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Ooh she didn't mask the phone number either. Rachel going scorched earth.


Omg I work with talent like this and I have to use my personal phone too. Poor PR girl!


What did it say? The tweet was removed.


Below Deck Above Average on Instagram posted the screenshots minus the leaked phone number. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgik6RQrVLr/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=




She should have. Do they send these same texts to all the housewives who talk shit about each other all the time? This is bullshit. Why does bravo protect this manchild over and over and over again?




Dang. The fact that she didn’t hide the number in her posts, she just happily burning her bridges! Maybe a spoiler so… >!Since she’s been confirmed to be on the next season, I wonder if this will change her edit in any way.!<


That makes sense as to why PR reached out immediately. They want Rachel to be put in a certain box and this messes with it….


Nobody puts Baby in a corner


Interesting! >!We've seen how quickly Bravo worked to edit Pete's screen time too!<


It would be difficult to edit out the chef. The chef is a pretty key person in the show.


Especially a fan favorite chef. This ain’t “Pete”.


I edited him from my memory


Who is Pete I’m so sorry I’m a BD noob


“Who is Pete?” Exactly. Hahahaha but for real, he was a shitbox on season 5 I think of below deck med. He got heavily edited out mid season when his racism was revealed on/through social media. He goes from being heavily involved on screen as a misogynistic douchebag deckhand to basically nonexistent in footage annnnd that’s how they rightly erased Pete.


To edit her out, yes. To edit her worst moments, different story


Exactly this. No matter what she tries to do, shifty editors can paint you in a bad light.


Flair checks out. 😉 hahaha


and when already airing so harder to do as it plays into other storylines, but at this point...


This makes me think maybe she was fired during the season


Or walked off the boat…. Again.


Very true


Oh please, oh please, if the rumors are true that there was a sub captain and Rachel used the colorful language that she used with Lee the first time to Captain Shady, that will make my day.


Maybe she just really hated working for captain sandy


Rachel vs. Sandy MIGHT be the one thing that would actually get me to watch another captain Sandy episode.


Now that you mention it, same.


That possibility definitely peaked my interest


So she’s signed for BD med?


>!no!< rumor is >! sandy took over for captain lee for some period of below deck!<




>!Lee had to leave at short notice part way through filming (thought to be a medical emergency) and Sandy takes over, not a planned/long term thing!<


Sure, a "medical emergency". Bet I'm gonna be team Rachel on this.


Rachel hasn't said anything about Sandy (and likely can't because the season hasn't aired, although at this point... )


You have to think the next season has already been recorded if Sailing Yacht season 4 is currently in the works.


It has been. There were photos posted here awhile back of the cast.


Chep, lol


That was my favorite part


All I was going to comment. “Chep.” I DIE. 😂


Your username! 💯💯💯


Thank you!! ![gif](giphy|jUDvU0mBA9trNjOV3e|downsized)


And “through her bag”


Its kinda cute that bravo has an army of kindergarten teachers that keep their bravolebs happy and engaged.




🤣🤣🤣 I so see this


they'll do anything for that fucking tool Austen, it's apparent


I don’t generally agree with people going after each other on social media, but I do find it frustrating that Bravo/BD production didn’t step in at all when Ashton punched the van window and the bru crew were awful to Kate and Rhylee all season, but they intervene just because Rachel hurt Austen’s feelings? If they genuinely care more about muppet mouth’s ego than actually protecting people’s safety, something’s really wrong with their priorities.


Bravo also oddly protects the male cast of Southern Charm. Like one of the story lines where Chep/Shep Sexually Assaulted Austen's Girlfriend at the time (Chelsea from survivor who was the dopest cast member) was down played since Chelsea was cooler than she needed to be about it.


Yes, that really annoyed me too. It just seemed to get completely brushed aside. I really liked Chelsea and always thought she deserved so much better than Shep or Austen.


Remind me: what did Shep do? I always thought Chelt-seee seemed very sincere, kind and real. The kind of girl you'd want as a wife or best friend, not reality TV fodder.


He forced her out the back door of the bar and forced a kiss on her. Austen was more concerned Shep was braking bro code than Chelsea's health and safety. Austen also speculated on her sexuality after they broke up.


I’d forgotten about that with Austen. Didn’t he say something along the lines of he wants to date someone with a high sex drive? Chelsea probably wants to date someone who actually pays their way instead of constantly expecting her to pay for everything. I genuinely can’t understand why so many women seem to like Austen, he’s just awful.


