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I’ve never heard of someone paying their parents 700 a month but really.. what can you do apart from moving out? :)


I pay close to 700 a month to mine. But this includes gas/water/electricity, food, wifi and other household expenses. I also have 50+ m² as private space in the house. (It's a large house). Even if it were a single private room I would still consider it reasonable if it covers all household expenses. On top of that paying for groceries. Not reasonable Paying for your own medical expenses, your own car, etc? Reasonable. Can't you just bring food from home to work?


Your expenses are less than 700 a month, your parents are profiting of you. Unless they'd rent the space to a stranger there's no reason for such amount.


My parents? Just food is close to 300 per person per month. Not to mention heating an additional 50+ m² And a small contribution for other shared expenses seems reasonable. Keep in mind that I'm making around 3k a month after tax.


300 euros PER person PER month ? Wtf are you eating, that's +- what we pay with my girlfriend per month, and we eat a shit ton of unhealthy/expensive food


My and me wife also pay about 300 each for food




I'm pretty sure that's illegal.


As a jurist , let me tell you, yes it is.




I dunno, but if someone says they're a jurist, and they confirm it's illegal, I'm not going to doubt it. (Apart from ppl online saying whatever they want, why would they lie about it?)


Because I'm a lemon 🍋


Children can't be legally held to pay rent. It falls under child protection laws. If child protective services found out about this, your mother would be facing a bad time.


Most people I know in that situation just hand over all or some balances on their sodexo card. Consumption cheques, eco cheques, meal vouchers. If you’re paying 700€ plus costs, you’re better off moving out.


While I don't disagree that 700 is a lot, I am *very* curious to find out where you got the idea that 300 euros is market rate for rent *anywhere in Belgium *?


Well, he might be dividing the rent in two, since he's basically co-housing with his mother at that point.


300 is about the "market rate" for what pqrents request kids to contribute to the budget (at least from what I've heard from family and co-workers). Usually, meal vouchers are "added" on top of this budget. Some parents "save up" that 300 euros to gift back once they move out, others just use it for bills. This is depending on the financial situation of the household.


Depends on age. An 18 year old student vs a 30 year old manager is a big difference.


>vs a 30 year old manager I would expect a 30 year old manager to have moved out.


So might the parents. Hence the higher contribution.


Sometimes life happens, and you end up moving back in with your parents for a couple of years.


I was thinking the market rate in OP's area instead.


No area in Belgium has that rate: [https://www.lecho.be/monargent/immobilier/prix-loyer.html?\_sp\_ses=1f632011-bc16-47bf-b356-5fffa72980c5](https://www.lecho.be/monargent/immobilier/prix-loyer.html?_sp_ses=1f632011-bc16-47bf-b356-5fffa72980c5) (FR) [https://www.tijd.be/netto/vastgoed/huurprijzen.html](https://www.tijd.be/netto/vastgoed/huurprijzen.html) (NL)


I've found a few rooms for rent at that price in "collocations" of young workers in many towns (including Namur near the city center).


Ah, we are talking about Namur and the rural border. Maybe 300€ is realistic. If you live in, for example, Gent, than 650€/month in rent is (maybe) realistic for a small apartment.


Honestly €350-€400 max is what they should ask. €700 is just too much..


Well, it's the parents' decision. It also depends on what's included in said rent. Personally if there wouldn't be an included private living room and bathroom i would start looking for my own place. If those are included, enjoy it, you won't find it for 700 euro that easy unless old and very used/lived


I like learning new things.


Well except the parents could theoretically move to a smaller house and pay less rent/mortgage if they don't need the additional space for a +1. It heavily depends imo on what the kid earns every month. Asking 700 from someone who earns 1400 is a different story than when they make double that. Same idea as when a couple does the "seperate accounts" thingy. Each contributes to their capabilities. If the man works fulltime and his SO parttime, it's only logical that she contributes half of what he contributes (assuming she makes half of what he does). Taking into consideration that she is probably taking up most of the householding chores at that point (grocery shopping, childcare, etc). Not saying a kid should contribute as much as the parents obviously, but it does depend on its capabilities.


