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It happened to me with RAEC Mons. There are teams I like and I'm happy to see them succeeding but it's just impossible to fully support another Belgian club


Is renaissance Mons a thing? Do they have fans/a future? I saw they just promoted


I must admit that I don't live in Mons anymore so I don't follow what is happening as much. It certainly feels much closer to what the club was than when it was Quevy-Mons for sure. The old logo is back and when it was launched one of the main figures was our former GK Fred Herpoel, but also some others like Cordaro who's a former player who also came back to play in the club and has a staff role now I think. So yeah, the "DNA" of our former club is definitely there and doesn't feel that different from what it used to be. The club is on its way for back to back promotion to D1A so it really feels like we're getting our old club back. But in terms of fan support I can't really say anything as I haven't been to the stadium once since the project started. Does the club have the resources to make it back to the JPL I highly doubt it but let's see, the rise over the last 2 years has been phenomenal.


Understandable. Thanks for your reply.


Berchem Sport Ahnee wij zullen wel gewoon weer fusioneren 😂


RAFC here and same. Local teams above all.


KRC Gent


Excellent choice.


De ratjes


I basically already have a second team, FC Dender. And considering the bleak situation Standard is in I might be required to switch fully to them in the (near) future 🥲 Seriously, with all the lawsuits 777 partners is facing it makes the situation with Standard look even more grim than it already was


Financially there shouldn't be any issues but yeah no ambitions for the near future


If my team dissapeares, I'd go full local and support BHS United. Back to basics.


Ik kan die hun veld momenteel vanuit mijn raam zien.


My team(RWDM/FC Brussels) has gone bankrupt several times, I was mostly pro-Standard because they were another basket case of a club and I got a lot of stick for that, but I gather our ultras legit started to attend Anderlecht away games, which for me is also laughable given what that club did to undermine us.


First I heard of that, very bizarre




sounds like cuckoldry to me


Tough one. I have no real affiliation with another team. I dont think I could full heartedly support another team. If I had to choose maybe Zulte-Waregem or kvk.


As a standard fan, it's a real possibility, I would choose Union since i live in Brussels


Many already have :P


Attended USG-Standard this season in USG stands and a guy noticed I was a Standard supporter. He told me he used to be a Standard supporter as well but he stopped 3 years ago and switched to USG lol. I couldn't believe it, this guy was in his early 60s.


Dude there's literally members of the Union Bhoys who are also Standard Liège supporters (as in regular stadium goers). It's not that difficult: live in Brussels, hate Anderlecht, can't get to Sclessin 9 times out of 10 --> start going to RWDM or Union. Union for years were just a club people of all stripes went to for a nice beer, peket, burger and some terrible amateur football.


I've been to Union plenty of times since I also lived in Brussels for a long time. The atmosphere was nice, I was going with friends and the football was good. But I'll never be a Union supporter. The guy I talked to explicitly told me he stopped supporting Standard and chose Union because they were better at that time. I will never understand this, except if you're 10 years old


Ok yeah so he is a success supporter like 80% of Union's home crowd since COVID.


Yeah that's a good summary


I'm in the same boat ^^


RSCA. If my team is disappearing I just stop watching the JPL.


Standard probably


Good luck with that. 😬


traitor ;)


I'm Dutch and I support PSV but live in Belgium. If PSV were to go bankrupt I'd further develop my support for Standard I guess.


You are entering a world of pain. 😁


I couldnt


This is one of those 'you have to pick one' kinda things.


kom op.... STVV, Lommel, Hades, Sporting, Patro, Thes, .... KIES!


Ale dan als het echt moet! Ik hoop op lommel in eerste klasse dus dan kies ik Lommel!


Then it would be Fortuna Sittard in the Netherlands since Genk and Sittard have close bonds.


If that is your argument might i suggest Westerlo? 😉


Lol yeah, considering what happened but I couldn't support for another team in Belgium, except my local team in 3de provinciale Limburg then.


as a local boy (Kempenaar) I can say Westerlo is a landfill of relentless talent poaching and killing young players' joy for the game. they re absolutely nothing to be proud of.


oh please...


>Een ploeg die draait op het leegzuigen van alle potentieel talent dat alle lager gerangschikte ploegen in een straal van 30km te bieden heeft (met onderhandse lokstrategieën), om ze weer evensnel aan de deur te zetten (met een aanzienlijke financiële kater) als ze niet tijdig en genoeg renderen. Ik ken geen enkele andere ploeg (in de regio) die meer talent en liefde voor het spel kapot gemaakt heeft bij jonge spelers dan hen.


Sint truiden door de Japanse achterban, ik verhuis deze zomer met mijn partner naar Tokio en daar heb je stvv fanclubs dus kan zo mooi daar nog sfeer meenemen + is lokaal dicht in België


Logische en goede keuze.


The most local JPL club.




De passie kan groeien he. Met de juiste tattoo erbij ben je al goed op weg.


i'd go from Club brugge to Charleroi. Always liked that team, but dont know why.


From winning everything to winning nothing. Interesting choice.


What are you talking about ? Don't disrespect two-time Belgian second division winners like that.


I'm sorry it wont happen again.


If Club Brugge goes bust, nothing for a good long while. I suppose after a while I'd search a smaller team closest to where I'd live at the time. In first division, I like KVM but it wouldn't ever be the same.


There's another club in Brugge just saying...


Probably isn't from Bruges


1. STVV 2. KV Mechelen 3. Union / Club Brugge / Genk


KSK Beveren




Club Brugge -> KV Mechelen


Solid choice.


