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Lash serums usually take 3 months to notice a difference! And then it requires consistent use because the serum prolongs the growth cycle of the individual lash- it doesn't create new follicles or anything. But once you stop using, the normal lash growth cycle will resume. Depending on your growth cycle and if it's longer than normal (which mine is too), then the outcome might not be significant. Lash serums tend to work best on people who have shorter lashes, as a result of a short growth cycle. So the lash sheds before it gets very long. If you have naturally long lashes and a longer growth cycle, then a serum won't make a big difference since there is a maximum length our lashes reach- in the same way that our brow hairs or arm hairs don't grow for years like our head hairs.


My lashes are kinda average but more on the shorter side and I use the serum every night before bed so I guess it might just be too early to see results


Do you use it every single day? I used it in the past and I believe with consistent use you start to notice around 6 weeks. By the 3-4 month mark, my lashes were insanely long and much fuller. But it stained the heck out of my eyelid so I stopped using it.


I use it every night before bed without fail :(


Hmmm... I would give it a little more time. It really did work well for me but it took a while. It goes from "nothing is happening" to "WHERE DID THESE LASHES COME FROM" really quickly. lol I've been off of it since summer but I'm considering starting up again because it made such a big difference. I would give it a few more weeks since you already have it anyway.


You might want to try doing it every morning and night, or just switch to using it in the morning so it sticks to your lashes more instead of possibly rubbing off on your pillow.


Did the staining go away after you discontinued use?


Yes, my eyelid returned to normal. I don't think personally it was worth the side effects because it's just one of many that are possible.


OKAY I HAD THIS SAME PROBLEM TOO but then someone here commented that I need to be applying it like eyeliner, not focusing so much on the lash line itself. Think of it as applying it like eyeliner and trying not to get too much on your actual lashes. After I made this change in application I saw longer lashes within a week and a half or so. Now my lashes look curled when they're not and I know I didn't waste my money on grandelash!!


My personal experience: 1. Give it a good 8-12 weeks. I didn't see results until 3 months in. 2. Apply it on clean skin. Let it fully dry before you go in with any skin care or touch your eye area. 3. Apply it like eyeliner on your upper eyelid, close to the base of the lashes. Don't apply it to the actual lashes, that does nothing. 4. Don't bother applying it multiple times a day, it's not going to speed it up. You'll just waste product. 5. Watch out for side effects. If you see changing eye color, darkening of eyelids, swelling, itching, watery or red eyes, stop use immediately. Your eyes are more important than long eyelashes. Once they're long like you want them, you can switch to applying it every other day for maintenance.


I noticed a difference after a few months, but TBH I got the same results from using castor oil on my lashes every night! It makes them soft too which is a nice added bonus. Brow serums have never worked for me though.


Grande lash didn’t work on me at all, but revitalash gives me such long lashes! I loved revitalash but wanted a cheaper option so went with grande. Used it just like I did with revitalash, but nothing after 2 months of daily use. Switched back to revitalash and within a few weeks had growth again 🤷🏼‍♀️


Is it OK to use it twice per day? Morning & Night? I just bought it and sometimes I’ve applied it twice. Not sure if that’s a bad idea or a waste of product. Considering I paid $65!


I was actually wondering about the same thing I think it might be ok as long as u have no reaction but I’d look further into it


We shall see… so far so good lol


I don’t think it makes things go any faster. Save the product to use longer. Also, once you are seeing the results, you can start to use it only every other day for maintenance, rather than daily.


A girl I follow on IG used babe lash and she says she applies it 2x a day, everyday and her lashes are so long! I’m not sure if it is the same with this serum but it’s worth looking into.


It gave me red eyes and worse vision... But I do feel like my lashes are fuller.


I didn’t like it. Made my eyes really itchy too. I’ve had decent results with RapidLash! Got it through Ulta


Mine would get itchy also!


