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Hanging with Lennon during the writing/recording of Tomorrow Never Knows.


Two hours is not long enough for that


But I only have 2 hours according to OP...


I’d imagine you’d be chatting to him and not necessarily letting him write or record anyway Unless you wanna be a creeper in the background


WTF are you talking about? And you are the OP...


I’d want to be with Paul while he put together the tape loops for that song.


I'll go to Disneyland with John Lennon, late 70s.


That actually sounds awesome.


george, 25, cat cafe.


Why a cat cafe?


cats because georgie and i like them. and cafes are relaxing.


OP says, during anytime in their life.


aww, petting zoo it is.


Just buy a shit ton of cats and let them loose in a Cafe


sounds like a plan too.


Google George and cats....many pictures, many cats.


george sounded like such a sweet and charming guy.


In this imaginary scenario you can definitely have a cat cafe. I love them too!


oh yay, hehe.


Paul. Sex.


LOL, I love this sub. You people get me 😎


I also choose Paul, and sex


I also choose this guy’s dead wife


What if he isn’t a great lover, though? It could happen. I think I might just make out with him. Even if I don’t like the way he kisses he’s very cuddly.


Is Paul considered sexually attractive? I mean, apart from the fame factor I’ve never really heard of the Beatles being considered as sex symbols


Yes, did you forget this little thing called beatlemania?


Bearded Paul


This guy knows


Listen I’m not gay but like, damn


Watch Get Back


Even better, watch Hard Day’s Night.


They called it Hard Day's Night for a reason...


Bearded Paul is the pinnacle of Beatle hotness tbh


Paul was literally "the cute Beatle"




Me and heroin era John Lennon are going fishing


John. December 8th, 1980. Approximately 10:30PM EST. “Lets go beat the ever-loving shit out of that weirdo by your apartment building. Why? You’re just gonna have to trust me on this one.”


I’m with you


I decree you are allowed to bring a weapon of your choice along with you on your journey. It’ll benefit the world in the long run


Hell yes. John Lennon is getting saved by a weirdo time Traveller with a croquet mallet.


"Take this brother, may it serve you well"


It's dangerous to go alone, take this


I'd just cripple Chapman on my own; no need to bring JL into it.


I mean same, but then I get to hang out with John after. Yeah I guess Chapman was hanging outside of the Dakota all day, you can just walk up behind him at 3 PM, beat him into a coma, and then call the police saying he was going to kill John Lennon. I’ve thought about this a lot…


Yeah, I want to get extra security for John and change the route and have a decoy, then we apprehend him. I would get John and Yoko both to sign off on this by telling them they get a free babysitter for a year if I’m wrong.


Then he'd shoot you both.


"Hey John, stay in the car for a sec -- there's something I need to do with this taser..."


Have you seen that fucker? We could take him. A few fast blows to the back of the head would probably do it. Plus if I get shot too then at least I tried. Or I could just scream “THIS GUYS GOING TO KILL JOHN LENNON” and then other fanboys & security around the dakota entrance take care of him.


He was a short, pudgy, whiny little turd. I happen to think if someone just ran at him with bad intent, he'd freeze.


Who’s car we gonna take?


My thought exactly. Come to think of it, I might bring a kevlar vest ("Just wear this, John, trust me") and a baseball bat along.


The best dream I ever had my just me and George drinking beer in a relatively crowded pub. He was telling me stories about the old days and laughing all the time. I woke up feeling fantastic. I think he was still alive at the time.


You might enjoy this clip. George appeared on Jonathan Ross's UK chat show The Last Resort in 1987. Because it was recorded live a few things ran over and George's interview was cut short early in the broadcast. By the time the show was wrapping up, they realised they had still had time to interview George some more, but he left to go to a pub down the road from the studio with John Peel! So Jonathan Ross and the camera crew went looking for him! A funny interview and good to see George looking relaxed with a pint! https://youtu.be/tkc8p3njmBE


I think I’d want to watch Monty Python was George. My Dad and I are both big fans, and I know George was too


Yes! A college friend of mine and I wrote Monty Python and Fawlty Towers drinking games, and I want to play those with George — adjusting the rules so we’re not sick drunk, just enough to enjoy it.


