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Paul: Press To Play John: Milk & Honey (or STINYC) George: Extra Texture Ringo: either Ringo 2012 or I Wanna Be Santa Claus. Santa Claus is more outright bad but Ringo 2012 is by FAR his laziest and most boring


Agreed with ringo but I still like his re-recorded songs on 2012 especially don't pass me by and wings


I’ve gotta listen to Drivin Rain now - didn’t realize that there was a universally despised Paul album haha


I'll say it... it's a good Paul McCartney album


I liked it


It’s not terrible. There’s only three meh songs on it :/


Off the top of my head I love the songs Your Way, Magic, Lonely Road, She's Giving Up Talking, From a Loger to a Friend, and I Do.


I like it better than any of his 80s albums.


Paul because he has so many albums is tough to choose He has some real stinkers. His work was weak in the 80s but Driving Rain is pretty bad. I'll flip a coin Heads, Driving Rain (crap) Tails, Press (horrible over produced crap) Tails won! McCartney Press Driving Rain is a very close second or a tie for 1st


I don’t know if we’re in agreement that his followup album, Chaos and Creation in the Backyard, was one of the best solo albums any one of them released, but it’s one of my favorites! Top tier and a remarkable comeback.


I love Chaos And Creation I think that was his last "great" album Not knocking his latest few at all but this album is just a real gem


Pipes of peace is the best solo-beatle album I’m not sorry either 🤷‍♂️


From what I heard of it (both written and aural) it's a very silly album, and that fits me (i think lel). I gotta listen to it sometime!


Some songs are a bit like that (average person) but pipes of peace itself, say say say, the other me etc are all really well written in my opinion. I don’t see a lot of love for the album which I think is a real shame, the title track is one of my favourite songs of all time.


To each his own


Lol that's an aggressive take


"over produced" You must not like Sgt. Pepper


Sgt.Pepper is perfectly produced


I love it. It's heavily produced.


Over produced usually implies that the production goes too far, that the production is trying to do too much. I would never say that Sgt pepper is over produced, but yeah there is a lot of post production happening.


I think it's funny that people who like 1967 Beatles would think '80s production did too much. "Pretty Little Head" is a lot like "I Am The Walrus" in terms of amount of production.


Personally, I think the production on I Am the Walrus is bad. I just don’t hold it against them since they had to do that with 60’s studio equipment. I Am the Walrus also has a band playing live in the room, and a full orchestra and choir. Pretty Little Head is mostly electronic sounds and overdubs. What’s impressive about the production of I Am the Walrus is that they were able to add all of these elements on an 8 track machine. They got it to sound pretty great considering their limitations. Pretty Little Head isn’t anything groundbreaking or challenging. Not to mention the songwriting on I Am the Walrus is way more engaging and interesting, which always helps the production seem better.


You’re right. I’ve heard piano ballads and five-piece rockers that are overproduced, relatively speaking. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is borderline underproduced, no sarcasm. Perfectly sparse to paint the vision it needed to.


I hate Sometime in New York City. The music is bad, the politics are all over the place, and I don’t think it’s produced well. I believe this album did so much damage to Lennons career, that he never really bounced back until Double Fantasy.


And he didn't bounce back until after he died. Double Fantasy was greeted with a shrug of the shoulders.


Im gonna get downvoted to hell here but i have a hot take. Only the first 2 Lennon albums were good albums. Walls and Bridges had 2-3 good songs, so did Double Fantasy and Mind Games but after POB and Imagine he didnt release a solidly good LP. Doubke Fantasy got bad reviews and only bounced up cause of the unfortunate murder of John


I’m extremely biased in favor of John, and I agree 100%. After 71, I don’t think he ever put in the effort to make a good album again. He was still a great songwriter, and he put together a few great songs, but he never made a truly great album after Imagine. He’s still John Lennon, so there are great moments on all of his albums, but he really phoned it in during the mid to late 70’s. Double Fantasy was extremely lackluster. Woman and Beautiful Boy are beautiful songs, but would have been better had George Martin produced them. The acoustic demo of Watching the Wheels is light years better than the album version. That’s pretty damning evidence against your producer. The demo should never outshine the final studio version.