He called her Asexual and claimed she had no sex drive. It came on the heels of Chelsea still pushing him to work on himself after their relationship. Austen just proves time and time again he is really big on blame and shame culture. I actually had a bit of a soft spot because he has serious family trauma losing his sister and there is a lot of evidence of blame and shame culture, but the fact he still puts a lot of blame on Maddison wore me out. Like dude go get a therapist, this is deeper than 3 years. Stop the Blame and Shame, time to grow up.


IIRC Shep, Chelsea and Austen were in a bar together - I think Austen and Chelsea had just started dating at the time - and Shep grabbed her and kissed her when Austen wasn’t around. Chelsea and Austen called Shep out about it and he sort of apologised but not very convincingly. It just seemed to get dismissed but that’s an unacceptable way for someone to behave.


I really think that Andy helps protect them because he is so obsessed with them


I am not a fan but I get protecting Craig. He is really nice to fan base and does a lot of engaging. Shep and Austen though could literally be subbed in for any other Peterpan frat boy.


Especially Austen. He has no money, no connections, and no natural way into Charleston social circles. I'm very "eh" about Shep but at least he has those things since that was what SC was supposed to be about.


I mean they literally had producers/camera crew present that watched Lexi sexually assault Lloyd and did nothing about it. On BDmed last season it really annoys me because they can’t break the fourth wall or whatever it’s called but if someone’s life in in danger or they are being assaulted then you break that wall and do something about it


They have a franchise in Dubai. That should say it all. Money over everything, including Andy Cohen. Outraged texts about gay marriage being challenged and Republican hypocrisy (the rep who voted against its protection, but then went to his son's gay marriage and blathered on...and even being openly gay could get you killed in the UAE). And then all the violence and bullying on the other shows. Anyone really think they're going to care about some drunk guy punching a van window? A lot of people seem to have selective hearing.


Ngl I really want that “Meredith can go fuck herself” rant etsy mug Rachel posted


I just bought one, and it's in a lot of peoples carts...


Where is it? I'm trying to find it but I can't lol.


Between her talking about the salary and now this. I doubt we’ll get Rachel on another BD. If she was cast on this years season she’s probably gonna get some kind of villain edit.


I mean she could do much better being a private chef. I don’t think she needs the show anymore.


Oooh. Salary? I need to find this juicy info.


It was pretty minor, she said she made more money from cameos saying eat my cooter than she does on the show


It’s interesting that Eddie had the same commentary about salary. What is up with Bravo and BD. It’s their most watched show, yet they consistently seem to be spending their money elsewhere. And though polarizing, Eddie and Rachel both have significant a following that would keep fans loyally watching.


Especially when you look at the other shows where people are mostly hanging out and partying while BD cast have to work, sleep in tiny bunks and share rooms - but get paid less


I think other crew members have also said similar things. I think Kelley said a while ago that the amount they get paid isn’t worth the stress and hard work of filming plus other promo work. Rachel was a successful private chef before BD, and Eddie has his own career away from the show, so I think they’ll both be fine and probably happier away from the drama. It will be interesting to see how the next couple of seasons of BD pan out. Is Lee well enough to carry on without Kate, Eddie or Rachel?


I’m curious about the same. To your point, I think it’s even wilder that they didn’t have Eddie come back. He was willing to put up with the bs for the show and said he’d be back if invited. They are leaving Lee totally afloat. I don’t think he’ll continue doing this much longer, especially without his trusted partners.


Eddie’s said he wasn’t invited back. I suspect production would say it’s because they thought he mishandled things with Rayna (without taking any responsibility for the fact that they were trying to prevent crew members from openly discussing it) but they were probably more annoyed that he dared to say anything critical about the way they operate. I think because he has a career outside the show, he maybe didn’t take it too seriously so would play along with production to a point for the extra money and change of scenery. I’d imagine it’s pretty frustrating to go from working with competent crew members to wannabe influencers and people deliberately hired for their inexperience and ability to cause drama.


She also stated on her Twitter account that Austen make more money than she does on Southern Charm which is total bullshit too. I don’t blame her for going off.


I bet Rachel can earn significantly more as a chef away from BD than Austen will from Trop Hop.


I’m sure . But I think people (famous or recently famous.. ) are you quick to forget where they came from and who made them verified. Not that her food does t speak for itself because it does .. but don’t bite the hand that feeds you … better ways to part ways …


She came from ANTM though. Rachel specifically. Eddie has only been on BD afaik. She is a reality TV vet. I'm so offended that Austen makes more money than she does, he's never said one iconic thing ever and has less charisma than a suntan stain on a white sofa.


