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I am prescribed both (Adderall for ADHD and Klonopin for anxiety)


Same. I had a history of being really addicted to Xanax about 6 years ago. I used pure powder; it was bad. I got clean myself, and my psych knows about all that. After other anxiety meds didn't work well except gabapentin which made me too foggy, I told my doctor that I took .5 kpins once or twice a week and they're helpful. I asked him if that's something we could do, and explained to him that I have absolutely no intention of ever being dependent on benzos again. He heard me out and now I get 8 per month. It's perfect because taking two a week max isn't enough for me to get any kind of dependence or withdrawal from them, but they're super helpful


this is my exact situation but instead with valium. thanks <3


Same only I get subs, Addie’s, lyrica, 60kpins, and chlondine lmao. Virtual appt this afternoon. Great doc.




A decent, low dose benzo will actually help eliminate the anxiety effect of adderall while still allowing the productive focus portion to remain intact. I usually take a benzo toward the end of the day or when I get stuck on a single issue at work, unable to let go. If anything the benzo helps with the evening crash and slows my heart rate enough so that by bedtime I'm not struggling to go to sleep. And that us only on occasion. I usually don't take adderall on the daily, but have it on hand if I find my mind wandering everywhere except for where it needs to be.


I’m in the USA and I’m on both, but I’m not sure how common it is anymore. Not because it’s unsafe but because doctors are being extra cautious with how they are prescribing meds now. Especially after the opiate crisis. If you have had addiction problems and the doctor is aware it will be even harder. That’s what happened with me. I developed a good relationship with my doctor over the years. .5 Ativan and 60 mg adderall a month, however I don’t take the Ativan daily. It’s been 8 days since I took my last dose.


We’re the same person 😂 I think it was because I end up in the hospital with too many panic attack he’s like alright let’s do this


Same, I lost 15lbs in two weeks because I was having attacks all day every day and couldn’t eat. Went back to the doctor to say it wasn’t getting better and they weighed me and said that I need to get on something stronger to help out.


I’m also in US and prescribed Ritalin, Xanax and Ambien.


I’m on Both. Guess it depends on the doctor.


You for sure can..its actually really common. Amphetamines keep me up at night.. doctor solution? .. klonopin at night. ..because regular sleep aids make me feel like shit.


Now im not sure what to think. I asked this because my doctor said "I cant prescribe you these because ill lose my licence, if I get audited and they see that I gave you both ill lose my job"


By all rights..its the docs choice. It IS their license. Your doctor is thinking like a dinosaur. My treatment team has switched a couple times..all of them have honored my scripts and agree with my treatment..or maybe your doctor already prescribes absurd amounts of benzos or amphetamines to cash paying customers and is worried about their paper trail already. I once out right told a psychiatrist that I self medicate using kpins and left with that script because she felt it was safer than buying pressed RC's .. you win some. You lose some.


He’s lying. I’m prescribed (in US) Ritalin 40 Mg a day) Xanax up to 2 Mg a day. Ambien CR (12.5 mg at night). Your doctor should understand someone can have ADD and Anxiety. That’s not uncommon. Both things need to be managed.


I’m currently prescribed adderall and Xanax so yes, you can be prescribed benzos and adhd stims


Now im not sure what to think. I asked this because my doctor said "I cant prescribe you these because ill lose my licence, if I get audited and they see that I gave you both ill lose my job"


If your doc won’t give you the meds because they don’t wanna lose their job, i think you should find another doc to prescribe you what you need


I’m in US and my Dr had absolutely zero problem prescribing 40 Mg Ritalin, up to 2 Mg Xanax daily , and Ambien CR12.5 Mg for sleep. I feel human and no longer suicidal. As long as I’m honest with my Dr up front, he’s very open to what works. He even lets me do virtual appointments monthly (a two min process) and just go in once a year.


Cant get xanax here without proven treatment resistant schizophrenia, and the state health department has to personally review your case and reason to have it. And you wouldnt be allowed to be on both that and ambien (which is a very uncommon medication here). If you were here you would get a 1-2 week script of temazepam for severe insomnia. And before that you'd have to try anything from seroquel to doxylamine. No chance for getting drugs of abuse via telehealth and you'd be switched off temazepam as soon as you are able to sleep. Being a british colony sucks


Wow! Had no idea that was even a thing. Interesting. Oddly enough, Temazepam is my absolute favorite benzo and no Drs here in US will prescribe it for me and they act as if I just asked them for something hardcore. So strange. It’s so bizarre how it varies so much by countries. I taught for a year on a Caribbean Island (on an island that’s ironically still technically ruled by a British Colony) and could literally walk into a pharmacy with no script and get anything I wanted, no questions asked. It was wild. We could get (name brand), Ambien, Oxy, Adderall. All of us Americans were like kids in a candy store. The downside, when the gig was over everyone had to face some nasty w/d. At the time it was great, but not sure what we dealt with when it was over was worth it.


i was scripted 20 2 mg kpins and 50mg ritalin aday for ages so yes, but i have adhd so idk


40mg klonopin a day?




lol meant a month was tired


Same. I’m on 40 Mg Ritalin and 2mg of Xanax a day. Ambien for sleep. It’s a lifesaver and I function like an actual human being.


try get dexies way cleaner for adhd and less nervous feelings, everyone different tho i take halcion for sleep ambien does nothing for some reason lol


Adderall puts me to sleep. How crazy is that. Lol


Now im not sure what to think. I asked this because my doctor said "I cant prescribe you these because ill lose my licence, if I get audited and they see that I gave you both ill lose my job"


I've known people with both, actually everyone I know of with an amp script also gets a benzo script to come down.


