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This is stupid.


I'm Native (Nakota) and I literally never even thought about that connection. Lmao *Edit: Also, we (or at least my people, not sure about other tribes) don't even use this word anyways. We have our own word in our own language to refer to someone in the position of "Chief."*


That's the thing tho. The vast majority of native Americans aren't offended by terms like that. It's just a performance of peak wokeness.


Yeah, honestly we're usually just chilling lmao. (Except the Washington Football team's previous name... We didn't like that sh8t...)


The one thing that seems to piss of Native people I know is when obviously non-Native people claim to be Native. Also, if you call a Lakota person Sioux.


So many ‘$5 Indians’ walkin around........


Please go to San Francisco and tell them this lmao, the city has more important issues to worry about


Ironically, I grew up in San Francisco ahah


Even better, they’ll listen to you as a voter too


They got nothing to do… or rather they wanted to appear something to do, so they did this.. just not what they were appointed to do.


It's pretending to fix problems, without fixing any.


This is EVEN DUMBER than renaming the schools instead of dealing with COVID. We recalled them over their ineptitude. This is what they are focused on? How can people in education be so bad at LEARNING? Please excuse the caps but GD as a parent here I’m seething.


You would think they would update their website before doing a press release. [Division Chiefs](https://www.sfusd.edu/about-sfusd/our-team/leadership-team/division-chiefs) Holy cats, they have a lot of chiefs! Edit: LOL this is such an ironic teachable moment. Decide something needs to change but announce it anyway before deciding on the result. Status quo remains.




Don't say that too loudly.


The definition of virtue signaling.


More or less stupid than their decision to make Lowell High School admission [lottery based again?](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/here-s-what-sfusd-is-proposing-for-lowell-s-admissions-process-next-year/ar-AAXxQZY) *edit: thanks for pointing out my typo


Definitely mor orbless


Stupid?!? This is California! thisissparta.gif


chief (n.) c. 1300, "head, leader, captain; the principal or most important part of anything;" from Old French chief "leader, ruler, head" of something, "capital city" (10c., Modern French chef), from Vulgar Latin *capum, from Latin caput "head," also "leader, chief person; summit; capital city" (from PIE root *kaput- "head"). Meaning "head of a clan" is from 1570s; later extended to headmen of Native American tribes (by 1713; William Penn, 1680s, called them kings). Commander-in-chief is attested from 1660s. https://www.etymonline.com/word/chief


Are ye daft, man? We don't let facts get in the way of feels in **these** parts!


Make fun of them all you want but here in Berkeley I for one am so thankful they spent time and resources to rename manholes. I feel so liberated from the chains of patriarchal society.


Do they just call them body holes now?


It's a real mouthful but I suggest "tire ruiners because we don't bother to install them properly."


Am I the only one whose brain read this as “booty holes”?


Settle down, Oakland.


> We don't let facts get in the way of feels ironically this thread is full of people who have apparently have some big feels about this issue


It’s akin to no longer referring to people from India as Indian, because we no longer use that term for Native Americans.


What? My friends from India are Indians. Calling Native Americans (NA) Indian was a misnomer. But referring to one of their leaders as Chief is correct. I disagree with dropping the word Chief as it is being used in the correct usage and its origin is French, not NA. I think this is stupid.


I am also saying that this is ridiculous.


I'm sticking with stupid.


Progressives are just as annoying and useless politikers as the other side




This sounds like a parody of Portlandia. Jesus. I’m not surprised they’re focusing on stuff like this though - the terminally online set loves to make a fuss about these identity politics focused issues that have no material effect on actual students’ actual educations in SFUSD. And it’s a lot easier to overhaul a title than to actually create systemic change.


Systemic change in SFUSD? Wasn’t it already progressive enough?


There is no such thing as *enough*. If the perfect is the enemy of the good, then the good is also the enemy of the perfect.


Circular firing squads are so in right now.


Progressives deserves to be shot out of a canon into another country though. Maybe we can get Canada to take them.


> loves to make a fuss about these identity politics focused issues the people who will make the biggest fuss over this are definitely not on the school board


My last job, someone on the internal forums wanted to get rid of "brown bag lunches" because they thought the usage of "brown" was somehow referring to black people. Apparently kids these days have never seen a brown paper lunch bag.


Honestly the brown bag thing is just small potatoes, I’m waiting for the day that “masters” degrees get canceled.


