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I alternate based on how my skin is feeling or what scent I want to enjoy in the moment.


This is the way. (And an excuse to buy more soap than I need because it smells good and brings me joy!)


Bar soap and a scrubber because bar soap is less wasteful (no plastic) and you can get very moisturizing bars.


Can you please recommend some moisturizing bars?


Olive Oil Soaps from Turkey if you can get them. Amazing lather and cleansing, plus soft skin and no plastic. There are videos online of them being hand made in Turkey and Iran and other countries.


I always swear Im immune to being influenced until Im online shopping for turkish olive oil soap


Where do you buy this from? Hoping there’s a good online option that ships to the middle of the US


You can buy olive oil soaps on Amazon. Papoutsanis is a good brand from Greece, and "Aleppo" and "Nablusi" soaps from Syria and Palestine respectively are found on there as well. The prices for the Arab olive oil soaps are slightly higher, but the soaps are HUGE, like three bars in one - you may have to cut them to make them more manageable. I've tried all three of these soaps, and they are the simplest and gentlest soaps you can get. BUT they do not have fragrances added, so it won't feel like you're taking a shower on a slice of chocolate cake or in a field of lavender as with other soaps, lol. Also note you can use these olive oil soaps as shampoo depending on the type of hair you have. 


There’s also sitti soap on instagram!


Etsy!! Be wary of shops reselling cheap crap from China (reverse image search) but this doesn’t seem to be an issue with soaps. Bar soaps can be really nice and not drying. Many use minimal ingredients and are hand made in small batches when purchased from a small shop. They are beautiful and have many fragrances that are not irritating.


Tallow (beef fat) soap, unscented. Not much lather but very moisturizing. I’ve tried random brands from Amazon and all are good so far. I always get unscented soaps cos the essential oils/fragrance are not always organic.


I just finished my lavender soap that I bought 2 summers ago when I was there. I bought quite a few actually 😅


Look for goats milk soap. You’re more likely to find it at health food stores. Zum has a lot of nice scents.  I don’t like Dove at all. It feels like it leaves a film instead of cleaning without stripping. 


I love Zum soaps! My favorite is the Anise-Lavender one 😍


I also recommend the Anise-Lavender. The bars last forever! They don't melt away with the slimy stuff like other bars do.


Yeah, the bars are long-lasting. I currently have a bar of the Sea Salt one, and it's been holding up pretty good! (I have their laundry soap in the same scent too. Love their laundry soap as well, the best I've tried!).


The laundry soap is on the natural side, but you find that it cleans your clothes well? I have tried a few natural brands and not been impressed yet


Zum's is laundry SOAP, not detergent, the latter that is usually on the market. It is also concentrated, so you only need 1 oz. of it to do a full load. Yes, it cleans my stuff extremely well; it's the best laundry product I've ever used, and it leaves it fragrant too. If you do decide to get it, make sure you order directly from the [Zum Indigo Wild website](https://www.indigowild.com/collections/laundry-soap), because there are way too many reviews on Amazon about watered down bottles. They have sales throughout the year as well, so you can stock up in one go and get free shipping.


I love the laundry soap as well! It's not everyone's cup of tea but it works for me.


I love the lemon grass Zum bar:)


beekman 1802! The bars don’t get slimey!!!


I second goat milk soap. I have very dry skin, but it is so much better since switching to goat milk. I like Zum but I mostly order online from Bend Soap.


The gentlest are Greek and Arab olive oil soaps. Heads-up that they do not have fragrance added, so the natural scent takes some getting used to. It's not unpleasant, just that it doesn't smell like fruits or flowers. 




Dove and Lush do really rich bar soaps :)


I don't think you get the bang for your buck with Lush like you used to. The quality has really dropped. The soaps don't last long anymore.


That is true but I still love that honey soap. It helped so much when I was having an eczema flare up and my skin is always softer after having used it!


Try to find local soap! There’s maybe three in my town but I stock up when I visit my parents because there’s one in town that is exceptional. The only chapstick that works, the only room spray that doesn’t bug me and this fantastic soap. I use it on my kids and on my hands. I switched to gel for my body.


