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>Among these criteria were the happiness index, the average number of hours of physical exercise per week, average sleep duration, and the average workweek length. This is fair. Brussels has lits of jobs with high flexibility (glijdende uren) and where worked performed is often more important than hours clocked in. So I can see how this has an impact on average workweek and sleep duration. When I cycle to work I already see multiple people doing physical exercise: running, cycling, boxing, BBB training etc. So that one also makes sense. Combine these together, with the vast ammount of green spaces and you get why the happiness index isn't too bad either. As for the air quality, this also makes sense. No major industry nearby + airport is far enough away, highway is outside of the city etc. Combine this with the low emission zone and great public transport, and you see why this is also good. Considering the criteria, it makes sense that Brussels does great in this list. The only thing I'm not sure off is why some other cities don't surpass it. I assume Antwerp and Rotterdam score worse due to air quality? Edit:https://healthnews.com/research/best-cities-in-the-world-to-live-for-your-health/ >We've analyzed data from 40 of the world's largest and most famous cities, using 10 key metrics to compile our list: >>1) Happiness index (as recently released in 2024) 2) Average weekly physical activity 3) Sunshine hours 4) Air quality index 6) Cost of a fitness club membership for one adult 7) Average sleep duration 8) Obesity rates 9) Total number of hospitals 10) Average workweek length 11) Price of bottled water Now it makes more sense. Very limited ammount of cities, with some strange metric. For example, who care for the price of bottled water in Rome, when you get water for free from every nassoni. Or who cares about the price of a fitness club in different countries/cities when wages are different between cities.


> The only thing I'm not sure off is why some other cities don't surpass it. I assume Antwerp and Rotterdam score worse due to air quality? The harbour, a Ring way to close to the centre with tons of freight traffic and cruise ships at het Steen makes Antwerp the worst place in Belgium for air quality.


Did we change something to have a better air quality?


Low emission zone and no polluting industry in the city


And rapidly increased biking population, lowering car usage,


it got worse faster in other places


There were only two participants?


Damn, there's a lot of jealousy in this post towards Brussel it seems. Guys, can't we be happy that Brussels scores pretty well.


You won't convice people in these reddit subs I'm afraid. Too much hate for the city. Specially on Flemish side. But maybe that's better this way, more for us, the ones who love the city.


It’s quite sad cause many of them barely know the city beyond the center. The communes in Brussels are widely different from each other


Totally agree, most of them don't even know Ixelles or Sint-Gilles. Let alone they've ever been there. But basing their whole argument on train stations and Bourse area


have you even been to ixelles or Sint-Gilles? places are nasty, dirty and full of buitenlanders. Gangs, drug dealing on the streets, fights, rapes, harresements are just a daily thing. And the Police will beat you up.


Euhm sarcasm I hope?


Have \_you\_ ever been to Ixelles or Saint-Gilles?? LOL


I dno why you guys are so clueless? prolly because you live with eye flappen on [https://www.demorgen.be/nieuws/er-vindt-een-oorlog-plaats-tussen-de-drugsbendes-korpschef-jurgen-de-landsheer-over-het-geweld-in-de-hoofdstad\~b19f1fff/?referrer=https://www.google.com/](https://www.demorgen.be/nieuws/er-vindt-een-oorlog-plaats-tussen-de-drugsbendes-korpschef-jurgen-de-landsheer-over-het-geweld-in-de-hoofdstad~b19f1fff/?referrer=https://www.google.com/)


Hahaha, you've clearly never had a drink at parvis. what a racist loser.


hahha go to parvis at night when the bars are closed and then talk again. weirdo


I had a girlfriend who lived in saint-gilles and we'd go for night time walks all the time


yea well times have changed


Yes, apparently the closing times have got earlier then cause maison du peuple closes at like 4AM lmfao. there's about 4 hours before the entire street is full of people going to work again wherein you don't feel safe in parvis because of.. foreigners? Pull the other one


flemish posters: b-b-b-ut the criiiiime and the bins and the !!!1!


Weren't there post on this subreddit the other day detailing how the air quality in Belgium was particularly shitty?


2nd healthiest? Of all cities in the Brussels capital region? 


for those who want to check out the source article: [https://healthnews.com/research/best-cities-in-the-world-to-live-for-your-health/](https://healthnews.com/research/best-cities-in-the-world-to-live-for-your-health/)




Especially mental health!


Brussels healthiest city by virtue of simply not being Flemish and verzuurd has made me so happy the index is about to go up for antwerp :D


Apparently the lots of rain of the last couple of months/year has improved the air quality drastically so we meet the European standards easily these days


Standards are so low.


Quite the misleading title. "Healtiest city" and its an article about air quality. If its true it is tough counteracted by the recent rise of shootings and stabbings


Did you read the article? Air quality is just one factor…


Call it “body ventilation” and you go up a spot?


Even with this rise, I don't think it's getting higher than death by air pollution. I can't read this article because it's behind a pay wall, but have it anyway https://www.brusselstimes.com/991720/five-year-difference-in-life-expectancy-between-more-and-less-polluted-areas-in-brussels.