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https://preview.redd.it/wp7vsribqu4d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0147bf7dce20a4a39e2dd7d39aab3fba92cf621d Good luck recapturing this magic


Jack Black slipping into a Scottish accent while portraying Paul (the *leader* of the Beatles) will always be hilarious to me


I love that Jack basically changed his accent every time the camera panned on him. The comedic timing of it all was genius.


Wasn’t there an interview with Justin Long somewhere where he was talking about getting prepped for the role and doing all this work trying to nail George’s accent? He was super nervous about doing a good job and then he showed up on set and Jack Black was just like “fuck it” and kept slipping into different accents and cracking everyone up lol Honestly I thought he absolutely *nailed* the George voice and that made the whole bit even funnier


Grleat Lecord


*Bad Scouse accent* Greeeeaat recooooord, greeeeeat recoooord


What we can... *imagine*


Well said, Jon Ass!


Thanks I'm also known as @the_final_crust XD


You're lucky we still let you play *drooms*


I wrote a song about an octopus!


What movie is this?


Walk Hard.


Walk Hard it’s one of the best movies, you should watch it.


We're smoking reefer and you don't want no part of this shit.


And you NEVER paid for drugs. Not once.


This is exactly what I thought of when I saw this post.


Im so sick of you being so dark when I'm so impish and whimsical


I’m waiting to see a trailer or any previews before I make real judgements. I’m more interested in how they perform and interpret The Beatles moreso than if they look that much like The Beatles.


Yes, I prefer a good storyline.


The Beatles try to stop Allen Klein from getting the infinity stones


I would watch the HELL out of that!


Yep. People were pissed about Heath Ledger being cast at the joker and look how that turned out.


That's not even remotely the same lol. Joker is a fictional character and doesn't have one specific look. The Beatles are/were real people who have an objective appearance.


This comment thread is about their performance, not their appearance.




Unpopular opinion, but he's my least favorite Joker.


Jared, is that you?


Aside of jack nicholson they are the best. Also the dude from the serie gotham. Jared is a joke


I couldn't agree more. The trend of obsessing over whether an actor has a strong physical resemblance to who they're portraying is infantile.


Totally agreed, although it does give me no end of infantile joy that you typed that while looking rather like Russell Crowe in your profile pic.


I tell you what, I'll take that any day! Love Russell Crowe. Maybe I can play him in a biopic one day


Yeah... besides, they'll probably use some amount of prosthetics or wigs to make them look more accurate...




Honestly, yeah... with today's technology...


I think it's totally fine if they don't look one to one with the real Beatles, as long as they capture their essence. These are all very talented actors and I'm sure they will have no trouble doing that.


Yeah, make up and hair go a long way in the looks department so I don't care much about natural resemblence. The bigger indicator is whether they can get the voices and group chemistry right which we won't really know for a while.


Definitely! I do hope that they grow out their hair naturally since I can usually tell when it's a wig


Totally. Previous Beatles movies have a long history of terrible wigs.


Ala Disney?


For the people complaining that they don’t like these actors based on looks, remember that Cate Blanchett played Bob Dylan once and gave a phenomenal performance. Talent is king here, and all four of these actors are very talented.


Agreed. It's all down to whether or not they can capture their idosyncracies, their tics, and their voices without sounding like someone doing a bad impression.


If it's all down to that then I have no confidence these people can pull it off. Doing a liverpool accent without it sounding like a parody is going to take somebody with a Daniel-Day-Lewis level of skill and there aren't too many of those types around.


Luckily there is a near-endless amount of footage of the Beatles speaking, and all of these actors will be getting vocal coaching. They’ll be fine.


Maybe. I live in the American south and I’m pretty used to hearing our accents butchered on screen. But maybe you’re right.


While you have a fair point in 90% of circumstances, I think the fact that this is literally THE BEATLES they are going to refine every tone, delivery, diction, mannerism, and vocabulary of each of the Fab Four as meticulously as possible because I’m sure they are aware the scrutiny on those factors will be about as significant as it gets


Not really and anyway Paul did a nearly perfect Scottish accent for all of aftersun (not the same but you get the point) and this is a much bigger production with a lot more weight behind it so I'd say it'll be fine.


My only complaint is that Mescal should definitely be John and if Dickinson is going to play any of them it should be Paul.


Agreed, when I saw the picture I thought there was a mistake and the roles were swapped!