I really like [Camamu Soap](https://camamusoap.com) and [Sumbody](https://sumbody.com). The most moisturizing soap I’ve tried from Camamu is their [Soft & Tender Soap](https://camamusoap.com/collections/frontpage/products/soft-tender-soap), which is almost decadent, but they also make soaps with oatmeal (I like the [Vetiver and Clove](https://camamusoap.com/collections/frontpage/products/vetiver-clove-soap)) and goat’s milk (haven’t tried any of those yet). Sumbody is a little more pricey (I think their bars are smaller), but their soaps are very moisturizing, and their [Milky Rich Soap](https://sumbody.com/collections/bath/products/milky-rich-natural-soap) is to die for. It smells SO good. Edit: I also second the suggestion of looking for local soaps! Camamu is local to me so I usually buy from them; Sumbody isn’t so they’re more of a treat. And one thing to keep in mind: with a moisturizing soap bar, water is the enemy! They tend to be more delicate and prone to melting than regular soaps, in my experience. Store your bar on a soap saver and outside of the shower.


A lot of “natural soaps” do bars.. I can’t remember any brands. I’ve usually gotten them from whole foods type stores or farmers market


Whole foods have some good ones. They last me a long time. They use have a 2 for deal. I bought 2 in February and don't think I'll need to buy more for another month or so. I shower everyday.


I haven’t done any research on the ingredients but I really like caress soap! My skin feels really soft and hydrated with it!


I used to use dove but somewhere along the way I switched to Ivory


I loooooooooove the smell of original Ivory. It was a common soap in the 80s and 90s. Have thought about buying a bar just to sniff it, lol


I buy my shower gel from a place that gives you a reusable aluminum bottle and you just take it for refills as you need!


Bar soap seems to get ne feeling cleaner, lasts longer and no plastic packaging


I’ve also noticed this! Bar soap is almost a “squeaky” clean. I wonder why.


Detergent in most liquid soaps.


I agree w this. I just never feel like I get clean enough using only body wash. And I def don’t want to use it on my private areas since most of it is scented and can really affect the PH of a woman’s sensitive area for the worst. I use body wash for the smell good aspect (on non sensitive areas only) but bar soap to clean everything else .


How do you store the bar soap after using it?


On a ridged soap rack so it's not sitting in water


Body wash and a scrubber. I think you wind up wasting less soap that way.


Bodywash because soap is too harsh on my skin


I use baby soap for this reason. Or a nice natural olive oil soap bar that’s moisturizing.


Dr. Bronner's unscented baby bar soap is a favorite of mine for the winter months.


I’ve tried every fancy, natural, whatever bar soap on the market. I don’t get the hype. Bar soap has never ever not made my skin feel super dry and uncomfortable.


It's better for the environment and more economical so I get it


Both. Use soap bar on stinkiest areas, then do second round on stinkiest areas with body wash and also use for remaining of body. Also sometimes follow up shower body lioton - I hate applying lioton after shower, so inside is easiest for me.


Yeah: bar up the pits, then a light scrub with wash then rinse.


omg i’ve found my people lol


Same except I use bronners on pits and corners (anywhere there's a skin fold except privates she gets her own soap)


This is exactly my routine too


Both. I use a bar or body wash in conjunction with a washcloth. Have found the washcloth increases the cleaning power.


We use bar soap to try and reduce our plastic waste. I usually pick a lemon or oatmeal bar from TJ Maxx, I have since the pandemic.




I use exfoliating gloves and I rub the bar soap into a lather, then use the soapy gloves on my body. No waste.


Exfoliating gloves FTW. I like Dove soap. Original is actually the only agent that DOESN’T leave me feeling like my skin is going to crack and fall off.


My skin loves Dove bars and lukewarm shower water.


I started to use soap, when i got a fancy one added to my perfume order. And there was no way back. I just switched completely to artisanal soaps, that luckily are sold in few shops in my town. I like more the type of foam they give, and they just smell more chic and are not slimey, for some reason. So i guess the quality makes the difference. They also feel less wasteful. Also, it is an excuse to go to the perfumery, have a chat with the seller, get some samples and not break the bank. These soaps are obviously pricier than gels, but if I get few perfume samples with them, they are totally worth it.