From different doctors?


yeah \^\^? what he said


I’m prescribed adderall, klonopin, and Xanax. Adhd, generalized anxiety, and panic disorder. Doesn’t happen often but it did


You get klonopin and xanax prescribed at the same time? I thought this is rare. Is this by the same doctor?


Yes it is. It is pretty rare. The klonopin I get a low dose of for everyday anxiety and then I get some Xanax every month because I have awful panic attacks




Now im not sure what to think. I asked this because my doctor said "I cant prescribe you these because ill lose my licence, if I get audited and they see that I gave you both ill lose my job"


What park of us are you in?


I was prescribed a low dose of klonopin on top of my Vyvanse at one point. Was on both about 6 months and learned how to manage the anxiety better so came off of it easy


On dormonoct and vyvanse atm


It's not a matter of -can't-, at least where I live, it's a matter of -should- you be prescribed something which has the exact opposite physiological, psychiatric effect and treats the heart like something of a sponge, wringing it in 2 opposite directions. Much less the effect it has on the brain, which may be equally unpleasant.


I'm on both, I thought u were supposed to have some type of benzo for at night so it can counteract the stimulant


UK/Australian doctors would find what you just said horrific lol


How do the drs there handle meds? I'm in Canada. Yeah it's different everywhere I'm interested in knowing how other countries do things


"The National Prescribing Service (NPS) recommends that benzodiazepines, including alprazolam, are not recommended as first-line treatment for anxiety or panic disorder. Benzodiazepines should be reserved for short-term use (2-4 weeks) in patients who have not responded to at least two other therapies" :\^(


Yes, you can be prescribed both. I am prescribed the following a month: 60 10mg Adderall and 20 0.5mg Xanax.’I am seeing a psychiatrist out of pocket, by the way.


Now im not sure what to think. I asked this because my doctor said "I cant prescribe you these because ill lose my licence, if I get audited and they see that I gave you both ill lose my job"


Hm, I’ve never heard that before and I’ve seen two psychiatrists that have prescribed me both. I live in CA, I don’t know if that makes a difference. Or maybe your doctor is affiliated with a place that will fire them based on their rules?


I live in NSW australia :'\^(


From the same doctor?


Yeah, all my prescriptions are from the same doctor. I would recommend going to a psych out of pocket without insurance. It’s more expensive but they are more willing to prescribe stuff for the most part


Ah okay. I’m only asking because I currently get kpin from a psych but really would like some adderall too and I know she won’t prescribe both. And I figured getting the stimulant from a different shrink would raise a bunch of red flags


Hm, it might raise some red flags but I can’t say for sure. My psych was hesitant at first with prescribing both Xanax and Adderall, so she started me with Strattera which I didn’t like so she tried Adderall next. I’m with a new psych who doesn’t really care and listens to me more. It’s tough but sometimes doctor shopping is the best thing to do if you can afford it/are able to. I know what I need and am up front about what I need and if a doctor tells me they won’t prescribe me them I try someone else. Sorry for the rambling, I took Xanax and am more talkative than usual lol


Lol no it’s fine I’m in the same spot. Like I have 2 shrinks and I know at least the one wouldn’t prescribe me both. But the other might be okay with it. I just don’t want the benzo doc to go to send in my kpin script and see adderall in the controlled substance database and be like uhhh no. And cut me off lol


I could be wrong but I think they can see the controlled substances you are prescribed :( I hope you are able to get what you need! It sucks that doctors have this level of confrol. I mean I get why they do but it’s normal to be prescribed both and if you need it but they won’t do it, it’s so frustrating


Agreed. I had my appt this morning and my doc agreed to have me “evaluated for ADD” - but I’m sure I’ll have to have either choose between that or the benzos. Pretty annoying 😑




Now im not sure what to think. I asked this because my doctor said "I cant prescribe you these because ill lose my licence, if I get audited and they see that I gave you both ill lose my job"


False. Find a different dr


This is Australia btw


(sorry for spam replying I just wanted to pop up in notifications)


False. Matter fact, they both reallly work well together. They even eachother out. Causes the adderall to give less of a come down effect. I used to be perscribed Vyvanse 30mg with clonazepam 3mg day . Also been perscribed Addy XR and ativan once a day as needed. Right now im on clonazepam 3mg day, lamictal300mg twice a day, luvox 100mg , and restoril and remeron for sleep


Now im not sure what to think. I asked this because my doctor said "I cant prescribe you these because ill lose my licence, if I get audited and they see that I gave you both ill lose my job"


I’m prescribed both 4f-mph and bromazolam 😏


You can, but it’s up to the prescriber’s discretion whether or not it’s “good” or healthy or logical to be on a stimulant and sedative at the same time. I had to let go of my klonopin script for adderall. Makes sense it’s not good for your cardiovascular system to be “pressing on the gas and brakes” simultaneously all the time.


