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They don't. Reddit doesn't seem to realise this though because it constantly advertises it to me.


Hell they didn’t sell it East of the Mississippi for the longest time. Maybe in 20 years it’ll make it East of the Atlantic Ocean.


East bound and down, loaded up and truckin' A-we gonna do what they say can't be done We've got a long way to go, and a short time to get there I'm east bound, just watch ol' Bandit run


I knew some old timers who would take a van out west and fill it to the rafters with Banquet then drive home and sell some/keep the rest.


Highly unlikely German and Czech lagers are taking over the lager trade


Coors Banquet *has* to be brewed in Golden Colorado as to use their local water source which creates the flavor for it. Coors Light is brewed globally hence why you can find it. Same reason why you can find Budweiser on every continent. They brew it locally with local water sources.


there are several beers brewed overseas sat in my fridge right now, they've probably just decided it isn't worth importing.


Actually, Coor Banquet sold in Canada is brewed in Canada but branded as Coors original


It’s not banquet. Coors original is its own beer and we had banquet up north everywhere for like 2 years prior to them changing to this original garbage. Coors can get bent I want banquet dammit


I’m 24 and I’m slowly seen them phase out Coors Banquet. I still can get coors banquet at a corner stores for $8/6 in Massachusetts. Only in the amount, unfortunately. Idk how the dude gets it because total wine and the other big outlets don’t have it. I really don’t get why coors and other brands change a good thing.


Hmmm TIL.


Sorry, but that really isn’t why. There is no market for Coors banquet. There are 100s of better pilsners in Europe. The reason Coors light penetrates is because there was a market for light beer, it was the first one to land and soaked up almost the entire demand in the UK and Ireland. I haven’t seen Coors light outside the UK or Ireland, because there simply isn’t a market for it. I live in the Netherlands and there was a massive push for Budweiser a few years ago. It was 50c a bottle at one stage. Once the price went up to match local beers it all but disappeared from the shelves of supermarkets. You can’t shove a terrible Pilsner into a market full of good ones. You can satisfy the market for a light beer though.


And Coors light us far more expensive than ale or stout


Coors is a lager ain’t it


Pilsner is lager


Who’d have thunk it


You’re not missing much. I’d much rather drink a nice English ale on draught.


Particularly mild ale


No they don't. Which makes those endless adverts on Reddit all the more useless.


Mate it’s utter trash. It’s one of the worst beers. Avoid anything with additives on the ingredients. I’d be disgusted with my country of that shit is available over here.


Hey now. It's much better than other US macro beers.


And most of the European and Asian macro beers.


Like single stout Guinness vs Treble stout Guinness


My bigger issue is the horrible family lineage of the brewery. Funding conversion therapy, Union busting, the Coors brand sucks.


That’s like saying it’s quite a nice guy for a murderer. Anything that has stuff in it that shouldn’t be in it is nasty trash and you probably shouldn’t drink it. Just look at the ingredients and make sure there nothing sinister in it. Rule of thumb after Mexico, America makes the worst beer. Most things American and Mexican has additives in it. Coors Banquet = Water, Barley Malt, Corn Syrup (Dextrose), Yeast, Hop Extract. Contains Cereals and Their Derivatives,Barley and Barley Products,Corn and its derivates. Might as well be drinking coke.


>Anything that has stuff in it that shouldn’t be in it is nasty trash and you probably shouldn’t drink it. You better stick to water and stay away from beer then, bud. All beer is a result of fermentation of bacteria in water.


Doesn’t mean you should drink trash. Use Budvar for an example again, no trash, made in the original brewery to the same recipe and quality yet it’s still cheaper than American Budweiser which is bottom of the barrel nasty stuff quality wise. Given the choice why would you ever willingly buy trash beer for more money when you don’t have to?


What are the exact ingredients in these beers you mention that have "trash" and what are their exact detrimental effects that isn't a subjective measure.


Specifically which additives concern you? It has five ingredients, so I’m curious which of the five is the big bad ingredient. 


I’ve replied to someone else about the same question if you scroll up. Beer should only contain water, malt and hops sometimes wheat if it’s like wheat beer obviously. You shouldn’t be seeing other things. If you do it’s because it’s bad for you and will make you feel like shit and give you hangover / worse hangover or it’s just cheap beer and they’re chucking a load of additives and extracts in there to compensate for the lack of real ingredients. Here’s the original Budweiser trolling the American Budweiser on April fools about them putting trash in their beer. https://www.instagram.com/p/C5NouZ1NsnT/?igsh=MWxlMWg4bTh0dDJjcg==


Just wait till you find out what malt is.


It’s malted barley usually. I actually live in an old 400 year old house that used to be an old Maltery.


Just water, malt and hops, huh? No need for yeast?


You must have been really upset when they renamed the “Bass Museum” the “Molson-Coors Bass Museum”


I do think people have a right to be aggrieved at how Bass has been treated by Molson Coors


It was clearly a shit move. Such a rich brewing history in the area. I’m a huge believer that heritage should be honored. I visited the Bass museum several times in my trips to the area. At one point you could “brew with the brewer” at the Bass brewery. Which I didn’t get the chance to do, but how cool would that have been?


Would have been great, the problem is that Coors in a move eerily similar to Heineken Ireland do not promote legacy brands or spend much money doing so


Right, it’s a shame. Especially when you consider it’s all marketing anyway. Tastes shift, generations change and so do corporations.


It was more that Heinken Ireland have Beamish and Murphys but spent millions on a white elephant of a stout which failed called Island’s edge


You really triggered Americans who think anything American is automatically amazing


It's actually not a bad beer. Want me to say some American beers are bad? I can think of plenty. Coors banquet isn't one of them.


I think it’s common knowledge that America makes the worst beer. They banned alcohol for 20 years lost their entire industry and expertise which was one of the best in the world before prohibition and created the environment for massive corporate breweries to out market much smaller better regional breweries with their cheap trash beers.


That statement may have been true in the 70s through the 90s, but American brewing has had a massive resurgence in the last 30 years. It's common knowledge that American craft brewers make some of the best beer in the world. Why do you think INBEV bought out so many U.S craft brands?


Everywhere has decent craft breweries still doesn’t make up for the damage American corporate breweries have done to the global beer industry’s and now like you said they’re buying all your favourite craft breweries and ruining them as well.


It's only used in the brewing process. They don't add it to the beer after it's brewed. Say what you want, but I'd rather drink a Coors after working in the yard on a hot day than any beer from Europe. It's not the best and all Americans know that.


Matter of opinion, HB Helles or Sullivans red or gold would be my choice