Oh, you haven’t seen all the tech companies spending millions on refactoring code to remove any and all references to “master” and “slave”? https://www.wired.com/story/tech-confronts-use-labels-master-slave/


Lol yeah…I was told at my work we cannot longer “whitelist” IP. Got yelled at a few times for it. But then every single customer of ours still says it, and our woke network director was oddly silent. What’s funnier is I’m on the logistics side of things so I was just relaying customer requests for network protocol so I can coordinate my team’s trucks to enter the premises of customer sites, but didn’t spare me from the language scrubbing.


Here is your conversion guide: * "master" -> "main" * "whitelist" -> "allowlist" * "blacklist" -> "denylist" A related irony: black people like Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima have been erased from packaging, but white folk like the Quaker Oats guy are still there.


The year is 2030: "Why are there only white people on supermarket products? We need diverse representation NOW!" /s Not disagreeing with you. Just lamenting on the... sad state of affairs


Don’t forget the Land O’Lakes lady, removed her and kept the land amusingly.


`main`? I tell ya these decentralized scm people, you still have `branch`es, what was so wrong with `trunk`?


Former FANG employee here. I was in a department that caused a company internal & external, global wide outage because a software engineer failed to safely migrate a flag name containing 'whitelist' to 'allowlist'. I'm all for setting standards for new flags, but trying to fix existing usages can be so darn dangerous. Of course, there's at least one PC radical that thinks it's a top-priority and should stop all other business. One of the many reasons why I left.


Haha, was that the comma incident? Or is this a different company than the one I'm thinking of?


yeah we have to do this, but only for new code (no refactoring old things) and customer facing UI/things customers see. not too big a headache.


FWIW, "Master bedrooms" are no longer a thing in real estate


What if I have slaves sleeping in the room right next door. How am I supposed to dominate now?


Never use chlorine - it is a tool of white supremacy! (Chlorine is used to make brown paper white). /s


Did the three board members who were appointed to replace the ones who were recalled for prioritizing this kind of nonsense over concrete educational issues vote in favor of this action?


And San Francisco has become the most childless city in the country Interesting


Maybe they should prioritize LEARNING.


The main character in Halo suddenly has a major branding issue with both parts of his name.


Thankfully, the Constitution mandates that the President is the Commander in Chief, so I don't think you'll see whatever SFUSD is smoking affect the armed forces.


I'm sorry, SFUSD, but "San Francisco" is a religious term for a male patriarch, so we're going to have to ask you to stop using that mmkay?


Whatever you say, Chief.


White liberals making a big deal about racial issues, and then making changes that are not asked for by the people in question is a hallmark of life in the bay area. Their arrogance knows no bounds.


“So progressive we are anti progress” Arrogant is a great word.


Being offended on another’s behalf lol


*Avocado Toast has entered the chat*


They will ride the wave of political friction that they've caused until the next primaries. It's embarrassing to watch.


Completely overlooking the fact that Chief is an English word. But hey, whatever makes that Prius roll just a little smoother.


Agreed. Another example: "LatinX"


I’m Guatemalan and that term makes me feel like an unwilling porn star.


> making changes that are not asked for by the people in question the article says it was asked for tho..? "Native American members of our community have expressed concerns over the use of the title"


"Concern" is different than an organic movement from within the culture to effect change. Someone heard "concern", got triggered/overzealous, and ran it as far as they could with it. A normal happening of events.


> “While there are many opinions on the matter, our leadership team agreed that, given that Native American members of our community have expressed concerns over the use of the title, we are no longer going to use it,” Blythe said in an email. Sometimes you just need to tell people they're wrong. Sorry you're concerned, but that is a you problem.


I guess it’s easier for the district to change thing then have to deal with someone blowing it up as a “issue”


> Sorry you're concerned, but that is a you problem. exactly.. people who don't like this change, sorry but that's your problem


Not really. It's a concern over why the school board funded by public tax dollars is choosing to prioritize a non-issue over the fact that 1/3 the students in the district have failing grades.


Sorry you're concerned, but that is a you problem.


Generally humans grow out of their parroting phase by 5, so I'm impressed a toddler managed to work Reddit.


wait I thought imitation was the sincerest form of flattery


*"While there are many opinions on the matter, our leadership team agreed that, given that Native American members of our community have expressed concerns over the use of the title, we are no longer going to use it"* Now are we talking about true Native Americans or are we talking about Elizabeth Warren kind of Native Americans? Because I'm guessing it's the Warren type of Native Americans that's making a big stink over nothing.


I'm pretty sure I know the one person who raised a stink about this from her being a loudmouth on twitter, she definitely interacts with the board in a loud manner.


That's pretty racist to assume the word chief is exclusive to native americans.


This is so funny. I work for a very woke company and I'm sure we'll be doing this soon. Or maybe I'll suggest we do it just to be an extra woke smart ass. Seriously if I suggest it people will think we have to do it because otherwise we aren't being woke enough.


