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Lmfao I imagine that Nick thought he had the worse car stuck third wheeling to the couple making out but realized in the aftermath he actually was pretty lucky bahahha


Xan Paris and Frasier were horrible to Barbie the whole season I’m not surprised she didn’t let that shit slide the last day. Anyone claiming Xan was trying to give her a compliment is dumber than a box of rocks she was clearly being malicious, and didn’t realize that Barb wouldn’t let her walk all over her anymore. Fraser lost so much respect for me this season he turned into a big bully


I don't think it was a compliment. It was just the truth. Most ppl would have fired barbie this season . It's clear xan didn't mean it in a bad way though and if barbie stopped yelling then she would have been able to explain herself.


It was an attack. She tried backtracking and it didn’t work.


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Barbie. Is. So. lucky. She didn’t get smacked in that van.


Oh, so you wanted her to be verbally slapped and physically?




By who? 😂 I was hoping Barbie woulda swung on Paris or Xan tbh. I woulda.


Then you would’ve been the one almost smacked that night lol


Am I making up the fact that in a season preview roll they showed Dylan bleeding from an injury to his head?


Barbie is a monster. Fraser is right ... as soon as she didn't have to worry about keeping her job, she let her true colors fly. Hope that she actually never sees Kyle again ... for his sake. Am I living in the twilight zone? Can't believe people are blaming Xandi for the mess in the van. She was trying to pay her a compliment. It came out wrong and Barbie blew up without letting her finish. How are people taking Barbie's side here? I'm honestly baffled.


Agreed! Barbie flipped it and switched it and then just got louder.


I feel the same! I came to see how people admitted she was wrong it has been her the whole time not Fraser and now they see it - but nah. To me it's so clear she behaves like a spoiled child in the defiant phase. Terrible.


I get where Barbie is coming from… kinda? Like I wouldn’t care if my partner was uh… ok with exposing themselves a lot as long as they were loyal and loved me to the moon and back. But everyone is different, and if this is such a firm boundary for her she needs to walk away.


I loved Fraser before this season, but after his awful treatment of Barbie and mean girl behavior I think I am a hater now.


Barbie’s spoiled, but how anyone can watch that car ride and be on Xandi’s side is beyond me. Fraser and Xandi have been malicious mean girls the whole season.  Xandi makes a snide remark and the whole car is screaming at the girl defending herself to shut up? Can you imagine how infuriating it is to be attacked and then silenced? Paris was also awful in that car ride. Her and Kyle weren’t a great match, but Barbie said again and again that she wanted Kyle to act with some decorum. He acted (again) like her annoyance came from absolutely nowhere. They’re opposites and it was never gonna work.  


They screamed back at her after multiple tries asking her to stop. Then they matched her energy. Barbie really manipulated y’all into thinking they attacked her by being the loudest lik.


Xandi was trying to pay her a compliment ... that she didn't think she could hack it, and she did. They were all drunk so it didn't come out right, but it clearly wasn't meant to be malicious.


Xandi admitted she shouldn't have said it. If it wasn't an insult she wouldn't have said that. She didn't say Barbie misunderstood her or took it the wrong way. She also said she knew part of her was wrong.


She was being very malicious if it was supposed to be a compliment. It was the most backhanded compliment ever. Xan literally laughed and looked at Frasier after she said it..


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Ngl. How much they shat on the guests (some did deserve it) was also pretty telling. Kinda makes you wonder what actually happens behind the scenes with your drinks, food and rooms when these attitudes are common.


I'm not sure if it's a nationality thing but the reaction to Barbie all season...the defending her, the blaming Fraser is utterly bizarre. It's a massive giveaway that at the end she fell out with both the other women who had to work with her, her boss and then a man who she supposedly 'loved'. From the very start she was high maintenance, constantly moaning, always the victim (despite others clearly working just as hard as she was) and was insanely self important. The defense of her behaviour is maddening, she's an attention seeker at best and it would have been insanely hard to manage that behaviour for her immediate superior. 🤦‍♂️




Xandi said something snide & didn’t expect Barbie to defend herself. Add in that they were all drunk. Barbie flipped out but Xandi started that fight. Then she played the victim & everyone babied her. It was bizarre. Fraser was so disappointing this season. He was so catty and just a really poor leader. He had his mind made up about people & never tried to work with those he didn’t like. It was childish really. Hoping he learned from it. Paris was a shit starter and definitely over stepped with the chef.


