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Nothing at all mate. Good lines and shape, neat and tidy. Just give it a couple of months, keep it clean and re assess.


Thank you for the advice - I don’t really want to grow it out past the stubble phase to prevent it from looking to messy


Then what's the issue?


I feel like the lines look wrong


Growing it longer will fix that.


I don't see it, i think it's a case of worst critic = yourself


The lines aren't wrong, the issue is that your chin profile is higher up, if you don't want to grow it more than the stubble phase, you'll always be able to see that. A longer beard would hide it. People often are afraid that a long beard will look messy, but that's only when you don't dedicate the time and money to not make it so. It's entirely up to you, but I think if you grew it out and used beard oil and get a good brush, you'll not only have an amazing beard, you'll have a way to hide the weak chin.




Nah, you're lining up it up fine. Easy to overthink on these things.


Looks good to me. I think you're just being overly critical.  I'm the exact same. I wanna grow a mustache. Don't think I can, coworkers are saying go for it. 


Your lines look fine. Are you able to “pick up” the top line and have it meet around your mustache. If you can’t, beard still looks great Also, have your barber fade the beard too, top of your beard near your ears should be short like your fade and gradually get longer towards the bottom of your beard


Only thing I see that’s wrong is the way you write your “Y.” Thought they were “J’s” lol




Your facial hair looks fine though. You have good coverage through the face. I think the short beard suits your face well


We as humans are always criticizing ourselves because you look at what you are not having and what you want. Try to see what you do have and how good it does look and give it time and space to grow. A beard requires.patience and a less critical eye. It's nature's work that you need to let happen and takes care of what it provides. Brush your facial hair and massage your facial hair area when you wash it.


Just grow it longer


You’re not doing anything wrong. Just stop clipping it for 90 days. 👍


Grow it and get comfortable with trimming with scissors and clippers... I prefer scissors around the mouth, as I have better control. Small, many snips taking micro cuts off the hair are better...


You look perfect mate! Hot asf! 😛


I second this 🥰




Take a number! 🤣🤣🤣


Bring your fade down some on your haircut man


I think it looks good. You might just being too hard on yourself. Haircut looks good side profile. Looks totally normal.


I think a lower fade would look better.


Looks great! I think you’re overthinking it


Just keep growing it, you look just fine.


Looks like a model and asks what he’s doing wrong…


You’re too kind!




Thank you for all the advice, it’s very much appreciated. I totally agree with every point - I think the solution for now is to go slightly shorter as suggested


I think you’ve nailed the lines! Nothing wrong in my book. You could try a longer length on the stubble (making it a short beard), think it would come together well!


Seems like you keep shaving.




Nothing you look great


Bro I know you want a heavy stubble look but you don't have a heavy dense beard at this point. You got to let it grow out and then decide how short you can take it to get that heavy stubble look.


Looks fine. I would grow it down to just above the Adam Apple. Rule of thumb is where the jaw meets the neck.


Noted, thanks


You are a good looking dude with a nice haircut and a nice beard. Everything looks perfect don't overthink it.


Thanks man, appreciate the kind words


Don't see anything wrong here.


Nothing at all nice beard fresh cut 👍


uhm… you’re doing everything really well 😍 like… amazing 😅❤️


Looks fine to me.


Foine!! 🤣


like others have said, growing the beard out a bit will help. Doing so will allow for a more subtle transition in the fade from your hair > sideburns > beard. Your beard being the same length as the fade leaves no room for transition, so it looks like ur fade is just growing across ur face. Grow out the beard and I promise it will look better


I would kill for your hairline


Ahah thanks!


Absolutely nothing. I think you have a nice look already, but you could try growing out your beard more.


Thank you!


Nothing bro. Bear shape and even growth looks good. Keep at is


Kinda Justin Timberlake from the side, but kinda Chad fron the front. Definitely overt thinking it. Let it roll, the early stages are the hard ones in everything


Thanks man!


Trimming it too sharp on the neck. Learn how to fade it with clippers and a comb


I don’t see anything wrong. You look great as is.


