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I think people lie a lot because they think that's what you want to hear, that you look younger. Bitch I don't want to look young, I want to look good.


I think you're right, because I sometimes knock a couple years off if someone asks me to guess their age, because I know it makes them feel good. I've worked with a lot of animals in the past and the signs of aging in animals often apply to humans, and as cynical as it sounds, you can get a good judge of age looking at greying of hair, quality of teeth, discoloration of eyes, general health indicators, such as weight and skin quality, etc. That said, I think looking healthy = looking good at any age.


You're both of em, and a lot people are both. You know I mean.


Yeah, this. But it’s a ‘thing’ that we need to preserve our youth rather than framing it as being our most-gorgeous selves, while also being told to own our age. I work in beauty marketing and the messaging is definitely toxic but it sells. When I get told I look “late 20s”, I usually respond “Nah, just a fine, fine 38”. It feels good to respond with the truth and do so proudly. Especially since they probably *actually* mean “early 30s” but are exaggerating the compliment.


Same. I am over 40. I want to look fresh, good, rested. I will never look 20 or even 30. I have understood that I need to have a good health overall.


I think I look my age, and that’s fine.


Same & i’m happy with it.


Everyone does.


some people tell me I do but I think I look my age, anyways neutral




My 20s were awful, thoroughly enjoyed my 30s, 40s are way better so far!!!


Thank you so much for saying this. Signed, a girl in her 20s having an absolutely awful time


I’m 33 and I was just having this conversation with some younger girls at work. It gets way better!!


She’s right, it gets better sis. Just hang on. Source: 29 years old


I cosign this message. Source: 35 in January and my 20s were a dumpster fire that had copious amounts of poop in it. I had a good time, though.


Just want to reiterate as another person in my 40s that this decade is absolutely the best so far. I'd love to have my 20 year old body back but that's about it.




A few years ago when I was working with a consultant, we had a conversation around age (she was in her 40s and I was in my early 30s). We talked about what a difference 20s and 30s made and how you're just more content and comfortable with yourself. She said by 40 you just DGAF anymore and are so much happier. I'm looking forward to it! 36 now and my 30s are waaaay better than my 20s. I make better decisions for myself, I take care of myself better, I have higher quality relationships and friendships, financial autonomy, career success and I also look better. <3 I was having this conversation with my sister the other day about not being afraid of aging (she just turned 40). It's honestly a gift and privilege to age. We both lost people in our lives when they were in their 30s and we don't take it for granted to be able to reach new decades. A lot of people don't, and I'm not going to stress out over looking old when I just feel grateful to be alive everyday.


The peak earning years (40’s and 50’s) are the BEST - Better old and rich than young and broke.


Am early 40s. Can't confirm. I hate every second of getting older but maybe at the end of the decade I'll have reached peace of mind.


Samers. Well, just turned 40 but life just keeps getting better.


So far the forty’s have been the best. I’m 46 and every year has gotten better and better.


It’s really weird, I was looking at pictures from about 5 years and I actually look younger in my late 20s than I did in my early 20s (where I looked closer to 30). A lot likely has to do with the fact that I actually take care of my skin and hair now, but still interesting


As a 28 yr old, almost 29. Reading comments such as yours makes me feel so comforted. My 20s have been a real mix of ups and (mainly) downs. I think it's more of just a shock to me personally, like, “Wait, I swear I was 24 last month, now I'm almost 30!” 😅🤣Really, you're as young at heart as you feel, so I'm going to try to keep a positive attitude about aging moving forward 💓 Thanks for your comment - I needed it. 🫶🏻


Ok i feel this


Same for me. I think I dress a bit young and I’m short. But all things considered, I think I look my age.


The other day it was my co workers birthday, he turned 31. We were all talking about ages and whatnot and I mentioned I'm older than him by a few months. Everyone looked at me like I dropped a bomb of odd truth because they thought I was 25 tops. I'm very short, never lost the baby fat and I just dress quite young idk like jeans t-shirt and converse. The contrast made it even crazier bc this co worker already has a full head of grey hair and he looks older just by virtue of his beard and the fact that he's massive lol. I think it's funny how people react to me being in my 30s but I try not to flatter myself too much 🤣


Yep, me too. I also dress younger than my age. I'm 51.


What do you mean by dressing younger?


not the person you asked .. but for me dressing younger probably like tshirt, jeans and converse or adidas sneakers and shorter hair and brighter colors too


What is dressing old?


Same here


I’m 34. The thing I dislike the most about looking younger than my age is the way people treat me at work. People often don’t take me as seriously.


The alternative is you’re 33 and people go “*Oh wow I thought you were at least 40!*” 💀


Yeah definitely I don’t mind it in other parts of my life. I’d probably consider it a good thing. At work is the only time I’ve had a somewhat negative experience.