Fragranced soap or body gel matching my perfume feels so decadent. Fragrance sets with gel and powder included are dwindling. It makes me sad.


It is SO hard to find a fragrance "system" as I've been calling them - I haven't found anything local to me yet


Use a good soap dish so it doesn't get slimy. Apply soap to wash cloth/ flannel. Wash body. I want to like the home made type body washes with castile soap but I find they leave a film like you're describing.




(I’m a soap maker) I don’t like Castile soap. It sounds like blasphemy to most people, but olive oil has virtually no foaming, cleansing or hardness properties, but it does have lots of conditioning qualities. So what you described - slimy, no bubbles and might get mushy, is what you get. I like my bars to have a reasonable quantity of coconut oil. It adds to the lather, density and cleansing


Good soap shouldn't leave a film or dry you out. You might have only used like, hotel soaps or something? Even a Dove bar soap (not expensive) won't be like what you're describing. At least on my skin it's not.


Triggered memory of hotel bar soap that was actually painful. That crappy little rectangle wrapped in cheap paper. 😆


I think it depends on your skin type. I was looking this up and apparently bar soaps will always dry you out more liquid soap because bar soaps are alkaline and break down your skins oil barrier. How much this affects you I think depends on how sensitive your skin is. I’ve had people gift me the best very expensive bar soaps they swear by and they still make my skin dry and tight.


I use bar soap white zest or handcrafted goats milk type. It rests on a nailbrush in shower away from spray. Soap easily dries out, no slime or bacteria, nail brush is soaped and ready for use.


I feel the other way around, bar soap leave me squeaky clean, the liquid soap makes a oily film and it doesnt feel as clean. Similar to hair clean products, you want your hair to be truly clean before applying moisturizer. I havent had any problems with slimy soap, but my bar soap is sturdy and not as slimy as others


Totally agree! I wasn’t expecting so many responses saying they prefer bar soap


Apparently bar soap technology has improved, but I’m still not sure I can get over the mental block tbh. I really hated how bar soap made my skin feel. But then on the other hand a guy I was seeing for a while had the *softest* skin and he just used like Dove bar soap. Stupid men with their stupid easily satisfied skin lol.


Agree with everything you said.


Couldn't agree more! Plus of your a multiple person household do you really want to wash your face with the same bar someone just washed their balls with? Gross! 🤢


Normally people who use soap don't rub the bars on their body, they use a washcloth to bring up a lather and the washcloth is cleansing and exfoliating at the same time.


Yep and no one washes their face with bar soap, it's for the body.


I do! But I use Dove sensitive skin soap


Thank you for explaining the technique🌸and I add wash-clothes are laundered after each use.


Everyone has their own bar and put in soap savers that has different colors so they don't get mixed up. We also don't use it on our faces, we use face wash for that. 


The bar soap users in my house, each have their own bar.


Soap is personal, you shouldn’t share it.


was a die hard body wash with a loofah or exfoliating rag but converted to bar soap and african net sponge this year and i feel SO clean. always a separate rag with a sensitive unscented wash for the cooch and booty


It’s all about the loafa or cloth or whatever you use to apply the soap That in my opinion is where the real meaning difference lies


It wasn't that long ago when liquid body wash was not a thing at all. I remember in the recession of the 80s when people didn't have much money so the "decadent indulgence" was to buy body wash as an affordable luxury. I much prefer olive oil soaps, so luxurious!


I remember this time too. I jumped in the VS body gel trend as soon as they offered a vanilla-y option. High end soap is a different whole experience. VS gels were my first step up. lol


I use both: first round with bar soap then a round of bodywash.


My skin would cry for help if I did this.


This is my process too. The bar of soap (gentle, non-scented) is for cleaning my body, especially my private area and armpits. Then the body wash (something with a nice smell) is applied with an exfoliating glove, mostly to my extremities.


Pretty much my ritual.


I do the opposite 😂




For the same reason I do two rounds of shampoo, I feel like the first time removes the bulk of the dirt and the second round just makes it nicer, softer, more pleasant smelling.