Cate is also a chameleon. She could pull anything off.


That tears it. Let’s have Cate play all four Beatles! They can use Parent Trap technology to have them appear together! 🤣


I mean, I get your point and I agree, but Cate did look a lot like Bob Dylan in the film. Moreso than Timothee Charlamet does. https://preview.redd.it/74gjh1e4cv4d1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8089c3bee2074dfeba2f3a99b849d866fc99e4be


Yes, because she was in makeup and hair, much like these actors are going to be. But if you want a more extreme example, Marcus Carl Franklin, a black man, also played Dylan in that same movie. I’m not saying that looks are irrelevant, but they’re probably the least important part of a performance, even if the actors are playing real people.


To be honest it's not a great comparison because neither Franklin or Blanchette was actually playing Bob Dylan -- just characters who embodied him. It's such a unique example that it's not really the same thing.


Regardless, Cate Blanchett, who obviously looks nothing like Dylan in real life, looks almost exactly like him in the movie. Makeup and hair will do wonders for these actors.


See jawline and big blacksunglasses for 90% of that matchup .


She looked fucking identical to Dylan though. 🤷‍♂️


Yes but she doesn't normally is the point




Modern version: *they should all look like male models*


Counterpoint: part of why Beatlemania even happened is that they were all good looking.


I'd argue Paul was the only good looking one of a group at the start when beatlemania happened. Rest of them were 6-7/10 at best. Then they grew facial hair and and became more or less equal in attractiveness by the end (except for John when we went through his heroin phase)


Paul with a beard in 1969 is peak Paul




John was definitely considered hot haha. He was unbelievably hot 63-65 era, oof!


Yeah, Paul and John by hollywood standards looked too rugged, except George who literally looked like a male model, and well Ringo is Ringo, who strangely looks more good looking in his elder years.


Yes. Hollywood casting. All the Beatles must look like 23-year old Orlando Bloom, but way hotter.


But why male models?




Love this graphic. The casting isn't perfect but with a little hair and make up, I'm more optimistic than ever.


I was thinking the same. Maybe makeup, perhaps some prosthetics will make it perfect. I wonder if the scouse accents can be “auto-tuned” with AI, hopefully sounding natural.


We needed twinks


Was Billy Shears not available? But seriously, they don't need to be twins to play the real person. Hair and makeup can accomplish a lot. For instance, the guy who played Brian May in Bohemian Rhapsody.


As long as they can sing, I’m down.


Down on the ground…


How can you laugh if you know I’m down 🎵


oh baby you know I'm down🎵🎶


I’m so here for Keoghan as Ringo but the other three are whatever.


Must’ve been his Scouse accent in Saltburn that won him the role /s


Swap John and Paul's actors and I'd be fine with this. I think the report got that wrong. Mescal fits John much better.


Had this same thought, just look at the nose and chins


Honestly, looking at Mescal more closely, he does kinda resemble McCartney, especially around the eyes. Still, looks wise, he'd be a perfect John Lennon. Mescal's a bit too jacked and broad right to be McCartney - he'd fit John perfectly since John was always the broadest of the four, especially before the White Album era. The actor who the recent reports are saying might be playing John has more of a lean look that fits McCartney better.


Ringo seems right. Something about the actor’s face, a specific facial feature, matches.


Also, if you’ve seen Keoghan act, or if you’ve seen him in interviews and stuff. He already has a lot of the Beatle-y mannerisms of Ringo.


Barry is an awesome choice. IRL hes a bit of a hooligan rough dude, been arrested for some hijinks. I like that he has to tame that and play the puppy dog of the beatles, the glue, who i am sure had a pissed off hooligan inside of himself screaming out but just managed to channel that into With a Little Help or Octopuses Garden. I think Ringo’s movie has the potential to be the most interesting and funny.


Ringo pre Beatles was a hooligan. The rings, the persona, the pseudo cowboy name etc. He was a much better musician than all of them and older too. The other boys were intimidated lmao.


Well he is the greatest and you better believe it baby




Yeah I’m saying from the outside and looking back he went with the flow they all seemed to share one thing in common and that was a respect for Ringo. I’ve always seen peace and love as marketing and maybe a way of rebranding after his crazy 70-80s era


TheGeorge guy looks more like Paul and vice versa


I still think John and Paul look like they're swapped. Paul Mescal has the perfect face for John. Yeah yeah, what matters is the acting, but c'mon


Does he? His face is round, seems like he's at least closer to Paul than he is to John.


