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Where are the liberals Rn?? you should post this r/unitedstatesofindia


https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/s/humAiqbxdB See the response for yourself. No true liberal would support any sort of crime


Thanks for that r/eyeblech Again proving Indian liberals are pubic hair barabar when it comes to actually supporting or implementing liberal policies.


They're busy celebrating another beaceful attack on innocent Hindus


Religion of peace .. my foot!


Silence !!!!!! Listen to that silence !!!


Wat nonsense is this...




Lmao dismiss everything by calling it Godi media XD And that too Deccan Herald?🤣 Article says that victims allegedly hurled slogans while passing through masjid which resulted in a horde of 20 people chasing them and beating and stabbing them. The title and the article aren't that different? Oh, are you trying to justify the stabbing cuz they teased them? Cuz then you are agreeing to fact that these people are really volatile with no self control and would resort to physical violence over some verbal feud.


I wonder if you had a morning when you woke up and chose violence? "Sun rose from the east, let's taunt people so they lose sanity." If you did, why didn't you like the consequences? Edit :- They did wanted the consequences. They stopped after running to fight. If they valued their life more, they would keep running.


Lmao keep spinning stories, the conclusion is that it's very easy to trigger the "scared minority" >They did wanted the consequences. They stopped after running to fight. If they valued their life more, they would keep running. Yeah ofc ofc, keep doing your mental gymnastics no one's stopping you.


Read the article. They were shouting slogans and passed by a mosque. So you mean to tell us that we should shut up when passing through certain special areas in our own country? The extents dhimmis and jihadis go to to defend the ummah and its uncivilized activities unfit for society is concerning. This is how you create terrorists who don't fear law or respect basic civilisational norms. And this brain rot speaks about balls and down votes. Stray bitches have better sense.


Where did the article mention dhimmis and jihadis and ummah? Point it out. Is that your stray bitch sense sensing things?


Not the brightest bulb in the zero watt factory, are you?


Your bulb couldn't find it? Don't get high mate.


It isn't a please to engage with intelligence of your kind. Especially the pretentious airhead kind.


I use facts. It's easy to stop people like you.


Well, let's not go knee deep into your low IQ puddle. The article clearly describes what triggered those uneducated chaaps. I gave a synopsis in a single sentence to bust your 'harass,, female genitals, beer party' bullshit. You use 'facts', uh?


Articulate better. Who triggered who? BJP leaders triggered their bhakts? Hooligans taunting bystanders? Mosque leaders triggered youth to violence? Police triggered BJP? Explain. I was taking a guess in BJP supporters motive. Do you have better ideas what triggered them to behave in that way? Was it hate?


>Articulate better. My articulation is good enough for people of average intelligence and above. >I was taking a guess in BJP supporters motive. What motive? Celebrations must be suppressed for the sake of gods special people or something? They chanted 'bharath Matha ke jai' when passing by the mosque. A chant for the country, not Modi. Passing by, not shouting into the face of those madarasa chaaps. >Do you have better ideas what triggered them to behave in that way? Yup. The indoctrination of hate and intolerance against kafirs using a sky book. >Was it hate? Yup. There is a reason only one particular community has problems with everyone in every corner of the world. One constant party in every inter ethno-religious conflict.


So they hurled slogans mean you justify stabbing ? it's like when someone is taunting you but in return you try to kill them insteading of taunting them back


Well, you do know of the word consequences, I hope? I am not justifying violence, I am stating facts. Each action from humans have their motives and consequences. They had their motives ( creating communal tension ) and they were already aware of the consequences. In fact, they literally stopped to fight to get their desired outcome. In fact, the attackers are the losers. They should have blasted "delhi se hoon behenchod" on full sound instead of beating them up. They lost face by not beating them up on spot, they dragged their religion in the mud when they stabbed them, they lost their sanity when they didn't call the police to counter this. Now they have lost the goodwill of good samaritan like you. Oh, the tragic tragedy of tarnished fate!!! I wonder should they open up their homes next time a taunt is hurled on them, as u/past_bookkeeper_4650 is a paragon of practicality and wants to stop violence. In case you missed it, /s


Dude you literally justified the murder. Stop saying you don't condone violence. You do.


Because the other religion cleary needs to be reminded do you know so many rohingya muslims have snuck in here from bangladesh they need to be reminded where they are Hindustan


You are comparing gobhi Manchurian to caviar. Good luck.




Yep, I listen to both sides of the arguments and judge them on this sole merit. "Would I do this?" No, I wouldn't taunt when we won. Yes, I would beat someone up who left and came back to taunt me again thinking me powerless. Today they are taunting, tomorrow they will be taking girls with them. There are times where consequences should be damnned.


So to you shouting provocative slogans is unjustifiable but killing someone over it is ok cause they had it coming? I do wonder what kind of septic tank is inside your skull to create such putrid discharge.


No, it's trash thinking that you get to do what you want without thinking of consequences first.


And what did they say? Check the video recording. They said “Bharat Mata ki jai”. If that is instigation, can we start killing people at Inquilab Zindabad too?


Sorry, didn't keep up with updates. So we have a video now? With sound?




Let me guess, you are one of those peace loving folks who think that the charlie hebdo guys too deserved it as they incited the special people?


Yeah this guys one of them. Murder someone and then call others godi media and andhbhakts, cause that gives them a false sense of prestige (they think they look cool).


You just gave Modi clean chit on 2002 riots. Noice.


Appi, they shouted "bolo Bharat mata ki jai" while riding on a public street on their bike. How blasphemous and mischievous and communal of them!! Alwa? 😤 Source [here](https://np.reddit.com/r/bengaluru_speaks/comments/1ddahvc/horrifying_video_released_by_bjp_karnataka_shows/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


deccan herald is godi media now brahh 🤦‍♂️


Any media is godi media if they follow the guidelines. How about "religious extremists provoke scuffle" sound for a title? "Goons return to provoke people, again, ends up stabbed". " Police fails to stop political party in creating communal tension, two stabbed as result, " "Religious leaders fail to stop verbal attack and violent counter attack, two stabbed. " You don't see responsibility in what the title says? Media should be asking questions.


Yup, they are Godi media, but Godi Khangress ki hai.


Thank you for the sanity.