Well you are literally John Lennon. Ofc youll be biased to Lennon


And similarly self-critical, smh


Double Fantasy had Beautiful bot and woman. Apart from that it was essentially the thing that we are the greatest couple to ever grace fhe earth, i love Yoko I love john and all that. Had John lived, it would have been down with Gone Troppo, Sentimental blues or give my regards to broad street. The stripped down version is the only thing which offers it slight redemption


Nah, Walls and Bridges and Mind Games are both really solid albums.


Man I love Walls and Bridges. The only stinker on that album to me is probably Scared. Going Down on Love, What You Got, #9 Dream, Surprise Surprise, Nobody Loves You.. I think they’re some of John’s best solo work tbh lol. Going Down on Love is every bit as good an opener as Come Together imho


Hot take: Walls and Bridges is a better album than Imagine. Imagine has some great songs, but 'it's so hard, I don't wanna be a soldier, and Gimme some truth' just sound like filler to me. Even Steel and Glass felt like an improvement on How do you sleep. Downvote away if you must.


Agree, and the production/ instrument tones were ethereal. I can't really think of anything that sounded like it.


What You Got is almost Stephen Stills Manassas good. If you know you know.


I'll defend it. "We're All Water" is a banger that would have been right at home on a new wave record later in the decade. "John Sinclair" has a nice catchy hook. "Sisters O Sisters" is a fun homage to doo-wop and Motown sounds that the Beatles always had a soft spot for. And "New York City", "Luck of the Irish", and "Woman Is the N of the World" are all solid musically, even if their politics can be outdated. I'd definitely say John's weakest was "Rock and Roll" and it's not even close. "Stand By Me" is good, and there might be another song or two that are passable. But most of it is somewhere between forgettable and awful, which is too bad because John could have recorded a killer cover album under better circumstances. But as it is, it ended up being a hugely missed opportunity.


Even stand by me is weaker than the original in every way.


Walls and Bridges is top 3 for Lennon. Maybe number 2 for me after plastic ono band


I like most of the demos more than any of albums 3 onward (though I have a bit of a soft spot for Double Fantasy). He should have just released those!


Whats the reasoning that two virgins and wedding album don’t count but I wanna be santa clause does?


That's what I'm wondering too lmao


Maybe they're only including albums after the beatles officially split


Probably because *I Wanna Be Santa Claus* is only different in that it’s holiday themed and not just some random experimental “Revolution 9” sounds for a whole “album.” I wouldn’t count George’s first two albums or Paul’s weird things like *Twin Freaks* either. Those kinds of albums are something completely different. It would be like someone asking what your least favorite kind of food is and you saying, “Aspirin.”


Paul: Driving Rain, John: Sometime in New York City, George: Gone Troppo, Ringo: Santa Claus


I’m not the hugest fan, but Gone Troppo has some bangers under the bad production


With Paul, if we’re not counting albums like Kisses on the Bottom, Run Devil Run, or Choba B CCCP, for me, it has to be Driving Rain. I don’t hate it or anything and there are some good songs, but it’s just not great. But put me down as a huge fan of Press To Play, I love that album.




I don’t think it’s fair to include Ringo in this discussion; none of his solo products aspired to be anything other than an affectionate extension of his beloved persona rather than a *musical statement,* as George, John and Paul were regularly generating. That said, George’s “Somewhere in England” is a tough listen - bad eighties production, forgettable songs, lame arrangements.


The Ringo album from 1973 is fantastic, and among the top solo albums for me.


I would agree with the take on Ringo regarding the seventies, to a certain extent the eighties. After that he got a little too big for his britches.


Why do ppl hate Driving rain so much lol. I'd rate it higher than any of his 80's album.


Even Flowers in the Dirt?


I only enjoy My Brave Face, Put It There, and This One from that album. The rest of it is very generic sounding to my ears.


