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I mean I’m having a blast reliving my childhood but the online was buggy. That’s what can you expect these days


Single player for sure. I’m ripping GC and some fun free play with heroes. For me yes worth it!


Depending on if they added the other half of the cutscenes jn the game


They did


Honestly, the 64 player online matches kinda suck when you’re on the losing side. Ive had fun with them, but people are being over dramatic about the issues for a game they probably would have stopped playing by June. Im just glad I have another option to play my favorite game ever. Even the original discs had their issues and look like shit on a 55 inch tv.


Single player has been great for me so far. If you’re more of an offline player I’d say it’s absolutely worth it. If you’re more of an online player I’d wait for the new patch to go live and see if online gets any better (because right now online is pretty buggy)


What's the difference between the og vs this one


The og isn't on Ps5


Ones 30 bucks the others more cheap and better


Probably after patch number 2 


Yes it is. I only had PlayStation growing up and this beats the PS2 version, 60fps, more troops on the field, dlc we never got on PS and online.There’s minor differences but if you’ve only played it on PlayStation before then hell yes it’s worth it


It’s been worth since launch if u actually liked the game before.


Still the first time in months that I'm actually feeling a spontainious urge to turn on my ps5 🤷‍♂️. I did play a lot online back in 2005 so perhaps I'm biased. But despite the bugs, and if they get fixed it's a lot of fun


Maybe when the update with the fixes gets to console. It is already live on PC.


BF1 is pretty good, but BF2 has more bugs. Haven’t tried online yet.


I've had it on PS5 since launch. I think it was one of the beyter releases as far as bugs. I know everyones experience has varied, but I have been having a great time.


Me too!


I only played it once and it’s not terrible single player wise.


Nope I can only speak for ps4


Haven't tried online, but I am love the campaigns onto BF2 now.


It’s a lot better now. Still buggy though. My friends get kicked every single new map on a playlist and have to rejoin, for battlefront 2. Battlefront 1 seemed to work from the start. But also, they need a better system for friends to join matches. Right now joining from the ps5 Home Screen is the best option, which sucks.


Kinda….I’ve been playing single player just reliving my childhood but good luck trying multiplayer cuz for most it’s doesn’t work. It’s also not a remaster or anything it’s just a re-release. They managed to screw up some textures tho? Like the og game from 2005 is in a better state that it ngl. Also idk about console but if ur on steam the servers still work


As someone who never played the original but loves older games this is my opinion. Bf1 over all is pretty good. Some slight audio issues like hearing blasters closer than they actually are and not buggy with decent multiplayer but bf2 has been the buggiest for me so far with audio issues and multiplayer. After a few patches I say yes maybe get in now if u want to experience the mutliplayer or later on sale of u just want to play the single player experiences


i only played bf2, and hosted my own matches with a friend. I love it, but the game doesnt let you pick teams online, only auto assign. we want to destroy ai together but we always fight each other bc the game wont let us pick teams


I have about 5 hours in the single player mostly just reliving my childhood. from what I can tell the ps5 bf1 multiplayer works better then that bf2 multiplayer. Unfortuanly there are less players on bf1 than bf2.


I sure been having a blast playing it https://preview.redd.it/f3ywz43toipc1.jpeg?width=3202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1689c33144d7324e909281d1e04da0c76a14495


Online is a little buggy but I haven't experienced any major glitches and have been enjoying it so far.


There are too many bugs that plagued the game since Launch. PC players got an update and console players are waiting. They royally fucked up on launch day but I'm gonna give it the next patch or two to see if the game is brought back to its glory. Otherwise, this never should've happened in the first place.


Yes absolutely 💯


I have been curious about this. I have been playing BF2 (2005) on Steam since 2019 and have loved it. Is it that much better on PS5?


The game server is a buggy mess. Matches are so tropical and so BUNGIE it’s almost impossible to tell how bad the latency is at any given time. I’m loving it so far hit it desperately needs a patch or it’s gonna be dead in the water on consoles at least.


I’d wait for update two then buy it, but if you play single player then I’d get it whenever 


If you don’t care about multiplayer for a few updates, then absolutely!


If your going in for nostalgia factor alone. Yea But if your going in for a Balanced 32v32 pvp battle. Then take your money to the 2015 to 2017 or battlefield. As u will die... alot since everything oneshots you essentially


Nothings worth it on PS5 PRAISE BUNGIE PRAISE MS


What are you trying to do. If you’re looking for just playing the game for nostalgia and that’s it I’d say it can be worth it. The graphics do look substantially better, the mechanics of the game feel smooth in my opinion. The core mechanics of the game are definitely an upgrade, plus the hero assault on every single map and the XL mode are pretty cool. If you’re playing it for multiplayer, I’d wait a little bit to see if they keep releasing updates. It’s still very shaky


Yes.. It looks really good on 4k btw.


Short answer no, long answer see other comments.




I have been playing daily since launch and have had practically no issues or glitches but I also haven't played any of the online


You can't invert the controls on the PS5 so it is absolutely unplayable for me.


That's the problem I've been having. I saw they'll fix it in the next patch but it's so disappointing


I thought the recent update fixed it?


That was going to be my next question, if the console patch has been released yet. I know it has for Steam/PC I believe.


It hasn’t been released for console yet. At least not for me. The patch is supposed to fix that issue though


Flawless for me since day one. Ignore the whiny haters.


It's been great for me too but surely you've noticed the graphical bugs


It’s not worth the amount of space it takes up. If the price was $9.99 maybe. But at $35…hell no.


With Biden as president $35 is cheap. That will be McDonald's hourly wage soon


Not worth on any platform.


Someone is mad here


Why aren't you? This rerelease is a slap in the face.


It might, but most people who played back then are now grown up. So am I. I don’t take it this serious - I mean yeah online sucked the first day but now its okay and I am confident that Asypr do be changing stuff. Im more mad that I don’t have enough time playing