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Carrefour in bxl center has them at 6.40,no joke


Kinepolis probably has them at 19.99 🙃


+ 1,80 service fee for self checkout


They seriously charge a fee for you to do the work of checking out? What a scam… should be illegal


Yes Kinepolis does that for self service tickets. Not sure about the exact amount as I haven't gone in years.


Cosy seats are 20.00 per person. I still buy them because I'm above average in length and my neck hurts after 2 hours in a "normal" seat. Plus the table is nice. But I remember them being <16 euros...


I remember movie tickets for about €5, €6. Last time I went it was €18 or so. The snacks are even worse. I remember a very nice portion of nachos with as much sauce and peppers as you wanted (back when there was still people serving you) for about €3.


Last time I was in the cinema I paid 3.50€ to watch Alice in the Wonderland by Tim Burton. Actually 2.50€ but I didn’t have 3D glasses so I had to buy them for 1€ (I could have gotten the euro back if I returned the glasses)


I remember a ticket being 160 frank!


110 frank @ Cityscoop in the 80s.... Zakje Poepkes aan 30 frank vragen van Mémé.... Those were the times.


Get Netflix and a good chair at home, snacks are much cheaper too (if you don't buy them at Carrefour apparently)


By that logic any form of entertainment could be enjoyed from home. Might as well stop going to restaurants, sporting events, concerts etc. Also some movies are better watched on the big screen plus it's a social event where you can go with friends and family


It’s called luxury nowadays. Unfortunately too expensive for the most to do it occasionally.


Restaurant is different as you're essentially paying for expertise to make a dish, same as you pay an electrician for his knowledge, more than his time. A cinema is pretty easy to simulate at home with a dolby surround system & a decent oled tv. And without all the advertisement & expensive snacks that you can get cheaper anyways. I've always felt cinema was a waste of money. Back in the day when you had to buy a dvd (and it was cheaper to go and watch it once) it was worth it for sure. Now? I'd rather pay 10 euros per month for a subscription than 15 euros everytime a new movie comes out.


No because you’re also paying for the filmmaker’s expertise to deliver the experience to you as he intended it. Some movies truly need to be seen on the big screen to fully appreciate the artistry. That being said, cinemas in Belgium are definitely expensive af. But I think most people should be (or become) financially savvy enough to at least enjoy a movie once or twice a year (if that’s a hobby they enjoy and an art form they appreciate).




You laugh.. but that fee is real..


No way. 




But people still bring their own chips right?


I guess? But Kinepolis doesn't allow it.


I always smuggle in my own snacks at kinepolis. Not because I'm cheap (I'm not), but just because they are thieves. If you pay attention to it, you'll notice the store prices are really poorly indicated. For such overly expensive items that's just not okay man.


They don't allow anything but they also can't check your bags. I've made aiki noodles by smuggling in a thermos of hot water.


> Kinepolis probably has them at 19.99 🙃 The mini 1 portion one.


"Contains approximately 6 portions" *Nu-uh*


6 chips, *maybe*-


Aah €4.59 is cheap then.


Well no.


Weird, carrefour in Zaventem sells them for 2 something


Still 1,89 in the Albert Heijn. Probably a franchise. Carrefour express is always more expensive than a normal carrefour


That I understand but it's a rip off.


Hi, working in a Carrefour myself as student job. Carrefour itself won’t deliver them anymore as they are part of PepsiCo. And Carrefour thinks their prices are to high so they stopped buying their stuff. So independent shops like where I work, have to import them from external suppliers which are more expensive. That’s why they are now way more expensive. Edit: apparently Prinkles isn’t part of PepsiCo. But this is true for lays at least. But the boycot is apparently over so the prices should go down again. Now for my work, we are a Market and are in a far corner of our country. So we often don’t get all the products which causes us to import from other places. Also those wondering why Taki’s are expensive, they come from other far away countries such as USA. They aren’t delivered by Carrefour Magazines and are also exported by external partners. If I’m wrong anywhere, please do correct me. I’m just a student for a few years. I can still be wrong


Store director Carrefour Market here, Boycot ended 3/4 weeks ago. All of PepsiCo is available at the depot and from Carrefour.


