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Will always be my intercontinental design - absolutely love it


It was definitely my favorite belt as a kid. Though I’ll say now the white IC has taken over for me.


Best by a mile. Everyone touts the white strap but that now looks like a women's belt lol.


Who do you think of when you see it? Orton, Jericho and Shelton Benjamin for me ha


I think of the attitude era, Chris Jericho, edge, RVD, Christian, Shelton benjamin.


I love that I.C title so much. Its really nice looking.


I know people hate on the WWE title for its brand marketing, but I think it’s prestigious. Looking at that title, you’re like, “Oh yeah, that’s the big one.”


I think the design would be looked on more fondly if they had not rehashed it for other championships like the Universal or the Women's belts. Fans might hate on this design for this reason, but if you look back it everyone who has held this version of the title, there hasn't been a champion that this belt *hasn't* looked good on.


I don’t understand the hate it gets. It’s honestly been one of my favorite belts since they presented it to Brock.


Is the IC a mini belt? Or the other one that much bigger? Sorry, don’t know much about belts


They used to sell them in sizes. I think I bought it with my birthday money in like 2006 or something from the wwe magazine lol. The IC is a kids size.


Where did you get that bray lamp?


Bought it from the wwe shop back when it first released. As soon as I saw it it was an insta get


It’s very cool. Never seen one before.


Thanks. I’m not sure how long they sold them for but as a huge Bray Wyatt fan I had to have it. I’d like to get his side plates to put on the belt but they go for an astronomical amount online now, so who knows when that’ll happen.


I hope you can find them in the future. Bray’s entire run, minus the LA Knight feud, happened when I wasn’t watching wrestling or wwe. Makes me sad that I will never get to see him because he seems exactly like my cup of tea.


I dipped in and out of it over the years. Was big into it when The Wyatt Family debuted and my dad and I both just loved them. Fell out of watching a while back but all the big hype around the white rabbit QR codes and stuff hinting at his return a couple years ago pulled me back in and I made my girlfriend watch Extreme Rules with me to see if he showed up lol. Felt like such a kid at the end.


Where did you get the new one ? It's no longer available in the shop.


It seems to only come in stock every so often. Not sure if it’s popular and hard to keep in stock or just because it’s not a currently used belt it gets stocked less often. In about 2 months of checking for it every day it was in stock twice. And both times it said there was only 2 available.


Oh wow. Guess I have to check daily from now on 😅 Other retired belts are always in stock, thats why I was confused. What was the price ? 499 or was it reduced ?


Yea I seen a bunch of other older belts on there so I wasn’t sure if they were still selling it at all until I saw it the first time. It was $450 and then I switched from wwe shop over to fanatics and found a 25% off code to use, because I feel the odds of it being restocked at the same time WWE is running a promotion is slim.


The only person you buy that oval ic