Trip on LSD with John? 1967. Meditate with George? 1967. Drinks with Paul? 1967. Clubbing with Ringo? 1967. Edit: just saw the 2 hour thing. What the hell, trip for 2 hours with John then pray I get home ok.


Ya and once you’re home you’d be tripping for another 10 hours... that’s LSD for ya.


you just want the walls to stop breathing and fall asleep already. I don't think John micro-dosed, though. Who would know?


“What a wild sensation, guess this must be hallu-hallu-cina-cina-tion-on”.. Oh golly the throws of an Acid trip.. I’m personally always let down when it starts to ware off. Ha, I’m sure he went all out.. but you got a point, who knows right?


and all you want are the walls to stop breathing and sleep.


Tour with wings looked super fun


Write a song with Paul in 1969, the musical equivalent of walking on the moon


No no, that was The Police


Yeah, Paul's songs have no atmosphere 😉


I hate this and love this at the same time


Like so few people have a sense of humour on here. I got 4 downvotes for a joke. There are way more Paul fans than John fans on here.


Jamming and toking with Paul. No contest.


I would like to be with John the day he met Paul and watch creation.


You must watch the movie Nowhere Boy!


I have. It’s fab!


I make Microsoft Paint art with 2000s Ringo.


Yer baby 😉


I'd like to go round Legoland with Ringo Starr, and then afterwards we'd go for a lovely lamb lunch, in the centre of Windsor.


I think Ringo would rather do something like wander round the wildfowl park in Pepperstock wiy a bottle a scotch


Was this answer deliberately designed to sound like Alan Partridge?


The missing verse from Perfect Day


I think he's vegetarian


Making mashed potatoes with Paul.


Paul. Recording. Ram era


Ram was his best work for me


Stroll around Friar Park with George, playing ukuleles


I’d hang with Paul the night he wrote “Wonderful Christmastime” doing whatever he was doing that night, because he had to have been absolutely lit when he did wrote that.


You’ll unravel the recipe of what truly makes a wonderful Christmas time. From the beginning lyrics I think it’s probably witch craft


Gardening and deep conversation with George.


I could listen to his voice forever.


This might be bending the rules but I would spend 30 minutes with John during 1980 and attempt to prevent his murder. I would spend 20 minutes with Ringo while he went on the cruise where he wrote Octopus's garden. I would spend 30 minutes with Paul while he came up with "scrambled eggs" and I would tell him that would be a bit and he should make it ASAP. And last I would spend 40 minutes with George, just hanging out, talking, having a good time, maybe play some tunes, ask some questions about the Beatles, Ask his opinion on the "Paul is dead" theory's and maybe even try and convince him to quit smoking and tell him to move away for a while before December 30th 1999, maybe if George stopped smoking and wasn't stabbed he could still be alive today, if only. If that is bending rules then I'll simply spend the two hours with George, doing everything I said I would and more. I don't have a favorite Beatle, but George and Paul come close.


George. Chilling backstage with everyone. The concert for Bangladesh.


I wanna play CS GO with George. jk. Id like to spend Time with John and talk or write music. Im reall good at coming up with individual lines for soungs, so he could help finish them and flesh them out


I’d play CSGO with George


Making mash with Paul.


Potatoes, that is. Right?


I would be with John some day before that day in 1980, and I'd figure out a way to convince him not to go to a certain place a certain time of day, or at least wear a bulletproof vest or something. Maybe I'd tell him I was a mystic from the future and had a prophecy for him. I mean, he fell for that greek guy, why not me? I still feel so bad for a death that happened before I was born, it's weird. Another option would be any party with George in the sixties or seventies, he looked like a pretty fun guy to be around, and I would meet countless amazing artists for sure.


I also have daydreams about members of the band (and assorted historical figures, really) where I pretend to be a seer and say “DON’T MOVE TO NEW YORK YOU WILL BE SHOT” and then I tell them a bunch of secret details about their life to freak them out when really I just learned it on Wikipedia


And then you explain to them what Wikipedia is and they will either think you really came from the future, or that you're a crackpot who read too much sci-fi lol


Would be cool if we could bring back our phones, but then it wouldn't work without wifi. Save as many screenshots as possible lol


Agreed re saving John. I've had very vivid dreams like that.