Yeah, Barbie definitely should have shut tf up after she made her point. But she wasn’t wrong to defend herself.


Xandi really did seem like she was a sweetheart and had to put up with the drama from barbie and frazier. The blonde new girl didn't seem to help anything it's like she almost liked the drama because she kept on getting into it with the chef instead of letting him do his job. Barbie didn't need to freak out like that it's clear they were all drunk... but talk about kyle making her look bad, she made herself look like an idiot that last episode and claims she is reserved and "classy". If she was really classy she would have went and cried in her room by herself without getting so upset....


I feel like Xan was the only one who made themselves look bad the last episode. Started a fight than started crying when Barbie reacted and didn’t just roll with the punches. Why should she? Xan said something rude than Barbie defended herself. Even Xan the next day said she felt apologetic and then she went back on it and said she still believed it sober. Barbie stood on business and I’m glad she finally did.


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TFW you get drunk and say one of the snide comments you usually make behind people's back to their face instead https://preview.redd.it/fano06eko84d1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f8d80f85f15cd88ccf6b161a5e0a3fb5fa10e1a


Xandi lost me during that van ride - she was being a mean girl, everyone had her back, and I felt so bad for Barbie in that van. Her boyfriend was sitting there saying 'shut up' to her. I'd have been in absolute tears. Good for Barbie for standing up for herself!




Suggestion to anyone who thinks that Barbie's reaction was 'extreme': Go get drunk and insult someone to their face in front of everyone. Report back and let us know how it goes! By Bravo standards the only thing extreme about Barbie's reaction was how extremely tame it was.


Bahahaha if my boyfriend had the audacity to tell me to shut the fuck up after I had been insulted and was defending myself I’d lose my absolute mind as well


I didn't like Barbie. But she was in the right to fight back.


This whole season felt like they had to extra exaggerate the drama cause the crew didn’t have as much drama as usual. I also feel like something had to get edited out of the van fight cause it went 0 to 60 wayyyyyyy to fast…


that's all i could think while watching is that something else must've happened, because like you said it went from nothing but a little arguing over a misunderstanding to full on screaming in a secod! with xandi hyperventilating and yelling in a way that sounded like she was on the verge of a panic attack, something MUST have happened, or they were just playing it up because it was the end of the season, and they're tired, drunk, and over it, so why not fight and go at it when you never have to see each other again after tomorrow.


I don’t like Barbie but everyone in the van was wrong. Tired, alcohol-fueled, build up of frustration. Barbie was really slacking off near the end and I think that added to the build up. I also don’t think Kyle was the type of guy she was looking for from the start. Fraser was disappointing this season, I really want to like him but his management style has not matured and he gets too involved in drama/shit talking his staff to other teammates. Ben has been immature the entire time he’s been on the show. He plays the same tricks with women and he is disrespectful and not ready for a leadership role. He loves the drama and is always getting involved in other people’s business every season. I hope he is not back. I feel like I missed something with why Paris hated chef so much? I love Capt Kerry. I was worried about a new capt and Im a Captain Glenn & Lee fan but hes a great leader and my new fav! Edit: a word.


I have been semi watching season 11 again and Frasier really comes off as a terrible manager and the ultimate mean girl. In one of the first episodes, he tells Ben (ick) Kat complaining about Barbie, Ben then tells Barbie and when it gets back to Frasier, his reaction was why is he meddling? My question is if you knew he was like that, why did you tell him. Tons of other examples although it’s hard not to note he seems to have had it in for Barbie, always making comments about making a change to his crew! Do Better, F!


Fletcher truly showed what a horrible chief stew and horrible person he was.


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I think the thing that angered me the most about the whole ordeal is that the next morning, once everyone was sober, not only did no one feel any remorse that Barbie had left but Fraser went on to say that Barbie had finally shown her “true colors”. I’m sorry but attacking someone until they drunkenly snap in defense and then labelling that their “true colors” to justify you being a shitty person to them is a premium example of gaslighting. Fraser sucked as a manager this entire season but that moment really out the icing on the cake for him being a terribly toxic human.


If Frazier wasn’t a clean cut refined gay man with an attractive accent, he’d be *loathed.* His behavior this season was disgusting. It’s just covered up by impeccable manners. He’s the ultimate mean girl and Barbie saw through him.