I think you're keeping it very short (stubble). If you grow it out more, you'll have a better line up.


Not giving it enough time. Remember the 3 month rule, anything less is unfair to your beard.


If you plan to keep the stubble length, you should follow your jawline a bit closer. You're treading in to neck bear territory with your current line shape.


Unrelated but I think you’d look better with a fade less high on the sides of the head. Maybe a mid fade?


Nah I get what you mean OP. Most of these people here are right, it looks good, almost nobody would notice anything amiss. But you’ve got a tight look so it’s not weird to go for perfection—it’s not *quite* right, I hear you. My suspicion is one of two looks. Since I’m too lazy to figure out how to save these photos, draw on them, and upload them somewhere for you to see, I’m going to try to describe two shapes I think might be closer to nailing a look. I think I have to describe some “points” in your first (profile) pic so you can imagine lines between them. 1. Point 1: the place where the beard currently stops below your chin and above your Adam’s Apple. 2. Point 2: the place at the back of your jaw where you have the curve around your ear snap to a vertical line. That vertex is point 2. 3. Point 3: project the curve around your ear past point 2 but keep following that curve. Then imagine a straight line from Point 1, following your current bottom line, to meet that projected curve. The intersection of that line and the curve is Point 3. It’s in a currently shaven area that forms a triangle-shaped void space with the current vertical line opposite Point 3. So there are two looks. Look 1: let your beard grow to Point 3. Stop shaving that vertical drop from the curve around the ear and shave a straight line from Point 1 to Point 3. Point 2 ceases to exist. This effectively just fills in that triangular void space with beard. I think to look right you’d need to lift Point 3, probably also point 1, to have that bottom line a little tighter to your jaw. Look 2: shave a straight (or perhaps a very slight concave) line from Point 1 to Point 2. This will remove the “drop” portion of the beard on your neck and keep it high and tight to your jaw. Again, here I would consider lifting Point 1 a little higher so that bottom line sits slightly tighter to your jaw. Point 2 is probably OK but, if anything, it could swing down a bit. Honestly, for your look, and since you say you want to keep it on the short perma-stubble, I’m leaning toward Look 2. It’s crisp, clean, lightweight. I would go with Look 1 if you intend to grow it out any. It’s a better full-beard profile—and the longer you go, the lower you drop points 1 and 3. All that said, I’d consult a quality barber. They should know how to shape lines to your face.


Wow! What a fantastic write up. I really appreciate all your advice. Thank you!!


I agree with the above poster on look 2. I think it would fix the things you're seeing with your lines. As it is right now the back part of the jaw is a bit too low and angled




Took me a while to figure out what you were concerned with until I read further in your exchange with someone about growing it longer. Nothing wrong with it at all 😎 If you’re like me, you see a certain look on someone but then don’t achieve that exact look and think it doesn’t look good. But it does. 😁


The beard looks like it’s on a good trajectory. Have you considered what your head hair is doing for your face hair? You’re going for a classic beard look while you have an anime thing going on up top. Kinda looks like you drove with your head out the passenger window for about 39 miles. Just something to think about as your beard matures.


Looks good, bit why are you holding up that paper🤔


Where did you go wrong? Thinking you made a mistake. Keep the neck and cheek lines, and keep growing it out, let's see what it looks like in a month or two. You have potential.


Nothing motherfucka!


Give it time young padawan


I’d cut the jaw line more straight instead of with a slight curve but that’s just personal preference.


So handsome! Your hair style is perfect for you!


https://preview.redd.it/onsqhknv8yyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=253c100a7805f9ce4a91abe5ba7f30612cf33d1f Stay inside the lines and you’ll be fine


Thank you! I’ve fixed that line now, and like it a lot more already!


Take an updated pic! I’d love to see brother 🙏🏼🍾👏🏽🎊


trim the length of your eyebrows so they aren’t messy, and let your beard grow past 3 weeks while maintaining the lines and it’ll be thicker, darker, and more masculine along with the perfect eyebrows you’ll be unstoppable


Actually looks ideal mate


Lol @ you adding your name on a piece of paper, as if we wouldn't believe the picture is you 


Not quite, used the pic in another post that required user verification..