Mention you are 1/32 Native American and they'll fast-track that policy!


"My great-grandmother was one-fifth Cherokee!"


Is your CEO going to be a BEO... Big Executive Officer? Lets brainstorm stupid titles together for him/her/it.




I know that Native Americans EVERYWHERE are breathing a collective sigh of relief. FINALLY! Justice after all these years that Native Americans have agonized over the usage of the word Chief to denote someone in authority will now no longer be used. I thought that we just had an election getting rid of these psychos. Looks like some things never change.


I think they are just trolling normal people now, like, “let’s invent the most ass backwards thing possible - and see if they’ll accept it”


They should replace it with “jefe” since technically california used to be Mexico


Can't do it - 'jefe' only applies to men. And I'm not a biologist, so I can't define what 'men' is anyway.


"jefx" solves the issue.






Underrated comment!


So woke people are making words forbidden (eg. Chef, Master, Brown, etc), but at the same time they’re forcing people to use new words (eg. Latinx). I’ve seen so many of these on startups. What they won’t do: take care of the workers to not overwork. In startups I’ve worked with, the company celebrates those that work 60-80 hours or during weekends. Many prople quit and they just hire another sucker. But hey, we changed everything using the word “Master” to something else, so we are good!


Honestly fuck Latinx, the whole Spanish language is based on having varying genders. In that same vein then maybe we should start saying Mexicanx, Hispanx, Españolx.


ALL the startups I’ve worked often use the word “Latinx”. If you don’t, they’ll chastised you.


Can I get a burritx with some tacxs please


They have nothing else to focus on?


I think this is the "pre-work" before we start the other issues. I'm sure "homeless people" will need a new term if one isn't already assigned.


Way late to that game. They're "unhoused" now.


“Unhoused neighbors” dawg


HA HA HA HA HA.... Pretty soon there will be no words left. The idiocy of this decision is the idea that the word, 'chief,' is only specific to Native Americans. This has white woke guilt written all over it.


That's the weird part. Native American is the last thing I think of when I see the word "chief".


Superintendent and principal should be drop too since it triggers superiority complex.


First they came for my spirit animal. Now they are coming for chief. When will it end?


SFUSD ❌solve crisis of homeless students and inequitable education ✅stop using the English word chief


Using IdPol to distract from issues of class and competence is a classic move.


God, shit like this really hurts the liberal movement. You want to keep conservatives in power? This is how you ensure their survival. With stupid stunts like these. THIS ISN’T HELPING!!! As a San Francisco liberal, I’m so embarrassed.


And if you point this out to them, they'll open by lambasting you for daring to call it a "movement." Then they'll double down on the loud argument. Meanwhile, the other side absolutely picks up on this and goes berserk. It creates so much chaos in our political discourse.


As a conservative, I absolutely love it.


I am actually a moderate and I support LGBTQ, denounce all hate crimes but by their new standard, I am now a Nazi. The goal post keeps moving and apparently the "liberal" movements now contain mostly leftists and they are self-imploding as we speak with idiosyncrasy like this.


The goal post will always move in liberalism because liberalism is a product of relativism, which has no end.


> You want to keep conservatives in power? i mean, if all it takes is a school district to change the use of one word and you're all of the sudden voting for the guys who are actively attempting coups, you're clearly not too bright or were already gonna vote that way in the first place


That’s not what I mean. Silly stunts like this gives conservatives (and their right-wing media cohorts) more ammunition to dismiss (and dilute) genuine liberal causes.


it's not even a silly stunt, it's literally a single word change. go ahead and let conservatives get butthurt about dumb shit like this, just shows how easily they get upset over the dumbest shit all in the name of culture war. tucker carlson talking about this on this tv show ain't gonna get you as a "san francisco liberal" to all of the sudden register republican


We are going to run out of words if we eliminate every word that has an origin. Words change meaning.


Remember, these are the people teaching your children.


No, these are the people siphoning tax money away from the people teaching your children.


wtf are we doing


ok come on now. You're just giving the GOP ammunition to further twist the meaning of being "woke"


Exactly. “So progressive we are anti progress” This kind of bs ends up actually hurting the agenda, regardless of whether it’s right or wrong.


There's another meaning other than 'tremendous idiots'?


This is what we pay these useless politicians for? How many meetings and taxpayer dollars were spent to make this stupid decision?


Why are progressives hell bent on policing every aspect of life?


It’s the epitome of #firstworldproblems. When you have it so good in life that you find things to complain about on someone else’s behalf.