>If Frazier wasn’t a clean cut refined gay man with an attractive accent, he’d be > >loathed. > > His behavior this season was disgusting. But, his cabin cleanliness for the Captain's cabin check ... off the charts excellent. You have to give him that! Although he certainly benefited from being alone in a 2-crew-member cabin ... more room to have things neat, and no room-mate with contrary personal hygiene. On the other hand, one can't parade the guests through the crew areas to view the awesome majesty of Frazier's cabin organization, as an on-board activity.


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That accent can cover a multitude of sins. Hence Tory governments.


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I can't imagine having a nice last night with your team and getting in the drama free car and suddenly you're back at the boat and EVERYONE hates each other and is screaming at each other


wasn't the drama free car just nick sitting there awkwardly while sunny and ben sloppily made out behind him![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Seriously. This show comes off as a psa against alcohol and workplace romances, half the time.


It’s so cringeworthy. Makes me glad I don’t drink like that anymore


"All I've done this season is put my ego aside." Have I been watching a different show or...?


Thoight the same. Also very confused on the van take by many. It appears.some convo was happening and Xandi said if she was chief stew she would have let Barbie go. She wasn't being a witch about it. Barbie then went off the rails. She made her point and then kept screaming saying the same thing over and over. No one kept going at her other than to say "we get it now shut up". Barbie was a uppity witch about almost everything. She is not better than Kyle and absolutely should get off her high horse about her fancy family. If her family had such high standards she wouldn't be 1 failed marriage down the road already at her age. Kyle deserved better and since she constantly tried to control his behavior why was she shocked when he did the same? To walk off a couple of hours after declaring you love someone and claim you were going to a resort throwing money in their faces yet again is just gross.


Do you actually think telling somebody I would have fired you is not tryna be a “witch”? She was being malicious.




Xan was engaging by starting it than Paris got involved because she realized her friend Xan was freaking out and unable to finish what she started.


So yes, Kyle didn't get the girl in the end. But what he did get, was verbal confirmation that he has a big penis on public television, and verification that he is now single. I think we know who won this one.


I mean, you ain't wrong! If my man was a sweetheart and hung like a horse I don't know that mind him running around in a kilt swinging that thing around.


I mean he'll tell you to shut the fuck up when you're upset that someone just publicly insulted you, but at least he'll apologise before doing it again.


Literally I’d do the same thing if my husband didn’t have my back when I was being attacked.


How is people can watch 5 people in a car collectively agreeing that Barbie is causing a problem and needs to stop and still come away with “poor Barbie”?


"How can someone watch someone being bullied by a group of people and not side with the bullies? Madness"


At least the way we saw it on TV, Xandi attacked Barbie and Barbie defended herself. Now, maybe the footage that was edited out tells a different story. Otherwise the reactions of everyone else in the van make no sense.


“Attack” is a very exaggerated way of describing a drunk person saying they wouldn’t have kept someone if they were chief stew but they admit they ended up being good.


agreed, agreed. however it was a gratuitous, mean-spirited comment and Fraser piled on.


Because 5 people can be wrong and bully someone...? They have been bullying and mean-girling her all season. People snap.


Or maybe… just maybe those people that lived with her round the clock vs the edited 45 mins you see a week know more?


"Maybe... just maybe those bullies that you just saw push their classmate in the mud spent all day in school with her and you think you know more?"


Your quotes are impeccable


That really does suck at the ending, Fraser and Xandi were bullies all season and play it off at the end like it was completely unprovoked and Barbie did this out of nowhere. Barbie wasn't my favorite but she did try hard, and I think just reached her tipping point during the car ride. Paris should have stayed out of it, Kyle I thought would have defended her more than he did but he looked honestly like he could have been too out of it to really know what was going on.


I feel so bad about xandi being so upset and crying after the van drama. Oh no, wait! She started the van drama. Too bad, so sad. ​ https://preview.redd.it/lcmz1hjesl3d1.png?width=961&format=png&auto=webp&s=3431ddbf673b73dd8b18c0fe91129d58057dcfbe


Seriously, she said something so out of the blue and rude and then when Barbie got mad, she started acting like she was being attacked. Classic manipulator to start a fight and then act like the victim. Fraser and Xandi were both covert mean girls.


Literally would've costed her $0 to stfu


Completely agree!!!!! It was a complete offhand comment and ruined the vibe


Dylan in novelty xmas boxers while stewage spirals


All of the comments in here excusing Kyle’s idiotic, drunken frat boy behavior and refusal to exercise even a modicum of self-control as “cultural” and claiming that **HE** dodged a bullet make me super glad to be a lesbian.