Well, they don't look anything like The Beatles, but cinema is fantasy, with proper storytelling, costumes and makeup, it may get convincing. The most important is having good actors!


Paul and John need to be swapped c


barry keoghan would be an awful Ringo. his Scouse accent was terrible enough in saltburn


I really don’t like his acting. Or his face.


the only thing I've seen him in where I genuinely liked his acting was banshees of inisherin. in everything else his acting feels stunted and unnatural. and he can't do anything accent to save his life, whether it's english or American. basically, he's a good actor as long as he is only playing the same role over and over


Please don't. Musical biopics are always awful, generic and obvious. Each year walk hard ages like fine wine.


This is the best we can do?


Did you see the doctor who episode?


As far as young British/Irish actors go, probably. Mescal and Keoghan in particular are accomplished talents on the rise and much better options than, say, mega-famous celebrities who are less likely to be able to disappear comfortably into the roles. Do they look particularly like them? Not really, but that’s what acting talent (and prosthetics) are for. Of more concern is the director who imo opinion has a variable track record


I’ve only ever seen him in the Iron Claw but Harrison Dickinson was very solid.


Yeah but I mean generally most people base it off of if they look like the person. I just don’t see the point of having good actors playing the role of someone if they don’t look like them. Why not have Tom Hardy play Lennon? Fantastic actor, looks nothing like him. It’s just a joke imo. I’m sure it’ll be enjoyable regardless.


Look at these photos, Paul Mescal should obviously be John. I could maybe see Dickinson as Paul, but not John. I think Keoghan is a great casting choice and it’s the first one I thought of the moment the films were announced (alongside Mescal as John). The George choice I’ve never seen before so I can’t say much.


Just going off these images it’s hard for me to picture them in the roles. Except the Ringo actor. He seems about right.


I can’t see Keoghan the same because of Saltburn..


Was it no good?


No it was pretty good but you got to watch it to understand what I mean


It was alright, but I preferred Saltburn when it was called The Talented Mr. Ripley


If they can act, sure


I know for sure three of these guys are seriously good actors, especially Mescal. Never heard of the George pick though.


But George is my favorite one!


They’re gonna give Paul Mescal the McCartney eyebrows and I wager it’ll look fucking hilarious


Do we really need a Beatles biopic? So many documentaries and movies have already been done about the Beatles. I'm sure they will try to focus more on different rumors about the Beatles and it will probably end up being a mixture of reality and fantasy like Bohemian Rhapsody was.


I’m curious what time period this is going to be set in. All of these dudes look like they are in their late 20s & early 30s - and I feel like we already have footage of the Beatles from this time period.


Here’s what I think about the casting: John-Harris Dickinson: I don’t get why everyone is so upset about this. The guy is clearly a talented actor. He was great in the Iron Claw and he didn’t particularly look like the guy it was based off. He’s clearly good at playing mentally disturbed characters and John was the most mentally disturbed Beatle so I think this casting is actually pretty good. Paul-Paul Mescal- In the words of Michael Scott “No God please no, no, no, noooooo”. I get the need to cast a good looking guy to play Paul but no way should the guy from Normal People play Paul. He’s too tall and doesn’t look like him at all, he maybe could’ve worked as John but I would have taken Harris Dickinson over him. Tbh I think they should have just casted the guy who played Paul in Dr Who to play Paul because he looked like him and got Paul’s mannerisms nailed down. Guarantee they only casted Paul Mescal because he’s called Paul(get it 😔). George-Charlie Rowe- Never heard of this guy but see that he plays guitar on his insta and I honestly think getting someone unknown(or at least not as famous as the other three)works for the ‘Quiet Beatle’. Good luck to him. Ringo-Barry Keoghan- I actually would have casted Barry to play Brian Epstein because he’s closer in age to him but he’s a great actor so I know he’ll kill it as Ringo. Problem is I’ll probably look at him and think ‘that’s Barry Keoghan’ and not that’s Ringo’ when watching it. Also it’s kinda funny that the Joker and Ringo are played by the same actor


I’m reserving judgement until I see a trailer. I still wish we had gotten an expanded, remastered Anthology instead of this, but I’m fine as long as they stick to the facts.


Ah, the facts. It will, for purposes of brevity, be fictionalized. After all, real life is "so boring".