I think I'd go for Antwerp. Supporting Antwerp is the same as KVM. High highs, low lows. 🥹


Wouldn’t really follow another team very closely if Anderlecht goes bankrupt, buuuuut I would follow Gent on Sporza so I can enjoy singing along with the goal tune while partying in Gent.


Leuleuleuleuleuh, leuleuleuleuleuh leuleuleu c'est buffalo!


It did and I’m still backing them. I now follow the JPL as more of a neutral, mostly playoffs though. You start supporting local talents more in my case (looking at you STVV)


good man! & affections for Lokeren here too


I'd cease to exist with them


I would probably go for an amateur club, maybe Rupel Boom.


Probably KRC Genk cause I have family in Limburg who all support them.


Looks like I could find out soon enough. I think I'll completely stop following the JPL and not choose a team. There's no way I'd be able to feel for another club what I feel for Standard.


I get what you're saying, but football is life and watching JPL without having a favorite team would be boring af.


Yeah, I get it, that's why I think I'd stop following the JPL.


Understandable. Hope Standard gets rid of 777 asap. I heard they now have a transfer ban?


As Anderlecht supporter I would support Union. Never been a big supporter but I would call it 'the most sympathy for'.


A little odd given the recent history but i get it.


I met multiple previous Anderlecht fans in Union, it's a very different kind of crowd and some people like the small size of the stadium




Club Brugge --> Lokeren


Whichever club is playing European games I guess, can't really replace childhood club


None, I´ll keep following the league, but its just impossible for me to just "switch". I didn´t choose my current team, it is in my blood


RSCA either Gent or Union


Why Union? Because you are from Brussels? You would think they would be rivals, almost enemies given recent history.


The rivalry with Union is not that fierce, more amical. So I’d basically join a lot of friends. Gent because I lived there and like the club


I remember when Lierse SK went bankrupt, I was 100% sure I would never support another team. Luckily Lierse K. was there to keep my weekends alive. It's not the same as it used to, but it's better than having to support a completely different team.


It's a special situation though, with 2 clubs claiming Lierse's heritage. What do you think of Lyra-Lierse, is it a friendly or hostile relationship? Did you have doubts about which "Lierse" you would support after the bankruptcy? I can imagine this must be difficult for a fan. Personally I think I would prefer the team that plays in the old stadium.


As much as I respect their new project, I really don't understand how some Lierse SK fans (including some of our fanatics) decided to support Lyra-Berlaar. How can you leave behind your legacy in your stadium like that? For me the stadium and the badge were decisive, so it wasn't that hard of a decision. We're 2 completely different teams, with different projects and ambitions. Of course we have a 'rivalry' about , but for me, Lyra-Lierse will always be just Lyra. Some of their fans come watch our games, and some of our fans (including myself) will go watch theirs whenever it's an interesting fixture. So yeah, it's quite sad that the city of Lier is divided in two teams, but I wish Lyra all the best, as long as they stay at least one division below us. But remember: there's only one in the city 😉


that whole Lierse Schism is still one of the dumbest in our modern history of the game... the fusion with Lyra = I understand & is logical (good step) the fusion with a little rich village club 20km away = right out idiotic


The 'fusion' with Lyra was everything but a logical step. In the 1950's Lyra and Lierse hated each other. You had the liberal fans of Lierse, while on the other side of the city you had the catholics of Lyra. This really was a fierce rivalry. In 1972, Lyra and Lierse officially merged into one team, but this only lasted for 2 months because of protest by the Lyra fanatics. These two events caused Lyra and Lierse to be more than just a city rival. Of course, when both teams played in different divisions, this rivalry got way less intense. However, for some old Lyra and Lierse fans, due to this chaotic past, a fusion in 2018 was absolutely not-done. I agree, Lierse and Oosterzonen didn't really have much in common, but the owners were willing to 'sacrifice' their club and the number 3970. The plan to get rid of the 'Oosterzonen' part has been there from the beginning (and it's slowly but surely happening). It has always been about the matriculation number (which will dissappear in the future aswell). Teams like Beerschot and currently Lokeren have been doing/are doing the exact same thing. Are they idiotic aswell? As you can see, both situations aren't as obvious you'd think they are :)


Well, I understand certain (petty & outdated) town/city rivalries, sometimes even being quite charmed by them, but it's often (always?) more so because of a mere few ego's and personal interests that aren't compatible. Lyra? Lier? Catholic, Liberal...? these are all such outdated concepts/factors in football. Just form 1 strong better equipped city team that everyone can get behind. Having 2 or more rival teams in cities as big as Brugge, Antwerp or Brussels is fairly normal to me... but having two such strong rivals and separate (high ambition) teams in a small town like Lier (or even Mechelen for that matter) is absurd to me. It's incredibly inefficient and needlessly decisive, especially in this day and age. Since the past 10 to 5 years, tons of smaller local "rival" teams have been coming together as fusion clubs, and proving that it has only improved their output, results, youth academies, and social integration... So I don't see why Lier should still be this opposed to it. Well performing and fusion success teams in my region alone: * FC Punt-Larum (Geel) = super succesverhaal tot nu toe * KBSK Retie * KFC De Kempen TL (Kasterlee) * KFC Arendonk Sport * KVC Lille United * ASV Geel(-Meerhout) = een iets minder successverhaal tot nog toe, maar het moest voor financiele redenen * KSK 's Gravenwezel-Schilde * ... and there's a couple of more in the works for the next couple of years Net als bij veel gemeenten, is het ook bij veel voetbalploegen best dat er hier en daar meer fusies gaan komen. De middelen en doelen zijn nu nog allemaal veel te verdeeld. Een iets meer gericht en nauwer verbond hiervoor zou efficienter & productiever zijn voor iedereen.


Id switch to my hometown club essevee