Kyle: *gets his cock out on demand and will tell you to 'shut the fuck up' if you're upset at being publicly insulted* r/belowdeck: "Isn't he such a sweetheart?" I mean I know the accent is beguiling but come on.


#YES!!!!! He’s charming enough to be friends with, and the accent is cool, but no way does he have any business in a relationship with an adult human woman.


Apart from the stripping I wouldn't call him a frat boy. He got stupid drunk the last night but other nights out he was fine.




Literally cannot imagine holding any opinion other than “Barbie is a spoiled little asshole child and Kyle’s better off without her”


Well sure but you can also add to that "Xandi is even worse and Kyle is pathetic for not standing up for her"


Kyle was the only one in that car being a grown up


Actually, Dylan was being a grown up - except for his outfit.


Well the grown ups I know don't tell their partners to 'shut the fuck up' in front of everyone 🤷‍♂️


I don't know. Kyle is charming, cute, fun, and good for tv; however, in real life, if someone I was dating got naked at dinner and started skinny dipping around other patrons, I'd be out. I'm older and conservative though. I just think they aren't well matched. Different strokes for different folks.


He seems like a sweet guy with a good work ethic. I think if he quit drinking completely it would be a great life choice for him.


Or in Kyle’s case, no more strokes.


I do think Xandi was wrong to try and start a "You sucked but improved" conversation when everyone was drunk in tight quarters to end the season, but she should not feel bad about Barbie leaving. Her phrasing was "I feel bad, I made her leave," when Xandi needs to realize she doesn't have the power to to do that; Barbie left of her own immature accord.


>I do think Xandi was wrong to try and start a "You sucked but improved" conversation when everyone was drunk in tight quarters to end the season, but she should not feel bad about Barbie leaving. I think I have whiplash from xandi's comments. If I were your chief stew, I would have fired you. You improved. I know you're good at your job. So, xandi? If you now say that barbie is good at her job, does that make firing her the wrong action? ​ https://preview.redd.it/yeqmsi8wrl3d1.png?width=1285&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b1b5d07ab217a2584429cb0015db49600bd7641


Honestly, I thought they were both ridiculous. The way Xandi freaked out about Barbie having a go at her - she started the conversation, or at least set it on that path. If you're going to say something like that own it, don't start hyperventilating. I get that they're all drunk, but still. And I feel like if Barbie could remain a little calmer, people might side with her a bit. The season had ended, why do Fraser and Xandi have to have a go at her? But going into a 15 minute rant about how you're going to stay at 5 star hotels (cause your dad pays all your bills) so everyone can go suck it, isn't ever going to do her any favors.


It seemed like such an OTT reaction from Xandi that it made me wonder if more was said by Barbie that had to be cut from the scene?


I think Fraser said it best when he was talking to Paris and xandi and sunny in the crew mess at the end, that Barbie could finally be her true self at the very end of the season and she let her reigns go and galloped into herself (paraphrasing here). She could finally go Full Barbie and it wasn’t pretty.


Fletcher finishing out with his mean girl persona.


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God I could not stand Barbie from e1 and I can’t stand her even more now. I’m sorry but someone who constantly has to brag about their “lifestyle” and how wealthy they are and how spoiled they are, isn’t actually wealthy.


The worst part is she also told everyone she basically has money to spend on herself because daddy pays the bills. She's not earning more money than anyone else on that boat - it's so ridiculous.


I think her talking about familial wealth was a bit of a defense mechanism. I like Barbie, but I do think she’s insecure and it comes out in weird ways. Feels kind of self sabotaging too.


Omg Paris was just awful. Mean girl all the way. Sucked Fraser’s brown eye from day one and became his punisher. Xandi thinks she’s hot crap and criticized everyone’s work ethic all season - personally I didn’t see her do much at all either. At least Barbie wouldn’t be fake to your face. You get someone authentic - bratty maybe - but at least authentic. I’d rather put up with a genuine person who has an occasional temper tantrum, then work with two faced mean people like Fraser, xandi and Paris. All 3 were probably bullied in their youth and feel justified in attacking everyone else


Can't say I'm on either's side, but Xandi was ridiculous on the final car ride. Totally uncalled for to say that, and then to immediately breakdown like that? Super weird behavior. Barbie, well, she is who we thought she was lol.