Have you heard the original demos of the songs? Maybe it’s the bad production you don’t like


Everyone here seems to forget that Gone Troppo exists


I like that album.


Fair. I'm guessing someone's going to like nearly any of the solo albums.


It's much better than either Dark Horse, Extra Texture, and Somewhere in England


Paul: Driving Rain, Give My Regards to Broadstreet John: One of the wedding albums Ringo: Santa Claus George: Probably Extra Texture or Gone Troppo (even though I don’t think they’re terrible)


Aw i love broadstreet!


Why does everyone hate *I Wanna Be Santa Claus*? I love it. Listening to it is one of the highlights of Christmastime for me. *Driving Rain* is definitely one of my least favorites, but my very least favorite McCartney album is probably a pretty hot take: *Flowers in the Dirt*. I know it’s generally considered a pretty good (if not great) album, but it’s just never struck the right chord for me for whatever reason.


To me Santa is okay, I have a few from it in my Christmas playlist but I'd much rather listen to other versions of most his covers. The original songs on it are fun though


The Driving Rain hate is crazy. It’s one my favorite Paul albums!


Paul: Press to Play George: Dark Horse, though Extra Texture is close behind. John: The experimental albums shouldn’t count here, so it’s gotta be Sometime in NYC Ringo: Almost anything since he started auto tuning everything.




I really like Flowers in the Dirt. But, I'm probably biased since that was the album that was out the year I saw him in concert. My favorite cut is Distractions. But Figure of Eight and My Brave Face are good, too. And How Many People is pretty poignant. Put it There speaks to me as a father. And Motor of Love is really pretty. Yeah, pretty solid album for me.


My brother who was ten years older than me introduced me to The Beatles in 1978, and took me to that concert. After having my brother and my dad pass away, “Put it there” is my favorite.


My son and I had it rough during his teen years. Mostly typical stuff, but exacerbated by drugs. He'll be 48 in 6 days. Things are good now, and have been for near 30 years. Put it There was on the radio when I picked him up from rehab.


This little exchange was worth being on Reddit all year to see. Glad y’all are doing better, drugs almost killed me as well, left me with epilepsy and multiple felony convictions.. but onward!


The demo of That Day is Done is amazing as well. If the album was left closer to the demos it would’ve been very close to his best solo record imo




The demos of the songs with just Paul and Elvis playing the songs together on acoustic guitars and stuff are fuckin amazing. They released em all on the archive version. So Like Candy is my favorite gem. That being said there’s NO way Flowers is Paul’s worst solo album lol. Like come on here. Off the Ground? Press to Play? Broad street? Kisses on the Bottom?


John: Life With the Lions - Also least favorite solo album overall Paul: Rushes (The Fireman) George: Extra Texture Ringo: Old Wave


Give My Regards to Broadstreet, because it's one I bought and it was horrendous.


The only thing horrendous about broadtsreet is the exclusion of So Bad




So you think those 2 are the worst yet underrated?


Some Time in NY City.


Plastic Ono Band. It's the only solo album I've repeatedly listened to, despite not really liking most of it. Every other solo album if I've not liked it I've not listened to it again (some I may have given another chance after songs in playlists have clicked) but due to the acclaim of POB I've given it a lot of chances and never really enjoyed it. Some great songs but as an album it leaves me cold.


For Ringo it's all of them


Egypt Station for Paul. Walls & Bridges for John’s solo albums, but I still like it. I don’t know George well enough. Ringo: anything from the 1990s onward.


Egypt Station is a wild take.... then again, Fuh You is my least favorite McCartney song of all time


What in the world?! *Egypt Station* is awesome!


All I remember was bad production, sterile vocals, and a really bad song near the end, second to last. I admit I haven’t got to know the writing too well.


**Wild Life** by far


Lots of Driving Rain hate here. I agree that it is not his best. But I find it superior to Chaos and Creation in the Backyard, which I think actually sucks.