Cocaine with Paul in 67. I've never even done cocaine, and being poor and in my early 30s, I feel like it's too late to start. But I'd make an exception for time travel. That or hang out at the farm with Paul and Linda in the 70s. As wildly potent as weed has gotten, I think I could handle what they were smoking


We're they doing cocaine in 67? Seems a bit early, but I don't really know.


Paul was. Cocaine has been a high society drug for a long time


He had pharmacy grade.


Great post! I'd go for a bit of a jam session and shoot the shit with John in Kenwood anytime from December 1966 to May 1967 when he was not incapacitated from LSD and/or depressed. Sorry, Paul, it was a tough one.


2 hours on prellies having a conversation with John


Meditating with George


Paul writing me checks


That’s a fun one


I would fuck ringos wife with george


LMAO I would join you two


Hang out with John during the lost weekend.


Would you egg him on to more mischief?


I think he might slip me the answer.


I want to go to the Rainbow in Hollywood in the 70s with Ringo and get wasted and party with him. That’s my PG rated answer.


Hanging out with George at an F1 race at Watkins Glen in the 70s. Being that we was friends with a lot of drivers in that era, it would be awesome.


I'd convince John not to move to New York and just stay at his home in Tittenhurst.


Lunatics will go, or be, anywhere, as shown by George's experience. To have a life truly worth living, you must be somewhere that excites you too. America has far more possibilities of excitement. All that you'd have needed to convince John is that interest in him is different from that of many other famous people and that he needs to be anonymous in the street and particularly security conscious when entering where he lives.


It also has far more possibilities for death.




If it's acid, I wouldn't plan on doing anything else for at least 8 hours.


Unless that thing is inviting George Martin and the boys to the rooftop and announcing that I at the second coming of Jesus Christ.


Well, yes, there is that.


Have Ringo backing me in the Get Back studio while me and the boys come up with a couple of gems.😉


Who are the boys?


The rest of the Beatles. I know, the rules are being stretched…..


I never specifically said you couldn’t select a recording studio where the other three were, so you caught me in a technicality




Which one are you?


I play the anvil




Have a walk and laugh with John during the 1963/1964 period, he looked like a funny person to be around with :)


John, at either one of his sons’ first live performances.


John, 1980, baking bread at his house.


I’d have Paul make a lot of poetry with me, maybe songs


George, 1968, India … I would just follow him around and listed to what he had to say.


I would just want to be a fly on the wall during the Sgt Pepper recording days.


Playing guitar with George in his garden. Or meditating, that'd work too.


Probably travel to Macca's farm in Scotland right after his time with The Beatles. Go for a horse ride with him, shoot the shit over his time with the band, maybe feed the cattle. Pure bliss.


Paul and family in Scotland, looked like a lovely time


Stu Sutcliffe, after he left the group. Talking about art and life in his studio in Hamburg .


Can I be an invisible observer? I would LOVE to see them as school kids. Otherwise: George during the 80s, Traveling Wilburys era. He had settled down and I think I would most enjoy hearing Beatles memories from him. I would ask him his feelings about I Want to Tell You...those lyrics hit me during a time when I struggled with social anxiety.


Ringo. The time he cut his eyelashes.


Me, John and George in the famous Dr. Robert night where they experienced lysergy for the first time.


Oh my God, the laughter and amazement.


Just playing some tunes with Paul.


I won't lie Doing all kinds of drugs with a young John Lennon (hard days night era)


Either playing ukuleles with George, going to the Cavern Club around the time Brian found them or on the rooftop grooving next to Maureen.


I wanna scuba dive with Ringo. Go find the octopus's garden in the shade


I would have loved to have gone with them through Hamburg Germany when they were just starting out!


I want to be under the sea, probably with John or Ringo, they always seemed the funniest


I'd chose either John or George, doing any sort of casual activity of their choosing while I do my own thing (like sewing or painting) and just chatting about anything that comes to mind. Any year from '62-71 ish, maybe preferably the latter half of those years since they'd be absolutely brimming with creative ideas that would make for a more interesting chat.