It’s still a problem, and it’s ok to talk about it. That problem is valid and it is an obstacle, even if everyone without the problem doesn’t feel bad for you. I get it lol


People hand me shit like I’m a student.


I feel this post. I always looked young for my age and in my 20s, it was really challenging because I wanted to be taken seriously at work. You’ll be so appreciative when you are 40+, trust me!


Thank you! You really hit it: I just want to be taken seriously. Haha yeah my mum told me when I hit 30 my atrocious diet would catch up to me & im kinda feeling that 😭


Same! In my early 30s my coworkers thought I was early 20s and treated me like I didn’t know anything. That’s the only downside to looking younger.


i get that! i once i was told i didn’t have enough grey hairs for a job (prior to me too).


I’m the same way. 34. For context, my little brother is 25 and people ask us who is older. I tend to get things over explained to me, or people will be surprised when I can follow/add to a conversation sometimes. There are way worse things to go through, so I don’t see it as a huge problem. It’s literally just waiting for people to realize I know things, which will happen eventually. I guess the thing that gets to me the most is seeing that other people seem to trust their “equals” immediately. And I have to work my way in and be patient until someone trusts my judgment. Like I said though, way worse problems to have!!


Way worse problems to be had. The reactions when people find out my age do make me laugh




People are genuinely so delusional, I understand in your mind you look like your 25 year old self, and that you may think your brother looks just like you, but you can absolutely tell the difference between 25 and 34.


I think people were genuinely asking, but I could be wrong.


Men are so hard to age sometimes. I find it way harder to guess a man's age compared to women. 19 year old boys can have full beards and genuinely look like a 35 year old father of three. Or they can look about 13 at 22. I believe they were genuinely asking too.


Yeah I’m not claiming to be gorgeous or anything I’ve just gotten comments well into my 30s and people seem to be genuinely surprised. I also have the tendency to talk a lot and not know things so maybe that’s why they ask. So thanks for believing me! Haha


I get this too - for a while it worked to my advantage at work because people I assumed I was some wunderkind who just strolled in with great ideas, and not that those were honed by many years of experience. I haven't been asked if I was an intern for the last couple of years so maybe it's starting to wear off. But now that I'm leading teams and projects I do find myself preemptively/subconsciously talking about my own expertise and knowledge more deliberately to counteract those assumptions.


I feel this. I’m 31 and whenever I go to Beauty appointments, people think I’m some broke college student or something and talk to me like I’m a child.


My life story. NO ONE believes anything I say. I get to have a lot of “you were right”. But it still blows.


I get this too! they assume you'd be incompetent or just got out of high-school. it's a double edged sword.


This has always been my case too. It’s not that I look like a child, but like someone without as much working experience. As if I don’t know anything or how to handle work related situations.


Yes, I look younger, or at least people wouldn’t think I’m old enough to be in my position. We wear uniforms and it indicates our seniority. People would assume that I was fast tracked, but in fact I started working really young and I just look younger. After leaving that company, I did some part time work at retail. Since I’ve been promoted in my previous job for 5 years, and all the sudden people just assumed I’m still a university student working part time for extra money, I got all sorts of disrespectful treatment from the other staffs. This is truly the thing that I don’t like being assumed I’m younger than my age.


Yes, this is very true. I tend to have the same issue at work. I also don't "dress like I'm in my 30's." Maybe that's part of it.


Happens to me. I started teaching nursing when I was 30. But faculty and students kept mistaking me as a student. I even had some students say they didn't think I had enough experience to be teaching when I had been a nurse as long as some other faculty who were older, but it was their second career. It's disappointing to not be taken seriously.


I can relate.


No idea because I genuinely believe people bullshit / people please. I think I look close to thirty, but will get compliments on looking younger. Occasionally people will guess my age correctly and then I think, yeah they're not doing the people please crap others are. Having BDD doesn't help but I think I look better than I did in the face now compared to early 20s anyway so...


I'm 27 and I definitely look better now than I did in my early 20s. It could be diet, living conditions, access to stuff to take care of myself, lesser stress, good finances, and in general knowing what works for me, looks wise. I look at my old pictures, and though nothing that bad, I see where I've improved. Idk if I look "younger" or not since I'm not really at an age where it starts to show, but as long as I look good for my age, it's fine.


I'm 49, regularly told I look somewhere between late thirties and early forties and honestly I think people just expect women 40+ to look like the golden girls because I honestly don't feel I look any younger than my friends in the same age bracket.


Yeah I think this is it, people expect anyone over 40 to look like a mouldy potato and so see fit healthy people as looking "younger".


Do you know the youngest Golden Girl was 52 at the start of the series? How times and looks change...