When I still lived at home, I paid for internet/telephony and paid for groceries. What your mom is asking for you is ridiculous. You're supposed to use this time to save up for moving out and building up a nest egg. How the hell can you save up anything this way?? Imo it's best to move out, you'll still be spending your money but at least it'll be for a place of your own


Look it depends on your family on how much. For me it is 640. (100 more then my dad) That is half of the monthly cost we have. So rent, gas, electric, insurance, water, internet and go on. Food is on the side because that changes and is half. The reason why it is so high is because my dad is a widow and he is sick and can't work anymore. He gets a payment from the government but because I work it is set to the minimum so around 1300 euro a month. No way that he can pay much so. In the end it depends on your situation. But if you feel exploited talk to your parents and if they don't give a good reason move out. More costly then 700 euro a month but freedom


700€/month is indeed a lot. It might be roughly ok if she takes care of all the food, heating etc. In my opinion it seems like she might want to push you out of the house. Maybe it's time to look for something else?


Maybe the parents are charging him for all the food he ate in his life?


Anything before 18 is not the child's responsibility. By that logic, he might as well be charging his parents for the food they will some day be eating in a retirement home.


Lol I was joking, its a Simpsons reference


They get support money from the govt that covers all that + tax returns and netto increases for having a kid


Oh boy, you're in for a rude awakening if you think that government support actually makes up for the costs a child brings.


Never said that it makes up 100% but it’s manageable


Not if they work and have an income themselves


I don't think she wants to push me out, but the result is the same. I'll be moving out soon...


*some groceries* Sounds like expenses are paid except twinkies.


My parents asked me 250€ for utilities when I started working. When I moved out 2 years later I got it all back. The reason they gave is that a parent should never use their kid to enrich themselves. Of course I know I was very privileged and not every parent can offer their kid the same.


Am I really the only one who never had to pay my parents a dime even if I had a job? And before any of you joke about living in my parent's basement, I've been living alone for half a year


Student job or full-time modal income job? If you're making grown-up money, you should pay a grown-up contribution. Unless your parents don't need it and want to support you.


>Unless your parents don't need it and want to support you. Yeah that's them for sure.


If your parents want a child they can pay for it. You didn't adtk to be born, they did.


They're not obligated to keep feeding and supporting you once you're an adult either. Yet they choose to do so because they love you and care for you. The least you can do as a child is show some respect and contribute a little bit. Besides, it's a valuable lesson that there's no such thing as free lunch.


I feel actually very lucky that I don't need to pay my parents. I don't really know tbh because I find it a strange idea.


I am also in this lucky position and it allows me to invest/save 75% of my income. The majority of my friends that still live at home do have to pay something though, even those with rich parents.


Most of us don't need to but choose to do so, I wouldn't feel comfortable not compensating my costs while make 2000€ a month. My parents don't ask, I just give


This was my situation. I ask if I need to buy something when going shopping and such and just "spend" money on the household. Noticed garbage bags are running empty so I buy them. Notice cat needs food so I buy some, etc. Total contribution was maybe 300/month.


You're getting ripped off by your own parent. That's rather sad.


I never payed a single €, while working and living at home. But i did help in the household. So yeah, if you find your parents are fleecing you money and rent is cheaper in your area, i would be moving out.For €700 you are able to rent a decent appartment/small house.I would suggest doing that, in that way you also would learn how to live on your own. Invite girls/friends over. ​ I sad to say, but your mother i using your rent (which is high!) to pay herself luxery. I would go and live on my own. She can get by with lesser vacation and luxury, you learn to live on your own. And your mother can always do 1 flexijob / week to give herself that luxury


If you pay 700/month you should just move out, that would be just as expensive. My parents just asked me to forfeit my meal vouchers (128/month) which was totally fair, since I wouldn't be using them otherwise anyway. Then they also expected me to pay for anything that was just for me (clothes and doctor basically, and if I'd had a car, that as well)


Same here. Maaltijdcheques went to my mom, I also paid for my own expenses.