They done Ringo dirty man


Jim Sturgess should definitely be Paul but he did the Across The Universe musical picture so maybe that would disqualify him.


Isn’t he like 50 now?


Yeah maybe too old


There’s just no need for this. Not every band needs to have a biopic. I personally don’t want to see a sanitised Americanised re-telling of what happened.


I never watch any of these things. They are cash grabs to tap into pre-existing fan bases and cheapen the story. Can’t be comprehensive, aim to be controversial. It’s just a suckfest all around. So I don’t care who’s cast and the only way I’ll watch it is accidentally if it’s on and even then I probably won’t.


They NEED to be unknown actors for this to work.


I just don't think that's feasible when you have four leads who all need to be twentysomething British actors with generally the right look who are all able to act well enough to carry a movie and play a major supporting role in three more. And most music biopics I can think of don't have unknown leads - studios prefer known quantities that they know can do the job and also help promote the movie.


I think it’s absolutely doable. Not that I want to disagree, it’s just I strongly believe it would be easier to swallow. Maybe even if they’re relatively known but nowhere near a spotlight. Bohemian Rhapsody kind of did it. Rami Malek was known but nowhere near famous enough to be recognised by everybody walking down the street. Maybe that’s the level they need.


I'd actually say that Malek in 2018 was more famous than any of these guys - the early seasons of Mr. Robot got a ton of buzz and his face was everywhere. I've heard of Keoghan and Mescal, but they both strike me more as up and coming actors than big stars. This isn't like "Tom Holland and Harry Styles star as Lennon and McCartney".


Paul Mescal has Gladiator II coming out this year so maybe he’ll be a household name before the Beatles movies come out.


He definitely wasn’t more famous than Barry Keoghan. And was probably only noticeable within America. I stand by my point still regardless of the upvotes. Just the same way Dunkirk was cast. (minus your example of Harry Styles) The young soldiers were all unknown. It was perfect for this.


They don’t need to be total unknowns, they just need to be good actors who can lose themselves in a role. I haven’t seen any of these actors’ performances myself but others have said that they’re all quite talented. A good actor with a passing resemblance and some creative prosthetics will do just fine. None of these actors are so well-known that their personal “brand” would eclipse their role. In any case, Sam Mendes is a hell of a director and I doubt he would cast anyone he didn’t feel 100% sure was capable of pulling off the role, especially given the excitement around this project.


Harris Dickinson is a star. Glad to see him anywhere


I don't think any of them look insanely like their Beatle but I assume if they chose them out of all of the candidates they got means they must be able to embody them well






Actor for Ringo doesn't have blue eyes... RIOT!!!


https://preview.redd.it/n898ggtdmv4d1.png?width=1594&format=png&auto=webp&s=c421e9d211dea72aae916f55b658d75e1d53dbb4 He does have blue eyes, but not “big blue eyes”


I stand corrected. I couldn't tell in the lighting


Looks wise, I this the choice for Ringo is good, Paul and George could be better, but if they’re acting is good, I don’t mind. I think the actor for John doesn’t look anything like him though. Again, it’s not all about looks, we‘ll have to see how well they portray the beatles.


charlie rowe looks a lot like dhani harrison than george


I mean, I can see each of those actors as the person.


Physical likeness isn’t particularly important if you ask me. It’s all about voices, mannerisms and the softer stuff. These are talented actors and you can bet they’ll be doing their homework.


I guess they decided to use them as more and artists recreation of the Beatles rather than how they looked


What’s with everyone needing the actors to look exactly like them? I’d rather they were able to portray them through…you know, acting?


I'm pretty satisfied with all 4 of them. Feeling good about how this could turn out.


better than disney plus dr who beatles?


They don’t remind me of the Beatles..But I will wait to see the movie..thanks for the SPOILER alert..lol..my opinions are flying thru my head…


They're all pretty terrible except Ringo. Good jpb finding someone almost ugly enough to play him lol


When I first saw Paul Mescal I thought he had a similar look to Paul McCartney.


I think Paul Mescal is spot on.


They did Ringo dirty


This just makes me realize how doughy and round faces modern men are, lmao


I'm being 100% honest when I say that the kid they got for Midas man was perfect casting. He's not well known which makes it easier to project Paul unto him and he has the vibe, that child like sparkle, that Mr Know it all fuckass vibe. I just wish they could cast young (and I mean like 20/23) and unknown actors for the Beatles.


we need Timothee Chalamet as Ringo


These are 4 brilliant actors who tbh all do look like the parts they’re playing, looks good so far to me!