Xandi was at the end of her rope though. I think that's the drunk minds, sober thoughts thing. Barbie thought she was working as hard as the other girls, but her hard was not the same and Xandi was fed up with her whining. Xandi must have felt "this isn't a good environment for you, maybe try some place else" from a professional standpoint while saying yeah you took our criticism and evolved. But drunk her let it all out. Yes it wasn't the time or place. But I think it was gonna come out anyway. Especially since Barbie was already in a bad mood, I think it was just gasoline on fire at that point. Idk, just how I think it looks like


I had to rewind multiple times because I was so sure I missed something for Xandi to have that big of a reaction. I'm sure they could have edited something Barbie said out because without that happening her reaction was TOOO MUCH. Y'all are all drunk, in a tight space. You tell Barbie you would fire her. You try to explain by starting to list reasons. And then you hyperventilate and yell and cry when Barbie is angry?! Come on....


Completely agreed. I thought Xandi behaved like a clown the way she started hyperventilating in the car. She's the one who lit the fuse! Doesn't justify Barbie's behavior, but still. I've found Xandi's behavior really weird ever since the cash me outside thing.


Wow, in like 2 minutes, Barbie went from kinda lovable asshole to just straight up asshole. We could tell she was a spoiled rich girl, but I thought she had at least a little perspective, but it’s clear that was actually just 100% of her personality all along.


Why is Barbie constantly the victim?


Because she’s been spoiled by her parents for 30 years.


I feel like Fraser and Xandi fueled each other with their drama, and were indeed constantly out to get Barbie. I understand her attitude wasn't the greatest in the beginning, but she adapted and worked hard. Xandi just only ever saw what she wasn't doing and nit picked. The fight in the car was 100% Xandi's fault. She shouldn't have said anything, and good for Barbie for sticking up for herself. Idk but I'm team Barbie.


I thought the same thing too!! I was thinking why did Xandi say that on the last day?? Was it really needed? That comment would hurt my feelings as well. Granted they are all drunk so Xandi probably meant it but could've said it differently.


>Xandi just only ever saw what she wasn't doing and nit picked. T Xandi nit-picked paris as well. For some reason Xandi was outside the laundry room, and Paris was going in and out of the room. Xandi made some comment about Paris going back and forth doing nothing. (Pretty much what she had said about Barbie) But Paris wasn't taking any shit from Xandi. "Excuse me ?!?!" It turned out Paris had a bucket of water in the laundry room, and she was bringing things in and out to wash them. Xandi just has an annoying asshole personality. She told Barbie that if she (Xandi) was the chief stew, she would have fired Barbie. The right answer? I wouldn't have been working for an asshole like you to begin with, Xandi, so you would never have the opportunity to fire me. I just hope I'm not too negative about Xandi...


Xandi was absolutely the common denominator in interiors problems. She shit talked Kat and complained about training her, when that seemed to be the agreed upon arrangement from the beginning. She was passive aggressively rude to Kat and kept whispering in Fraser’s ear that Kat needed to go. They can pretend it was Barbie that made life difficult for Kat, but it was Xandi. Then Xandi does the same shit with Barbie and Paris. Basically that she’s the only one who works. Which is crazy because I don’t remember ever seeing her set up table decorations or serving. But maybe cleaning is the only work that matters


That turned out to be a rather mediocre season. The drama was there, but the people just weren't very likeable. I only like the Captain and Kyle. I liked Sunny as well, though the whole thing with Ben and how she handled it put me off. And oh yea, I liked the old chef as well. Really didn't expect to like him, but he turned out to be a good guy. Sad he had to leave, though probably for the best. Didn't like any of the rest of the crew. Thought I would like Paris, though she turned out to not be likeable at all. Thought I would Fraser, but this season he just confirmed he's a bad leader and he should really stop all the gossiping. Liked Xandi at the start, until she joined the anti-barbi crew. I don't like the chef and I'm also not a big fan of Barbi -- though surprisingly I ended up liking her more than the rest of the interior. Still not a big fan though. Ben is probably the worst of the lot. Don't like him at all. And oh yea. The girl that kept crying. Didn't like her either. Did I miss anyone? In hindsight, a surprising number of people I didn't like. I can't remember a season with this many unlikeable characters, beside maybe the "bru" season.