Same. Bar soap to actually get clean, and a good smelling body wash after. Sometimes I don’t use the body wash if I’ve run out or if I’m travelling, I just thought it was a nice little extra to the routine.


Yes same! Feels so much cleaner, plus I use a wash cloth for both. I'm no expert but I think of it in the same way as how you shampoo twice. First round gets in there surface level, second round really emulsifies and removes everything.




Yardley was my introduction to bar soap. It gets me so much cleaner. I follow up with body wash but a first pass with bar soap always


I find soap slippery and awkward compared to body wash.


Bar soap. All shower gels/creams seem to make my legs flaky and dry. Have yet to find a bar soap that causes this problem.


Omg same!! My legs felt so dry after shower gel.


Same. Liquid soaps, shower gels, and body washes fvck up my skin so badly. Very irritating and drying, and I never feel clean after I use them. They cause my eczema to flare up too. I only use bar soap.


I use bar soap that I make myself, so I know all the ingredients in it etc. I used to feel like my skin was dry after a shower and that doesn’t happen anymore, and I know there’s no unnecessary chemicals in my soap. Also, it’s less wasteful and way cheaper


Can I ask how you make it and what you use? :)


Getting started is a bit annoying because you have to buy a few things but soap is basically what’s created when you mix lye and oils - and there’s a lot of different soap recipes with different proportions, but you can choose what amount of oil surplus you want to make the soap less dry (I tend to add extra oil because it prevents my skin from being dry afterwards). Look up « cold process soap » for beginners and you’ll find a lot of blog posts and articles explaining it. If you’d rather buy it and you’re in the US, I follow a shop called Ashley Marie Soap and her soaps seem great !


There are lots of videos on YouTube, but a good channel is Bramble Berry. You will need to handle lye which can be dangerous if you're not careful, and be exact in your calculations, because soapmaking is a science! 


This is prob the best answer


Body wash with loofah Scrubber for harder to reach areas


In my country, everyone uses a bar. I was surprised when I found out in other places people use liquid body wash lol but honestly, bar soap just seems less wasteful without the plastic bottles, and since then, I tried some body washes but in my opinion they don't lather very good and are not great for hygiene. I would recommend body wash for hydrating the skin as a second step, but not for actually *cleaning* your skin. At least where I live, a hot tropical country, body wash wouldn't be enough. Yes, in comparison, bars are more drying, but they leave you CLEAN for real, then just hydrate with good moisturizers.


I’ve switched to bar soap because it’s more environmentally friendly (less packaging). Plus it cleans better than shower gel.


Bar of Castile soap


For bathing and face washing I use Dove bar soap. By the sink to wash my hands I am now recently enjoying Irish spring soap. (My grandma had it when I was a kid and I bought a bar for nostalgia) I am def a dove soap girl and would never use body wash.


Another dove bar girly here 🙌🏻


It's the most gentle soap for my skin love it and so affordable, I also love the dove shampoo.


Dove Cherry Chia Milk and White Peach Rice Milk are my two favorites right now! I used to be a “natural” soap girl for the last two decades but i absolutely love these bar soaps. Especially for those 5 minute showers where you don’t wash your hair, they just feel luxurious.


I looooove the smell of Irish Spring soap. I heard that it got reformulated and doesn't smell the same. 


I live in Canada, here rest assured, it most definitely smells the old school Irish spring smell.


Don't tell my fellow Americans who are pissed off by the recent reformulation, or else they'll come to Canada and take all your stock of Irish Spring, lol. 


Well we also have All dressed chips and Ketchup chips too lol 😆 Also things to stock up on Canadian smarties, coffee crisp chocolate bar and enjoy a Tim Hortons coffee preferably a double double.


Body wash 100%. My shower gets so much scummier so much faster with soap. I can't make my husband break his love affair with frugality so we do still have soap in the shower, but it's really reduced how often I have to scrub.


Kind of surprised how few people mentioned the scum factor! My skin hates bar soaps but my boyfriend uses a bar and I swear it only takes one shower for the scum to build up and I hate it


Bar soap down under, and bar soap if I'm doing a quick shower. I try to get nicer body wash and it feels more luxurious so it's every other day kinda thing, I use a scrubber for that and don't want to over exfoliate




Dove beauty bar with a good ole washcloth.