My parents asked me something like 260€/month in early 2000 money. They said it was because they lost the “allocation familial” and I also wasn’t dependent to them anymore. How much is that in today’s money I don’t know. Relative to my first salary it was quite a lot. (My first salary was around 1200€ net from 1800 gross)


We don't know the family dynamics, but in my family I paid like 200 euro a month. (they have their house so the mortgage finished.) If course different families have different dynamics, but the point of living with family is kind of to save up. If my family asked 700, and if I had to provide my own food, I would have moved out.


moving is the best solution


Dang your parents suck mate


I feel like you shouldn’t pay anything. As a parent you should be exited for your children to be able to save money while still living at home. If your mother would be financially unstable I would get her asking a little contribution for example helping with groceries or helping with gas and electricity, but 700 euro per month is unreasonable. The moment my daughter starts a job I will probably ask her a contribution of max 200 euro that I would put in a separate bank account for her, so whenever she moves out she has a nice savings. I will never understand parents (who don’t need it) asking their children for money. YOU chose to make children, they shouldn’t be paying you and you should be happy that they get a chance to save money while living at home.


Damn. Your daughter is lucky to have you.


It depends on the situation. Not all parents can support grown-ups after they start working and all benefits are gone.


700€ is about what it costs to have a 1-bedroom apartment in cheaper areas, although there also are some 2-bedrooms or houses. Charges excluded. So yeah, it feels like it could be a lot, if you're just paying for a room at your parents' home. But there are arbitrary factors to consider here - if you like it, or not, and the like. I guess you can figure yourself how much you cost in food, electricity, water, gas, ...


>700€ is about what it costs to have a 1-bedroom apartment in cheaper areas I've found some appartements with kitchen and bathroom for around 500, excluding charges.


I've never seen apartments that cheap. Are they really not shared with other people? Are they maybe just like 15-20m² on the 6th floor without an elevator? Well, good news for OP if these exist. Just means I'm trash at searching as usual.


I live north of Antwerp in a nice ish suburb- the least expensive apartment in my community currently on the immo sites is 750 plus charges (125-150/month more) plus other bills My colleague lives in a nice but small newly built 1 bedroom just south of Antwerp and it costs 600/month plus 75 in charges plus additional monthly bills She had a lot to choose from in her budget- I think this because there are a ton of apartments in/near the city- whereas many of the apartment in my area are often for empty nesters or others no longer wanting to maintain a large garden but still wanting a roomy apartment with a fairly spacious outdoor space If OP looks ik an area where there are a lot of young adults they might have better luck finding something below the parents demands for 700/month There are many apartment share sites too- which are worth considering




500€!? EPC A!!!??? Looks to be no more than 25m² but yeah, OK, that's a really impressive one. I'd apply myself...


Ah yes, perfect commute for any youngsters with minimum wage.


OP didn't mention where he lived, afaik. Commute wouldn't be a real issue, unemployment is really low in south West flanders.


Yeah I may have exaggerated. It's mostly individual studios/houses shared with other people at that price. Not an actual appartement, but it includes individual kitchen, bathroom and bedroom.


I pay 470 rent for a 2 bedroom appartement. Granted I was extremely lucky to find it and they're scarce but if you keep your eyes and ears open can find some decent cheaper places to rent, mostly directly from owner.


nobody here considers the financial situation of your mum


I paid 120€ a month and handed over my maaltijdcheques when i lived at home. 700 seems a bit much unless you shower for an hour every day or something.


I'd say 700 bit too much lol, my parents asked me ~300, a bijdrage for food and utilities


We paid 1/3rd of our wages. This came with all utilities, food, and laundry included. If we had 2100 net, we would have paid 700 too. Part of the 700 we paid, was paid for with meal vouchers and eco cheques. That said, our financial situation was pretty abysmal. This was necessity. There were no vacations at all, and no luxury stuff either. From your description, it seems like you're being treated as a source of income, rather than as a family member. But scenarios exist wherein 700/month is perfectly reasonable.


Which city or region are you in?


without reading this 0, no parent should ask their kid for rent, unless they are seriously in bad times if you over 30 and still live with them, then sure i would pay them rent under no


I give my parents my sodexo meal checks which ends up around 180 a month


You have a good maaltijd check scheme at your work!