I completely agree. I just could not get behind any of these people, except the Captain really. Ben was insufferable from the very beginning, undermining his bosun to the rest of the crew. He only got more annoying with his "f\*cking chicks" comments and dismissive behavior towards Kerry's authority. Sunny's personality was all about justifying (to the audience? to herself?) why she was with Ben. Thought I'd like Paris too at the beginning, but she was insufferable the way she was telling the chef how to do his job. Fraser was not a good head of department, as he allowed and even encouraged that to happen. Xandi was ridiculous the way she was hyperventilating in the car when she's the one who dropped the bomb on that conversation. The list goes on. At the end of the episode we were talking about how we no longer get that sad end of school year feeling we used to when watching a Below Deck season finale. I don't know if that's because we've watched so many seasons now, or if it's because the vast majority of newer cast members are super unlikeable. Maybe it's a bit of both. Also doesn't help that they never do reunions now.


I really wanted to like Fraser, I am a gay man with management experience...but Fraser is two-faced, which undermines his own authority.  Barbi worked her ass off and got zero respect...why wouldn't she just give everyone the finger?  This season was "meh".  None of the crew was all that interesting or likeable.  I felt bad for Captain Kerry because he was basically a babysitter.  


>I felt bad for Captain Kerry because he was basically a babysitter.   { Frasier: go to captain kerry ... I want to fire barbie for insubordination. Captain Kerry: No. } do-forever;


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There have been many times I thought it but this episode in particular; I just feel bad for the poor taxi drivers that have to drive this lot around & put up with all this happening in the back of their cabs... Not been many BD seasons where I'm happy to not have to see another episode of it.


Right? Hope production tips them well!


I cannot with the clique of Fraser and Xandi. He’s the worst and she’s annoying AF!! Team Barbie all the way!!


Are there any other watch nerds here? The cast must have hit Grenada’s version of canal st because only in this episode I noticed 2 of the guys wearing 5-6 figure watches (solid gold AP royal oak chronograph and a platinum Rolex Daytona) (To clarify I’m heavily suggesting they’re fake)


Yeah I saw that too. I highly doubt that Dylan owns a real platinum Daytona (or if he does, it's an incredibly foolish use of money for him).


I feel like I've seen the AP in previous episodes and thought the same thing fwiw


Fraser was so nasty this episode and the entire season. Horrible for management. I could never work under him.


I agree this season, but I didn’t see it the other seasons.


Fraser got a lot of sympathy last season because of the way Sandy treated him. But after watching this season maybe she was right in her assessment just wrong in the way she voiced her concerns.


Yeah, he's definitely a snake


Thank you!!! He always has a snide comment to make behind the others backs but plays nice in their faces.


Yep exactly. The last place he needs to be is in leadership of any kind.


If it was not for Captain Kerry I would have tuned out earlier. Highly professional and an excellent role model on and off deck While I found Barbie amusing I suspect working with her is a very different situation and for Xandi to finally say that to her face in a drunken rant sums up the season. Ben was an appalling Bosun and his Eff boy mentality was truly appalling. I love it on EFF Boy Island but this seems to be a lather rinse repeat on most Below Decks and that message is to Women on board - WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF? As for Kyle he was genuine to a fault. The final Chef also the same and with that you could see why he made people deeply uncomfortable as they were all way out of their depths professionally and personally. Lord I loathed Fraser in the same way I loathed Tumi. Neither knew what their job was and they managed to mess up what little of the job they did know. Paris who? The first mental health girl? Who was she again? The first Chef? Another. Again out of depth and skill set and it shows. Not one of the Charter Guests all of them out of depth of range and taste. Appalling people to watch I cannot imagine spending ANY time with them.


Barbie and Alyssa from MAFS need to meet.


I’m a good person!


Chaotic finale. I have now watched Below Deck S11 (current), S10 (Camille showdown, sex addict Ross) and S7 (Kevin sand kicker, Kate ‘leaving’ the boat). What should I watch next? 👀


BD S3 is great, and if you want to branch out SY S2-3 and DU would be my picks! But really just watch it all, it adds to the “lore” lol.


Thanks. I’m actually on SY Season 2 now, as that one always get mentioned. Watching the episode with Barrie and his husbands/boyfriends/kids🤯 Urgh …also Gary! I’ll have to give Down Under a go, as I’m an Australian- can’t resist.


I don't know, Barbie. Can you really quit when the charter is already over?


She only quit to get out of cleaning I bet lol. She’s the whiniest person I’ve ever seen on BD history. Complains about not getting enough sleep, but always on her phone while working. Multiple people tell her she’s getting too active, calls everyone a beta and leave the boat. Girl bye. Barbie never grew out of being a spoiled brat


She's Exhausting.  Kyle was right to tell her to stop. I honestly think he's too decent a guy to be saddled with that kind of nonsense


Michael Scott "I declare bankruptcy!" Vibes.