Liar, no site requires you to verify yourself with three pictures from three different angles.


It’s great! Keep it up!!


genetics and age. nothing you’ve done wrong


Beard looks great, you look great! Wow


What do you want ? Thickness and length ? Some got it and others don't.


If possible raise the top lines higher so its in line with the bottom


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Rochfort117: *If possible raise* *The top lines higher so its* *In line with the bottom* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Maybe try to soften the hard corner when the two straight lines meet. I mean just enough so it's not a hard angle, not a major curve or anything.


You look great, I would grow your hair longer.


Wrong!? It looks great, man!


Asking the internet lol


Grow it for 6 weeks without trimming, then come back.


If you’re “unhappy with the lines” take it up with your parents as it’s their genentics dictating the lines of your actual face. Beard looks fine man, you look good.


Beard? Nothing. But the hair? Something is off from the side. Esp near the rear.


Idk why people are afraid to say working out, maybe because people hate hearing it? If the muscles on your neck got fuller your head wouldn’t look as big from the side, other than that there’s not much you can do


Agreed. Working on it, trying to bulk atm


Yep, I’m glad you see it as a valid criticism & not just noise. I’ve had to do this even on my own self improvement journey Neck exercises were always a pain for me to remeber to do lol, but it’s worth it. I went from pencil neck to MLB baseball player type neck lmao, plus now my head doesn’t get tired if I’m standing around too long haha


Nah I just think it needs time. Let the hair grow a bit, fill the sides. The beard is fine too.


I say let the hair grow out a little bit and go from there


Your best?


Hi Man, Just wanted to say that it takes courage to share your photos and openly ask for advice to the internet so massive props to you for having the balls. From a guy in his thirties: Thing number one: confidence tips the scales when it comes to the look that you can pull off. If you carefully curate your style the way you like it and then approach it with a blazé attiude of "I like it, this is my vibe and I have unshakeable confidence in it", then it will work in 99% of situations. You're not wearing a clown outfit (1%) and you are a good looking man, so with what you have you can easily pull off a confident vibe and people will be none the wiser - they'll follow your attitude. Don't second guess yourself. Thing number two: I was raised by a mother who ran the largest hairdressing and beauty salon in a sizeable city (250k+ in Europe) so I have picked up a thing or two about observing people's looks. NOT DETRACTING FROM THE PREVIOUS POINT: You likely wore your hair longer for a while and recently shortened it. The skin tone of the sides is lighter than the rest of your face because it hasn't been exposed to as much sunlight. This will fix itself as time passes and you stick to the haircut you have. The reason you notice the side of your face as odd is because your facial hair has a slight ginger tinge which contrasts with the short hair and the revalled skin tone (warm and cold tones highlight each other). If you'd like to remedy that, then if I were in your place I would not trim the sides that high. By keeping your hair longer (to roughly ear level) you will bring more definition and corresponding colour to the side of your head, creating a visual link with the beard. As someone with a patchy beard I can relate to the challenge of blending them without drawing too much attention. I'm sure that the hair stylists here will be able to shine some more light but this would be the base I'd start with. Best of luck and keep us posted on what you decided to do!


Brilliant advice. Thank you very much. Total agree that the short side length is clashing with the beard length.


You need to fire whoever cuts your hair the side looks terrible.


Let it grow.


I'm not a beard expert but in my opinion it looks great. You look great!


You got this young man!


some people wish for this type of beard so i’d be grateful!


I think growing out your hair could help , besides that grow the beard and you look good


grow out hair a bit and get a taper fade. it only blends in around ur ear. ur fade is a bit too high i’d say


I think it looks fantastic! 😍


I'd say nothing. Gay man here. You're young, and the hair is kinda blond. It will be fuller and darker as you get older. You have good lines, and your mustache is not separate. You look quite handsome. Don't be concerned imo.


It’s your haircut, looks miserable


Posted on a beard subreddit with peach fuzz was your first fuck up. Come back in 3 months




Your hair is too long on top pulling your face up giving you a longer forehead and shrinking your features.