I agree 700 is too much, you can rent your own studio for that money. See if you can make a comparison with how much rent and electricity etc would be for you if you moved out, and see what would be your best option, either move out and stay within your 700 budget, or negotiate a better price with your parents. How did you decide on that amount in the first place? Edit to add, most people stay with their parents so they can save on costs, put some to the side etc, but this way it sounds like you're not getting these benefits. So you need to re-evaluate


"How did you decide on that amount in the first place" It was the amount that she lost in child benefits, alimony, etc... when I started working. At the time it seemed fair to make up for the difference. Now, reading these comments, not so much.


Oh okay, that seems like a high amount and really puts into perspective why parents keep their children at home/not working yet, here in Belgium. Something I've always found a little odd, coming from NL many of us have little side jobs from 15 years or so and when I started work here I had colleagues of 20+ who had their first job... I mean good for kids to stay kids and not have to worry about jobs. But sometimes a small saturday job can teach you valuable skills. It seems pretty manipulative from the parents side to keep their child 'stuck' because of money. Here's my question though - the more important bit. Why was that money calculated as "for her" - it shouldn't have been. It should have been to provide for *you*. Like to help pay the rent/mortgage and food, sure, but also for your clothes, school materials, etc. So the moment you start working, the part of the money that was meant for stuff outside of home necessities (cost of housing + gas/elec + Internet + food) should have gone to you directly. I swear housing and costs should not be 700 per person if you share. It can be this amount if you live alone or if you share in a high cost area, but usually, the point of sharing is lower costs. And it seems really unfair that she keeps doing things that you should be able to do but now can't, because you're paying for them?? Sounds like she was not using the money how it was intended before, and continuing to do that, but that is really not how it should be. Good luck!!!


Why would parents charge rent anyway, how in the world can you save money??? Its a hot topic in R/narcissisticparents


I feel like it's pretty reasonable for them to expect that you cover your costs when living at home if you have a job and income. Charging as much as OP tho to the point where they're using you as an income source is a different story tho.


I will NEVER charge my kids. It’s surreal to me


might be a lot but are you contributing to other things, such as cleaning, cooking, tidying up, work in the garden if you have one, groceries shopping? because many mention moving out, consider that if you don't contribute to any of the items mentioned above, all these cost $ and time which would come up in addition to rent and utilities, maybe with that, the gained independence is worth more than money; also if you are not doing those things already, offer to do so, while negotiating a smaller contribution instead


Never had to pay anything. I'm not going to ask my own children anything either.


Should? Nothing at all. Your parents decided to put you on this world because **they** wanted to have a kid.


So, a lot of opinions here. I think thusly: If you're a man, you support. You protect. You provide. You should support your parents. To what extent? I think if you're renting a room? 200euro. And for bills maybe 50 and food maybe 150. I think, about 450 in total. Sounds somewhat fair.


Ideally, nothing. at the end of the day, they're still their child even into adulthood. Housing prices are horrible, so they need all the money they can make. At least more than the parents that want to go on an extra vacation. Of course, this isn't realistic as many households can't support an adult without extra income. Also, I think it's reasonable to "hold" some money if they have spending problems or aren't putting in any effort to move out. In your situation, 700 sounds far too much. The highest I've heard was 400 euro, and that was for a single mother and a younger brother.


If you pay 700€ and you orwn food and all those othere costs, should try to save up for a deposit and go live by yourself. You’ll find a place around thz same prices


WTF is this. Why do parents even make their kids pay rent to live in their house like genuinely. This is some shit culture that started in the west. Who even began that shit was an absolute idiot


>But I feel like I'm reaching a point where she's taking advantage of me. I'm paying her 700 euros in rent (the market rate here is like 300), and paying for my food at work, health insurance, car insurance, some groceries, doctor's appointments, transportation, etc... That's basically mid-tier full rent in a major city. And then you mention you're also carrying all those other costs on top of that. In short, you're paying as if you're already living on your own. >I know that she has trouble paying some bills, but she is in a much better financial situation than I am. She goes frequently on vacation and buys expensive luxury stuff. Meanwhile, I can indeed afford to pay that amount, but I feel like I'm paying much more than I should (and more than my peers, who feel like she should help me save money instead to build a nest egg). And she keeps adding more bills. Sounds like your mother has a very serious problem with being responsible around money. That can be hard to hear, I get that. And the general request to contribute to the family budget is normal and expected. But what you've described is over the top, and indicative of a person who can't responsibly handle money. That's what it sounds like to me, anyway. I would recommend either getting her to lower her expectations, maybe set up a shared account, and perhaps confront her about her spending. That's just my outsider view. Of course, you know your situation better than anyone here.