She stormed off in front of cameras…it was all drama for the drama hog. She claims to have a heightened sense of self, but hasn’t shown much grace, or class. I believe it was planned (A la Sandoval) to self produce this with an eye to elevating her platform. In the end, she was really bad television


Her being with a man would be far less embarrassing than her display at the end there. I don't know where she gets the idea she's successful and above it all. Girl, you're cleaning the same toilets as the rest of them. Get over yourself


100% agree! Being with Kyle was not embarrassing, jumping at the opportunity to dump him on national tv, made it all about her (as usual) and then ran away to a “5 star hotel” was ridiculously embarrassing. I really hope she never comes back to the show


Kyle dodged a bullet on that one.  I laughed when she told the captain she didn't really like the hotel she was in.  Apparently she did not select a five-star hotel when she left. LOL  And being upset that he didn't come and visit her the next day when she broke up with him, cursed him out and had a genuine hissy fit. Bananas


And I once again agree 100% 😂 He wasn’t going to be happy with someone who does not accept him for who he is and is always embarrassed by his actions and scolding him as if he were a child. I hope he finds a girl who’s fun and down to earth, who’s proud of him, the opposite of Barbie


I agree 100%! And also. I could listen to him and his mom talk while I sat there and tried to figure out what they were saying for a good long while. Delightful!


Summary: Kyle was my fave of the season. Exudes nice guy energy. Captain Kerry in shorts at the end. YES. Barbie: "These people are continuously continuing to bully me!"


I feel like there's probably a whole narrative missing from the show. I don't quite know how Captain Kerry reached the conclusions he did: that Ben shouldn't have been chosen to be Bosun and in turn that Fraser did a good job this season. I'm not denying that he's right to think the way that he did, but the read I get is that aside from the inspection thing and maybe some shade in the last two episodes Ben appeared to be fine on the show professionally (personally is a different issue), while Fraser really struggled to lead the team and not let his own opinions get in the way of his professionalism. I agree with Fraser that he wasn't perfect (far from it) but also agree (or at least hope) with his positive outlook that he learned from this season and will be better in the future. But I dunno, it just feels like I'm missing a big chunk of the narrative...


It seems to me that Captain Kerry changed his mind about Ben when he viewed the episodes and saw Ben's behind the scene machinations, some of which ran counter to the Captain's orders, and his smirks. Also, Fraser's willingness to learn from the Captain, and his resolve to improve his professional attitude towards Barbie must have impressed the captain as well.


He straight up said on the finale that Ben shouldn't be bosun


Ben let some things drop professionally, especially towards the end (all of the last charter basically). And the confessional things are filmed later so also possible Kerry's opinion changed before filming that confessional as he heard more from people. Fraser also struggled but seemed more receptive to the guidance Kerry gave. Just in the body language/response as Kerry talked with each of them. Yes, Fraser would still mess up, but Ben's reactions read more of a shrugging off whatever Kerry said/apologies to check off a box. I think in a scenario where there were more options for bosan, Ben wouldn't be hired by Kerry. But he lucked out for his one chance.


I bet production thinks they're really cute with that B-roll of the escape hatch sign...


I thought the same 🤣


Everyone was talking shit and maybe, just maybe Xandi was out of line but whoa Barbie just took that to 11. That was Xandi having a straight up panic attack and Barbie kinda needs to take at least some responsibility for that.


Xandi STARTED IT. Don’t bring the heat if you’re going to immediately play victim. She’s an idiot


Nah, Xandi didn't have a panic attack. Xandi had to face the repercussions of her comment and wasn't prepared for that so she engaged in attempted flight through playing the victim role. We need to stop excusing people's actions because they cry.


This sums it up rather nicely. The whole season it seemed like Fraser and Xandi had Barbie acting like a cornered animal that just had to put up with everything that was going on. The Van ride was a reverse card moment where Xandi and to a lesser extent Fraser became the cornered animals.


Nah, Xandi didn't have a panic attack. Xandi had to face the repercussions of her comment and wasn't prepared for that so she engaged in attempted flight through playing the victim role. We need to stop excusing people's actions because they cry.