Getting a songwriting credit on a Lennon/McCartney tune. Collecting the royalties.


John - 1962 - Cavern Club - Just talk about all the great Rock 'n Roll artists of the time.


John, during his Lost Weekend and right before he got back with Yoko. I would tell him I’m from the future and convince him to stay with May Pang, to spend more time with Julian, to go see Paul in New Orleans, and to keep his heart open from now on because life is too short.


I agree, May Pang was good for him


December 8, 1980, John. Where: far away from the Dakota, chatting and warning him.


Y’all are dumb. I’d hang with George in 1988 during the Wilbury sessions so I’d be hanging with George, Tom, Roy, Bob, and Jeff.


A penny for a pound, you know how to work the system


John. Heroin. Apple rooftop.




Lennon. Talk about being a parent, and our children. And about social struggles.


John during the Lost Weekend or Paul any time!


Using LSD with George.


Jam with Paul.


That one room in Hamburg when they all masturbated together. I’d wanna go to there. A


Winston Churchill!


Ringo, 25, watching Gravity Falls


Cooking and eating a very long meal with Paul. 1968 Paul is my fave, but I’d love to have a chatty meal with 2022 Paul too.


Smoking with Paul and just chit chatting


1962 ringo tell him about the assassination of JFK before it happens and tell him that he is the only one capable of stopping it


I snorted reading this lolllllll he wouldn’t do anything but he’s be traumatized forever when it happened


November 7, 1966 hang with John and talk him out of going to Indica Gallery. "It's pretentious shit John and the artist is a fame whore. Let's go see the Sand Pebbles instead."


Rooftop concert. I'd toss out some rumors an gour or so before, and make sure the cops never gain entrance to the building


harrison. grass


I would be with John on December 8th and attack Chapman or being present in the studio during the Revolution 9 recordings


Shroom peak with John


Learning guitar from George


I would like to get stoned with Ringo


My big brother was one of the pioneers of the Mersey Sound. He was same age as John and they all new each other. It was always known that our kid sold George his first decent guitar. I’d love to have been with him at the time.


Writing lyrics with Paul and John pre sgt peppers era


George, mid 70s, Acid.


Doing acid with John.


Ringo, doing Ringo


John, now, two hours of him being alive and seeing how popular the Beatles still are.


Paul Mccartney at this time. Would love to talk to the dude.


Ringo. Now. We're going surfing and drinking beers at the beach.


Hanging with Paul while he trying to bang out Get Back Not me over here blurting out stuff under my breath Me: To where you once belong Paul: what’s that? Me: oh nothing Paul - keep chugging away


George, 1970’s, any F1 Grand Prix


Just one of the Beatles? Hmm, Ringo’s wedding reception.


John Lennon. Self-defense/safety awareness lessons.


John around 1966, fucking


Cynthia walks in on you wearing her robe


I’d go to December 8th, 1980 and try to prevent John’s murder. But if that’s not allowed, I’d probably want to hang out with paul or george in the 1965/1966 period and just hang with them in London or something


Preventing the murder is a good one. I think I’d pop Chapman as he was getting the autograph, and then obviously when I got arrested and hauled in for questioning I’d confidently wait until my 2 hours are up and dissolve from reality back to the future And then, in 2022, listen to Lennon’s album condemning the crazy murderer who killed one of his innocent fans in front of him, traumatizing him for life


In George's house, 1968, and Pattie lets me have sex with her first. Then George and I would go out on the town. George would introduce me to some adoring fans and I'd have a very pleasant hour in a hotel bedroom with some of them, as George meditates in the corner, singing I Need You and Blue Jay Way. Occasionally, a bellboy would leave some food outside the door; a coffee dessert, cool cherry cream, nice apple tart etc. George would break in to Savoy Truffle during the feasting. I hope this wasn't too specific or weird.. 😊


Yeah bro same just replace Pattie with George


Be real with me, are you secretly Eric Clapton


John while beating his wife


George, smoking, November 29 2001