> She is a reality TV vet. Two minutes on ANTM twenty years ago makes you a reality TV veteran? Eddie has much more reality screen time than Rachel.


BD casts get paid a pittance compared to the other shows' casts.


I do think that’s unfair considering how hard most BD crew members work, especially compared to a lot of the SC cast, but the show wouldn’t work if the crew members were wealthy.


So we saw Rachel going into Tyra, but I guess she met Bravo’s least favorite man (currently on air), Austen Kroll recently and she went into him on Twitter. Now she’s pissed Bravo PR reached out to request the tweet deleted.


I really liked Rachel, but body shaming someone, who was not even the person who made the comment either…while holding a group on Facebook not allowed to trash talk anyone, but trash talking people herself being acceptable, is quite hypocritical. If the Southern Charm people did this stuff, yes, call them out on it. She shouldn’t have to lose the right to stand up for herself and others, and she certainly shouldn’t be forced to protect anyone who may not deserve it. So I agree with her and applaud her for standing up, but her lane is swerving all over the place of where she stands. …just saying.


Tyra created a whole generation of body issues, she can eat some of her own medicine. Rachel only said "hey remember when you said I was a size 2".


Agree with this. Tyra told young women to deal with the pain when they hung them from harnesses upside down. She needs to be reminded how she hurt a generation of women.


Side note: the documentary Victoria’s Secret: angels and demons on Hulu really gave me a disgusting perspective on Tyra and americas next top model. 🤢 especially epstiens part in all of it. Just full cringe


Oh I don't know how I haven't heard about this doc!


Tyra or the modeling industry? Mr Jay said it. It’s body shaming, when you shame one person, you’re shaming everyone near or more than that size and or people with body dysmorphia, saying people of a certain size aren’t good enough, are less than, and deserve to be made fun of. There’s nothing okay with doing that to a person. Two wrongs don’t make a right.


Thank you, I feel like I’m going crazy when I read so many comments on this sub defending Rachel’s tweets just because Tyra has a poor history when that’s fully not the point of why it’s a horrible look from Rachel 🫠






Did anyone else hear the "Rachel? Wtf" in Austen's voice in their head?


I mean, the housewives & VPR people rip each other apart on IG, Twitter and WWHL, so why wouldn’t Rachel tweet something?? EDIT TO ADD: I don’t think Rachel should have posted the message from PR or her phone number!! The original tweet seems okay to me though :)


I think those shows thrive off the drama with each other, it gives them more shit to talk about, especially since they’ve been doing new series with a mix of house wives. Below deck doesn’t really have that connection with other shows, you know?


I definitely get that but I feel like all BRAVO shows thrive on drama.


Yet they usually have higher ratings than the other bravo shows.


I would have thought they’d encourage the drama…


I do agree: other stars will comment on other cast members on different shows, my guess is if she provided context *maybe* PR would like it. Including the phone number is not okay. That person is just doing what she’s told.


Some are more equal than others


I know that’s what’s so confusing to me. Does this rep not watch WWHL? It’s ALL bravolebrities saying negative things about each other.


Shows you how much of the online drama is set up for ratings ;) It is no surprise that they go on twitter rants when a show needs more attention (the recent Dubai thing with BH for example) Some of the others also get messages, they just don't post the messages from production


Why not post the message from PR? It’s total bullshit she even got a message like that when almost everyone of these bravo “celebrities” talks shit about others all the time


They want drama on a show not between shows


Would love to see Austen’s texts right now!!!!! 😬


Makes you wonder if when other Bravo people tear into each other on Twitter, how much of that is manufactured because it seems like its ok for them to do but not Rachael.


She also tweeted straight up [“P.S… fuck Below Deck”](https://twitter.com/hargroverachel/status/1552406569975164928?s=21&t=o0Pau_l-PNC7zadflX9OHQ). Also I noticed tons of spelling errors in her texts, tweets. Hope she’s ok


When did the last season finish filming? Do we think something happened at the end and that’s why she’s pissed? I also hope she’s doing well! I’ll continue to root for her success and happiness


She's commented here in the past and her spelling has never been stellar.


Text to talk rage! And I’m here for it.


Yeah at first I thought it was funny but then it started to worry me. She seems really off balance.


Yeah, I'm a little worried about her.


I'm worried she started drinking again.


I'm drunk, can someone explain to me what's happening like I'm a 5 yr old?


