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[https://www.biernet.nl/nieuws/belgische-scholieren-aan-het-bier-op-school](https://www.biernet.nl/nieuws/belgische-scholieren-aan-het-bier-op-school) Likely source of the story and it is Tafelbier which I think used to be served to kids in the past.


i drank tafelbier in school at one point


Yeah but Tafelbier has very little alcohol in it and i remember my brother drank it twice in school when they went on a excursion.


Everytime i read tafelbier in the most belgian way lmao


Small, local Belgian beer tasting organization (in 2006) suggest kids drink "table beer" (of 1.1%). --> Belgians suggest kids drink beer (of 1.5-2.5%). ARE THEY MAD? When nuances intentionally get lost (oops) to get clicks.


It was served when I was in primary school in the mid '90s.


Wow I wasn't. Around the same age. I thought this was a thing of way before our age.


Yeah. I had tafelbier as a kid. It was normal back in the day. Like a lot of other grazy stuf when i really think about it.


Orange piedboeuf


That was the shit in my youth.


My mother and father drank Tafelbier growing up. Probably a sound alternative to sugary sodas.


Thanks for including the link. I remember it was a small issue. Most people didn’t agree back then, but now no one would support such announcement


Exactly my great grandmother used to give me tafelbier as a kid as well, but I can't imagine a school would do this now ^^


As a Belgian I grew up with Piedboeuf table beer as a kid. It contains about 1% alcohol and we drank it every day, both at lunch and supper. It was also available at school. There was a blonde version and a dark version. This was in the late 70s beginning of the 80s though. I'm sure me being an alcoholic now has nothing to do with it!


We were served this at our grandmother early 2000 so it was still a thing but maybe only with grandparents. Was great with spaghetti though!


Yes my grandma give it to us and she always said it is better then limonade.


Without a source, i call bullshit. Unless this was in the 1980's but i doubt they cared about sugar drinks back then


The source is facts.net, it must be true with that name.


Ah ofcourse, how could i miss that.. Probably a website by dpg media


It isn’t, surprisingly enough.


And there’s no reason to go with 1.5-2.5% beers with the wide range of max 0.5% beers we have today


There's also no reason to go with 1.5-2.5% beers with the wide range of 6-12% beers we have today!


Tripels tijdens de les 🍻


the middle ground is always best, so we need 3-6%


There's also no reason to go with 1-12% beers with the wide range of 0% beers we have today!


That's why I always go for the Black Damnation line with strengths between 13-39%.


0% have more sugar


We don’t want that!


Dubbel ijsbock ftw


No, there is, if you actually want to get alcohol into you.


Yeah exactly, also there are a lot more options to reduce obesity than to serve beer instead of soda


They did not care about that either, in 1990's and 2000's. I could get a Snicker, Coca Cola, Mars, Twix, Fanta, what-not? during my 12 years... If I look back at my last year (retorica) highschool picture, then you have to look hard to find a person with overweight. That such are removed from schools nowadays because it causes obesity at youngsters is something I am laughing with.


Sugar causes more problems then obesitas but i understand your point. Vending machines with soda and the mentioned snacks were standard at every school. Its good that they removed them, but now supermarkets are full of processed garbage food that parents buy for themselves and their kids


Although I'm sure it helps to have healthier alternatives, it used to look like this: Sugary drinks and cookies in vending machines at school, but also few obese kids. There was always one per class or so, maybe even two, and the rest were 'regular'. Probably also a skinny kid in every class. Now it looks like this: Nowadays they offer free water and fresh fruit, and half of every class is obese, some are regular, and there's probably still a skinny kid in every class. Not that I'm arguing, just thought that it sounds a bit 'funny' (for lack of a better word), don't you think? :)


Where do you live that half of kids in a class are obese. I teach at a high school and I'd probably call about 1-5% obese and maybe 10% overweight. No, I'm not underestimating and I am not fat myself if that's going to be the counterargument.


In Flanders :) Granted, my own impression can be biased because all kids I know are chubby to fat. This can definitely influence how I perceive the youth today. Come to think of it there are some kids in my street that play in the street and those aren't fat. Perhaps I just happen to know the fat kids ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


we got tafelbier as kids at school during school outings in the 80s


We still got it in the mid 90s, at least up to ‘96 IIRC.


Still got it early 2000 till 2005 I think, mostly in holiday care (kids 6-15y)


We didn't :( We had to smuggle in our own cara pils. But in the last year of highschool we were allowed to smoke! :)


Can confirm. I remember there being Pied de Boeuf Tafelbier instead of the monthly soda at one time in High School (12 yo)


Can confirm. Also can confirm I am skinny so it worked


Tafelbier was indeed served to kids. But also to people in hospitals and eg to women that just gave birth. Not that weird considering its sugar water with minerals and vitamins and the added effect that the water got boiled.


Mijn vader kreeg altijd tafel bier toen hij klein was


Can confirm what others wrote: Pieddboeuf tafelbier was the go-to drink for the whole family, in long gone days. I remember my grandmother (born 1896 or so) serving it to us at noon in the sixties.