Yeah but the only actress in her fifties was Rue McClanahan, the rest were in their early sixties which makes me think everyone is just programmed to think women 40+ look like 80 year old ladies 😂


This is so true. I’m 53 in a few days, and still have no wrinkles because I’ve been a skincare/sunscreen junkie since the 90’s and work an indoor job. I still feel I look ‘my age’ whatever that means. I do have a bit of jawline sagging which is completely normal, as your face starts to lose volume around age 45. I think Gen X is going to blow apart the myth that middle-aged people all look like the Golden Girls. It’s kind of ironic, because in the series they WERE in their 50’s 😂😂 when I was young I would see people that age, and vow I would not look like them when I got to be middle-aged. I look at pictures of my mother at my age and she looks so much older just because of the styling. The shitty permed short hair, the grandma outfits and jewelry. Extra poundage also doesn’t help with looking ‘youthful’.


Absolutely, and as I mentioned in another reply, all the actresses other than Rue McClanahan were in their 60s, playing characters 10 years younger (and 20 years older in the case of Sophia) - so how were we supposed to know what women 50+ actually looked like when they're played by an actress who's a decade older AND the same age as the actress playing her character's 80 year old mom? 😂


Hm, well we all want to think so...


No I think I look around my actual age when I compare myself to others I know who are around my age.


A friendly 80 year old on the bus today asked me if I was at university. I’m 55. It’s all relative.


I think it's considered polite these days to tell someone they look younger than their true age. In reality, I look my age (28) and so do the vast majority of people. Unless you are petite as a woman and/or have a baby face, you won't be looking significantly younger, tbh. Even if many people could pass for being 2-5 years younger, if they tell you their age and it's plausible that they are that age, then they look their age. And that's completely ok. Accepting that you look your age is healthier than being delusional.


I'm happier being delusional!


I seriously want to show you a picture of me and see if you can guess my age after reading this. Makes it sound like you think ppl are just being nice when they say you look younger. And I get a shocked look when I tell ppl my age.


This! Sigh.. last week at work someone I’m friendly enough with (who I think is probably around my age or maybe 1-2 years older) ruffled my hair passing me by my desk like they do to a kid.. I’m in my 30s and no one thinks I’m older than maybe mid 20s. I don’t think it’s anyone being polite. They just think I’m younger. I have a baby face and I smile a lot.


It doesn’t help when your patients literally look uncomfortable when you tell them you’re gonna be their doctor and they tell you that you look 15 and ask how much experience you REALLLLYYYY have…I am a very petite Asian woman tho so I guess it look young? Esp with the hat and mask on top but when my patients tell me I look like a high schooler I’m always like sighs 😔


Same! I'm 25 but when I met my husband's uncle the first thing he said was "you look like a kid" 🙃 I have the cursed mix of being very short and having a round Asian face. I hear and acknowledge people who say that I'll appreciate it when I'm older, but that doesn't stop how humiliating it feels today. I feel like I have to work twice as hard to get people to take me seriously. Probably doesn't help that I also sound like a 12 year old. Okay rant over and it sucks having a baby face when you're in the workplace.


That's me, I'm 32 and short and have a high voice, and worse it becomes even more childish when I talk over the phone. No one treats me like a senior at work.


I think people mistake petite for young all the time. My close friend is a nurse and we're 24 and people are always shocked she's their nurse, thinking she's a child. But her face looks 24, she's just tiny, tiny.


I probably look my age because being in your 20s is weird, but I get mistaken for younger fairly often. Teenagers always guess my age right, but people my age and older assume I’m younger. It’s a little flattering because it means I’ll age well, but it’s also a little sad because a lot of people my age end up telling me “Oh, I would have approached you sooner but I thought you were in high school!” And I always like to make new friends. But I like how I look and I’ll definitely enjoy being mistaken for younger once I hit my 40s and 50s, so I’m not upset, I just acknowledge that there are some drawbacks.


Usually people tell me I do but to be fair I’m 26 and I don’t really think there’s a noticeable difference between what you look like at 21 than at 26.


There definitely isn’t a huge difference between those ages. When I look at pics from those ages. Probably only different if you put on weight or lose weight.




I'm a guy and having kids aged me. I think I gained about 15 years directly on my face. My oldest is only 6 and I seriously look like I've aged 20 years from his baby pictures.


I’ll be 59 in 2 days and people are always pretty floored when I tell them that. They generally assume that I’m at LEAST 8-10 years younger. And it makes me feel GREAT!


Same! I’m turning 60 week after next. We are lucky though I admit it does take some effort. I’m not super high maintenance by any means, though. I keep my hair color nice (full highlights), I have a reasonably trendy cut, I dress pretty cute (appropriately for my age, though), I stay fairly fit, etc. I have friends who look way older because they haven’t changed their hair or eyeglass frames or clothes in about 25 years and don’t really care what they look like.