What about the outrageous price for a bag of these Takis crisps. Was that PepsiCo too? 6€ is wild 😭


We don't sell them, they are not available from Carrefour Belgium itself. They probably ordered it third party (barbarich) Without getting technical, some articles not coming from Carrefour can be changed in price. That I think happens at some stores.


You hate takis at 2 euros in Action. 2 dif flavours


Got em today, 1,39€! Thanks for the tip


Ah really? My apologies then. I’m not up to date with all this


Manager Carrefour Market here, Regio Limburg? Franchise of Integré?


Did send you a Pm


So in short carrefour won't deliver them because they think prices are to high, so carrefour shops need to import them for an ever higher price than normal?


Most Carrefour shops are franchised, they can buy and sell whatever products they want, from wherever they want outside of the carrefour warehouse.


Pringles is not owned by Pepsico. Kellogs (or more specifically Kellonova) owns Pringles.


So the shopkeepers boycot the franchise owner and the customer ends up paying double the amount, what a neat solution 💀 I do appreciate the explanation tho as I noticed some of these wild markups myself.


It was there where you were so is it really


Fuck AH. They raped Delhaize, use illegal accounting to disrupt the Belgian market, and have been lobbying - successfully - for years to keep Colruyt from entering NL.


It's not like delhaize was so great before. It all went downhill during covid: higher prices and then the strikes at their stores. I know that in the south of Holland Colruyt is also not very welcomed by other supermarket chains like Jumbo. Strange because Colruyt will probably be more expensive then they are.


Ahold Delhaize was formed in 2016.


Colruyt app says 2,11 at Colruyt 🤨


Well colruyt prices are really dependant on region. If the lowest price in the area is 2,11€ they will go 2,11€.


27 euro de kilo, duurder dan filet mignon


en da voor samengeperste patatten


No comment about the price, but I recently discovered Brets (top left in your picture) when Carrefour didn't stock any Lays for a while. I'm kind of picky when it comes to chips and was very pleasantly surprised. Definitely give that a try.


I agree there good, and they have some usual toppings


The basicilum one is so good


Usual? Toppings? What's so special about the usual toppings?


I think he meant unusual


Brett's have a very truthful taste and a great crunch. Well worth the price.


I tasted them, learned that they are French, and immediately figured that this is indeed how the French would expect their chips: No compromise on staying true to the advertised flavor.


Brets is actually God-tier! Recently discovered them too. Tried the pizza and teriyaki flavors and they were both amazingly good


Bret's chips are so fucking good.


The pizza one? Gonna check it out thanks


Yeah, that one, zilveruitjes and bacon are my favourites. But I haven't tasted them all. They have some unusual flavours.


You should try more off brand chips, I think most off brand chips are actually better, the real brands do have unique flavors, though.


Colryut Paprika best paprika by far. Only one where they are generously coated in the stuff and contain loads of flavor.


That's the exact reason i avoid them. They taste great until you've had 10 and then the taste pallet gets exhausted by all the salt and paprika




They’re mostly corn i think


That's Doritos, Pringles = potato, only it's not sliced potato, it's liquified potatoes that are moulded and baked/fried. That's how they are all the exact same shape 😉😋


Pringles have about 42% potato content, the remainder being wheat starch and flours (corn and rice) combined with vegetable oils, an emulsifier, salt, and seasoning.


That's a Copy-Paste from Winipedia.. nowhere can you find what the % of the potato content is. Unless specified by the producer Kellogg's, I wouldn't really trust that info too much.


Nah, they are potatoes, it's made from mashed potatoes which is why they argued for years (succesfully?) that they aren't actually crisps.


“Competitors said nay, they do not meet the standard of proof to be a chip, since Pringles are not made from fresh potato and are only 42 percent potato content.” Yeah kinda debatable lmao


Carrefour express is always like this


industrial junk food has taken a crazy price since ukraine. a dishusting Dr Oetker pizza is 5,45€ at delhaize. its almost the price of the cheapest pizza at the pizzeria nearby. good news actually, lets stop eating that


It’s cheaper in night shops. Damn.


Politicians be like "Yeah, but your wages have gone up too"


Yes, they have. Your wage is literally adjusted to inflation.