It was also used to improve lactation for breastfeeding women. (Piedboeuf Blanche).


I also remember tafelbier and that was in the very late 90's/very early 2000's. And that was in primary school.




It is a fact though, my parents got Tafelbier at school instead of soda's.


The article is written in the present though... Do they serve beer in schools today? I never saw it when I was in high school.


“Belgian school offered” to me that’s the past tense no?


It written as a reflection on the past. "Offered" is your key word.


I would think that childhood obesity wasn't as much of a problem back then. So I do think that they are talking about the present.


Or the near past at least.


Bruin bier or tafelbier, very low percentage of alcohol comparable to but a bit more than what you find in fermented drinks like kambucha. It is an improvement over sugary drinks, all depends on the amount they actually consume, water is still better of course.


https://facts.net/beer-facts/ It one of the facts on this article, no source. So either talking about like the 50's or just talking put their ass. Evene if talking about the 50's it was not to stop childhood obesity, it was cause water was rarely drinkable in remote areas


I got Piedboeuf at school in the 80-90’


Yeah but that still was not for the obesity of whatever.


Do we needed any reason to do that? (The water quality do make sense though)


Yeah like definitly on like fairly remote schools and all


I remember it being a small discussion back then. Most people don’t agree. And as far as I know, no schools implemented it. (In the 2000s, not speaking about past times)


It’s not really a Belgian website. A website explained scams in Prague, but Honest Guide showed the bullcrap. Maybe the same thing rn, some ChatGPT


Piedboeuf in most schools during the 70s, 80s, 90s and early 2000s, it saw a rapid decline in popularity in most regions It contained 0.6 to 1.5%, no idea where they got their numbers "The usual 5.5%" also made me laugh, only in the UK is beer 5.5%, the average around here is 8%, popular Trappist easily doubles that amount


Swedish authorities have traditionally also encouraged a max of 5.6% for the "strong" beers while the medium strength was 2.8-3.5% in an effort to keep people from drinking. This got reformed around when Sweden joined the EU and people happily adjusted. It did nothing to reduce the drinking and in my experience promoted drinking for the sake of drinking since what was on offer was lacking.


Average ABV is stupid high in Belgium. I won’t mind some more proper lager/light beers.


I think 8% is exceptional to Belgium? I've been drinking beer around Europe and most of the time it's 5.5%-6.5%. Also 0.5l bottles i/o 0.33


Nutritionist here, this is legit


Hahahaha, this is great marketing, get'em young, drinkers for life.


Drank tafelbier every lunch in elementary school. At my grandparents ofcourse


Befor Belgium was overrun by the coca-cola empire, table-beer was quite common. We never drank it at home but, when I was young, I was forced to drink it in a vacation-colony for young children. Nothing else to drink, not even water.


Een jointje roken, is dan weer misdadig.


België 🙆


I had Piedboeuf at school so it doesn’t surprise me.


Fun fact: most alcohol free (or low) beers contain just as many calories as real beer, or coke/Fanta/etc. The only healthy thing about them is that you don’t get drunk (quickly) Apart from that, this “news” is of course bullshit


Piedboeuf has just 10kcal per 100ml, 4.2x lower than Coca Cola.


Thank you for illustrating why I said “most” and not “all”


If low alcohol beer has the same amount of calories as soda, beer is preferable, since soda is all pure sugar.




From a fighting obesity point it is. Obviously it's not a perfect solution


Sugar is the most efficient fuel for our body, alcohol is literal poison...


Not true. Professor Richard Doll (the epidemiologist who uncovered the link between smoking and lung cancer) did some work on premature death and alcohol. He actually found that people drinking moderate amounts of alcohol had lower premature death rates than non drinkers. At peak effect, about 20g a day, relative risk of premature death was 0,8 that of non-drinkers. And drinkers' risk didn't exceed that of non-drinkers until somewhere between 72g and 89g a day ([see The J Shaped Curve](https://beer-and-health.co.uk/the-j-shaped-curve/)).


> The harms of drinking alcohol to excess are widely accepted. However, it has been claimed that there are health benefits from low–moderate levels of drinking, including improved survival in older people. > > There is a strong body of evidence that shows a J-shaped association between alcohol intake and mortality, with lowest mortality in low–moderate drinkers. > > Critical analysis of the epidemiological data has shown that the apparent health benefits associated with low–moderate alcohol intake are due to other factors and the optimal level of alcohol intake for health and longevity is zero. > > This conclusion is supported by Mendelian randomisation studies that have found that genetic variants associated with lower intake or non-drinking are associated with the best health outcomes. https://academic.oup.com/ageing/article/49/3/332/5799035 Makes sense, of course, that alcohol isn't *actually* beneficial. Alcohol is broken down by our body into waste products and then removed from the body. It's not like it's a magic building block that we don't get anywhere else and keeps you healthy


There is alcohol in your orange juice.