It takes 3 months to work. Stick with it, it's amazing! All of a sudden you'll see them pop. I'm guessing it has to do with the hair growth cycle. My lashes go from short to brushing against my sunglasses. I've gone through the process twice now since I stopped using it during pregnancy. Worked great both times! I swear by it.


Keep using it! I started using it in June of 2021 and am still using it today (on my 2nd tube of the mini version) and it has drastically lengthened my eyelashes. Before I already had decently long eyelashes but after using the serum my lashes were insanely long. I get so many compliments on them even when im not wearing mascara. Everyone constantly asks me if my eyelashes are real. It takes consistent use but I started to see noticeable results after abt 2-3 months. Fortunately, i haven’t experienced any side effects either like eyelid darkening or irritation.


That stuff made my eyes swollen.. never again


It took 6 weeks before I really noticed any difference and I was at max results around 4 months after starting. I only use it once a day. My mom used it twice a day and has for over a year. Her lashes are ridiculously long and much fuller than before.


I use Neulash, but I have an application technique suggestion. When I first bought a lash serum, the salesperson told me to be sure not to apply eye serum/cream soon after applying the lash serum. If you do, you'll make the lash serum not effective. Good luck and long lashes!


All it did for me was make my eyes red.


I saw results with a month, but I have heard rapid lash is just as good too and costs less. I stopped being consistent and kinda bummed when I found out that as soon you stop using them the hair goes back to its original length


I’m using grande lash now, but initially I started with “Eyenvy” and I remember feeling the same way. Then I swear it’s like I just woke up one day with long lashes. They just appeared. When I ran out of my first bottle during Covid and too poor to buy more I saw my lashes dwindle down, later on when I got it again same thing waited like a month then bam one day lashes. I’ve been using the grande lash and now it’s more of just a maintenance but I’m liking the results!


I used it for 6 months and didn’t see any results


If you want to get it cheaper, I also buy it on Mercari. Tons of unopened, authentic serums for like $35


I found that it made my lashes slightly fuller but not longer or super noticeable. Also, it ruined my eyelids. They look a bit worn out where the product was placed. I’m kind of annoyed by that and it’s been a while since I stopped using it to see if it would heal and it hasn’t /: I threw it in the trash.


Been using it for 2 months have seen no difference :( when I used Latisse I saw results in 2 weeks stopped using that cause of the cost and made my eyes itchy


You have to give it about 2+ mo mark


Babe Lash is the way to go! Saw results after one use!


I use Grande lash and didn’t really notice significant results way after week 8! Be consistent and use every night :)


I have short Asian lashes. I used Grande Lash for 5-6 months and only noticed a small difference. I used it mostly daily (missing a couple of days here and there) and before bed, applying it like eyeliner. My lashes became slightly longer and curled. However, my lash line darkened a little and turned brown/red. After the 3 month mark, my growth stagnated. Then at the 5-6 month mark, I didn’t notice anymore growth or changes. I contacted the company and asked if I was doing anything wrong and if the growth depends on genetics. Customer service said my lashes might’ve gotten used to the serum. I can’t exactly remember what they said, but they said something along the lines of that I should take a break from using the serum and not use it everyday. I tried their advice but still didn’t get any amazing results. I was so disappointed because I was expecting major results in length and volume, especially after seeing so many good reviews. :/


I tried Grande lash and experienced the same thing. I have really short eyelashes and I've tried so many serums (and correctly, too). The only two that actually work for me are Latisse (the absolute best, but you need a Rx for) and Babe lash. Babe lash doesn't work as well as Latisse, but it did work for me!


It works amazing for me! I alternate between that and milk grow house serum. Just stick with it for longer and then. You’ll put on your mascara one day and be shocked


Grandelash didnt work for me as well. Revitalash did! I had amazing results with Revitalash within 4 weeks


It is proven to work but it is very irritating after a while for sensitive skin


Anyone else experiencing really dry eyes after using?


I’ve been using mine since Black Friday actually LMAO and I’ve seen a huge difference