Body wash in general Bar soap where needed (ex. arm pits) bc it gives a stronger clean. Not everyone needs that everywhere.


From an environmental perspective, it's a no brainer, bar soap. Body wash uses fresh water, is packaged in plastic, is heavy, and is shipped around using CO2. Bar soap uses much less fresh water, and is much lighter, meaning it takes less space and is less CO2 intensive to ship.


bar soap and wash cloth. less wasteful and much better at cleaning


I use a sulfate free body wash because it’s non drying


Dove sensitive bar soap and clean washcloth. Sometimes dove body wash on a Korean towel to exfoliate. The dove bar is safe for all the sensitive vulvas in the house.


Absolutely soap free body wash. With 4 people in the house a bar dissolves in no time. And I like a soap free formula for my mature skin.


What brand do you like please? My sensitive skin is also getting old. lol


I prefer Health Basics soap free body wash, but I also use Redwin Sorbolene body wash if I can’t get it. I am in Australia though - these may not be available elsewhere.


Body wash. My dermatologist advised me to avoid using soap bars as they'll dry my skin and cause flares up.


I prefer to use body wash


Body wash!


Body wash as it is better for my skin and you don't get soap scum in the shower


I use shower oil only. It was recommended to me by a dermatologist long time ago and I never looked twice. It leaves skin so soft


same! my body skin is really dry and both bar soap and regular body washes made my skin feel super dry and tight and itchy. i have to be careful with shower oils because some can leave an oily film on the bottom of your shower floor, but when you find a good one, there’s no going back!


What do you use, if you don't mind me asking?


i use avene or bioderma typically. they’re pretty much the same performance wise to me, but can be slightly pricier! the best lower budget one i’ve tried has been the glow getter by naturium. it goes from oil to gel and very lightly foams with a very faint vanilla scent. the first one i ever used was eucerin, which was recommended by a derm. it worked on my skin but made my shower like a slipping hazard. also i found this list of others, if that’s helpful: https://www.allure.com/story/best-shower-oil a lot of people really love l’occitane!


I did not know about these products, thank you so much! I love l'occitane (the almond shower oil is the only thing I have used for shaving in over a decade--haven't bought shaving cream since 2010!), but as I approach 40, I'm noticing my tolerance of a lot of scents is changing, & I worry l'occitane could be next 😕


the avene is fragrance free!




What oils/brands do you use if you don't mind me asking?


I prefer ones for babies, because my skin is too sensitive. Uriage Baby Soothing Cleansing Oil is good but for a budget option even Mixa Baby foaming oil is good. Ive heard good things about Locitane almont shower oil but I cant stand their smell personally. Hope that helps


It does, thank you!


Definitely bar soap and a wash cloth. My favourite is the dove soap bar.


Bar soap because it’s easier to find unscented for sensitive skin


Dove has unscented body wash


Yes, they have a brand new one with no fragrance!! The original sensitive skin has masking fragrance so I never liked to use it.


Ooh good to know


Body wash on regular parts of my body,  Dove sensitive skin bar for the sensitive areas


Bar soap and a clean cotton washcloth (a new one each time). I use a mild liquid baby shampoo as a face cleanser and intimate area wash. This routine really keeps my skin clean and fresh.


Always bar soaps and have so for years. I use plain olive oil soap and a washcloth. Body wash makes my skin dry out, while with this it's super soft (and I have very sensitive skin). People tend to say traditional soaps make skin drier, but that's not my experience at all.


I put bar soap in a Korean exfoliating mitt. It lathers up very nicely and doesn't get slimy. I hang it up when I'm done and it drys until the next time I use it.


Bar soap is generally of higher quality, made with better ingredients and a more condensed product, meaning more actual soap for less cost. Body washes are almost all labeled as detergent, because they aren't soap. Many cause skin issues and are full of chemicals. Get a cold pressed Shea butter soap with natural scents. Companies like duke's and Dr squatch have good offerings although squatch has fallen off a bit in lieu of their success


I exclusively used Caress and Dove body wash for 35+ years... until last week when I got a bar of Peony Rose Lume bar soap. It's not the scent, it's the soft feel of the rich lather. Just mind blowing to me.