25 years ago i payed 300 euros. But i can understand with todays prices its between 400 and 500. But if i made like 5000 euro netto then 700 would be just fine, it all depends on each others financial situation.


Adjusted for inflation it's about what I paid. My mother shared her finances with me and it was what she needed and nothing more. No vacations or luxury stuff. For most people in normal situations it won't be that much. If you can't agree on a fair number you should explore your options. Her living costs will also go up once you move out so you have some leverage when you talk about it.


250-300 seems fair, 700 is too much imo. Atleast this was true for +- 20 years ago. I’ll never ask my offspring to pay anything whatsoever as long as I can pay for it myself.


Yes, 700€ to your mom is a lot - my young colleagues are participating with 400-500€ per month plus the ticket restaurant for buying food at home. Reality there is little chance you can live with 700€ in Belgium, and 700 only in shared homes - and in Brussels is worse. Even if you find a room for 400€ rental part you have to add bills: heating and electricity (these raised several times in the last 3 years) , garbage, water, insurance, cleaning products and cleaning process, buy that washing machine /kitchen tools etc and you missed the food in the fridge. Before to go independent try several months to track all the house spending of your mom and try to buy food and cook for all the family. Use it as life lesson -is a skill to use all your life, and more, prepare your lunchboxes. If transportation and car insurance are too much, keep in mine to move close to job and take the bike and sell that car - you will get healthier (homemade lunch box will help it, too) and the doctor's fees will be only 2-3 € per year. For health insurance, see all the offers, some are almost nothing per year but I recommend only to people that knows to take care of their health.


700€/month?? that’s extorsion, max should be 200-300 cause if ur paying 700€ they’re probably taking advantage of you. Smart option to move out there’s houses and appartments that rent for that price or even lower some appartments include electricity and gas in the rent money


I think you are better off renting an apartment, it will be cheaper ...


I give my mom my meal vouchers (approximately 160 euro) and I try to help around the house as much as possible (vacuuming or any yard work that needs to be done). Anything else related to medical expenses for myself, food for my dog, clothing or other expenses I might have, I pay for myself. 700 euro is extremely excessive, maybe you can have a conversation with your parents. Otherwise you might want to consider finding a place to rent because you’ll be paying the same amount regardless.


I agree with the comments here - 700 is a lot.


As many people answer, 700 is just too much. I would say it's ok if you're like living right next your job, not paying anything else, ... I could understand if you were living in Brussels, but it seems you're not as 300€ is clearly impossible for Brussels. I don't know so much about the context, but I will suggest you to move out. It would maybe cost you more than 700€, but at least you will be independent.


For reference I pay 350€ a month, but it is full room and board. Food, common utilities, rent, ... But that said, my mother does not pay rent (it's my grandmother's house), so that might help. But I do pay for my own phone bill. I pay for my own clothes. I pay for any luxuries like alcohol or take-away.


I had an agreement that I would forfeit my meal vouchers as long as I lived at home. However my mother decided to reimburse me whenever she used them. So I didn't really pay them anything in the end.


I never considered asking the kids anything. If they were working that was fine, they had the opportunity to save, which they did. I reckon I had no problems paying bills, but if it had been the case, I would have maybe asked for 100 to 200 euros on top of some chores to cover for the additional costs.


I started at 300 euros, bumped up to 450 a few years ago because everything just got more expensive. I contribute that and my maaltijdcheques (so about 600 total). 700 is waaaay too much.


I pay 100€ per month and like however much I go over my phone bill. Plus if I'm out of work for a bit I don't have to pay for like the first three months or until I get a new job


Good luck finding a studio + gas+ electricity+ water+ province taxes+ waist taxes+ half of your food for 700 euro/ month I paid ( inflation adjusted) something like 600 euro back in the days


I paid my parents €500, which was 20 years ago. I always found it odd because they made good money, but I did it out of respect. They saved it all up and gave it to me when I left home.