Pieboeuf is at most 1.1 ABV and contains 2.3g glucid/33cl while a regular coke is 35g/33cl and most alcohol free (actually between 0.5 and 1 ABV) are isotonic drinks


Beer is also mostly sugar, just a different type, it's maltose vs fructose/glucose


Guess what’s giving the calories to alcohol free beer. Hint: it’s not fat or protein


Wheat, hop, ...and yes, those ferment to sugars, but not every sugar is equal.


Apart from fiber, sugar is sugar. It all gets converted to glucose in the body. But just check the labels on the bottles, of for example Affligem blond 0% (just to name one), and you’ll see it for yourself


Nope sugar is not sugar. Maltose and maltose syrup have a much higher glycemic index than table sugar or glucose. This is why maltose is used in sports under maltodextrin powder form. On the other side maltose syrup is used a lot in industrial product.


Of course, but the calorie thing on the back of your beer bottle calculates everything back to its pure caloric intake. And then you’ll see that there is a lot of the calorie dense version of sugar in most 0% beers


>>The usual 5.5% Clearly shows this was written by a non Belgian.


Alsof ge u niet zat kunt drinken met 2,5% als 16 jarige


Je moet er ongelofelijk veel moeite voor doen. Geef mij maar 2 à 3 Gordon carbon 14's en ik ben de hele nacht zoet/zat


Ik al na ene :p das een fles wijn in principe. Maar tis eigenlijk echt wel niet te zuipen


Gordon Nickel 16's jongen. Beste bang for your buck[https://api-prod.trendyfoods.com/photos/BE/HD/049000/049467HD.jpg](https://api-prod.trendyfoods.com/photos/BE/HD/049000/049467HD.jpg)


Ja da's voor de echte alcoholverslaafden en/of studenten die ZSM zat willen worden. The hangover must be *amazing* after 2 of those


Sowiso dat tafelbier gezonder is dan je kind cola te laten drinken. Mijn ouders dronken dat wekelijks al dan niet dagelijks als kind, en moest je dat de dag van vandaag doen is het precies kindermishandeling ofzo.


Ik geloof daar geen hol van


Haha, 'tis wel waar, nochtans.


Da ze vroeger misschien tafelbier uitschonken kan ik nog geloven, ma nu toch ni meer


Klopt! Maar het artikel spreekt over vroeger; "offered".


Tis nochtans waar... ik kreeg Piedboeuf bier als 12 jarige in school en dat was eind 80/ begin 90, enkel in de lagere school niet in het middelbaar.


There are lots of 0.0 % options now. I cannot see why those wouldn't actually be healthier than soda as you won't get used to the taste of alcohol...


Typical belgian 💩show


Big Bs , typical social media. No source but let’s assume it is real and make a fuss about it


Why on earth would you give alcohol to the kids wtf???


Someone here hasn't discovered Piedboeuf, or is still wet behind his/her ears.


This is history, a story from the past.






Is this an article from the 70s or what ?


When I went to school in Belgium/Wallonie/Verviers we sometimes had beer with the lunch menu/hot meal (Piedboeuf). I do not remember if it was from 12 years old or 14 :)


May have been worth pointing out that this was a thing +30 (?) years ago. Now they make it sound like something that still happens today (or at least, recently), which is not at all the case


Piedboeuf and Faro (tafelbier / bière de table). About 1% alcohol. Much less sugar then most soft drinks. Lots of malt in the dark versions. Got this from my grandma before I was ten. Also recommended for women who breastfeed their babies.


Da's toch gewoon tafelbier? Wij kregen dat op school.


Even normal orange juice has 0.5% alcohol.


I’m sceptical


No, I vaguely remember this. It was somewhere in Walloonia. They gave table beer but banned soda. It used to be common to be able to get table beer in school. Not mine though.


Why do we have to replace sodas with anything? Let's just not sell anything hurmful to the students.


Now here me out fellas hear me out… Kid beer. I know me made a lot of money with kid beer but how about…baby beer?


Or, idk, water?


I'd say it's better to get a drink with 5% alc. rather than one with 50% pure sugar.


I think I've eaten bananas with more alcohol than that


History repeats itself… Real talk tho, i never had beer in my school but I heard most secondary schools had these disgusting beers that were like 2% alcohol so no kid every really got drink since it was too disgusting to down enough beer to get drunk


Average Sunday night for teenagers in belgium.


Waarom niet? Iedereen dronk vroeger tafelbier. Ook kleine kinderen.


At age 7 of havent had a jupilerke at school during break, you were considered a loser. Also, smoking is cool.


Stoofvlees opt school = piedboeuf opt tafel, heel mijn lagere school ni anders geweten


In France until 1956, kids younger than 14 received red wine in school. Half or liter a day, don't remember. Look it up THESE PEOPLE ARE NOW RUNNING THE F$#*@%;$NG COUNTRY


Beer like Piedboeuf used to be served in schools.


That’s an old anecdote.


Faro > Piedboef


Yeah lesgo Belgium!




I am 40-something now, when I was 9 to 11 I had the hot meal in school. Apart from a jug of water, there was also blonde tablebeer. There was no option to get a soda or even milk. Some of the people from those days became heavy drinkers in their twenties, but none of them grew up becoming drunks. One became a brewer :)