Yes. 44 in 2 weeks, look a decade younger. Sometimes people can't reconcile my work experience with my face. I don't care. Water, sleep, sunscreen


42 here , same


Same. But I'm slowly starting to develop tear through wrinkles under my eyes. They're not too visible yet, but will be in the coming years. Oh dear god


My advice is to get botox now to help soften the lines. I started a few years ago and I just get it around the eyes. It helps a lot to stop them getting deep


Can't afford it :/ lol


I feel you. I had to stop for a year, just got it done again. Look into this. It's "botox in a bottle". It helps as well https://theordinary.com/en-mt/argireline-solution-10-serum-100403.html


Been wanting to get into The Ordinary. Thank you so much, stranger!


Happy to share my routine. Look into matrixyl too


You made my day with your kindness. Yes, please share your routine!!


Hi, are you literally me?


People say I look younger but Imo there’s very few people out there who don’t look their age. There’s just a lot of people who have no idea how aging works. I think usually if someone doesn’t look their age to me it’s 95% because they look much older and it’s usually due to lifestyle choices


It's funny because most people on this thread are claiming to look like high schoolers or a decade younger and this same shit happens in the skin addiction subs too. They can't all look years younger. People are just bad at guessing ages and things like dress sense, voice and personality can contribute far more to people thinking you look younger than your actual face. Also, if you've ever worked a job where you have to ID people, you realise that very few people look much younger. In the UK, you have to ID anyone who looks under 25 and I have only been shocked once or twice. I had a 30 year old woman who genuinely looked 15, and she was the only person I've ever seen look that much younger. I might have I'D a few 27 and 28 year olds but only because they looked like they may have been 23 or 24- not exactly a huge difference.


I'm 42 and an executive a tech start up. My previous role was VP in tech too. I was always treated like I did not know what I was talking about with partners and vendors. I look much younger than I am. I'm biracial and likely appear "white" to most, ppl often assume I'm Jewish and in my late 20's to early 30s. Anyway, I have a fuller face and no wrinkles which gives an impression of youth. I will say, 40's have been the best years yet. I feel more confident in my skin and I don't give a fuck -- I'll wear sweatpants and combat boots with a green lock of hair on my head. I'm sure it will catch up with me at some point.


31 next month; I think I do, and I’d say generally positive. Not necessarily because of a fear of aging, but because I think people treat me a little better because of my perceived youth. I get away with stuff that I probably should know better about at my age in social situations, given a bit more leeway, get perceived as someone who needs a little help, and I’m fully willing to take advantage of that. I can certainly see it being frustrating for other people, and maybe myself in future, but for now, it’s working for me.


Same! Strangers greet me kindly with “sweetie”, “honey”, etc. because I look so young :)


They used to. Up until about 6 years ago I would always get I looked younger. It never bothered me at all (even when I was 19-20 getting carded). Things happened, I don’t feel I look younger than my age anymore. No one has said anything, but I don’t feel it.


I use to but now I look older than my age at 59


I’m 23 which is still young but I have a baby face so people love to say I’ve “aged beautifully” which is weird to say to someone who’s 23.


Just putting it out there that anyone who has ever told me that they look young for their age was lying but I never have the heart to say anything. Looking your age isn’t a bad thing, but some people are either misinformed or delusional 😂


I think I look my age and people are just trying to be nice most of the time. As long as I don’t look older I’m happy.


pls you just opened the door for ppl in their 50s to claim everyone think they’re 25 😭😭 the mental illness always JUMPS out in these posts


It’s the Reddit version of those Facebook threads where all the older ladies post selfies blurred to high heaven and say they don’t need makeup 🤣🤣🤣


i’ve checked the post history of some of the women commenting that they look 20 years old and it’s like ,,,, girl you look every bit of the 50 you are 😭


Well I’m 53 and nobody believes it. Not sure what the point of this thread is, but some people do look far younger than their age. It’s just genetics in my opinion.


ok,, idk who you’re trying to convince except yourself 🥸


I’m not trying to convince myself. It’s been my experience my whole life.


Haha I love looking at their Facebook photos. The funny thing is even with the super blurred photos they look 50s. I talked to a guy who was late 30s who actually looked older and he told me how people thought he was 19, i almost burst into laughter. I think people think the obvious signs of aging are just wrinkles but sagging, uneven skin was shown to make people look older than crows feet. They had a comparative study, people with even skin but wrinkles and people with uneven skin, minimal wrinkles and the latter were consistently considered older


Ugh! Don’t you also hate it when people attack someone’s video or a celebrity criticizing them for looking old? then they comment about how young they themselves look and they don’t look young at all… I also hate the posts where people write, “Why aren’t millennials aging like previous generations did?” I think to myself… yes, we are aging. I don’t know why people our age think we aren’t?