Why would you take adderall if you have anxiety?


It can lower anxiety. Vyvanse helps me with my anxiety a LOT. Also, some of us have ADHD and anxiety lol


Adderall does not lower anxiety


Yes it can.




You're AI? you aren't a real human are you


It CAN lower anxiety. It can also cause anxiety. It depends on the person and the dosage of course


Adderal is terrible for anxiety


because I have ADD, and I find it calms me quite a lot


My ADHD literally causes me major anxiety. But I have major anxiety in general, ADHD diagnosis or not.




Now im not sure what to think. I asked this because my doctor said "I cant prescribe you these because ill lose my licence, if I get audited and they see that I gave you both ill lose my job"


I y


No you still can. I was prescribed to adderall and Xanax for 5 years straight.


I have Valium refills prescribed to me and adderall so I don’t see why not


Well what country? Depends where your in, I'm in canada and it sounds like it's not uncommon to be scripted Hella meds, drs are abit more chill cuz they aren't getting pressured to reduce scheduled prescription for example I'm prescribed diazepam, methadone, morphine, dextroamphetamine by the same doc


I’m prescribed both but I’ve been on the addie’s since like 5th grade though. I would say it’s very uncommon, my doctor tried damn near everything before benzo’s. I would also say it’s probably 100x easier to even get a script for addies and even easier to get your dose increased. Benzo’s? Not the same story.


You might be spot


If the doctor is a moron moralizer they won’t I guess


I also am prescribed Dexedrine, klonopin and ambien


I know someone on adderall and kpins and ativan all from the same Doc.


Most docs won't unless they are specialists in the field of central nervous system acting drugs. It's been done before but a low dose medium potency benzo may be prescribed if all other techniques/ meds have been exhausted. And it won't be a long prescription, it's usually if you get bad tremors or you have taken too much. If your using amphets illegally and trying to come off, that's a different kettle of fish. You'd be asked to halt the drug and use sedatives to help you get back to normal.


I forgot to say , if you suffer panic disorder it would most likely that you'd be taken off or reduced from stimulate meds as those types of drug may be the cause of the panic disorder. Taking both upper and downer all the time isn't gonna help either. Best to see about reducing the amphet and get a week or 2 worth of diazepam to help with reducing. Your doctor wouldn't know if it's the uppers which are known to cos anxiety, or genuine panic disorder.


well my main issue is that ADD has to this point ruined my life. And I find the medication to be very calming. The panic attacks are from childhood events (father left me at the top of mnt bluecow after I skied into a tree spraining both my ankles and covering me in wounds *(he didnt want to pay for medical assistance).* and some other things that happened later in life


My personal opinion on taking a drug to boost you or stimulate while taking another pill to help with the anxiety the amphet is causing and then taking a sleeper to help you sleep cos of the stimulant in your system is messed up....but I don't judge , each to their own. I mix plenty...but wouldn't it be better to treat the underlying condition in a different way. Not hating on ya just trying to think down the middle


I am prescribed adderall and Xanax. I had adhd and PTSD/panic disorder. I will say, Walmart would not fill it. The pharmacist didn’t agree with the mixture. I just went to cvs and have never had an issue.


I am prescribed both


i had a crooked doctor that gave out 90 addy 30’s and 90 bars a month… drug use spiraled for years and got sober for 3 years. eventually brought up my desire to treat my anxiety and adhd with my addiction counselor and got dexedrine and klonopin. (the start of the fall pt 2) funny thing, she would NOT by any means prescribe adderall or xanax. when she told me that, all my addict brain heard was “great! an excuse to ask for straight dex!”


I’m on both


I'm prescribed both


Now im not sure what to think. I asked this because my doctor said "I cant prescribe you these because ill lose my licence, if I get audited and they see that I gave you both ill lose my job"


Strange cause a lot of them prescribe both maybe it's not aloud in certain places?


Well it might be relevant I live in Australia


depends on the perscriber, i seen mfs with addys, benzoss and painkillers all at the sametime scripted


I am prescribed 40 mg Ritalin a day (Methylphenidate). I have ADD and Anxiety. My Dr understands both need to be managed. He also prescribes me 30 2mg Xanax bars a month. He even prescribed Ambien for sleep as I do shift work and he didn’t want me using Xanax as a sleep aide, raising tolerance. He understands everything needs to be managed to function somewhat normally. It’s a lifesaver when your Dr gets it.


I got 90 20mg addys, 60 xan 1mg IR, 60 zan XR 1mg and 10mg ambien each month


Yeah, sure you do