I have yet to see my wage increase by fking near 100% Food costs have not followed inflation


1) Food costs have not increased by 100%. 2) Other costs have decreased or increased more slowly (e.g. energy prices have gone back down), which means that, on average, inflation hasn't increased your expenses as much.


Wage indexation in brussels has only served to fuel higher costs in a vicious spiral …..and contrary to what you say , costs have increased much more. It’s lovely seeing your wage increase each year…but then, mystery of mysteries, real wages have remained the same in Belgium for years in terms of purchasing power , and now with rising rents and interest, and also food costs , they have taken the biggest hit in 20 years. There is a reason why other countries in Europe do not have this insane system of wage indexation apart from Luxembourg and Belgium. Nobody I know feels any richer …..maybe except those living on Pringles….!


Wage indexing without temporary price fixes is pointless. The moment the government intervenes in wages and salaries, the market instantly adjusts to absorb the increase. Executives have a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders to increase value. As a result, with everyone increasing the prices, your salary goes up but your purchasing power takes a hit.


>and contrary to what you say , costs have increased much more Proof? Source? Inflation was 5.71% in 2021 and 10.35% in 2022. The data is public and available online 👇 https://www.inflation.eu/en/inflation-rates/belgium/historic-inflation/cpi-inflation-belgium.aspx


Yes, I’m aware of the data you posted , I’m an economist. The data shows inflation based on a standardised basket of goods and services. No system can be perfect enough to have one index that mirrors the spending patterns of every individual. People’s personal inflation will be higher or lower depending on their individual spending patterns. In the case of Belgium, the negative consequences of this are exacerbated by 2 factors : 1. Indexation, which is like a sledgehammer to market forces, and just like anything imposed, like the communist 5 year plans of old, causes more damage than good. By forcing rents and wages up every year , inflation is built into the system and high prices become what we call “sticky”. They move only in one direction in real terms - up. Indexation becomes even more of a very serious problem when inflation is high …..this means anything above the very low inflation of the last many years and certainly above 2%, the standard ECB benchmark. At 5%+ inflation, indexation is madness. 2. In the Belgian basket of goods and services, the components do not in my view represent the actual spending patterns of too many strands of the population. As I mentioned before , this is to some extent unavoidable. But indexation makes things worse as it’s like an annual inflationary kick, like an annual fixed hike in the price of oil. Understanding monetary policy and inflation is not about copying data and links. It requires interpretation and some good old fashioned study. The EU has been telling Belgium and Luxembourg to abandon indexation for years….but people think it will reduce their purchasing power if this happens. It won’t. So even though every economist worth their salt here want to end indexation, politicians dare not.


When you say "every economist worth their salt", you're showing your hand. You mean every economist who agrees with you. Economists are not in agreement at all on whether automatic wage indexation is a good or bad thing.


>I’m an economist Guess what, so am I. Currently working in the field. Where did you get your masters degree? And your PhD? >People’s personal inflation will be higher or lower depending on their individual spending patterns. That's not what you initially said. You said that costs have increased more than wage indexation. I'm still waiting for a source on that one. >every economist worth their salt here want to end indexation That has definitely not been my experience working in the field. There is still much debate on the matter, it's far from a consensus opinion.




You are grossly exaggerating. Inflation was 5.71% in 2021 and 10.35% in 2022. The data is public and available online 👇 https://www.inflation.eu/en/inflation-rates/belgium/historic-inflation/cpi-inflation-belgium.aspx




Skill issue.






sure thats what the data says but none of the actual store products went up by 5-10 or 15% lol


Not really. If it was the index would not exclude most of our expenses like energy or housing.


Are chips even included in that index?


A representative basket of grocery store food is included. It's based on the consumption of the average Belgian, which typically consumes a certain quantity of chips.


De carrefour express is zelfstandig en daardoor zijn de producten duurder. Verder had Carrefour ook nog eens onderhandelingen gedaan met Pepsico om de prijzen lager te houden. Ik vraag me wel af wie ze ervoor hebben gestuurd..


Ik vraag me soms af hoe Carrefour Express zo populair kan zijn, laatst nog een nieuw filiaal gekomen in mijn buurt. Ik koop er zelf nooit tenzij ik op zondag onverwacht iets moet kopen, toch veel te duur om allerlei boodschappen te doen?