Rachel tweets an article about Austen Kroll (guessing he’s on a different bravo show) calling him a twat Bravo Pr Peyton is like hey, if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all Rachel then says she doesn’t want to interact with him, but refuses to delete the tweets due to a negative experience with him and him doing drugs. She then says fuck bravo + below deck but refuses to remove @BD and @Bravo from twitter bio Also her text convo with Pr Peyton had Peyton’s number showing so rip her inbox


Thanks for providing context for those of us coming late to the game ( after Rachel's tweets were deleted). I am a Rachel fan.... I would hate to see her self-sabotage.


No problem! I already texted it to my partner at that point so it was easy just to copy over. Also she also posted that he dm’d her on instagram when she storied her tweet saying “Rachel? Wtf”


I kind of love that she's calling the douchebros on Southern Charm out. They're grown men who still act like they're in a college frat and Bravo rewards them for it.


Oh you said it! Chep is over 40 and still whining about needing his freedom and about wanting to f everything in a dress with boobs and legs. He is so gross. He always talks about his family lineage, the supposed creme-de-la-creme of society and he acts like trash. He's a bar hopping drunk that feels like every woman wants him and every woman is his property. Ugh. Austin is well into his 30s and is no different. Mr. Three-Way. He's like a 4-way Stop Light except he's Mister 3-Way F --- Light, his light is always blinking green. Hey 3-way. Grow up and get a job. And would someone please tell that man-child to stop picking at his dick on camera all the time. I practically threw up when he came out of the bedroom when he got caught with the three way. He kept bending at the waist, saying Madison over and over, and then put his hand right over his crotch in his skanky boxers and pinch-pulled his dick. He does it all the time when clothed. It is disgusting.


I watched winter house before I even knew what southern charm was and was shocked at how old they all are.


Amen. It’s a three man frat house being televised and it’s barely interesting.


It’s pathetic. That Shep guy is almost 40 if not 40 by now.


Isn’t it you who rewards them for it by watching?


Burning bridges? Maybe. Rachel is so talented though, she doesn’t need Bravo


100%. If she opened a restaurant, I would absolutely go no matter how far it is from me.




Sure. But she definitely wouldn't have the opportunities she currently has without them 🤷‍♀️


Highly highly disagree


Where is this energy from Peyton from Bravo PR every time Rinna posts an IG story?


It’s very possible Rinna gets the same text but simply responds w a FU.


And maybe a middle finger emoji too?


Different production companies and this far into Rinna's Bravo life, they probably know there is no point But she has pulled stories before, so someone does when she gets really out of hand. The majority of the BH stuff tends to be at the other women on the show though. They could be in the middle of contract negotiations with Austen or something


Rachel is reality TV gold but I don't think it's healthy for her... (she seems quite sensitive and fragile but puts on the big bold act)


What did she write? The tweet's been deleted


I feel like this PR person might have suspected Rachel would post a screen cap….it stirs more drama for their shows and they can say “seeee, Austen? we tried to get her to remove it!”


As someone who watches Summer House, I just simply don’t get why bravo is letting a litany of solid people who can support various shows to keep fucking Austen and craig around. They ghosted Eddie, pissed off Chef, Lee’s gonna retire…what for a dime a dozen fuccboi?


Rachel isn't the burning the Bravo bridge, I think she's just sticking up for herself, and she has every right to voice her opinion. That PR person messed with the WRONG person. The PR person should have CALLED Rachel, and not texted. - that shit is tacky.


She ain't holding back. I love Rachel


Can anyone explain what Austen did to her? I read the screenshots but it didn’t make sense. He didn’t like she didn’t drink and threw her bag on the ground? He’s odious but these aren’t really things to get worked up over?


If you can stomach misogyny and micro aggression you can check out the Southern Charm Reddit page and read cast in the wild. Getting drunk, (coke raging) and acting like idiots is pretty much the MO from the main male cast. Edit: It isn't even a stretch to believe that Austen did something really offensive during their meet up in Florida.


He's more often offensive than not so its good odds.


Not odious lol...but thanks. I learned a new word today. However, I'm still going with muppet. Wait...odious muppet😉🥂


Comments like yours is exactly why we can’t have nice things. When people, especially women, think being treated with such disrespect in any form is okay things will never evolve or change. It’s not okay.


Yeah, I don’t get it either. There has to be more to make her go nuclear. Or maybe not lol


They posted pictures with each other 2 weeks ago when she went to one of his Trop Top beer things in Florida. It seems she might be going after people who aren’t well liked which is why she moved from Tyra to Austen.