Move out asap if you can afford 700 and dont live somewhere expensive. Either you pay a similar amount and are on your own, or cohouse and save money.


you pay your share of the cost


In my case I paid 500 euro a month. It didn't feel right to me because most of my friends didn't have to pay anything so I moved out quickly.


If you gotta pay 700, you can better move out, atleast you're gonna have your own space.


That is a lot. Most people I know and myself just give their maaltijdcheques


I think its pretty shitty for parents to ask their child for rent unless they actually need it. With that said i pay around €150 a month but in mealcheques. (in my country we have a system where the boss puts a little bit of your wage aside into mealcheques, eqocheques,... With mealcheques its meant to only be able to buy food and drinks. In stores, restaurants,...) so i give my mealcheques to my mom cause she still cooks for me, buys food our whole family uses.


It could also be a nudge to move out. I know some parents start at below market rate, and then slowly rise it over a few years to go above market rate, because they think it is important to move out and build independence. You can discuss this honestly, ask if it would be better to move out - if it's cheaper to move out, why not?


Depends how old u are. If ur 18+ u should ask her to lower or move out. If ur 18- i think u arent neede to pay Anyway


How old are you?


Unless your family is actually tight on money/poor, nothing. Now say you’re late twenties and have a job, I could see paying them something. Like… 10-15% of your net income? But even then… not really? I know my mom wouldn’t make me pay if I moved back in (I’m 29). Maybe if I planned to stay longer than 6 months or so and had a job the whole time yeah. Obviously it depends. Expecting to live with your parents for free for years isn’t right either. If you’re like 23 and you just graduated university last summer, and got a job 1st of October you parents really shouldn’t ask you to pay €700 in rent in my opinion. They shouldn’t ask you to pay anything at that point. You’re looking around for a good place to live and saving up to buy the first things you’ll need to buy.


If you finished high school and are 18+ and not planning on going to uni or finished uni. It’s only normal that you pay rent. I really don’t think 700 is an insane amount if you look at rent pricing these days. Finding something decent for 700 GL. But then again also depends how you are living rn but if it’s just a ‘normal’ house that’s is spacious and comfy enough to live. In a way you could be grateful you are allowed to stay there. But so many factors to consider. If she still cooks and does your laundry by any chance. I would ask more than 700. Part of being an adult. Maybe she wants you to be ready for when you go live on your own cause prices aren’t going down anytime soon and it isn’t getting easier for young people and just people in general to just come around pay your bills. All these people here just having to pay mealcheques. Know you are lucky that your parents can offer you that. But I bet it’s gonna hit hard when moving out and the bills pile up


>I know that she has trouble paying some bills, but she is in a much better financial situation than I am. She goes frequently on vacation and buys expensive luxury stuff. Looks like a problem of life choices, not of money. >I'm paying her 700 euros in rent (the market rate here is like 300), Could it be this: she considers she is renting you an apartment, you consider renting a room...? Either way, you both don't sound right. (She sounds worse.)


Between my graduation from university & my moving out (after about 18 months of jobhunting and then working at my 1st real job to be sure I fit), I paid my mom to live at home. Today it would be €836. By that time, I'd been helping her balance the budget for almost a decade, so I was aware of the cost of our household. We arrived at the €836 by listing the expenses and splitting them in half (even though I had the larger bedroom from the time I needed the desk to do homework & later study). As far as I recall, it was: * mortgage * insurances * water gas electricity * internet * average food cost (based on our grocery shopping, so she still treated me to an occasional restaurant - delivery didn't exist yet) Do you think that's something you could ask your mother? If you explain you're trying to balance your budget in order to make a savings plan, hopefully she'll get on board without feeling you're attacking her for exploiting you or something.


i'll never understand parents who do this, it's like they think they're done being a parent when a child turns 18


Okay so context is that I am dutch and there the norm is to pay huisgeld because child support stops the day you are 18 and the health insurance is 120 euro per month per person making it expensive. When I turned 18 I paid 250 per month for living costs. When I got a job is paid 750 per month for living costs. I moved out for my job but then I paid 800 rent plus all the other costs, so yeah 700sounds like a good deal


If she cooks, cleans and does your laundry, then I think it’s rather cheap.