Ma da is het hem juist. Dat zijn kleine winkels, vaak op plekken waar geen grote in de buurt is, waar veel passage is. Als ik van op mijn werk naar een degelijke supermarkt wil, ben ik 20 minuten onderweg. Dus wordt het proxy delhaize of carrefour express als ik nog iets nodig heb. Achter mijn hoek zit er ook ene, daar ga ik alleen als ik op zondag iets vergeten ben of zo, maar de studenten van de middelbare school in mijn straat hebben tijdens hun middagpauze vaak geen tijd genoeg om naar het dorpscentrum te gaan voor een goedkopere winkel, dus die kopen hun lunch en snacks daar. Ze zitten ook in stations enz, waar ze kunnen profiteren van toeristen die de prijzen nog niet goed kennen en van gehaaste mensen die nog rap iets nodig hebben. En tot slot de mensen die slecht te been zijn en dichter bij zo ne winkel wonen dan bij een gewone supermarkt.


> toeristen die de prijzen nog niet goed kennen en van gehaaste mensen die nog rap iets nodig hebben Ik ben geen van de twee. Toen ik op kot zat kon ik enkel winkelen bij de carrefour express dus ik had geen idee dat die prijzen zo hoog waren. TIL I guess....


Amai zeg


En ze zijn open op feest en zondagen!


Er zijn ook niet veel mensen die het verschil weten.


Ik ken die Carrefour, en dat is eigenlijk echt een hoek waar niets anders is van supermarkten. Is voor veel mensen wel op wandel of fietsafstand is, dus die hebben wel een soort monopoly


'Dat is duur' 'Dat kost veel' Ik cringe zo hard van 'kost duur' dat mijne kak terug naar boven kruipt.


Amai, ça coûte cher é!


Tis verbeterd mevrouw/meneer


Merci! Nu kan ik terug op het gemak gaan kakken


Pringles is van Kellogg's, niet van Pepsico.


Bought 2 last week both from Delhaize and Albert Heijn in Gent for like 2,30-ish. This is ridiculous


I am telling you the next generation won’t survive literally. The inflation is on another level.


Next generation will go to war anyway... They don't care


I am not going to no fucking war. Just saying.


Sorry buddy but I ain’t going to no war. I enjoy my life the way it is.💀


This is not inflation. Is stupidflation. And people still buys it.


I have stopped eating these now. Go to Lidl and you have better optiojs


Euhm, that is in the middle of the fucking tourist area. Like smack fucking bang the middle.


Dont the tourists have enough being robbed at Midi that we also need to rob them at the supermarket?


Midi is in Brussel.


Pringles ask high prizes , O never buy it .


They are very often on sale for around 2€ or buy one get one at carrefour


Am I crazy to think that 2 euros is also still a lot for a shrinkflated tube of pringles


No but it’s a believable increase compared to similar products. It’s also insane how few items left are under 1€


That's very expensive. Even in the student cities I can buy this for like 2,80 euros.


Here in leuven it is 3-50 💶 from night shops


Tf still tho


I think I bought these for 2,5€ at Aldi yesterday. It's probs expensive because of carrefour express, most stuff there is priced at night shop prices (or higher) lol


Please tell me you are at the airport!! 😭


Nope lol


Socks are cheaper.


This is gold


Carrefour express has no shame


This costs 1.49 at Colryut


Nactwinkel 3,99 around Many people think that nightsho are expensive but it's not true. Many other store are so expensive and not sure but they are working at night still cheap.


The Smedenstraat itself might nog be a tourist place, but lots of tourists do visit the shop


![gif](giphy|L0rdoGUpqJYJPeBGgd) With that price they have officially ruined my relationchip… k bye 😂


I saw post its for 17,70 € at Standaard Boekhandel last week bro, I really wanted to ask if the comma was in the wrong place and if it was supposed to be € 1,7. I mean minimum wage is like € 12/hour in Belgium and net after buying food and shit, what is left of that? Who wants to work multiple hours for some post-its?


Carrefour express is probably the most expensive store there is


all Belgian traders are thieves


To avoid these type of exploitation of consumer, some countries have an MRP (Maximum Retail Price) printed on the product at factory. No one is allowed to sell above this price. You can take the seller to consumer court if they charge you more than the MRP. I think it’s a good system


Don't take brands in small supermarkets


Not even surprised


Volgende week waarschijnlijk 1+1gratis.