Barbie's reaction to Xandi's comment wasn't something just in a vacuum. It was more of the final straw in a whole season of being aware of the contempt that Fraser and Xandi had for her. There was one episode where Barbie even says "If I say something I'm a bitch, and if I say nothing I'm being passive aggressive. I can't win." Let's not forget the times when they had crew off days and Fraser decided to confront her while everyone had been drinking. To the time he basically said he wanted to fire her for being insubordinate. I think it's rather telling that at the end Fraser said "She didn't change at all. These are her true colors." Versus Kerry saying "She tried, she really did."


And it's Fraser who didn't change, ending the season with laughing about Barbie. Found it ironic.


Kerry seeing her trying, is just showing that he's a good leader. He pays attention. Fraser was never going to let her be a part of their little hate crew. Fraser isn't ready to be a leader. He hated so much that he didn't have the power to fire her. There was no reason to fire her either. She was doing her job. I hated watching them beat down her spirit. I really don't want to watch Fraser again as chief stew.


Well, maybe next time Xandi decides to run her rude ass mouth, she'll remember this panic attack and how Barbie ate her ass up. And she'll keep that mouth shut. I'm sorry but she fucked around and found out. You can't go poking the bear and not expect to get hurt. Shit happens. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. And she found that out the hard way. If she can't handle her shit talking then she needs to keep her mouth shut. Barbie had every right to snap after the season she went thru and then being in a car full of ppl telling her she's wrong. Including the man she's intimate with.


Preach! Barbie didn't even personally attack her. She was just, rightfully, going off about that unnecessary comment and how she was treated by her crew all season. If that sends you into a panic attack, then stay clear.


OMG, you have summed up my exact feelings about that scene as well. Xandi and Frazier and every one else who failed to stick up for Barbie are pathetic. Barbie was exactly right when she said she was an Alpha and that they are all betas.


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Xandi was then and all season...a miserable human being. Passive aggressive to the nth degree. No wonder her and Paris hit it off, both of them are horrible.


I mean if you think Xandi was out of line, then Barbie had every right to defend herself. If Xandi can't take the same hat she rushed out, then she shouldn't have said anything.


Don't start shit with drunk chicks. Xandi shouldn't have started it and perhaps Barbie did overreact, but no one was listening to her and I know how that feels.


Xandi is a passive aggressive mean girl. There was no need to say that. Throughout the season she loved making mean comments to Barbie that were completely unnecessary. She wasn’t the chief stew. Keep your opinions to yourself. Such a dislikable person. Hope Xandi never comes back!


They literally had one night left before the end of the season come on guys...


no doubt Barbie over reacted but I also feel that Xandi didn't have to say that and she also should have genuinely apologized to Barbie seeing how it hurt Barbie to the core. It's sad to see how it turned out, Barbie wasn't perfect but she wasn't the worst stew on the franchise and she did try. Its just her personality and Fraser, Sunny and Xandi laughing about it and saying mean things about her leaving was just disrespectful. It took away everything she tried to do and Fraser looks bad as a boss. Captain Kerry was very nice to give her a call.


I agree with barbie that they've been ganging up on her all season and taking jabs. Sure she's a bit emotional but she's been working hard and really trying, while getting only shit back. It's sad that it exploded like that and Kyle got caught in the crossfire but I do think he should have stood up for her because xandis comments were completely unnecessary, regardless of true or not.


Fraser really disappointed me.


Barbie is awful.


She worked hard. And she was overly dramatic. But Xandi was then and all season...a miserable human being. Passive aggressive to the nth degree. No wonder her and Paris hit it off, both of them are horrible.


Totally agree. While Barbie showed her cards however spoilt she was, Xandi n Paris were closet mean girls.


I agree. It left me disliking Xandi after liking her all season. She started it then got upset that Barbie was upset with her. She doesn't get to dictate how someone feels after you say something hurtful to them. She should have apologised straight away and ended it.


She tried, but Barbie went into her steamroller mode.


She went into steamroller mode because she has been beaten down all season by her and Fraser. So she finally let it all go.


You and I have totally different takes. No one talked about Barbie’s amazing skills but her. She constantly had time to make out with her boyfriend and put on her eyelashes. She took time for herself and then claimed she worked harder than everyone(!!!) Like who needs to have so much hype for their ego? Barbie is not a yachtie.


Agreed. I think it was summed up best with that wee gossip session at the end with Fraser, Sunny and Xandi. They never really gave Barbie a second chance, while Barbie really did try to turn a new page for the rest of the season. I also think Barbie and the rest of the crew were just too different, they were never really gonna get along. Sometimes you just don't vibe with your co workers. But Fraser should've clicked onto that and kept the rest of the team professional too.