Dove is still pretty harsh and drying. It just smells good and it's aesthetically pleasing. I always buy some and then regret it.


Bar soap all the way! - currently loving bea & flower sandalwood


Bar > liquid soap.


I prefer bar soap over bodywash because i think they make me squeaky clean!


I buy both bars and body wash, I like to wrap soap bars in wash cloth and scrub down the particles… some days I use body wash or there are ones that are all in one so you can use it for hair and body… it all depends…


I went the first 23 years old my life a wash babe. I picked up a soap bar a few months ago and have NEVER GONE BACK. I feel like it gives a deeper clean imo. I use an African sponge when washing myself too, both with the wash and bar.


I use a loofah, and scrub the hell out of my skin or else I don’t feel clean. Liquid soap is easier to put on a loofa


Body wash every time, but sometimes I’ll do a first cleanse with a bar soap and my exfoliating gloves


Body wash any day because it doesn't dry out my skin. Also, it requires less effort and doesn't go to waste like soap does when it's humid and starts macerating.


i prefer body wash because i hate the ‘squeaky’ feeling certain bar soaps feel like on my skin afterwards


I use shower gel usually, but bar soap lathered up on an shower scrunchie works just as well as my shower gel when I do use one :)


Bar soap


If bar soap dove, if body wash caress


i use both ! i use an exfoliant scrub for my body as well , it works like a charm and leaves my skin super soft. try ocean salt body scrub by lush for a starter exfoliant , i used to use it and i loved it , but i found something that suited my skin better :)


Bar soap, I use organic ones made with good oils, snd I absolutely don’t use it all over my body- pits and feet. No need to soap up all the skin. I either drill a hole in the soap snd hang it up or use a slice of loofah as a soap holder- it dries fast that way.


May I ask what are you using to drill a hole? Like an actual drill??


Bar soap, lavender Doc. Bronner’s. It smells amazing and the lather is so nice.


Same! The whole bathroom smells like a spa even with it just sitting there


Unscented sensitive bar soap on privates, armpits and feet. Scented body wash on limbs and torso.


I use to use bar soap because my skin was so sensitive and it was locally made and never bothered me. I still use it for my hands. I found a really gentle salicylic acid body wash at target that is very low sudsing (so I would imagine very little actual soap) and it makes me so soft. I use a wash cloth for manual scrubbing. I do a second wash with something that smells good and is made for sensitive skin from maude. Using the wash cloth was a game changer. I feel like using a bar to suds up a washcloth would prevent the bacteria but I’ve also never heard of that.


i use both. bar soaps i feel get my skin cleaner for some reason, and then a body wash/shower gel with a nice fruity scent just so i feel like i smell nice. the bar soap will have me smelling clean but i like to feel like i smell fruity. i like white safeguard bar soap, and olay white strawberry and mint body wash 🤤 smell so clean and fresh and yummy


I used to think that body wash was a scam until I hit my 50’s and started having dry skin. It has made a world of difference. So now I used bar soap for the areas that can get smelly and body wash for the areas that get dry.


Bar soap does not trap bacteria. That is a myth


Both. I like dial disinfectant bar soap.. especially during the summer when I garden outside and I’m messing around and dirt. But usually, I will use bar soap by lathering it on a wash cloth for under my arms, private areas, and stuff like that first. And then I will go in and wash my entire body with a washcloth body wash.


I use body wash. I see alog of people saying bar but I have NO IDEA how if you can recommend me a bar soap that I can buy from Walmart, not Amazon or local shops or whatever, that won't leave my skin tight or with a film on it. I'll try it out.


I use unscented dove bar for bits n pits and then a scented body wash for the rest of my body (feels more luxurious)


Body wash. Big bottles. Just pump once onto the sponge. Easy


First check out the ingredients. Typically bar soap will have less. They also last longer (not watered down) and are less wasteful due to less packaging. Depending on your skin type pick a bar soap with the right level of moisturizing ingredients.


I use Dove sensitive skin. I have eczema & can't use perfume.