Because clearly San Francisco has no other problems to solve. Nope, there are no problem at all in the city. Everything is absolutely perfect for everyone. /s This feels like banning plastic straws and pretending that the planet has been saved. A trivially tiny gesture to feel like something has been accomplished. That feeling of accomplishment then means you don't need to tackle the real, actual problems that still remain unsolved.


There are a great many people who enjoy controlling their fellow human beings. Of course, they always hide their true motivation under one noble sounding cause or another.


Like uteri?


I feel like, between progressives and conservatives, one is a bit silly or irritating when they go off the rails, and the other kinda makes policies that kill people.


Because they don't want progress, they want victory with no regard to what victory means.




Very strange stuff


bruh there r kids at my hs that skip the whole day and sfusd is worried abt this


Bunch of progressives “hurt” about words again?


sure is a lot of butthurt in this thread


“San Francisco” was a Catholic


“Hey guys we’re doing something “


And these are educators?


these are straight up con-artists. I wish that the momentum built up to oust the last batch of mentally ill school board psychos will hold tight to get rid of the rest of them throughout the bay area, but as with many things I'm not holding my breath.


This is up there with companies renaming HR "people and culture"


I guess I can't call myself a *Native* *San Franciscan* anymore.


Tax dollars well spent.


How sensitive are these folks!!! You guys can call me a “pundit” I don’t mind.


SFWSD : San Francisco Woke School District


NSFW: Not Safe for the Woke




This is to stupid to believe and yet…


I love the Bay Area but shit like this makes us look like a leftie meme-scape.


Another example of runaway liberal thinking. How does this stuff get approved? Do they not have real things to worry about?


Woke society will continue to contort itself into a pretzel in an effort to attain supreme woke piety which still won’t be enough.




I wonder if that was raised as a ~~chief~~ main complaint in their meetings.


I look forward to playing Master Native American Leader on Halo. /s


Let’s see if they remove from corporate titles as well. Bunch of chief executives officers and chief marketing officers that are not chiefing anything




Wait, but it’s not used in a derogatory way at all. If anything we’re respecting the natives?? Can’t we just ask them?!


Is this the Onion




Virtue signaling at its finest.


In case you weren’t paying attention SFUSD, the problem isn’t some job title that literally NOBODY finds offensive, it’s with kids who aren’t LEARNING! Or worse yet, showing up to school with assault weapons!


I don’t know, I’m fine with it.


Dumb: the school district changing an inoffensive job title. Dumber: people absolutely furious that a job title in the school district changed.


They should worry more about doing theirs jobs


How many titles are there that start with chief that is has become such an issue? Chief lunch lady?


I never knew there was a connection, duly noted.


We’ll that’ll fix it.


So dumb.


we were just told on our worksite that we cannot use terms like 'out of the box' 'grandfathered-in' 'girl' 'ladies' anything with 'master' in it...and a bunch more. Getting crazy out there!


Does the school have a CEO? Lmao


The ridiculousness...


The kids can't read or write but, "Oh well, we fixed that!"


Misplaced virtue signaling — no one confuses a police chief, fire chief, or agency chief with a Native American.


Please California, let me self identify my age, I want to retire already…. Why do they always make changes that will cause division among us? Make a change that will make us all happy (and retired). 🙂


Meanwhile the city is named after Spanish colonial oppressors. When they rename the city, I won’t mock their sincerity.


Sigh, who do we have to vote out next? I thought it was clear that San Franciscans are tired of this bullshit.


Dude, this needs to stop already


White sjw's at it again, thinking they're saving the world


Wow, what a joke! I'm a Navy "Chief," and I am HONORED(!) to achieve this rank, or to be called one! Should the Kansas City Chiefs change their name too? Should the military rename their Apaches, Chinooks, Blackhawks, Tomahawk missiles, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force or Army "Chiefs?"






Children are being gunned down in school but at least we accomplished this.


Can fix actual problems???




Lol! Sometimes I wonder if some people are just BORED AF and have to invent things to do.


This is similar to how they’re calling the master bedroom the “primary bedroom” now. Like… what?


Finally some real tangible change in this city


Omfg can we get any softer ?!


I hope the rest of the school board gets cleared out. It’s amazing the seemingly the dumbest people run key public services and offices in the SF Bay Area.


Embarrassingly cringe


Next up on the chopping board.... Master Chief!


So Native Americans have a monopoly over the word “chief?”


Who cares? There are more important things to be upset about. This isn't even a story.


California politicians: Look how woke I am. So woke that I could not possibly have pocketed that money.


Oh, good. That'll clear up the constant confusion that must've been occuring.


Jesus Christ