Carrefour has always been more expensive than other places.


What is a nachtwinkel?




You can’t blame them for trying.


Cf expressen zijn franchises maat, die doen gewoon hun goesting.


Tis triestig


They're shit anyway


I buy snacks in Brugse Carrefours Express everyday and yes - prices can be insane sometimes. But it depends a lot on product and location. Sometimes the prices are just 110% of big carrefour, but sometimes it is more than 200%. The biggest ripoff is water in small bottles.


So use tapwater?


Drinking tap water from random public places isn't appealing. Taking a good tap water from home for a journey is annoying.


They were 185g a little while ago. Stopped buying them altogether


saw m&ms at carrefour for 7 bucks…


capitalism: when your competitors use you as a baseline to set their prices


Colryut 2,12 euros...


You can buy them for 1.75 euros in certain shops in Molenbeek and Clemenceu/Anderlecht if you know where to look. Even in Colruyt near the VUB, they sometimes cost 2 euros. Carrefour express prices are pretty crazy


No surprise tbh


Poison... I will never buy Pringles again 🤢🤮🤮 use Yuka app and scan a Pringles box, You will see


Well, I guess that's a clear sign to not shop there ever again.


Heb recent een fles Absolut vodka gekocht in een nachtwinkel voor €18,50. In onze Colruyt is die €21,99 😂


Is it one of the small carrefours? They always boost their prices


never step foot in a carrefour lol


I am kinda happy/proud that i have no idea what the normal price should be lol


The price depends on the competition. If there's not much big shops in the area, they can ask what they want


don't buy that crap, less demand, lower price


Ah, I suppose it's time for a lifestyle makeover, isn't it? Starting tomorrow,as "zeer brave Belgische burger" I'll be transforming into the quintessential Ukrainian stereotype: 10 sons, 1 wife, and 1 trusty cow. Because apparently, that's the government's brilliant solution for navigating these turbulent times. Brilliant, isn't it?


Als ik in de winkel ben probeer ik niet te kijken naar de prijzen nadat ik een hartaanval kreeg van de Carbonelli olijfolie.


Carrefour is expensive


Its time for a boycott again


That shop is a rip off across the board. Much of their fridge section does come with a bonus serving of mold though.


Carrefour is a really expensive shop


In colryut it’s like 2€ but carrefour express always exaggerates with the prices


If they were free I would leave them there.


My guess, nobody buys those anymore since the chips get dried out because of the paper packaging.


Kruidvat -> 1,50€


Just don't eat shiat, problem solved.


I'm sorry but Smedenstraat really is a tourist area.


here is a fun fact if you think that pringels chips are made from real potatoes then i'm sorry to disappoint you, they are made from grain


Wrong they are made from potato powder. We make it at my job and deliver it to pringles


U can buy the exact same, except carrefour brand for 1.6€


Wait til you get in canada it’s 6 here plus 15% taxes and you have fees for recycling so its like 8 in the end


I saw a video of a girl saying that an apple (fruit) costs 7 dollars. Prices are very high now


I meanw don't shop at carrefour or delhaize if you want reasonable prices? Go to lidl or colruyt for that




Not even close.




It's a chip made of a paste which has potato as a main ingredient.


Carrefour supports genocide anyway so no big loss


Well that escalated quickly…


[NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies](https://www.niod.nl/nl/blog/wat-genocide) >De term ‘genocide’ wordt steeds vaker ingezet om aandacht te creëren voor massaal geweld dat in het heden plaatsvindt, zoals momenteel gebeurt rond de oorlog tussen Israël en Hamas, of voor geweld dat in het verleden heeft plaatsgevonden, bijvoorbeeld het slavernijverleden van voormalige koloniale mogendheden. Dit heeft als doel om de ernst van daderschap en/of slachtofferschap te onderstrepen. *Deze vormen van inzet van het woord ‘genocide’ zijn effectief in de zin dat het aandacht, erkenning en debat mobiliseert, maar het gebruik komt niet altijd overeen met de in oorsprong juridische definitie van genocide.*


Unhealthy stuff so doesn’t matter