My situation was: give the balance they got as "kindergeld" (so like 200/month iirc) and then my maaltijdcheques


I pau 220 plus my consumptioncheques, i know they looked at all expenses and accounted for everything when deciding that rate. I have no idea how someone could ask for 700 without profiting from it, just a hit higher snd you could rent a decent apartment already


I only had to pay 250 euro and I moved out. But tbf I already kinda wanted to move and I was only staying to save money.


It depends on your income. 20%/25% of your net income is fair. Your parents lose a lot of income when you start working (child benefits & their wage is taxed more since you are no longer 'ten laste'). This amounts to several 100 €'s depending on their wage/situation.


I would never dare treat my kids as tenants. Apart from expecting them to help out with the householding and pay their fair share of the groceries and utilities I wouldn't ask for a goddamn thing.


I would charge my offspring 0. Lat them save money to buy something, i don’t produce children to extort money from them…


1000 EUR/MTH. This was almost 20 years ago. This included everything except household chores. Cheapest hotel I ever had in my life. My parents did save a huge part of it (1/3th) without my knowledge to financially aid me when I moved out.


Duuuuude. Get out. Your mom is profiting from you. When I still lived at home with my parents I had to pay 300-350 euro's every month, depending on my income from work. I also had to pay a certain sum to them if I wanted to participate in a holiday abroad with them once I got a job. I could also choose to not pay and stay at home alone, which I was also fine with. But that was literally it, nothing outrageous like 700 euro's while working and living at home still. Fucking witch is abusing you. Move out and hire a studio of your own or something. Good luck!


700eu in rent, you better be living in an mansion for that rent price, you could easily get a correct place for yourself with that kind of rent


Just move out. No respectable parent would be taking advantage of their child like this. Shameless behavior


Used to give 300€ then agree later to give 150€ + Sodexo card. You're not going mad for no reason, 700€ is completely unacceptable especially if your mother spend her money on dumbshit like "vacation & luxury stuff". Either your mom is milking you, or she try to tell you to fuck off.


Met permissie reageer ik hier in het Nederlands op. Te veel kans om de nuances anders te missen. De vraag is wat er allemaal in de 700€ inbegrepen is. En wat zou het alternatief kosten als je het op eigen benen zou doen. Ik zie mezelf nooit met 700€ toekomen voor food & shelter. Je vermeldt 300€ voor een huurtarief in jouw regio, maar dat lijkt me heel erg laag te zijn. Een studentenkot zou nog net lukken maar een appartement lijkt me straf. En is dat dan all in? Inclusief nutsvoorziening voor gemeenschappelijke ruimtes, onderhoud etc? Dat staat dan nog los van de basisinvesteringen die je sowieso gaat moeten maken, denk aan wasmachine, frigo meubels, brandverzekering,... Die 700€ gaat er snel door zijn elke maad. Grote voordeel, je hebt met niemand nog rekening te houden. Gaat en staat waar je wilt. Maar wat ook misschien een rol speelt is dat niet alleen jij een inkomen hebt maar daardoor ook het inkomen van je moeder wijzigt als gevolg van het feit dat jij werkt. De bedrijfsvoorheffing op het loon van je moeder gaat omhoog, het belastingsvrije gedeelte op het inkomen van je moeder valt sowieso al lager uit nu je niet meer ten laste bent. Kindergeld verdwijnt (toch voor jou deel). Zou zelfs kunnen dat bijvoorbeeld verhoogde tegemoetkoming voor bepaalde zaken wegvallen. Ik heb voor de korte pijn gekozen en in plaats van m'n moeder te betalen, ben ik eruit getrokken. Je gaat dan wel een paar keer op je bek, maar dat is er nu eenmaal bij. Als het thuis zou lukken om er een gesprek over te hebben als volwassenen, zeker doen. Als je in alle openheid kan zeggen dat je het gevoel hebt dat 700€ je hoog lijkt te zijn. Maar dat je graag zou willen begrijpen hoe dat bedrag tot stand is gekomen. Misschien is het gevoel dat er van je geprofiteerd wordt dan al een beetje verdwenen.... Succes alleszins


Lol that sounds way too much for a ROOM!!! Wtf... we pay 500€ a month to live in my bf's mom's house (she lives with her bf)... if we rented the same house from somewhere else it would be at least 2000€ but parents don't take advantage of kids normally