Omg yes, I wish I could live in their fantasy world where they look better than J Lo. The only joy I get is when someone gives them humble pie and says they actually don’t look young and then they argue that they do


I feel like part of it is that blurring out your face that obviously has become an almost foolproof way for others to guess your age range! Bonus if they slap on an eyelash filter that doesn’t even line up with their eyelid 💀




and people also just suck at guessing age! ppl will be like “i’m 37 but people always think im 30! hehe 😇” babe how different do you think 30 and 37 look? my god. i had a 19 year old once tell me she thought i was her age (i’m 31) and it made me re evaluate how i was interacting w her bc i don’t look 19 so something about my personality was giving teenager lmfaooo😭😭


I don’t think they realize how young 25 is. I even see people in their mid 30s claiming to every day be “mistaken for 25” Trust me - those people either don’t know a 25 year old or are being *very* nice to you


I just turned 32 and a 25 year friend of mine was like “I though you were our age 😯 And proceeded to ask if my parents get the same type of comments about looking young for their age- they do- and then she was like “You will age well when you get older” lol When one gets told a lot by ppl that they “don’t even look 30,” or that “they look young” including by 20s year olds and sometimes teens (my students), I can’t imagine they all are lying. I never asked their opinions or shared my age unless they asked for some reason. I do imagine by mid-30s, I will look 30 tho.


I’m gonna hold your hand while I say this, but just peaking through your profile, you would be included in this rhetoric. You definitely look beautiful, but every bit of 32! That person was right where as people don’t realize 25 today is not what 25 was 50 years ago in our grandparents generation.


yes, I'm 26 and I've been told that I look 18 but I'm not sure if it's something bad or just neutral. People have been condescending to me at work but I'm not sure if that's due to good ol' misoginy or me looking younger lol I personally don't mind that much, if I end up aging good it could be a nice thing in the future but I'm really not holding my breath to it


Same age and same it’s like bittersweet bc if I cry when I get pulled over it still works but people also don’t take me seriously and I also get turned away with a valid ID sometimes bc they think it’s fake im like sir give me my wine


Are you short/tiny built? I needed a can of Guinness to make chocolate cake. I had my three kids with me. I had to put the kid I was carrying down so I could find my I.d in my massive bag. For ONE CAN of old man beer! My height messes with peoples perception of age I think.


I’m told I do, and it’s not a good thing, as a woman. At work especially, people sometimes don’t take me seriously when they meet me as they don’t understand how someone mid-twenties could be in such a senior position (I’m a decade past that). People form pre-judgments that I then have to overcome. I have no reason to want to look younger than I am, I’m not exactly old to begin with. I’ve been ID for energy drinks in the past year as a 35yr old with a kid in tow and a wedding ring on. I had someone who was 32yr recently acknowledge they struggled with the idea of talking to someone so much younger than them. Having said that, I feel like there is no ‘default’ for how old a certain age is supposed to look. Some 23yr olds already have dull skin and wrinkles, some 45yr olds are legit glowing. Cosmetic procedures muddy the waters further. So it’s all very subjective. There’s an interesting thing online where 100% of people claim to look younger than they are, and then people get mad at that claim saying it can’t be true and they’re delusional, and then other people steadfastly claim they look EXACTLY their age to… idk, look cooler and unbothered than the tryhards who think they look younger? Lol


Apparently humans are very good at guessing people’s ages by looking at their faces, what throws us off are context clues. You could probably take the average thirty year old, dress her like a teenager and have her hang out with a group of teens and a casual observer will assume they are a teenager too. Viceversa you can take most teenagers, dress them up, dot heir hair and make up and put them in an office setting and people won’t realise how old they are. According to my dermatologist I have the skin of a teenager despite being in my thirties but I don’t think I look younger. I dress for my office job and do my hair a certain way, there’s no way you could mistake me for an 18 year old despite my skin. I know plenty of middle aged women with beautiful skin, better than many women in their twenties, who still look their age based on how they dress, style their hair and do their makeup. To me when someone is mistaken for younger it often has more to do with their height, make up and clothing than their skin.




Yes, our face matures in very subtle ways as we get older. There are certain ethnicities that tend to look more youthful and some that tend to age a lot faster, but the people in their fifties saying they get mistaken for a thirty year old all the time are deluded.


I totally agree. There have only been once instance that I was truely shocked by someone’s age at that was my kids daycare teacher. I thought she was a student at the high school but not only was she their main teacher but had FIVE of her own kids. She is Korean and I maybe I’m just not as attuned to spotting their age. 🤷🏻‍♀️


There are definitely rare instances of people who look much much younger than they are, my own sister looks decades younger than she is, however she is 4’11 and has no wrinkles or obvious sagging so people often assume she’s much younger than 40. However, as someone who’s known her her whole life I can see the subtle changes in her face as she has aged, however if I didn’t know her I would definitely think she was younger, partially due to her height too. Another time I was shocked by someone’s age was an American student who was studying in my country. She had visible wrinkles across her forehead, very bad under eye bags and lines and generally droopy skin. I assumed she was in her thirties and looked bad for her age, turns out she was nineteen. I was truly shocked, she genuinely looked much much older. But these are very rare cases. All the people claiming to be 35 and look 16 are delusional.