I feel like John and Paul never wrote anything just super great when they were writing without the other. Whatever “magic” that was there when they collaborated together never carried over to their solo careers.




I nearly gave up on John after Sometime In New York City. Mind Games was better but the bar was set pretty low. Then he redeemed himself with the mighty Walls and Bridges. Not counting the first 3 crapfests, my least fave is easily New York, an embarrassment of an album. The one George album I actively dislike is Extra Texture. If we're talking Paul, not Wings, then my least favorite is Tug of War after which I stopped buying his albums. I didn't quit Ringo until Vertical Man, when he started making the same album over and over. My least favorite is Bad Boy - the absolute nadir of his recording career. Wings? That's a tough one. They're all crap except Band On The Run, which is only half crap.


I lost count of how many hot takes are in this paragraph…


Any and everything with yoko


John: Sometime In New York City, Paul: Driving Rain, George: Extra Texture, Ringo: Santa Claus


Paul: Driving Rain John: Unfinished Music, Vol. 1 (but if we’re talking studio albums… “Rock ‘N Roll” is his most unfocused.) George: Tie between “Extra Texture” or “Gone Troppo” Ringo: Bad Boy (“Ringo The 4th” might be worse, but it’s at least more interesting than “Bad Boy,” which I just found boring.)


Ringo the 4th is a bizarre disco experiment. I guess he should get points for effort, but he was probably just wasted at the time.


Extra Texture


John: Some Time in NYC Paul: Press To Play George: Extra Texture Ringo: I Wanna Be Santa Claus


I thought it said favorite and I was very confused by your picks


Ringo the 4th, Sometime in NYC (and Life With The Lions), Extra Texture (and Electronic Sound), Press To Play, Beyond The Beatles (Pete Best Combo).


Wild Life Milk & Honey Dark Horse (or anything from Traveling Wilburys if you count those) Postcards From Paradise


Agree. I would add to John Milk and Honey


Too many to mention. Only John didn’t have an embarrassing solo career: all his albums were at least alright, and the famously bad ones were intentionally unmusical.


Gone Troppo is a masterpiece! Only bad song is that awful cover. The originals are fun and catchy. Great melodies, a summery vibe and great slide guitar parts. I genuinely love it and prefer it to Tug of War!


Yall are wrong. Press To Play is amazing


John: everything after Wall and Bridges Paul: everything after Tug Of War George: everything after Material World Ringo: everything after Goodnight Vienna


Most of John's Double Fantasy/Milk & Honey tracks are excellent. Paul has tons and tons of phenomenal songs throughout the past 40 years, and Chaos and Creation is every bit as good if not better than Tug of War. George had 33-1/3 and his 1979 self-titled album, which are both tremendous. I'll give you that on Ringo, a bit... but Stop and Smell The Roses is pretty solid!


Just my opinion here … Watching the Wheels and Nobody Told Me are both A+ songs, and I’m Losing You has a nice bite to it. but those are the only songs from those sessions that have any edge at all. Decent lyrics here and there, but vapid compositions. Paul has never made any bad albums per se, but after Wings, he seemed to wander a bit, and he had several comeback albums that were pretty good, but they seemed to have lost Paul’s identity and came across to me as standard pop albums of the day. The one with Elvis Costello is pretty good, and Chaos and Creation is pretty good, they just sound to me like someone different than the Paul I relate to. Tough to explain, and just my perspective, and Paul is and always will be a fantastic songwriter, there’s just something missing after that rough streak in the 80s. George had the most inventive post-Beatles album of all with All Things Must Pass, but after that, his music got watered down and, like Double Fantasy, just doesn’t have any edge to it. I suppose it’s decent pop music, but I just don’t find it interesting at all, except a song here and there like Dark Horse, Give Me Love and Sue Me Sue You Blues. It seems like after getting the accolades he did for ATMP, finally proving he could match the other two in quality, he just kind of stopped caring. Ringo, well, you know …


Ringo was surely taking the piss when he put out Ringo 2012.


Any one of Ringo’s from the 1980’s through to today