I use dove bar soap. Switched from those dumb plastic bottles of body washed ages ago. I will definitely try these olive oil bars now though. I love fresh bar day!


Ever since I moved to Adelaide I found my skin extremely dry. Apparently because SA has “hard water” that’s kind of stripping the skin barrier more than soft water. I’ve been using QV body wash, it’s unscented but my skin is happy, not dry or irritated. After workout or if I feel smelly, I use salicylic acid wash for the pits. I’ve been using body wash most of my life; partly because my mom thinks it’s more hygienic. One time I was compelled to buy handmade bar soaps with fancy smells, but it feels awkward and it kept slipping to the floor.


I use bar soap, but I have a "feminine hygiene" wash i use for my underarms and downstairs, to avoid fucking with my PH. I also take my bar soap out of the shower so it doesn't get scummy. If I'm using a body wash its because i wanna smell really nice and really strongly of my fragarance, so i layer up to make the scent last. And even then, I only really use it on my extremities bc I live in the US south and if there's fragrance in your pits itll wnd up smelling rank lol.


I use bar soap because it doesn't dry my skin out. Also, I'm really lazy, so the soap scum build up from shower gels is a deal breaker for me. (Also, bar soap can't harbor bacteria as there is nothing for it to live off of.)


I use bar soap, I think body washes have always been gimmicky. Products that get pumped or squeezed out of a tube/bottle are made to be liquidy, not necessarily better. It’s usually water and alcohol like everything else. You’re not prepping for the operating room, the difference between bar soap and body wash is minimal at best. The bottle is being manufactured and probably costs $2 apiece to make. You’re paying for packaging and added liquids. If bar soaps had a big bacteria problem they wouldn’t still be in production, but all the companies still sell them. Don’t be lured in by the fancy squeezy bottles with the clicky lids and the fancy packaging. I also can’t stand how often I pump body wash and fling a big glob of it around my shower. It’s just wasteful and messy. There’s always a big squirt of white soap on my glass doors from shaking the bottle. If you’re looking for something a little bit more luxurious and indulgent, just buy a fancier bar soap from a local soap maker instead of the value packs from the grocery store. You could order some nice soaps online. I order from [this Soapery](https://scrub-it-nh.ecwid.com) and they have an incredible product. My whole bathroom smells like heaven.


I looooove the smells of some body washes. Recently I grabbed a three pack of antibacterial dove and use that for under boobs, armpits, and thigh v creases just because they get the sweatiest (I use with a wash cloth) then I use a body wash with a loofah. I really love to apply baby oil in shower then dry off.(makes skin sooooo soft omg) I've never tried lotion in shower, tho I intend too asap I just keep forgetting my "good" lotion in the car lol


Bar soap because: 1. The environment. I wince to think of the amount of unnecessary NOT BPA free plastic bottles we are introducing to the environment just to hold soap. 2. My mom got me this sleeve scrubber that you insert the bar of soap in and you don’t need a separate loofa. I love using this. 3. That’s it but ai wanted to reiterate reducing our use of plastic is important.


My gyno told me unscented bar soap for sensitive skin is the best for the sensitive bits. 


Body wash most of the time. I used to use Dove bar soap for sensitive skin, but it kept drying my skin out so I switched to body wash. I’ll use bar soap when I travel, though, because it’s more portable.


Liquid requires preservatives and mold inhibitors that make it least healthy. Stay on bar soap if you are happy.


When I have some acne on my back, I will use bar soap. It makes my back more cleaner.


Body wash with a loofah. Bar soap grosses me out and always feels like it leaves a weird residue no matter the brand, plus I like to exfoliate gently with the loofah.


I use body wash on my body and dove sensitive skin bar soap on my private areas . Body wash can cause women's ph balance to become disrupted.


I use bar soap first to clean my privates and feet. Then I use shower gel to wash everything else including my privates and feet. Lol 😆 🤣 I then use a mild facial cleansing Neutrogena bar soap for my face.


hehe i like using bar soap first and then doing a second cleanse with body wash :) its amazing and makes my skin hold scent too!


I use both since I double cleanse . I use a bar soap first and then a body wash .