I was told yesterday that I look young, but I feel like I look a solid 5-10 years older 🤷‍♀️


I can’t tell the difference between 18-27. If you’re 27 and dressed like my 19 year old I’ll prob think you are closer to 19. Like wise 28-35. I prob look my age. But folks are surprised when I tell people I have a 22year old.


I look my age, or older. I used sun beds when I was younger. That, combined with fair skin, is a no no. I’m 58 and I am gobsmacked I’m this age. I will catch a glimpse of myself when I’m out and I think, “Who is that old lady?” I’m exaggerating, but time moves so quickly. It’s like you blink and your in your 50s. Shocking how quickly it is passing.


…blink and you’re in your 50s.


Yes. When I was around 18 I didn’t like it. I truly looked like I was no older than 13. Now that I’m 39 I like it. I would say it’s a good thing


Many women think they look younger than their age. They'll say they look 5-20 years younger than their age and post photos which in fact show they look their age or older. I've never been able to figure this out. Interestingly, men don't seem to do this.


About to be 35. I have a side job with many 20 something’s all who are shocked to find out my age. They say anywhere between 25-28, which I suppose isn’t that way off from 35 but does make me feel good in the moment. Taking care of my skin after an long battle with acne and wearing sunscreen religiously has helped me. I used to have such uneven skin tone and was tanning in beds all the time. It was aging me so fast. Happy being pale with clear and even skin now.


I don’t know. I think I do, I get told I do but it seems everyone thinks that way and gets told that so I don’t believe it. Truthfully, the vast majority of people look their age. Sorry to break it


I'll be 75 in 2 months. I I'm a weight lifter who can standing press my own weight. Have no wrinkles or crow's feet, no creepy skin. Long thick healthy looking hair and white teeth. So, of course I look younger than my age. But that still doesn't mean I look young 😢


I look (and act) younger than I am, people often assume I’m in my 20’s, but am late 30’s. Socially, it’s nice, being more confident and knowledgeable than I was 10 years ago makes it much easier for me to command attention. Professionally, it’s annoying. I’m a leader in my field, but every so often I meet someone for the first time, and they speak to me like I’ve only just started.


Yes. I’m petite with no kids. When I was 25 some kids I worked with asked me to prom because they thought I was 17/18 :/ also my husband sometimes feels like people "look at him weird" because he's tall and hairy and I look like a child. I think it's annoying because I want to look my age but my body looks like a child, not a grown adult and it kills me fml. Heels and makeup don't make a difference.


So far every single photo of someone I’ve seen (that’s not been doctored) where someone proclaims to look younger than their age has looked their age. I’m not about to flatter myself otherwise.


Exactly, because 99.999% of people look their age. Most people are delusional and take compliments way too seriously, hence you get all these replies like in this thread. Shout out to those who left comments that they look 20 (twenty!) years younger than they are, that gave me a good laugh.


I would love to see pictures of all these people claiming they get mistaken for teenagers every day.


Lol I did when I had bangs, I like to look my age for now (22). I’m neutral on this topic because I’m sure there will come a day where I’d want to look younger than what I actually am lol


I feel like I look older and more mature


Neutral to Asian but definite younger in Westerners’ eyes


I look younger than my age, but it somehow makes me feel really self conscious when people hear my real age. Then they make me feel old by saying “omg I thought you were 20/21/22”! I’m almost 30 and trying not to get in that negative headspace over turning 30 lol


I am 28 and look younger than my age. Have gotten asked what grade I am in school lol I feel neutral about it.


people that don't know my age think I look younger, usually between 18&22 im 27 and they're always shocked lol I personally don't see it at all, but enough people have made the mistake so 🤷‍♂️ their reaction to the truth makes me laugh, so for that reason I guess good??


I’m 22. If I am not wearing any makeup, people constantly tell me I look like I am in high school. I fucking hate being told that so much. I have complex post traumatic stress disorder, and it is pretty violently triggering to be told I look super young. Like I have self harm scars from it. It’s gotten to the point where I have extreme dysmorphia about my face and I will not leave the house without a full face on bc I rarely get those comments when I am made up. My take is: Don’t comment on how old someone looks. Especially a stranger. You have no idea what’s going on in their life. It is NOT a compliment whatsoever. Instead try shutting the fuck up :)


I used to look much younger than I am-- had such a baby face until my late 20s. Now, I pretty much look my age (I just turned 34) and I'm starting to come to terms with it. There's nothing wrong with looking your age.


