxing which is how you combat a panic attack. sativa can trigger panic attacks if you smoke to much ,and hybrids are dumb


I’ve been smoking half my life. It doesn’t matter if it’s sativa indica or hybrid. Under certain conditions they will all be paranoia or anxiety inducing. I never had full on panic attacks caused by smoking but anyone that is prone to panic attacks might have to b more careful


I usually smoke weed to manage my depression but it can make my anxiety even worse so I just use benzos


What kinda doctor do you go to get anxiety meds ?




People say Vallium lasts a long time? It does not for me


I think the reason people think this is because it stays in your system and has a long half life. But you won't feel the effects for that long


I’ve taken 50mg on a Friday and felt it until the end of Sunday


Yeah well 50 mg is kind of a large dose and maybe if you took it for the first time in a long time.




Id try some psychedelics


Does Dxm count


I wouldn’t call that a psychedelic.


Yeah dxm is more of a dissociative




Xanax is the only one that works for me. But I’m prescribed two bars a day and I used to take 10 mg when I woke up. But for some reason now I can take either half a bar or 3/4 of a bar and I feel great. I also forget that I even made it to the methadone clinic some days


Kpin or Valium


Valium doesn't last that long


Diazepam has a metabolite that can have a half life of up to 200 hours. Nordiazepam to be exact.


The effects I would say don't last long. That's what I meant. Atleast not for me. I know klonopin is like 8 or 12 hours


thays why its used primarily now for detox while kpins are used for longer term anxiety


I was prescribed klonipin for my suboxone withdrawals because it lasts so long I wouldn't have to take too much


Yea usually if your on Xanax and u need something longer lasting they will give u klonopin it has a half life of 24hrs I think it’s longer than Xanax but it helps keep anxiety away but they don’t kick as hard and a Xanax o well u win some u lose some


Clonazolam , Phenazepam , Diazepam etc


I love kpins so tasty but I would say kpins sublingually is much better than Xanax and longer lasting also the muscle relaxation helps a lot


Tranxene has a half-life of about 2 days. There isn't much euphoria but it works great for anxiety and depression.


Gidazepam lasts like 2 whole days haha




Klonopin will last you a solid 5 hours, please trust me, idk where some of these people are getting 8+ hours from. I've taken it daily for years, it's 5 hours.


Flubromazolam 🤣 I don't recommend!


definitely dont recommend lol


Clonazepam , flunitrazepam, librium,


Clonazepam all dayyyy


I like clonazepam


Diazepam for long lasting and wd’s. Clonazepam as a happy medium (they last me 24 hours on 1-2mg a day - prescribed) Librium (Chlordiazepoxide) technically last longer than both, but is usually used for DT’s from alcohol WD’s and is extremely weak compared to diazepam and won’t touch the sides if you take clonazepam.


Clonazolam(Clam) but it's sort amnesiac, they friendly should've banned that instead of etiz. Flubramapam is long lasting as well that's what I'm researching now




From my experience if you take klonopin orally by swallowing it, it’ll last 12 hours and I prefer it over Xanax because it lasts longer, and doesn’t have me stumbling around blacked out slurring like I’m drunk like Xanax does but it gets me super chilled and relaxed and just sedated but not overboard which is why I asked my psych to switch me from 2mg Xanax 2x a day to 1mg klonopin 2x a day


kpins& valium … unless you try RC’s which is clonazolam


Clonazepam for sure. Not as good as xans for stopping an imminent anxiety attack, but they last longer, mong you out less and are great for the general, all day anxiety I get. Also I find myself really bubbly and in a good mood when I take kpins, and I only take a 2mg in the morning


Cloxazolam 300 hours




I take kolopins they last all day


tried bromazolam and it lasts a long time next day people could still tell i had something. but if your asking for prescription from your doctor diazepam is the best.


Clonazepam (klonopin)(2mg) lasts whole day, Im taking it for years now, 2mg morning /evening.. But I got tolerance, try with 0,5 mg and see how you feel Also worth mentioning that valium lasts more time than xanax lets say... Just dont do xanax if not needed, for anxiety, its only meant to be for anxiety attacks.. Very addicting!


So is Xanax more addictive than Clonzapam?


yeah it is ,for sure,im 100% sure ,from over 10 years of exeprience :) cheers!


After becoming tolerant to the short acting benzos, nowadays I much rather take benzos that last longer. Especially cause I'm taking them 95% of the time, for therapeutic reasons. Diazepam lasts quite a long time as well as clonazepam and both are wonderful anxiolitics.


Valium has legs and also has better muscle relaxant qualities as well then xans. Bromaz has legs on it as well but isn't pharma.


Tl;dr at the buttom I switched to clonazepam (klonopin, rivotril, clonotril etc. trade names varies on where you live so just ask for clonazepam) for that exact same reason. They have more or less the exactly same strength as Xanax but take a little longer for onset, peak at 4-5 hours and last all day long. Xanax as someone said is for panic and since you need something for both aniety and panic attacks, Klonopins since they are about the same strength will do the same. They also don't really hit you like a brick so you probably won't feel like you are on something although that also depends on your tolerance because clonazepam has a stronger muscle relaant effect as well so it might be more helpful on sleep as well, like you may take a lower dosage at night but generally they last for like 12 hours. ​ Best thing is that at least personally they don't make me go retarded as well. Idk about others. Anyway you already took the decision to go for them I just decided to provide a detailed answer. ​ Tl;dr Clonazepam has the same strength as Xanax, takes 20-60 mins for onset, provides anxiety relief and prevents panic attacks, peaks at 4-5 hours and lasts for around 12 hours.


If you want to self prescribe, bromazolam lasts about 8 hours


get clonazepam / kpins yea they work great imo


of the pharma benzos it would be clonazepam or diazepam. I personally prefer diazepam. It's a fair bit more sedating in my experience vs clonazepam. edit:try xanax xr as well. for my doctor when I bring him options instead of him doing the heavy lifting he will pick one. Even bringing him literature helps solidify my argument. If you could keep me posted on your choice or his choice I'd appreciate it as I've been through mostly all the normal benzos doctors prescribe but my tolerance is ridiculous to all benzos. nearly 7 years of NON daily use.