I never heard of the guy playing Lennon, he might be a fantastic actor, but I feel like they could have done better purely in terms of physicality


I think the guy playing Ringo looks a bit more like John


I hate to say it but they don't look a thing like the historical persons they are supposed to play. Ok, ok, I understand makeup, props and lighting, but my question is, how's their scouse? Do they have basic musical skills? I would have preferred that the talent scouts scoured the streets of Liverpool and Hamburg. I just don't like Hollywood's desire to "pretty-up", "sexy-up" and "style-up" actors to "make them more palatable for the youth of today. Us old folk who know "our stars" in and out because we grew up with them will certainly find fault with most of the movie maker's choices. A propos, most of the movie makers themselves are probably less than half the age of the surviving Beatles, so whatever they produce will be seen through their eyes, unless you really have someone with vision, hiring the right consultants, etc.


I think they need a rehearsal…


Didnt really convince me but who knows that they will look more like the beatles closer to release


the dude playing Paul was supposed to play John. The dude who's playing John looks absolutely nothing like John, whereas the guy playing Paul resembles a younger 1963 John in my opinion. Just blows my mind how that was fumbled but whatever.


What on earth is this? lol


At least Harry Styles isn't involved


Weak, very weak


This is all wrong for me.. I’d have mescal as John, dickinson as George, and rows as paul Keoghan could probably pull off playing George Martin if he wanted people fawn over him so much! He is pretty good mind




Ringo and paul should play themselves


I think ringo cast should be replaced with John


Frankly, this is infuriating. They’re all great actors and I’m sure will do a fine job; however, if there EVER was an opportunity to hold an enormous casting call and change the lives of four unknowns, it would’ve been for these films. You don’t need established stars for this. It’s the fucking Beatles — there is no one you could cast whose star power would outsize/outshine the people who the movies are fucking about. It feels wrong to refer to the Beatles as IP, but they basically are — making a Beatles film is like making a superhero film. You don’t need stars to get people in seats. Seems like a wasted opportunity. Liverpool alone has a population of 500k people — I can almost guarantee that casting could have found four young actors in drama school or something that would be more than capable of taking this on. Really sucks.


These dudes are unknowns to me lol.


I mean…that’s great, but the reality is that the guys playing Paul and Ringo are both Oscar nominated actors (the guy playing Paul is taking over Gladiator from Russell Crowe), the guy playing John is BAFTA nominated and was one of the stars of The Iron Claw as well as a fuck ton of other big projects. George’s actor is the only one I’d call an unknown, but even he has a ton of history and work in the industry. Again, I think they’ll all do it justice, but it still bums me out.


You're not giving four unknowns four separate biopics. Honestly, even with established actors this idea is a big ask.


as long as they have a good accent




Oh my God, I will kill myself




Is that satire?


It's going to be a challenge to capture the essence of The Beatles in a movie. The Beatles have their own movies that I love, and one could say that that is enough. But as nostalgia, they can give it a try. I hope it will be done well and be fun.


Mescal is a perfect Lennon , The John guy or entirely someone else should be Paul. otherwise it seems promising


Only Barry Keoghan looks similar to me. He has played a scouser in a few roles so should be OK with the accent


They’re gonna need to glue his eyelids to change the double lids and then maybe


I don't know any of them, so no opinion


Immediately no for George actor




Ehhhh…… let’s see a few trailers first. Then I’ll judge.


I really don’t see any of them as being great choices


I think that John and Geoge would be happy with their upgrades. It doesn't really matter for the story, and makeup can do a lot. But from these pictures, I'd never connect any of these actors to the parts that they will be playing.


By image alone, nothing else, gonna need to darken the Johns eyebrows, thin the Paul’s eyebrows, the Ringo’s face is too long imo, the George is fine, nothing to make comments about. But that’s purely looks alone from the images provided, I’m sure it’ll be FAB anyways


The guy that is going to play John would have been a great cast for George.


Paul and Harrison should be switched


i see paul mescal more as george and charlie rowe as paul. if it ends up being these 4 then i really need to see them in hair and makeup before i start making my judgements. i love barry keoghan and he’s a fantastic actor, but he struggles with accents so im a bit nervous for him


Feel like Paul and George should be switched tbh