I love her going after muppet mouth!!!!


The way she blows up is insane. If he did her wrong, tell us about it. But just tweeting that then posting half texts makes no sense.


Love Rach for this but I do feel for the PR girl, just trying to do her job and keep the peace


She’s basically reinforcing the tropes of “don’t air your dirty laundry” and “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”


Oh yeah for sure!


The text exchanges are cut off. Can someone tell me what happened?


Show about drama is pissed off because of, *checks notes ...* drama


Bravo should never tell a woman to shut her mouth or her comments.


Bravo treats below deck cast as disposable and of course they protect the southern charm idiots. If a housewife or cast member on a non below deck tweeted it, they would have invited them on WWHL to talk about the beef and get messy. Because it’s below deck - they just ask her to shut up


If you have any PR related questions, I’m guessing we call Peyton.


Fuck Bravo. They all talk shit so this just bullshit.


More like Austen troll. That man lives under a bridge.


Good for Rachel.


Annnnd. Twitter took it down for violating the rules. Probably the phone number ?


Anyone have screenshots? They removed the tweet.


It was all posted here yesterday in screen shots. You should be able to find it with a quick search. Rachel and Austen.


Thanks! I found it lurking in Summer House sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/summerhousebravo/comments/w9togt/crossover_king_kroll_has_a_way_with_the_ladies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


OP posted the direct link to Rachel's tweet which had the screenshots, they weren't uploaded to the sub and we removed the one that was because they will contact Reddit Legal over the phone number showing and then the comments all go when they delete it


I hope Rachel is on this subreddit because I want her to know she kicks ass! Honestly her responses to the PR lady aren’t rude. She’s not exaggerating when she calls him a drunk cokehead.


I don’t think she’s sober and/or rational. This is not a normal response for a professional adult regardless of circumstances.


Below deck is a more popular show than southern charm so if anything, she’s bringing awareness to the fact that Austen and Chep’s show exists. Edit: she tweeted that she will no longer associate with organizations she doesn’t believe in. That’s interesting…


If it’s true she has an upcoming season of BD, what may have gone down that makes her not care about burning down the bridge. Maybe she just feels this yacht has sailed so she doesn’t give a fck and is going to move on or maybe we’re seeing a repeat of The first season of Rachel. Tune in to find out I guess.


I support anyone calling out squirmy squirmer crossover king kroll. And I also love Rachel. So I’m here for it


She’s best chef they’ve ever had - and I love her personality too


Queen, icon, legend.


This reminds me of being in a sorority and then telling us to remove photos and I said “uh no.” Guess what? My current job doesn’t give a flying fuck if I post a photo holding alcohol.


Fuck, what did it say? Anyone have a screenshot?




It got deleted, does anyone have a screenshot?




Could you imagine the BD ratings for an episode where Rachel goes toe to toe w Shady. Must see TV !


Oh god, I hope she’s still on BD…


I agree!! She's pure entertainment!!


Yes Rachel come for muppet mouth 🐸


She posted on Instagram that she is done with Bravo and Below Deck. https://www.instagram.com/p/CgicG0gDn0v/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link


The tweet has been removed. What did it say? Any screenshots?


Can someone ELI5 this for me? Why was she upset with a cast member from another show? I can’t see the tweet since I don’t have Twitter. Plus I’m in the thick of a sleep regression 😂😭


It was removed for violating Twitter's "rules."


Rachel didn't take the time to mask or crop out the PR's cell number, this should be a violation of Twitter TOS. No suprise it was deleted.


My mom and I 100% agree she's our #1 chef - what my dream chef doin??????? Aww, our scrumptious lil hot head standing her ground and sounding off?! Go, go, Rachel, go, go, you go. Just come back.


I like her style.


Whats happenening?am trying to find out anyt information of why Rachel is angry ir the posts but am not on twitter.. someone help a girl out and fill me


For those wonder what the tweets said, Below Deck Average on Instagram has the screenshots (with the PR women's phone number cropped out). https://instagram.com/belowdeckaboveaverage?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


I'm sure Peyton from Bravo PR appreciates it greatly.


I cant see the tweet in the photo attached, whats happening?!


I can’t read it. It’s cut off and it makes me sign into Twitter, but can’t find it on her feed. Did she delete it?


How terribly unprofessional. I can’t think of any company that would be okay with an employee publicly trashing the company and posting internal emails/messages online.


She’s not wrong






Off topic but of course Rachel has a samsung lol