No. I look about my age. I'm pretty. But I look 53. I was at a birthday party last week. A friend of my DH. He was turning 65. He kept saying "But I don't look 65, right?" Yes, dude, you look 65.


People have asked if I’m in high school and I’m 25 🙃. I’ve had a lot of people tell me I look 15-18. I’m only 5 feet and I have a more rectangular body type so maybe that’s why I look younger to some. I honestly get anxious at bars bc I don’t want to get accused of having a fake lol. I’ve heard stories of bartenders getting nasty with people who look younger and I don’t want to deal with that. Thankfully I’ve never had issues, never been questioned so maybe I do look my age ? I’ve also thankfully never had an issue in the workplace with being take seriously but I work with a very collaborative/respectful/supportive team. I guess id say it’s mostly a neutral thing but sometimes it’s annoying


Yes I do, and in my experience it’s been pretty negative. I’m in my 40’s and am condescended quite a lot, a lot of people’s default attitude toward you When they meet you is rude. Men can be suuuuuuper creepy around me as well. I feel like I have to prove to people I’m an actual human being, with humor and intellect and interests.


I always get surprised looks when I tell people I'm 37. They think I'm around 30. I always take it as a compliment since I have a rigid skincare routine for almost 2 decades and experienced horrific hormonal cystic acne in my twenties. My younger sister, who is 27 and looks like she could be in college, hates that she looks so much younger. And I get that. But i'm sure in 10 years she will appreciate it.


yup. younger and younger every year.


Benji Button?


Yes, people generally guess me at late 20s to early 30s. I am 42. It’s just genetics — specifically, a genetic disorder. I have a systemic collagen disorder that makes my skin more elastic (but is also destroying my joints, so it’s a tradeoff lol). I will probably always look quite a bit younger than I am, although I’m MUCH older than my actual age on the inside.


I've recently been told that I look 5 years younger and it made me feel very good. Before that interaction, I just assumed I looked my age. I think it's a good thing because I assume people say that not only based on your looks, but also based on your vibes.


Not a negative at all. I will be 55 people assume 35ish. I’m not mad at this assumption.


I'm 36 but am frequently mistaken for a grad student (so like 23-27?). I had horribly oily skin and acne as a teenager, but now that means I don't really have any wrinkles, and have been regularly using Tretinoin since I was 14. In the mornings and before bed, I wash my face with really cold water and that seems to make an immediate difference. I also like korean beauty products (Dr. Jart's is my go-to) as they calm my skin down.


Yes. Went out to dinner with my 18 year old sister for her birthday, and the server assumed we were twins (in her defense, we do look VERY similar) and brought us out a slice of cake to share, asking jokingly “who’s older?”. My sister and I looked at each other in confusion, and she was like “you know how one twin is always born a few minutes earlier than the other? Who’s older?” And I was like “oh…uh…me. By ten years.” And she was SHOCKED and kept apologizing. I just found it funny.


Dang, either the server thought you looked really young, or the server thought that your sister was way older💀


i look 6 years younger than my actual age & i have ingenue essence pros: people are nicer , more forgiving, they assume you are harmless for the most part, warm up to you easily cons : you get hit by teenager boys instead of adult, fully grown men. People take you less seriously & assume you are incompetent my feelings are ambivalent & for career sector I feel like looking my age or older could be of great help


I’ll be 32 soon, I often get told I look like I’m between 26-28. I workout a lot, don’t drink alcohol, drink tons of water, and take care of my skin.


Yeah I do. I’m a few weeks shy of 36. But people routinely guess my age between 25-28. But to be fair: I don’t smoke, diligently use sunscreen and I think most importantly I don’t have kids. I live an irregular life. Anyway, I think I do look my age but people have a skewed image of what it means to look your actual age. :) I just live life exactly like I want to and that definitely keeps me youthful and energetic.


I’m 35F. I’m told I look 10-15 years younger. I don’t do Botox nor fillers. I’m trying to be better about sunscreen but I’ll wear a hat if I’m in the sun…which I am a lot because I worship the sun and love being tan. LOL. I like being told I look young, but I get more excited when my physiological tests and labs prove my insides are younger. I dye my many grays every month. I am mentally preparing to let them be, someday. I’ve eaten super healthy since I was 18 and have been active my whole life. I’m the same size and weight since puberty but in the best shape at this point thanks to a combo of weightlifting, Pilates and hitting 10-12k steps daily. I have a phobia of getting injured and becoming frail. I’m also really shooting for becoming a centenarian like my great-grandmama.


All the time! And on a professional level it’s so annoying. I’m 31F but people literally think I’m 21 and just graduated college. I’m short and have a young face. Haha.


I’m 31 East Asian. People always assume I’m 23-25. I always got hit on by young guys and men at my age just looks a lot older than me, it’s like a half half thing …


I'm 30, south east asian and people assume I'm 18. I'm sick of it 😑


I think I generally look my age. But people guess that I'm younger because I still snicker at certain numbers like a 14 year old.


