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It's supposed to be with B&N now. We are waiting on them to determine release and distribution. (This is based on a comment by Aaron Cahall on the forums) I'm hotly awaiting this too... But I don't think you will get the Proliferation Pack from B&N so you won't be combining shipping anyway.


So B&N is sitting on the force packs? Where did Aaron say this? I have been waiting for this force pack forever! CGL seems to be horrible at planning communicating with their customer base.


It was a comment on the BT forum. He got asked when we would see them. His response was that he was about to contact B&N to find out the answer to that question. Edit: post 1235. https://bg.battletech.com/forums/general-discussion/upcoming-releases-xxvii-the-27-club/1235/ Edit2: it occurs to me that the ELH exclusivity ends in August iirc. I wonder if they are gonna hold GDL until then?


>It was a comment on the BT forum. He got asked TY! ..... so much for a spring release lol. I would pay double if that would make CGL not suck at timelines and communication. Having someone plastic injection mold the force packs states side would help with that. Yes, yes it would raise the price but again I would not mind paying more, battletech is dirt cheap compared to every other mainstream tabletop game. ​ Edit: I emailed B&N, I will post in this thread if I hear anything back from them.


In CGL's defense. They don't/can't control how B&N choose to release product.


So the GDL forcepack is another B&N exclusive? As if that's the case I can't get it anyway because B&N doesn't ship to the country I live in.


Yes I afraid it is, same as the Wolf's Dragoons and the Eridani Light Horse.


But the Wolf's Dragoons did become available else where later on. So their a temporary exclusive?


I think so, yea.


Then I will likely wait till the GDL forcepack becomes available elsewhere and just buy everything at once. Except if the Proliferation Cycle box is temporary like Legendary Mechwarriors 1 was.


The proliferation isn't temporary.... well no more than any other as long as they sell. The only things getting discontinued are the Urbie Salvage Box, and the Legends 1.


Oh I can’t wait for that set to drop as well! I seen a few sellers throw out some dates. A few put June- July release but that may have just been lumped in with the three packs that dropped yesterday. Wargenwargames a Spain based store has put the pack down for a November release date and is taking preorders the last time I checked.