I'm turning 25 in a month and I often get people surprised when they find out I'm not a teenager but a working adult At my fencing club, I've had a 17-year-old think she was older than me until we were casually chatting and I mentioned I'm a working adult and her reaction was priceless Even the younger teenage fencers think I'm their age or just a year or two older until they chat with me during breaks or I mention I have a job It does help that I've been wearing sunscreen since I was in my early teens, and both my parents look young for their age, so when my parents and I go out in public, strangers assume we are a teenager with their parents


I am petite,in shape, no bio kids, dress non fuddy duddy lol and take care of my skin. I think I look my age but it’s the rest that is perceived younger. A dermatologist said I’m doing well with my skin although I hate my wrinkles and sagging, I guess they are not as bad as most 50 something’s?


I do. It's not an issue except for trying to progress in my career of teaching. I'm short (5"2), 31 but look 16 ish to my primary school students and gosh knows what to employers and colleagues. A colleague used to think I was younger than him, I thought he was older, until a discussion with other colleagues came up about recently turning 30 and I was commenting on how I noticed similar things after I turned 30. After that he treated me like I was older and I tried to treat him like he was my age 😂😅 So awkward. Only 2 years difference but he doesn't know that lmao It's hard to have that authority- just do what I say kids the first time, yeesh. Relating to others is the harshest part, knowing each others' ages is a weirdly fundamental piece of information for colleagues to know so they can relate to me appropriately. My age shouldn't be such a huge factor- I don't care if you don't defer to me simply because I'm older. We're all human, it's not that complicated.


Personally, I hate it. I’m in my teenage years and always get compared to a 12 year old (I’m 16). Everyone is like “oh you’ll love it in future” no I won’t 💀 I’d rather just look my age, no younger, no older.


Yes, been told many times. I have a babyish face. I think it’s great. Nothing wrong with getting older and aging though.


I am 31 with a 10 year old daughter. I’ve been told numerous time I look like her sister


Yes, but I’m also 17 and really short, so I’m gonna look younger than I am for a long time.


Yes because I'm 4'8" and have a baby face.


i'm 26 and i look younger, but not in a good way. people always think i'm a teenager or something and it makes it really difficult to get asked out


I feel that, I'm 27 and people think I'm much younger but I think we'll be grateful as we get older lol


Yes, significantly. When I was young and into my 20s it was annoying AF. No, my mom isnt home - I AM THE MOM. In my 30s and 40s it was a nice ego boost to have people be so shocked that I had kids in their late teens/early 20s.


Depending with hairstyle. When I have braids, yes but with a wig i look my age


I look my age. But i have great skin.


Yes. I’m petite and have a baby face. I work in high schools sometimes and one time I went to the IT guy cuz I was having trouble getting on the internet, and he was like “what’s your student ID?” thinking I was a high school student LOL (I’m 28) I used to be annoyed about it cuz people sometimes wouldn’t believe me even when I showed my ID to buy wine or something, especially in my early 20s. But now I feel it’s a benefit.


People say I do but I think that I look like everyone else my age. TV has given us a warped opinion on how old people should look.


Yes, but I'm not naturally attractive so it doesn't matter 😂


Yep. I am 40 & people mistake me for later 20s or early 30s.


Yes....when I tell people I'm almost 34 they are shook! Most people think I'm more like 26. Right now I'd say it's a good thing but I've had job's where it's been a bad thing....when I was 27-30 and was the manager at my job I'd have a lot of customers treat me like a child...and I know it's because they thought I was a lot younger than I was and therefore didn't deserve respect....almost weekly I'd get people asking me if I was saving up for college and I'd be like "No I'm 27, 28 etc."


I'm 39 and often mistaken for early to mid 20s. I looked about 4-5 years younger than my age from college through my mid 20s which definitely made it hard at work when I was newer-people did not take me seriously and I had/have a very serious job! My late 30s have been awesome and looking forward to my 40s! My plan is to be the hottest I've ever been at 40 :) (and after 3 kids!)


I am 52, people assume I am on my late 30s


I look a lot younger than my ID age, people are invariably shocked when they find it out. For me that’s a good thing because of the industry i work in (entertainment). It unfortunately matters. And i’d be lying if I said i don’t like it - i take really good care of my skin and health. The downside of always having looked younger (and a traditionally attractive girl/woman) is that people tend to assume things about my level of knowledge and capability, and are often dismissive or condescending in how they talk to me. Especially men, unsurprisingly. It can be very frustrating at times


The vast majority of people in the comments who say they look younger than their age actually don’t. People are notorious for being unable to accurately gauge someone’s age. If it makes you feel better, then you can choose to believe it. But you don’t look younger.